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I am observing the figured world of Bomb Girls. The majority of this show takes place in a
canadian munitions factory called victory munitions. Men have mostly inhabited the factory
since its beginning. Now the factory has women beginning to work there. Which causes an upset
from the men and completely changes the factory's atmosphere. Some women fill the bombs,

Commented [1]: You should state the time period it's

set in, this will help the reader to have an idea of what
the characters are going through. Adding the time
period will also help with the rules and expectations of
each character. Also by adding some relevant
background information on the warmth reader can
really have a set mind on what it is that the show
focuses on. (Valentina)

others hook them on the large chains, the women are all working in the assembly line. The men
do a handful of other jobs like moving the bombs and filling the cans of various chemicals for
the women. Many get sick from the job, or get injured. Long term effects of working in the
factory are bleached hair and other more serious side effects. Self respecting women and wealthy
women are not supposed to work in the factory, and the men believe no women should work in
the factory. If you were a female of a higher social status you did not belong in the lower status
'misfit' group. The women are also expected to be heterosexual and want to be at home raising
their children. It was acceptable for the men to belittle, mistreat the women, and taunt them. It is
not appropriate to have any sort of sex outside of marriage and entirely unacceptable to leave
your family. Especially not before you marry a man. You are to stay with your parents until
married to move away. The Bomb Girls themselves are a community of practice, They are the
girls taking the normal standards and throwing it out the window, they are fighting for social
change while supporting those at war. The men in the factory are also a community of practice
trying to preserve their manly place of work. The office girls also work as a community of
practice. Another community of practice is Gladys' wealthy family that works to preserve and
further their riches.





The environment, place, or

activity that members
participate in. The things in a
community that are required
or mastered.

The Bomb Factory, The floor

of the factory and the office.
The creation of bombs is the
activity participated in.

Commented [2]: You can combine these two thoughts

and make them into a single one. This will help to not
repeat what you had though before and also make your
paragraph more clear yo the reader. Adding the idea
that it's only lower class women allows the reader to
understand who the show focuses on. (val)
Commented [3]: (Radha Patel) I understand that the
women are expected to be heterosexual. I also
understand that some women want to be at home. But I
think that you should split this sentence into two
different sentences instead of having one sentence
because the two ideas are completely different. So, my
advise is, just split the two ideas: being hetermsexual
and wanting to be at home into two sentences.
Commented [4]: I suggest you clarify more on this half
of your sentence, because I had trouble understanding
why it was inappropriate to have "any sort of sex
outside of marriage".Would that include any intimacy
between a man and a woman? Or any sexual
relationships in general? And would this sentence
apply to both men and women?(Veronica G.)
Commented [5]: I really like how you organized your
definitions and examples in this chart. It makes it easier
for the reader to maneuver from definition to definition.
Also we, as the readers are able to see the examples
that connects to the definition. (Veronica G.)
Commented [6]: I suggest for you to give a description
of these locations you have include and maybe explain
why they are important. Obviously "The Bomb Factory"
are where the bombs are being created but maybe you
could include the other goals that the members within
the community of practice are trying to achieve. What
occurs at the floor of the factory or what goals are
trying to be made at the office you mentioned?
(Veronica G.)

The different communities

people can be a part of. Like
programing groups, or places
of work.

The Bomb Factory, the place

of work of the main
characters. The wealthy
community that draws toward
the Withems and their food

Practices of the community

The tasks that must be

completed to be a part of the
community, the work that the
community does.

The floor girls practice is to

make bombs and get paid to
support themselves. their
families, and their dreams.
They also work to survive and
to be okay. They protect one
another from different people
who may harm them
physically or emotionally.

Figured World

A community that has distinct

beliefs and social conventions
in reference to the behavior
and interactions of the people
in the community

The figured world is the

whole era and universe
created by Bomb Girls. The
girls have the standards they
are following, and they all
have different conventions
they are breaking. They have
some in common, like
working in the factory, but
they all have their different
reasons and personal
convention breaks that make
them come to the factory.

Communities of practice


Physical objects in the

community that hold a high
importance and meaning to
the people.

Gladys engagement ring,

showing she is engaged to
James and that her and James
live extravagant lives with no
need of worry for money.
Bobs Wheelchair, A visual
representation of how his
military service harmed him.
it represents the emotional
brokenness of a man who can

Commented [7]: This is a very accurate definition of

the phrase/word(s). Though my concern is that the
definition may be a overly generalized. I think you
should make it more specific to the show. I don't mean
that you should completely change your definition but
just make a bit more specific. Add examples of more
places that others reading this definition can either
visualize or relate to. (Radha)

Commented [8]: Great description of the figured world

for your show. I like that you gave a few examples of
what is representative of your figured world. I think that
these examples start us off by showing us where the
majority of the show will take place. I also think that by
showing these examples, you demonstrated your
extensive knowledge and appreciation of the show
enough to record the most forgotten details. I think you
did a great job with this! (Radha)

no longer take care of himself

and his family like he did
before. Marrion (Kate)s
Lockett, A sign of her past
life, and a memory of her
mother and brothers she has
left behind.

A role that a person plays in

the community that can
establish roles like leader and

Lorena as the shift matron,

she also plays a role of
mother and wife. She cares
for the girls as if she is heir
mother too.

Background information: The person I interviewed is Mary Baker. She introduce me to Bomb
Girls in the summer of 2014. I asked her to suggest some shows to watch on netflix, and this was
one of the three shows she recommended.

Marys response

Please explain what your favorite element of

Bomb Girls is Why is this appealing to

My favorite element of Bomb Girls is the

historical element. I have always enjoyed
shows that have history woven in. I enjoyed
watching the show because I felt like I could
learn something about what it was like to live
in that time period, during a time of war. I
also liked watching the show because of the
social issues involved. It was interesting to
watch the young rich girl defy her family's
wishes in order to help the cause of the war
and do what she felt was right.

Discuss your feelings about the girls working

in the factory, breaking their societys Social

The girls working in the factory was one of

the most interesting facets of the show.
Obviously so, because that's what the show is
centered on. What was most interesting was
that each of the main characters had different
reasons for breaking the "social norms." One
because she felt she had no other choice for
money, one because she was fleeing a bad
home life, and another because she wanted to
help with the war cause. I think the show
showed that people do things out of the norm

Commented [9]: You did a good job at connecting the

value of these objects to the characters themselves. I
really got a sense of how these objects embodied a
significant meaning within the show. However, I
suggest that you could maybe bold the objects you
have listed so it does not appear to be a jumbled up
paragraph of multiple explanations. (Veronica G.)
Commented [10]: (Radha) Very Nice. I would like to
see examples of more roles though. Use some of the
other main characters. Try to incorporate what other
main characters do, what roles they carry out. These
roles can be very specific like what work they do or
their personal influence upon others, or it could just be
what they bring to the factory. Add maybe two more
main characters to this mix.

for different reasons.

Is the subject, (WWII, Women beginning to
work, Dramas about past times) Something
that youve always been interested in?

Shows or movies about WW2 haven't usually

interested me in the past. I think it did interest
me because it was about the women of the
war. It is a subject that you don't usually see
much about. It made it more appealing.

What sort of cultural/ conventional

differences from today would you be able to
live with/ enjoy? What conventions would
you not enjoy?

I think I would enjoy the simplicity of life

during the time period. Things have changed
so much and women are now expected to do
as much as men. There is something sort of
romantic about war times in movies and
television. Things like your family and friends
are much more important and reputation is
less so. It brings things into perspective and
can bring out heroics in people. I would not
enjoy the close mindedness. The treatment of
the Italian-Canadian man was horrible, just
because of his cultural background. I know
these things still happen today, but I do think
we have come a long way.

Did this show alter any of your views about

present or past times? What sort of ideas did
this show really bring to the Spotlight for

The show did alter my view of women during

this time period. It was a time where women
began to show who they really were. They
became bolder and stronger. I had a lot of
respect for many of the women in the show. It
made me appreciate the women who came
before me and blazed the trail for equality.

Observation One
Minute of

What Happened?


A young woman runs over to a group of soldiers

in uniform who are preparing to leave in a
vehicle, the two men outside of the vehicle lift
her up so that she can kiss the soldier inside, they
all laugh and giggle as they pull her out.

Important side notes

Commented [11]: Before you begin your observations

you should insert a section describing the characters.
This is one way to go above and beyond. This is will
also help the reader understand and have a reference
on who the characters are. (val)
Commented [12]: (Radha) I really like the fact that you
are adding these extra side notes along with your
observations. I think it shows that you really spent time
on assignment. I also think that by placing these notes
on the side, you are kind of explaining what is going on
so we don't get confused about what is going on in your
show since you said that the scene changes in this
show are rapid. Great job!


Scene change: A young woman and man are

kissing. He stops her and reminds her about the
ring, she pulls back and in response states Now
that were engaged we could go a little further
He responds I don't want to take what you're not
ready to give

They are in a very

extravagant room and well
dressed. The ring symbolizes
engagement and a
commitment to marry. They
do not go further because it
goes against the beliefs of
their family and time.


A man argues with his wife and daughter about

being excessive with food. Its sunday Dinner
Bob. The daughter also responds with Now that
me and mom got paychecks we can afford to do

They are in a time of war and

conservation. They also have
a harder time with money
because Bob is not working.
He is in a wheelchair.


The scene changes to young women singing

hymns in the street. There is a man in a black suit
wearing a hat preaching to those passing. He is
not using kind words as he describes how people
are not following the righteous pathways. and that
this is incompatible with god.

The preacher is an angry man,

and is also one of the singers
father's. He focuses on her at
some points of the preaching
and she slinks away, alluding
to abuse.


Scene changes to a party of extravagance. People Gladys fiance is a young

are dressing in very expensive clothing in a very
american man named James.
nice home. Gladys (The young woman kissing)
and her fiance walk out in shock that this is all for
them. The fiance is pulled away by Gladyss
father. Gladys wanders over to friends who praise
her ring and talk about the excitement of working
in a factory office.


A woman hushedly hands one of the singers from

earlier an envelope. Be careful, he shouldnt be
able to find you. The singer is called Marion. As
she turns to run a young male voice yells
father! and the preacher from before runs and
grabs the girl named Marion, who struggles to
runs away. She escapes his grasp by the help of
the woman who is sending her away.

The woman is Marion's

mother. The way the preacher
grabs Marion and turns on the
woman is another sign that he
abuses them.


Gladys has wandered back toward her fiance who

is talking about a big food deal for the military
with her father. When she tries to join the
conversation and fight for making sure the
soldiers get proper nutrition the men put her
down and enter an office sort of room, slamming
the door in her face.

Gladys father is the owner of

a very large food company.
Withems foods

Commented [13]: I suggest you include the names of

the characters when you first mention them in your
observations. For example, Gladys, who was a
character apparently mentioned before kissing her
fiance in the scene change at 1:45. I was quite
confused if they were the same character. It would help
so that the readers won't have to go back and forth
between the time intervals of the episode. (Veronica


Marion walks nervously through a building with

women's clothes and chatting women as she
comes up to a closed door, She is trying to get it
to lock as a young woman with blonde hair and a
cigarette emerges from the door across the hall
and helps her with the door as if it is nothing, and
explains that the other women are not thieves and
she doesn't have to worry.

The blonde woman shows

very Masculine
characteristics of personality


Scene changes to the factory front. women are

lighting cigarettes and chattering before they
enter. The blonde who helped marion is
introduced as betty. Betty will be training the
girls today. Gladys is dropped off by her father's
car and Betty immediately talks about how she is
just on a field trip and does not belong here.

Gladys is already set apart

from the other women. There
is a lot of frustration and
personal differentiation from
her. The girls do not accept
her as their own.


The women are being instructed and inspected by

the other woman in the scene with bob at dinner.
She is introduced as lorena and is wearing all
blue. she yells at a dark haired man to get ready
for the work day and he brushes her off, he calls
her the hen and the workers her chicks and
himself the fox. she turns to face the new women
and begins taking anything that can spark,
including gladys expensive engagement ring.

Marco is doing something

very conventional by not
listening. Lorena on the other
hand is stepping outside of
her normal convention and is
taking a chance, to which she
is disrespected and ignored
with no reason for her to


The women follow Lorena in the factory as she

explains the correlations to home work like
sewing, pouring tea, and cleaning, to the work of
the factory. the women are traded off to betty, and
Lorena leads Gladys to the office. Lorena, the
boss and The dark haired man- Marco Moretti.
They argue about blue shift being behind and the
girls are blamed. Lorena blames marco and the
other men, especially marco for being an italian
working in an allied bomb factory.

In the setting, Mussolini had

just declared that the italians
were in support if the axis
powers, Marco is attacked for
this reason


The women are filling the bombs with amatol and

Betty speaks about how the bombs need to be
filled right or it will kill the girls boyfriends. One
man gives marion -who is going by Kate- a hard
time and she drops her amatol causing a spark.
Betty gets angry and talks about her leaving the
factory and getting fired. Betty calms down when
a dark haired woman steps in and defends Kate.

Betty is very hard on Kate

and any other new girls
because if they mess it up for
her; her dreams fly right out
the window, It would destroy
everything for her. Kate hums
Hymns to pass the time.and
comfort herself.

she begins to hum a song

Gladys friend holds herself
happily separate and Above
the other women. Though
Gladys socio-economic
status is very much different
all the wants is to be a part of
the floor girls, and really get
to be a big part in making the


Gladys and her friend are eating in the cafeteria

when they hear the floor girls coming. The friend
tries to leave with gladys and Gladys refuses,
saying behind to be with the factory girls that her
friend refers to as barbarians. the women enter,
and sit to eat. they joke about dancing with
soldiers and giving them something to hold onto
while overseas. one woman talks about three
accepted marriage proposals and Gladys asks
about that being cruel. The woman explains that
is it acceptable of it keeps them fighting for


Gladys asks about working on the floor and the

The woman who has lost her
boss just sends her away as if she is a joke. Just
husband is named edith.
then two soldiers walking and they speak with the
boss. The soldiers walk up to Lorena who is
visibly distressed and they ask for her help telling
a woman that her husband was killed overseas.
She asks So my boys are alive? and the boss
laughs saying You women always assume the
worst And lorena says she will talk to the other
woman by herself, and angrily walks away.


Gladys and one of the soldiers are speaking about

what it's like to not know when they are going to
be shipped off, and what england is like. Gladys
watches from the window as Lorena tells Edith
about her husband, Edith collapses screaming and
crying. THe soldier asks Gladys to meet her to
dance in the evening. She declines and says she
does not go to places like that.

The Sandy Shores Pavilion is

in what is considered a very
rough part of town,
specifically to Gladys family.
For this reason and the fact
that she is engaged is why she
originally turns him down.
She is also not wearing her
ring in this scene because
Lorena took it upon her
entrance of the factory


Lorena is rushing the women into the showers

and Kate complains about public showering.
Betty explains it is to wash the chemicals off, and
that the showers were better at the factory
anyway. Betty notices kate's bruises and scars.

Lorena notices a peephole in

this scene and later in the
episode confronts Marco
about it. She is still
determined to get rid of him.


Gladys speaks with her fiance about the food deal Her father makes a comment
and then spending time together, and he turns her stating that this contract will


down, and says he is going out with her father.

Then her father enters and they speak about the
food deal and gladys gets upset that the contract
is not in the soldier's best interest, but in her
father's. He tells her she is just in a phase and that
she wont care tomorrow. She gets upset and
storms out. She decides she is going to go to the
dance to meet that soldier and see what it is

pay for her wedding and that

she needs this, and she needs
to be a team player about it.

The other factory women are in the building

drinking and talking. Many women are dancing
with soldiers in uniform and there is a lot of
laughter.Some of the factory men are up top
watching the dancing below. They get excited
when a soldier lifts a woman and they get a view
under their skirts,

The fun nature about the

Sandy Shores Pavilion is very
new to Kate and Gladys. As
the episode begins to wrap up
they both find themselves
exploring the experience with
excitement. Kate and Betty
dance and the soldier and
Gladys meetup. The scene
does not specifically state but
alludes to Gladys and the
soldier going further than she
has been with her fiance.

Commented [14]: (Val)I think that throughout your

paper you could use some clarification in your writing.
In other words you should make sure that your
sentences aren't repetitive. Try combining some

Observation Two
Minute of What is happening?

Music plays and men test bombs, they converse

and talk about the nice bombs- Gladys prepares
for the factory floor as she talks to her friend
about keeping quiet. She talks about not being
able to keep her lips shut at dinner, and gladys
talks about how it's all about the deal.


They unwrap veras bandages from her accident

with the hook and she can't look in the mirror.
They girls in the factory want to see her, and they
chipped in to buy a wig, the daughter of lorena
talks about a wig pinching right now because it is
too early. Vera say Not me I can't feel a thing


The men continue unloading bombs and joke

about Vera's accident and Marco defends her

Other important notes

Commented [15]: Another way to go above and

beyond is by adding a recap of the last episode. This
can help for the reader to remember what it is that
happened last and better understand the show. Doing
this can also show that you really understand the
Commented [16]: (Radha) For these sections, I would
like to see the specifics. I think that you should put the
specific episode along with the season that you are
observing. Also, type the name of the episode so that
the reader can know what to look forward to or expect
whiles reading these observations. These little details
can go a long way in helping the reader differentiate
between the episodes.

Vera was hooked when

distracted by marco and it
ripped her scalp. SHe is
disfigured and has surgery.
Archie is the one who wants v


The women of blue shift are being inspected,

Lorena points out the lipstick on Kate being too
much and Kate asks how it is a safety hazard and
is met with It could spark something in the gants
and put us in danger She goes down the line. The
men take blue shifts 25 pounders up to use.
Lorena has a confrontation with Gladys about her
hair sticking out at her first shift and says she can
get her neck snapped by a conveyer on her own
time, they don't have time to mop up bloody rich
girl. And Gladys defends herself saying she is the
same as any other women on the shift. Lorena
asks the girls if that is true, and they all laugh.


They joke about other women and sleeping with

them as they shoot a bomb and it misfires. there is
black smoke and the men are on the ground.
alarms sound as the women run from the factory.
They talk about it being the axis powers attacking
as marco runs in an the ladies run to help the boys
when marco tells lorena to keep the girls in.
Archie gets covered in shrapnel and the girls are
sent back inside while marco leads the
ambulances. they are told to keep quiet about the
bad bomb. Gladys asks about what went wrong
and Betty shuts her up.


Lorena helps Marco clean off the blood- it isn't

his. He feels guilt for archie. And talks about the
blood. Lorena reminds him Archie is alive and
that is what matters. Marco talks about St.
Christopher and how his father says if you believe
in him he will keep you safe. He says Archie
needs the medallion he has more than him. Lorena
comforts him


The men who were injured glare at the women.

and they talk about how they could be building
bad bobs and hurting the soldiers.


One of the women is blamed for overfilling the

amotal. they are getting retested. only the women.
and Gladys fights back, and brings up the ideas
the girls had in the previous scene, and none of
the girls agree. and Betty talks about how it was
just talk. They all blame Gladys. They are angry

Marco is italian and his italian

father is in an internment
camp. They don't know when
he will have a trial nor if they
will ever see him again.

The boss walks into the

locker room. all of the women
were in underwear. they all
gasped as he started to yell at
them about the mishap.

about Gladys including herself inWe


Lorena and edith talk about taking a few weeks

off and Edith fights that working through her
sadness is the only way to feed her kids. Lorena
talks about the letters dith is writing as if they
were her late husbands to her children. They
recognize their dad's handwriting and she can't
write them. They discuss sharing it.


Gladys sits at dinner with her father and fiance

and an old college buddy they are trying to
convince him to sign this deal with them. Gladys
picks a fight with the fiance's friend about his
views on the soldiers and sacrifices. She excuses
herself from dinner stating she had a long day.
The friend is not seeming willing to commit to the


Lorena and bob discuss the bad bomb, and she

relates it to her children as Bob talks about the
fake letters. Lorena wants him to copy the letters
and he said he will not do it


Gladys mom goes up to her room and speaks with

her about being a brat and not doing her job by
talking to the friend ery rudley. she tell her to
powder her nose, titter at jokes, and war the
friends cold heart. Then she leaves Gladys.


Marco walks into Archie's room, Archie is

sleeping he leaves the room after staring for a
second. Marco sees Vera as he leaves, she is upset
and crying about her looks. She tells him to go
away she is tired. He offers her the cannoli he
brought for archie. She downs hem cheese in a
doughnut? disgusting He defends them as they
are his mothers, he starts to apologize and she
changes the subject to archie, she interrupts him,
and talks about the cannoli and to tell his mother
they are good. He talks to her about first
impressions and what you do after. saying she
will be okay to leave her room.


Gladys returns to dinner, and the friend tells her

fiance he picked a boring town, and the fiance
tries to defend the town, the friend mentions that
there are a ton of ladies and that's what he is after.
Gladys mentions the place where she went to
dance the other night. and her parents
immediately disapprove of the place as it is in a
bad part of town. Sandy shores pavilion. She
jokes about the war bombing out his competition


Lorena defends her women to the boss who is

blaming the women. Lorena starts the retest. They
all nervously clean out the bombs. Gladys finds a
dead rat in her bomb. Lorena hears marco yelling
at someone about an issue and how it will be a big
problem for all of them. edith is zoning out and
having a hard time. The girls did very well. and
Kate has a missing security clearance. Gladys sits
with kate outside as kate smiles a cigarette, and
Kate explains that no one wants the help. They
don't want a Joan of Arc. they want to put their
heads down and work. Gladys nurries the rat.


Lorena defends her women and brings up the

mistake Marco talks about. All of the women
passed, and he tells her the lowest score is fired.
and Edith is the lowest score. She tries to use
Gladys instead. Edith stops Lorena to talk. And
Edith guesses that they're firing a new girl. and
edith freaks about because she realizes it was her,
she talks to Lorena about them staring together
and how important it is. Lorena promises to try to
fix it, And edith storms away.


Kate freaks out and yells out throwing a false

security clearance and Betty comes in, she
realizes that the paper are fake. she asks about it
and kate reveals she is not Kate, and that her
mother helped her buy all of the other papers. But
not that one as it is too hard to forge. Betty
mentions she may know a guy. and Kate tells her

She went to the dance and

lied to her parents. she also
accepted a marriage proposal
from the soldier she danced
with, and the show clues that
she has slept with him as

to take her to him. Betty talks about him being

pricey and that money may not be what he wants.
Kate says to let her worry about the price and take
her, She also confirms the guy is good. Bettys
response is that he could get the devil a visa into

Gladys father is screaming at her fiance, and he

disrespects him. Then her father attacks Gladys.
And Her fiance defends her. Her father continues
to attack and says she isn't a team player. Gladys
walks off. she repeats all of the insults she has
received, and she finds a hat box. she cuts holes
into the lid and empties the box.


Vera brings archie some things and he is very

kind, and after she leaves him he insults her. she
overhears, and gets uncomfortable, and hurt.


Kate struggles with a photoshoot in red lingerie.

Betty helps her model and he gets good pictures.
Kate is very uncomfortable but she is getting her
clearance papers. Kate struggles with her door,
She looks at herself in the mirror. a bathtub with a
cross is behind her. He father is then drowning her
while she watches from the outside. She wakes up
crying from the nightmare.


Gladys brings her hatbox to be a suggestion box

and Betty turns her down, and walks away.


Marco is defending the girls and the boss talks

about the men being at fault, and the boss talks
about being stuck hiring all of these females. He
asks if Marco is even on his side.
Observation Three

Minute of

What Happened?

Important side notes


The girls discuss the people in leningrad russia,

they bring the subject up to marco as Lorena
walks along talking to the girls about different
things a shift matron would remind them - That
isn't in code, make sure to leave that in your

Lorena and Marco kissed in

the previous episode. this
changes the dynamic between

locker. When lorena walks over she joins the

discussion and goes extra hard on Marco about
being italian and how they have switched sides
and russia has too. she picks at his italian

lorena picks up the newspaper. Management

brings The colonel For a surprise inspection.
Lorena pep talks the girls about doing it the same
as everyday. the colonel watches from the
window and all of the girls get nervous. The girls
get inspected and kate gets nervous about things
bing checked and her identity being discovered.


they check the lockers and Kates locker has a

piece of loose jewelry that Lorena finds before
the inspectors do. She opens it and it says
Marion Lorena is confused and pockets the


Vera is being taken care of and mentions that she

has troubles sleeping- even when she uses the
pills. Lorena confronts Kate about Marrion being
in a locket, Kate plays it off as something she
found in the street. Gladys walks up and
interrupts them and says she doesn't want to make
trouble, but someone stole her perfume from her


Lorena deflects the possibility. Lorena also

attacks kate about a stolen locket. Lorena decides
to dock the pay from all of the girls from the
expensive perfume bottle being stolen. the
perfume was worth over forty dollars- and each
girl gives up about a half day's pay. Lorena is also
sending kate to do some work in the store room
as punishment.


Marco is explaining the italian newspaper to the

colonel as the boss looks stressed and nervous.
He mentions wedding announcements. The are
arresting marco. THey put him in a car as lorena
watches them go.


Gladys bikes up, and meets her fiance, and they

kiss and joke about her smelling like cordite. He
informs her that her mother is freaking out.

James cousin walked out on his wife and she

complains. She freaks out about making a
mockery of her union.

Bob and lorena discuss getting rid of Marco and

how it was wrong or right, and Bob mentions
serving with italians, and that Marco was already
in the country. Lorena says for the third time in
the episode If he's innocent he has nothing to
worry about.


Lorena's daughter brings Vera her sleeping pills.

The doctor upped her dose to two instead of one.
When she turns her back, vera stashes them in a
change purse. and the change purse inside a pack
of cigarettes.


The girls speak about Marco being put in an

internment camp in petawawa. Lorena joins the
conversation and she says if he was a threat then
good riddance. Gladys asks if she really thinks he
could ever be a threat.


Someone continues to steal Gladys things, her

turban was stolen, and Kate is working in the
store room again. Gladys says that's where
murders are. Kate mentions how comforting that
idea is. Kate asks if Gladys will tell lorena and
she says never after the previous incident. She
takes a bottle of something out of the first aid kit.


The girls talk about the docked pay and marco

being gone. Kate sings in the store room and then
a man's voice joins her in the hymn, they sing
beautifully harmonize. She tries to find him by
singing and going toward it. when she calls out,
no one answers.


Archie is smoking and joking and vera walks

past. She tells Him she's dying for a cigarette, and
he gives her one as he makes jokes about her
face. He talks about him not being able to walk,
and continues to joke about her. She finally jokes
back and he says That's the spirit


Kate walks up to a group of men asking about the

singing. One man says it was him. He introduces

The other two times

mentioning innocence and
nothing to worry about are
mentioned in the
confrontations about the
perfume and necklace.

himself as donald. she compliments him and the

other men laugh. She walks away. Hazel Has
purple hands, and Gladys catches her. She fights
back. Gladys Is laughed at.

Kate sings again and Donald walks up. He talks

about her singing, and asks her to teach him. He
grabs her. She pushes him off. he grabs her and
starts kissing her. he pushes her back and gets on
top of her, a man hits him in the back of the head
and he falls. He says He had it coming The
man says he isnt dead and wont say anything. She
asks the men if he was the one singing. He says
look at all the trouble it got me.

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