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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: X. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5*
Hari, Tanggal
: Selasa, 6 Oktober 2015
: 09.15 10.45 WIB

A. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar !

The following text is for number 1-5
Diana was born in1961 as the third daughter of
Edward John Spencer and his wife Ruth Burke Roche. Diana
grew up in very privileged family that had a long history of
close ties with the royal family. Wwhen Dianas paternal
grandfather passed away in 1975, Dianas father became the 8th
Earl of Spencer and Diana gained the title of Lady.
In 1969, Dianas parents divorced. Her mothers affair
helped court decide to give custody of the couples four children
to Dianas Father. Both of her parents eventually remarried, but
the divorce left an emotional scar on Diana.
Diana attended school at west Healt in Kent and spent a
short time a finishing school in Switzerland. Although she was
not an execellent students academically, her determined
personality, caring nature, and cheerful outlook helped her
through it. After returning from Switzerland, Diana rented an
apartement with two friends, worked with children at the Young
England Kindergarten, and watched movies and visited
restaurants in her free time.
It was about this time that Prince Charles, in his early
30, was under increasing pressure to choose a wife. Dianas
vibrancy, cheerfulness, and good family background caught the
attention of Prince Charles and the two began dating during in
mid-1980. It was a whirlwind romance for on Febroary 24,
1981, Buckingham Palace officially announce the couples
engangement. At yhe time, Lady Diana and Prince Charles
seemed truly in love and whole world was awed by what seemed
like a fairytale romance.
1. How did Diana spend her free time when she was still a
bachelorette ?
a. She watched movies
b. She finished her school
c. She worked in restaurants
d. She returned to Switzerland
e. She visited her friends near the restaurant.
2. The custody of the couples four children was given to
Dianas father because...
a. Her outlook was cheerful
b. Her mother had an affair
c. She determined her personality
d. She had her very privileged family
e. Her paternal grandfather was dead.
3. How was Dianas academc achievement ?
a. Super
b. Average
c. First rate
d. Admirable
e. Exeptional
4. What kind of text is it ?
a. Procedure
b. Recount
c. Descriptive
d. Exposition
e. Report

1|Bahasa Inggris 10

5. What tense do usually we see in the text above ?

a. Present tense
b. Present perfect tense
c. Past tense
d. Future tense
e. Future continous tense
6. Adi
: Nice to meet you, Adnan.
: .....
a. Im fine
b. Thank you
c. Nice to meet you too
d. That would be nice
e. Im sorry I cant
7. Below the expression to ask the address is...
a. What is your name ?
b. Where do you go to school?
c. What is your hobby?
d. What is your dream?
e. Where do you live ?
8. Yesterday, I...(swim) at the back of the river.
a. Swims
b. Swimming
c. Swam
d. Swum
e. Swamp
9. I didnt.....(eat) ice cream last week.
a. Ate
b. Eat
c. Eaten
d. Eats
e. Eating
10. How are you ? it is expression to ask....
a. Address
b. Condition
c. Name
d. School
e. Hobby
The following dialogue is for number 11-15
: Excuse me, Sir. May I sit down here ?
: Of course, please! Are you a local tourist?
: Yes,. Sir. I come from Medan, Nort Sumatra. And
you ?
: Im a foreign tourist.
: What country do you come from? Are you spain ?
: No, I come from New York, United State of
: May I introduce myself? Im Tika.
: My name is John Miller, How do you do, Tika?
: How do you do, John ? Im very glad to meet you.
: So am I. The Indonesian are very friendly.

11. Who is Tika?

a. Student
b. Researcher
c. Tourist
d. Employee
e. Writer

18. What is the occupation of Mr. Bean ?

a. A teacher
b. A consultant
c. A doctor
d. An engineer
e. An archcitec

12. John comes from....

a. USA
b. UK
c. Spain
d. Ireland
e. Scotland

19. Where is Mr. Breuer from ?

a. Germany
b. London
c. USA
d. UK
e. Swiss

13. John comes from the city of...

a. London
b. New York
c. Edinburg
d. Scotland
e. Ireland

20. Where is Mr. Bean from ?

a. London
b. USA
c. UK
d. Dresden
e. Germany

14. Where does Tika come from...

a. North Sumatra
b. South Sumatra
c. Central Java
d. East Java
e. West Java

The following text is for number 21-25

On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at
David and Dellas house. It has a big garden with lots of
colourful flowers and tennis court.
On Saturday, we saw the three sisters and went to the
scenic railway. It was scary. Then, Mommy and I went shopping
with Della. We went to some antique shops and I tried on some
old hats.
On Sunday, we went on scenic skyway and it rocked. We
saw cockatoos having shower. In the afternoon we went home.

15. May I introduce myself ?. it is the example of ....

a. Greeting
b. Introducing
c. Apologizing
d. Thanking
e. Parting
The dialogue below is for number 16-20
Mr. Bean
: Good morning Mrs. Breuer.
Mrs Breuer
: Good Morning, Mr. Bean. How are you?
Mr. Bean
: Im fine, thanks, and you ?
Mrs Breuer
: Not too bad Mr. Bean. This is my husband
Michael, Michael this is Mr. Bean my
English teacher.
Mr. Breuer
: Pleased to meet you.
Mr. Bean
: Pleased to meet you too. Are you from
Germany, Mr. Breuer?
Mr. Breuer
: Yes, East Germany, from Dresden. And
you, are you from London?
Mr. Bean
: No, Im from Derby, but I live in London
Mrs. Breuer
: Well, good bye Mr. Bean, it was nice to see
Mr. Bean
: yes, goodbye.
16. When did the dialogue happened ?
a. In the afternoon
b. In the morning
c. At the night
d. On Sunday
e. On Tuesday
17. What is the relationship between Mr. Bean and Mrs. Breuer?
a. He is her husband
b. He is her student
c. He is her teacher
d. He is her friend
e. He is her neighbour

2|Bahasa Inggris 10

21. When did the writer go to Blue Montain?

a. On Saturday
b. On Sunday
c. On Friday
d. On Tuesday
e. On Wednesday
22. Where did the writer stay ?
a. At home
b. At Dellas house
c. At Dellas grandfather house
d. At the hotel
e. At the scenic ralway
23. How is the Dellas house ?
a. Its big
b. Its narrow
c. Its good
d. Its luxury
e. Its ordinary house
24. Where did the writer see on Saturday ?
a. Three sisters
b. Mountains
c. Sea
d. Scenic railway
e. Scenic skyway
25. What kind of text above ?
a. Narrative
b. Recount
c. Description
d. Explanation
e. Procedure

26. We ....(send) the parcel to our cousin last week.

a. Sen
b. Sending
c. Sended
d. Sent
e. Sented
27. Did you the party last Saturday ?
a. Come
b. Came
c. Coming
d. Comes
e. Comed
28. She finished her homework....
a. Sheself
b. Theyself
c. Themself
d. Herself
e. By her
29. Will we go to the resort by....?
a. Ourselves
b. Ourself
c. By us
d. Themselves
e. Themself
30. Robby : where were you, why didnt you come to the
school yesterday ?
Johan : My mother was hospitalized so I was
accompanying her
Robby : ........................................
a. Oh
b. Thats great
c. Im sorry to hear that
d. Dont be like that
e. Really ?

Translate into English !
1. Regina membuat kue ulang tahun sendiri untuk ibunya
2. Apakah Rudi memperbaiki motornya sendiri ?
3. Kami mengunjungi teman kami yang sakit hari sabtu yang lalu
4. Budi terbiasa membaca buku di perpustakaan ketika dia SMP
5. For number 5, arrange a short recount text (min 2 paragraph) !

3|Bahasa Inggris 10

31. Roy : Hi Dewi, what happened to with your finger ?

Dewi : I have just cut my finger.....
a. Myself
b. Myselves
c. Mineself
d. Im myself
e. Alone
Once upon a time, there .....(32) a local ruler
....(33) king Sulahkromo. Prime Minister King
.....(34) named Raden Sidopekso. One day, The King
.(35) the Prime Minister for long Missions.
32. a. were
b. was
c. are
d. is
e. been
33. a. name
b. is named
c. are named
d. named
e. will name
34. a. has
c. had
d. having
e. has been
35. a. send
b. sent
c. sending
d. will send
e. have send

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