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Epicor Commerce Connect

Feature Summary

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Revision: November 26, 2014 9:22 a.m.
Total pages: 27

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary


Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary.......................................................................6
Version 1.0.3 Feature Highlights......................................................................................................................6
Consumer Connect / Customer Connect...................................................................................................6
Quotes Reference Prefix Configuration Setting...................................................................................7
General and System..................................................................................................................................7
Magento 1.9.0 Integration and Certification......................................................................................7
Version 1.0.2 Feature Highlights......................................................................................................................7
Consumer Connect / Customer Connect...................................................................................................7
Ability to Hide Prices..........................................................................................................................7
Auto Hide Empty Catalog Nodes.......................................................................................................8
Create Shopping Basket/Cart Based on Imported CSV File..................................................................8
Customer Address Creation / Editing.................................................................................................8
Disable Order Comment Block Cart Display........................................................................................8
Exclude Products from Product Catalog Display and Reorder..............................................................8
Mapping Credit Card Types for Use in GOR Messages.......................................................................8
New Payment Gateway Method (Prophet 21 and Eclipse Only)..........................................................9
Optional Telephone Number Entry When Creating Customer Address Details....................................9
Suppress Quote Email Messages........................................................................................................9
Tracking Links Display for Customer Orders.......................................................................................9
Customer Connect Only...........................................................................................................................9
Customer Connect Invoice Detail Quantity Display.............................................................................9
ECC Quotation Support (Prophet 21).................................................................................................9
Email Address Maintenance in My Account > Address Book..............................................................9
Enhanced GQR (General Quote Request) Messaging..........................................................................9
ERP Account Wide Quote Support...................................................................................................10
Payment on Dispatch (Epicor ERP 10)...............................................................................................10
Product Reordering..........................................................................................................................10
General and System................................................................................................................................10
Prophet 21 ERP Data Interface Support in ECC.................................................................................10
BSV and GOR Log Message Clearing...............................................................................................10
CNC Message Processing Enhancements (Prophet 21 Only).............................................................10
Epicor Payment Method Force Billing Address..................................................................................11
Epicor Skin Modifications.................................................................................................................11
Epicor Theme Stock Level Display.....................................................................................................11
Extended Search Capabilities...........................................................................................................11
FAQ Footer Links Support................................................................................................................11
Import/Export FlexiTheme Layouts....................................................................................................11
Login Landing Page Options............................................................................................................11
Messaging Reports Option...............................................................................................................12
Multiple Product Category Support..................................................................................................12
No Default ERP Message Frequency.................................................................................................12



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Online Content Availability..............................................................................................................12

Quick Start Licensing Status Display.................................................................................................12
Send State Name or Abbreviation in Messaging...............................................................................12
Synchronization Enhancements.......................................................................................................12
Version 1.0.1 Feature Highlights....................................................................................................................13
Consumer Connect / Customer Connect.................................................................................................13
Email Addresses in Address Blocks...................................................................................................13
Component Product Links in Product Layout Page...........................................................................13
Navigation Bar Home Link...............................................................................................................13
No Default ERP Code Association for Customers..............................................................................13
oldskus Product Attribute Code.......................................................................................................13
Quotation Email Configuration........................................................................................................14
Quick Order Pad - Unit of Measure Display......................................................................................14
Customer Connect Only.........................................................................................................................14
Create New Customer Message - Default Template Code (Prophet 21 Only)....................................14
Customer Connect CSV and XML File Export...................................................................................15
Product Categories Visibility and Status............................................................................................15
Supplier Connect (Epicor ERP Only).........................................................................................................15
Supplier Connect Login Restrictions.................................................................................................15
General and System................................................................................................................................16
Comms Settings Import/Export........................................................................................................16
Enhanced Synchronization Request Messaging (Prophet 21 Only)....................................................16
GOR (Generate Order) Message Enhancements...............................................................................16
SOU (Sales Order Update) Message Processing.................................................................................17
System and Error Log Viewing Options............................................................................................17
1.0.x Cumulative List......................................................................................................................................17
Consumer Connect / Customer Connect.................................................................................................17
Ability to Hide Prices........................................................................................................................17
Component Product Links in Product Layout Page...........................................................................18
Auto Hide Empty Catalog Nodes.....................................................................................................18
Create Shopping Basket/Cart Based on Imported CSV File................................................................18
Customer Address Creation / Editing...............................................................................................18
Disable Order Comment Block Cart Display......................................................................................18
Quotes Reference Prefix Configuration Setting.................................................................................18
Email Addresses in Address Blocks...................................................................................................18
Exclude Products from Product Catalog Display and Reorder............................................................18
Mapping Credit Card Types for Use in GOR Messages.....................................................................19
Navigation Bar Home Link...............................................................................................................19
New Payment Gateway Method (Prophet 21 and Eclipse Only)........................................................19
No Default ERP Code Association for Customers..............................................................................19
oldskus Product Attribute Code.......................................................................................................19
Optional Telephone Number Entry When Creating Customer Address Details..................................19
Quotation Email Configuration........................................................................................................19
Quick Order Pad - Unit of Measure Display......................................................................................20
Suppress Quote Email Messages......................................................................................................20


Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary


Tracking Links Display for Customer Orders.....................................................................................20

Consumer Connect / Customer Connect.........................................................................................20
Customer Connect Only.........................................................................................................................20
Create New Customer Message - Default Template Code (Prophet 21 Only)....................................20
Customer Connect CSV and XML File Export...................................................................................21
Customer Connect Invoice Detail Quantity Display...........................................................................21
ECC Quotation Support (Prophet 21)...............................................................................................21
Email Address Maintenance in My Account > Address Book............................................................21
Enhanced GQR (General Quote Request) Messaging........................................................................21
ERP Account Wide Quote Support...................................................................................................21
Payment on Dispatch (Epicor ERP 10)...............................................................................................21
Product Categories Visibility and Status............................................................................................22
Product Reordering..........................................................................................................................22
Supplier Connect (Epicor ERP Only).........................................................................................................22
Supplier Connect Login Restrictions.................................................................................................22
General and System................................................................................................................................23
BSV and GOR Log Message Clearing...............................................................................................23
CNC Message Processing Enhancements (Prophet 21 Only).............................................................23
Comms Settings Import/Export........................................................................................................23
Enhanced Synchronization Request Messaging (Prophet 21 Only)....................................................23
Epicor Payment Method Force Billing Address..................................................................................24
Epicor Skin Modifications.................................................................................................................24
Epicor Theme Stock Level Display.....................................................................................................24
Extended Search Capabilities...........................................................................................................24
FAQ Footer Links Support................................................................................................................24
GOR (Generate Order) Message Enhancements...............................................................................24
Import/Export FlexiTheme Layouts....................................................................................................25
Login Landing Page Options............................................................................................................25
Magento 1.9.0 Integration and Certification....................................................................................25
Messaging Reports Option...............................................................................................................25
Multiple Product Category Support..................................................................................................25
No Default ERP Message Frequency.................................................................................................25
Online Content Availability..............................................................................................................25
Quick Start Licensing Status Display.................................................................................................25
Prophet 21 ERP Data Interface Support in ECC.................................................................................25
Send State Name or Abbreviation in Messaging...............................................................................25
SOU (Sales Order Update) Message Processing.................................................................................26
Synchronization Enhancements.......................................................................................................26
System and Error Log Viewing Options............................................................................................26


Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect (ECC) streamlines, optimizes and maximizes your business' potential. Epicor Commerce
Connect enables you increase your Web presence and help drive new businessboth from your existing customers
and from new, untapped business opportunities and sales channels. Epicor Commerce Connect harnesses the
power of XML, electronic message transfer and processing environments to deliver reliability combined with ease
of use.
With Epicor Commerce Connect, you can manage customers, merchandise, inventory, order historybasically
the entire order life cycle. ECC is a cross-brand solution that can be configured with such ERP systems as Epicor
10, Eclipse, Prophet 21, xVP, and Tropos. Together with one of these ERP solutions, Epicor Commerce Connect
enables you to effectively manage the entire customer experience. You no longer need to have two separate
systems to accept wholesale and consumer orders.
Product information tiered pricing, customers and inventory levels can be displayed directly from your production
ERP database. Orders can be submitted and processed immediately allowing the customer to use their terms or
credit card for purchase. Epicor Commerce Connect also provides deep integration with your order fulfillment
process and makes it available to your customers online. At the time of requesting a quote or placing an order,
customers will be able to select the available shipping methods and determine their freight cost. Once the orders
are placed, online tracking allows them to see when their product was shipped and lets them track the shipment
through the carrier.
Note Unless specifically noted in a topic, all features and functions listed in this document apply to all ERP
flavors currently supported in the latest version of ECC.

Version 1.0.3 Feature Highlights

The following topics describe the Epicor Commerce Connect functionality released in version 1.0.3. It is oriented
towards anyone who wants a general understanding of the enhancements to Epicor Commerce Connect.

Consumer Connect / Customer Connect

This section covers new features found in Epicor Commerce Connect Customer that apply to both Consumer
Connect and to Customer Connect.
Consumer Connect is a B2C portal that connects to a single ERP account and provides anonymous or register
consumers (visitors) with the ability to: Tag, review and order products.
Track and review progress of orders and re-print ECC style invoices.
Use various payment options, such as payment with order, or payment on dispatch.
Customer Connect is a B2B portal that provides your customers with the ability to view their transactions on
your ERP system; these include orders, invoices, shipments and payments. It provides ERP update capabilities for
company contacts, delivery and billing addresses


Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Quotes Reference Prefix Configuration Setting

A new Quotes Reference Prefix configuration setting has been added to the General section in the Epicor >
Quotes page in the ECC Admin Panel. You can use it to specify the prefix (if any) that should be added to an
ECC quote number that is sent to the ERP host in a GQR (General Quote Request) message.

General and System

The following topics describe general and system level enhancements that apply to Customer Connect, Consumer
Connect and Supplier Connect.

Magento 1.9.0 Integration and Certification

Epicor Commerce Connect 1.0.3 has been integrated with, and certified to be fully operational with Magento
Release 1.9.0.

Version 1.0.2 Feature Highlights

The following topics describe the Epicor Commerce Connect functionality released in version 1.0.2. It is oriented
towards anyone who wants a general understanding of the enhancements to Epicor Commerce Connect.

Consumer Connect / Customer Connect

This section covers new features found in Epicor Commerce Connect Customer that apply to both Consumer
Connect and to Customer Connect.
Consumer Connect is a B2C portal that connects to a single ERP account and provides anonymous or register
consumers (visitors) with the ability to: Tag, review and order products.
Track and review progress of orders and re-print ECC style invoices.
Use various payment options, such as payment with order, or payment on dispatch.
Customer Connect is a B2B portal that provides your customers with the ability to view their transactions on
your ERP system; these include orders, invoices, shipments and payments. It provides ERP update capabilities for
company contacts, delivery and billing addresses

Ability to Hide Prices

ECC can be configured to hide prices from guest shoppers. Typically, you would use this capability on a B2B2C
site, enabling the catalog to be shown without revealing prices.
The Disable Functionality for the different types of customer field is located in the System > Configuration
> Customer Configuration page in the Admin Panel.
Select Yes to hide prices from specific customers. Disabled for Guest Customers (Not logged in) and
Disabled for Guest Customers (Logged in) fields display; these allow you to disable price display and/or
checkout for guest shoppers and/or registered shoppers.
Select No to display prices to all types of customers.


Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Auto Hide Empty Catalog Nodes

When you upload catalog nodes from ERP to ECC, ECC now automatically hides empty catalog nodes. This
eliminates the need for a site user from having to manually disable them within ECC.
To do this, you select the new Auto-hide Categories with no products configuration setting, located on
the System > Configuration > Catalog > Category Top Navigation page in the Admin Panel.

Create Shopping Basket/Cart Based on Imported CSV File

You can now create a shopping basket/cart, based on the contents of an imported CSV (Comma Separate Values)
spreadsheet file. You can enable this functionality by selecting the new Add to Basket Via CSV check box,
located on the System > Configuration > Checkout page in the Admin Panel.

Customer Address Creation / Editing

The ability to create/edit addresses can now be set by customer, as well as globally.

Disable Order Comment Block Cart Display

Using the new Allow Comment on Checkout check box, located on the System > Configuration > Checkout
> Checkout Options page in the Admin Panel, you can disable display of the order comment block on the
shopping at the final review stage.

Exclude Products from Product Catalog Display and Reorder

Using the new Reorder field, located on the System > Configuration > Sales page in the Admin Panel, you
can define a list of products that should be excluded from the product catalog, and that must be ignored when
reordering in Customer Connect. This prevents errors when the items like carriage and discount lines are on a
Customer Connect order.
To do this in the Reorder field, enter each SKU being excluded; each SKU must followed by a comma (for example,

Mapping Credit Card Types for Use in GOR Messages

Using the Epicor > Mapping > Card Types page, located in the Admin Panel, you can map the credit card type
that is sent in GOR (Generate Order Request) messages to ERP. ECC displays a number of default values; based


Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

on the codes that are used by most credit card payment types, these can be changed or additional mappings
can be added.

New Payment Gateway Method (Prophet 21 and Eclipse Only)

A new payment gateway has been introduced, allowing credit card payments to be made using Elements Payment

Services .

Optional Telephone Number Entry When Creating Customer Address Details

In the System > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Name and Address Options page, you can
now specify that entry of a telephone number is optional when creating address details for a customer.

Suppress Quote Email Messages

By selecting the GQR, Submit To Customer check box in the Epicor > Messaging > Request Messages page
in the Admin Panel. ECC also sends this value to the associated GQR (General Quote Request) message.

Tracking Links Display for Customer Orders

ECC now creates and displays links to shipment tracking sites (for example, DHL, FedEx, UPS) for customer orders,
provided the ERP sends the necessary shipment tracking details via Sales Order Update (SOU) messages to ECC.

Customer Connect Only

This section covers new features found in Epicor Commerce Connect Customer that only apply to Customer

Customer Connect Invoice Detail Quantity Display

The Invoice Detail page in Customer Connect now displays the ordered, shipped and to follow quantities for
a given customer invoice.

ECC Quotation Support (Prophet 21)

Quotes that have been created via use of an ECC shopping basket can now be sent to Prophet 21, and managed
from either Prophet 21 or within ECC. Any changes you make to these quotes are reflected in both ECC and in
Prophet 21.

Email Address Maintenance in My Account > Address Book

The My Address Book > Address Book functionality has been enhanced to allow for creation or update of
email addresses associated with each address.

Enhanced GQR (General Quote Request) Messaging

GQR (General Quote Request) messaging has been enhanced, by addition of the following features:
Quotes are now multi-site friendly and can be maintained account-wide.
A new Quotes Enabled configuration setting, located in the System > Configuration > Quotes > General
page in the Admin Panel, can be used to disable the quote system in a given ECC site.
New configuration settings, located in the System > Configuration > Quotes > Notes page in the Admin
Panel, can be used to disable single or multi-line quote and line notes.


Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

ERP Account Wide Quote Support

A new Allow customers create ERP Account wide quotes check box has been added to the System >
Configuration > Quotes > General page in the Admin Panel.
Using this check box, you can designate that a quote that has been created by one customer associated with an
ERP account (a B2B customer) can be viewed, updated and accepted by any other customer that is associated
with the same ERP account

Payment on Dispatch (Epicor ERP 10)

Payment on dispatch using an ECC payment method is now supported in Epicor ERP 10. Previously, payment on
dispatch was only available using the ESDM payment gateway. Now, any tokenized payment gateway can be
used to process dispatch payments.
Epicor ERP 10 communicates to ECC the order status and value of the goods (and freight) being shipped via a
standard Sales Order Update (SOU) message. ECC then processes the credit card. If the card is debited successfully,
Epicor ERP E10 processes the goods through to dispatch. If the card fails, Epicor ERP 10 holds the goods from

Product Reordering
A new Reorderable check box has been added for support of products uploaded from ERP to ECC. When set
to No (cleared), the product is not added to a shopping cart when a customer clicks the Reorder button against
an order. By default, when a STK (Product Upload) message is processed by ECC, the flag is set to Yes.
You can now reorder from an account shipment, or account invoice; this is subject to Access Rights settings for
specific customers.

General and System

The following topics describe general and system level enhancements that apply to Customer Connect, Consumer
Connect and Supplier Connect.

Prophet 21 ERP Data Interface Support in ECC

Support has been added to Epicor Commerce Connect for the Epicor Prophet 21 product. As with other currently
supported ERP flavors you can now create a data synchronization interface with Prophet 21.

BSV and GOR Log Message Clearing

BSV and GOR log entries are now included in the Log Message clearing. The BSV log entries are cleared based
on the setting of the Days of Logs field, located in the System > General > Network and General Setting
page in the Admin Panel, Days of Logs. GOR Log entries have a separate cleardown interval that is defined against
the GOR Request message.

CNC Message Processing Enhancements (Prophet 21 Only)

The following enhancements have been made to CNC (Create Customer Number) message processing; they are
only applicable if CNC Message processing is enabled.
When creating addresses for a new ERP Account, it is now possible to copy invoice and delivery address from
a registered address.



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

When creating an ERP Account from Admin, the store to which the account is associated must be specified;
this allows the correct branding to be sent in the CNC message.
When generating a CNC message from the Admin Panel, if branding is blank for the selected store, ECC uses
the default company as the <company> branding in the CNC message.

Epicor Payment Method Force Billing Address

Using the new Force Billing Address check box, located on the System > Configuration > Payment Methods
> Epicor Payment Module page in the Admin Panel, you can specify that the associated billing address cannot
be changed.

Epicor Skin Modifications

The Epicor Skin has been modified so that the Welcome message occupies only 20% of available space and the
Quick Links block occupies 80%, so when there is something in both the wishlist and the cart, the Quick Links
block does not wrap, This modification affects new installations only; existing installations are unaffected.

Epicor Theme Stock Level Display

The standard Epicor theme has been modified to display stock level information. This modification affects new
installations only; existing installations are unaffected.

Extended Search Capabilities

When you perform a search, the results are always sorted by relevance, using the weighting that is defined against
the various attributes used in the search. A new facility has been added than enables you to define the order in
which the results are displayed within relevance.
For example, you can designate that search results be defined by Default Group Position within relevance. It is
now possible to specify that both Boolean and Text Product Attributes can be used in Layered Navigation.

FAQ Footer Links Support

A new FAQ link has been added to the footer links in ECC sites. This allows users to access Frequently Asked
Question pages you define and format in the Store View from within the Epicor > Manage FAQ page in the
Admin Panel.

Import/Export FlexiTheme Layouts

You can now import or export FlexiTheme layouts.

Login Landing Page Options

Using the new Login Options field in the System > Configuration > Customer Configuration page in the
Admin Panel, you can now specify the specific landing page that should display when a non-logged in customer
logs into an ECC site.
This can be a specific page, or the last page that was accessed by the customer. Formerly, only the Dashboard
displayed when a customer logged in.



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Messaging Reports Option

A new Messaging Reports option has been added to the Epicor > Messaging page in the Admin Panel. This
allows the response times of one or more messages to be plotted on a chart for a selected time period.

Multiple Product Category Support

ECC has been enhanced to support products that belong to multiple product categories in ERP.

No Default ERP Message Frequency

Using the new No Default ERP Message field, located on the System Configuration > Networking and
General page in the Admin Panel, you can now define the frequency with which the No default ERP Account
message displays.

Online Content Availability

Installation notes, releases notes and the Feature Summary document is now available online within ECC.

Quick Start Licensing Status Display

The Quick Start page has been modified to display the current licensing status.

Send State Name or Abbreviation in Messaging

Using the new Send State/County/Province Name field, located on the Epicor > Messaging > Request
Messages > Global Options page, you can specify whether the state name (for example, California) or
abbreviation (CA) should be sent to ERP in the following types of messages:
CUAU - Customer Address Update
CNC - Create New Customer
GOR - Generate Order Request
GQR - Generate Quote Request

Synchronization Enhancements
The following enhancements have been made to ERP-CC synchronization processing:
When requesting a manual SYN (Synchronization Request) message, it is possible to select Full or Partial
Synchronization. Partial Synchronization requires selection of date from the date picker widget.
Based on ERP in use, ECC automatically detects which Upload Messages always perform full Synchronization.
When Full Synchronization takes place between the ERP host and ECC, ECC detects "mismatches", (records
that exist in ECC that were not uploaded by the ERP). When this occurs, an entry is automatically recorded
in a synchronization log, which allows for identification and purging of any mismatched records.



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Version 1.0.1 Feature Highlights

The following topics describe the Epicor Commerce Connect functionality features released in version 1.0.1.

Consumer Connect / Customer Connect

This section covers new features found in Epicor Commerce Connect Customer that apply to both Consumer
Connect and to Customer Connect.
Consumer Connect is a B2C portal that connects to a single ERP account and provides anonymous or register
consumers (visitors) with the ability to: Tag, review and order products.
Track and review progress of orders and re-print ECC style invoices.
Use various payment options, such as payment with order, or payment on dispatch.
Customer Connect is a B2B portal that provides your customers with the ability to view their transactions on
your ERP system; these include orders, invoices, shipments and payments. It provides ERP update capabilities for
company contacts, delivery and billing addresses

Email Addresses in Address Blocks

All address blocks in both uploaded and requested messages can now include an email address. You can specify
an email address both when you change an address block as an admin user, and when change an address block
in Customer Connect.

Component Product Links in Product Layout Page

When the Product Details page displays for a kit product, the list of component products that comprise the kit
now includes links that enable the user to view the details of each component.

Navigation Bar Home Link

A Home link is now available in the Navigation Bar on all Epicor Commerce Connect web pages. It provides
direct access to the site home page from anywhere, regardless of specific page or function a person is currently
using within the site.

No Default ERP Code Association for Customers

When you use Customers > Manage Customers to create a customer record, you can no longer associate the
new customer record with a default ERP code.

oldskus Product Attribute Code

An additional oldskus product attribute code has been added for use in ECC. When an STK (Product Reorder)
message is uploaded with a <newProductCode>, the application appends the original product code to the
oldskus attribute.
Like all attributes, you can use this product in searches on the website. To define the product attribute:
Go to Catalog > Attribute > Manage Attributes.
In the Attribute Code field, search for the oldskus product attribute click to edit.
In the Frontend Properties section, use Use in Quick Search and Use in Advanced Search as required.



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Quotation Email Configuration

Configuration of quotation email alerts has been enhanced - it can now be performed on a global and per quote
basis. Emails can be configured so that they are sent for the following situations:
Expiration Date Reminders
Quote Status Change
Comment/Note added to quote
To define the global settings, go to Epicor > Quotes and select Email Alerts. These settings provide defaults
for all quotes for both a customer and for the admin user processing the quotes.
When a customer views their quote in ECC, they can override these settings as needed.
When the admin user is processing a quote, similar override options are also available.

Quick Order Pad - Unit of Measure Display

The Quick Order Pad has been enhanced to display in all possible unit of measure selections when you sell a
product is differing units of measure.

Customer Connect Only

This section covers new features found in Epicor Commerce Connect Customer that only apply to Customer

Create New Customer Message - Default Template Code (Prophet 21 Only)

You can now specify a Default Template Code for a CNC (Create New Customer) message.
Note This feature only applies to Prophet 21.
When you create a customer record in ECC, the ERP system uses the specified default template code to provide
customer details that are not sent in the CNC message but are required for the successful creation of the
corresponding customer account in the ERP system; for example, sales representative, credit terms etc. To set
the default:
Go to Epicor > Messaging > Request Messages.
Select the CNC Create New Customer message.
Set the Default Template Code as required.
Note CNC messages are not currently supported by all ERP systems.



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Customer Connect CSV and XML File Export

CSV and XML file export options have been added for account order, invoice, payment, shipment, RMA and
service call transactions.

Product Categories Visibility and Status

The Catalog > Manage Categories page displays products in a selected product category. It has been enhanced
so that it is possible to view the visibility and status for each product associated with the product category.
You can now easily determine whether particular products are visible and/or enabled for a particular store view.
To view items in a category:
Go to Catalog > Manage Categories.
Select the category you need from the Categories menu on the left side of the page.
Use the Category Products tab to view the visibility and status for products assigned to the selected product

Supplier Connect (Epicor ERP Only)

Supplier Connect is a separate portal within ECC your suppliers can use to login and view the following information:
Parts lists
Purchase Order lists and detail, with the ability to update both
Quotes, with the ability to update prices and quantity breaks
Invoice searches and details
Supplier Payments
Account Summary details
Note The Supplier Connect portal does not have trading functionality.

Supplier Connect Login Restrictions

Login restrictions optons that formerly just applied to customers can now be applied to suppliers.
These options allow for the branding and/or currency of the supplier to be used as the basis of restricting their
ability to log into a site. To define login restrictions:
Go to System > Configuration.
Select Customer Configuration from the side menu.
Select Login Options.



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

General and System

The following topics describe general and system level enhancements that apply to Customer Connect, Consumer
Connect and Supplier Connect.

Comms Settings Import/Export

The Epicor > Import/Export of Comms settings function can now include mapping tables that you define in
Epicor > Mapping during import or export. A Backup Selected Tables option has been added, which enables
you to select the specific mapping tables to export.

Enhanced Synchronization Request Messaging (Prophet 21 Only)

If using Prophet 21, you can now specify that Epicor Commerce Connect should automatically send Synchronization
Request (SYN) messages on a regular basis.
Note Specifying if SYN messages should automatically be sent is only required for Prophet 21; for all other
ERP interfaces, scheduling of SYN messaging is not required.
To enable automatic SYN messages:
Access Epicor > Messaging > Request Messages.
Select the SYN Sync Request message.
Set the Autosyn Enabled flag to Yes.
After setting the Autosyn Enabled flag to Yes, use the following fields to further define how this function
should operate:
Use Advanced Options to specify if the Upload Message field should list message areas or specific messages
that can be synchronized. Select Yes to automatically synchronize message areas, or No to automatically
synchronize actual messages.
Upload Messages displays the messages or message areas (depending on the setting of the Advanced
Options field above) that can be automatically synchronized. Select the specific messages or message areas
that should be automatically synchronized.
Language displays all languages that are in use in ECC. Select the languages that should be automatically
Date From displays the date that the last automatic synchronization was carried out; ECC uses this date as
the <syncronize from> date that is sent in the SYN message.
Note When setting up Autosyn options for the first time, it is blank. Every time ECC performs the
automatic synchronization, it updates the displays date. Epicor recommends that you do not manually
update this date.
Use the Frequency Value and Frequency Unit fields to specify, in seconds, minutes, hours or days, how
frequently ECC should perform the automatic synchronization.

GOR (Generate Order) Message Enhancements

Several enhancements have been made to GOR (Generate Order) messages.
The XML code for a GOR message now includes the contact email address for the customer.
If ECC receives a GOR message with a Status Code of '019' from the associated ERP system, it no longer
treats it as an ERP error. Instead, the offline order processing functions will re-send the message at a later



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

SOU (Sales Order Update) Message Processing

ECC now rejects a SOU message that contains an order status that has not been mapped using the Epicor >
Mapping > Order Status function.

System and Error Log Viewing Options

New options have been added that enable viewing of system and error logs. These options are available from
Epicor > Advanced > System Logs and Epicor > Advanced > System Error Reports; however, they are
typically used only by your software support representative.

1.0.x Cumulative List

This section of the Epicor Commerce Connect Version 1.0.x Feature Summary contains the features initially
introduced with Epicor Commerce Connect 1.0.1 through the current release. If you are new to the Epicor
application, use this section to review all major application features.
This information is arranged first by Epicor Commerce Connect site type, and then by enhancement.

Consumer Connect / Customer Connect

This section covers new features found in Epicor Commerce Connect Customer that apply to both Consumer
Connect and to Customer Connect.
Consumer Connect is a B2C portal that connects to a single ERP account and provides anonymous or register
consumers (visitors) with the ability to: Tag, review and order products.
Track and review progress of orders and re-print ECC style invoices.
Use various payment options, such as payment with order, or payment on dispatch.
Customer Connect is a B2B portal that provides your customers with the ability to view their transactions on
your ERP system; these include orders, invoices, shipments and payments. It provides ERP update capabilities for
company contacts, delivery and billing addresses

Ability to Hide Prices

ECC can be configured to hide prices from guest shoppers. Typically, you would use this capability on a B2B2C
site, enabling the catalog to be shown without revealing prices.
The Disable Functionality for the different types of customer field is located in the System > Configuration
> Customer Configuration page in the Admin Panel.
Select Yes to hide prices from specific customers. Disabled for Guest Customers (Not logged in) and
Disabled for Guest Customers (Logged in) fields display; these allow you to disable price display and/or
checkout for guest shoppers and/or registered shoppers.
Select No to display prices to all types of customers.



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Component Product Links in Product Layout Page

When the Product Details page displays for a kit product, the list of component products that comprise the kit
now includes links that enable the user to view the details of each component.

Auto Hide Empty Catalog Nodes

When you upload catalog nodes from ERP to ECC, ECC now automatically hides empty catalog nodes. This
eliminates the need for a site user from having to manually disable them within ECC.
To do this, you select the new Auto-hide Categories with no products configuration setting, located on
the System > Configuration > Catalog > Category Top Navigation page in the Admin Panel.

Create Shopping Basket/Cart Based on Imported CSV File

You can now create a shopping basket/cart, based on the contents of an imported CSV (Comma Separate Values)
spreadsheet file. You can enable this functionality by selecting the new Add to Basket Via CSV check box,
located on the System > Configuration > Checkout page in the Admin Panel.

Customer Address Creation / Editing

The ability to create/edit addresses can now be set by customer, as well as globally.

Disable Order Comment Block Cart Display

Using the new Allow Comment on Checkout check box, located on the System > Configuration > Checkout
> Checkout Options page in the Admin Panel, you can disable display of the order comment block on the
shopping at the final review stage.

Quotes Reference Prefix Configuration Setting

A new Quotes Reference Prefix configuration setting has been added to the General section in the Epicor >
Quotes page in the ECC Admin Panel. You can use it to specify the prefix (if any) that should be added to an
ECC quote number that is sent to the ERP host in a GQR (General Quote Request) message.

Email Addresses in Address Blocks

All address blocks in both uploaded and requested messages can now include an email address. You can specify
an email address both when you change an address block as an admin user, and when change an address block
in Customer Connect.

Exclude Products from Product Catalog Display and Reorder

Using the new Reorder field, located on the System > Configuration > Sales page in the Admin Panel, you
can define a list of products that should be excluded from the product catalog, and that must be ignored when
reordering in Customer Connect. This prevents errors when the items like carriage and discount lines are on a
Customer Connect order.
To do this in the Reorder field, enter each SKU being excluded; each SKU must followed by a comma (for example,



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Mapping Credit Card Types for Use in GOR Messages

Using the Epicor > Mapping > Card Types page, located in the Admin Panel, you can map the credit card type
that is sent in GOR (Generate Order Request) messages to ERP. ECC displays a number of default values; based
on the codes that are used by most credit card payment types, these can be changed or additional mappings
can be added.

Navigation Bar Home Link

A Home link is now available in the Navigation Bar on all Epicor Commerce Connect web pages. It provides
direct access to the site home page from anywhere, regardless of specific page or function a person is currently
using within the site.

New Payment Gateway Method (Prophet 21 and Eclipse Only)

A new payment gateway has been introduced, allowing credit card payments to be made using Elements Payment

Services .

No Default ERP Code Association for Customers

When you use Customers > Manage Customers to create a customer record, you can no longer associate the
new customer record with a default ERP code.

oldskus Product Attribute Code

An additional oldskus product attribute code has been added for use in ECC. When an STK (Product Reorder)
message is uploaded with a <newProductCode>, the application appends the original product code to the
oldskus attribute.
Like all attributes, you can use this product in searches on the website. To define the product attribute:
Go to Catalog > Attribute > Manage Attributes.
In the Attribute Code field, search for the oldskus product attribute click to edit.
In the Frontend Properties section, use Use in Quick Search and Use in Advanced Search as required.

Optional Telephone Number Entry When Creating Customer Address Details

In the System > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Name and Address Options page, you can
now specify that entry of a telephone number is optional when creating address details for a customer.

Quotation Email Configuration

Configuration of quotation email alerts has been enhanced - it can now be performed on a global and per quote
basis. Emails can be configured so that they are sent for the following situations:
Expiration Date Reminders
Quote Status Change
Comment/Note added to quote
To define the global settings, go to Epicor > Quotes and select Email Alerts. These settings provide defaults
for all quotes for both a customer and for the admin user processing the quotes.
When a customer views their quote in ECC, they can override these settings as needed.
When the admin user is processing a quote, similar override options are also available.



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Quick Order Pad - Unit of Measure Display

The Quick Order Pad has been enhanced to display in all possible unit of measure selections when you sell a
product is differing units of measure.

Suppress Quote Email Messages

By selecting the GQR, Submit To Customer check box in the Epicor > Messaging > Request Messages page
in the Admin Panel. ECC also sends this value to the associated GQR (General Quote Request) message.

Tracking Links Display for Customer Orders

ECC now creates and displays links to shipment tracking sites (for example, DHL, FedEx, UPS) for customer orders,
provided the ERP sends the necessary shipment tracking details via Sales Order Update (SOU) messages to ECC.

Consumer Connect / Customer Connect

This section covers new features found in Epicor Commerce Connect Customer that apply to both Consumer
Connect and to Customer Connect.
Consumer Connect is a B2C portal that connects to a single ERP account and provides anonymous or register
consumers (visitors) with the ability to: Tag, review and order products.
Track and review progress of orders and re-print ECC style invoices.
Use various payment options, such as payment with order, or payment on dispatch.
Customer Connect is a B2B portal that provides your customers with the ability to view their transactions on
your ERP system; these include orders, invoices, shipments and payments. It provides ERP update capabilities for
company contacts, delivery and billing addresses

Customer Connect Only

This section covers new features found in Epicor Commerce Connect Customer that only apply to Customer

Create New Customer Message - Default Template Code (Prophet 21 Only)

You can now specify a Default Template Code for a CNC (Create New Customer) message.
Note This feature only applies to Prophet 21.
When you create a customer record in ECC, the ERP system uses the specified default template code to provide
customer details that are not sent in the CNC message but are required for the successful creation of the
corresponding customer account in the ERP system; for example, sales representative, credit terms etc. To set
the default:
Go to Epicor > Messaging > Request Messages.
Select the CNC Create New Customer message.
Set the Default Template Code as required.
Note CNC messages are not currently supported by all ERP systems.



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Customer Connect CSV and XML File Export

CSV and XML file export options have been added for account order, invoice, payment, shipment, RMA and
service call transactions.

Customer Connect Invoice Detail Quantity Display

The Invoice Detail page in Customer Connect now displays the ordered, shipped and to follow quantities for
a given customer invoice.

ECC Quotation Support (Prophet 21)

Quotes that have been created via use of an ECC shopping basket can now be sent to Prophet 21, and managed
from either Prophet 21 or within ECC. Any changes you make to these quotes are reflected in both ECC and in
Prophet 21.

Email Address Maintenance in My Account > Address Book

The My Address Book > Address Book functionality has been enhanced to allow for creation or update of
email addresses associated with each address.

Enhanced GQR (General Quote Request) Messaging

GQR (General Quote Request) messaging has been enhanced, by addition of the following features:
Quotes are now multi-site friendly and can be maintained account-wide.
A new Quotes Enabled configuration setting, located in the System > Configuration > Quotes > General
page in the Admin Panel, can be used to disable the quote system in a given ECC site.
New configuration settings, located in the System > Configuration > Quotes > Notes page in the Admin
Panel, can be used to disable single or multi-line quote and line notes.

ERP Account Wide Quote Support

A new Allow customers create ERP Account wide quotes check box has been added to the System >
Configuration > Quotes > General page in the Admin Panel.
Using this check box, you can designate that a quote that has been created by one customer associated with an
ERP account (a B2B customer) can be viewed, updated and accepted by any other customer that is associated
with the same ERP account

Payment on Dispatch (Epicor ERP 10)

Payment on dispatch using an ECC payment method is now supported in Epicor ERP 10. Previously, payment on
dispatch was only available using the ESDM payment gateway. Now, any tokenized payment gateway can be
used to process dispatch payments.
Epicor ERP 10 communicates to ECC the order status and value of the goods (and freight) being shipped via a
standard Sales Order Update (SOU) message. ECC then processes the credit card. If the card is debited successfully,
Epicor ERP E10 processes the goods through to dispatch. If the card fails, Epicor ERP 10 holds the goods from



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Product Categories Visibility and Status

The Catalog > Manage Categories page displays products in a selected product category. It has been enhanced
so that it is possible to view the visibility and status for each product associated with the product category.
You can now easily determine whether particular products are visible and/or enabled for a particular store view.
To view items in a category:
Go to Catalog > Manage Categories.
Select the category you need from the Categories menu on the left side of the page.
Use the Category Products tab to view the visibility and status for products assigned to the selected product

Product Reordering
A new Reorderable check box has been added for support of products uploaded from ERP to ECC. When set
to No (cleared), the product is not added to a shopping cart when a customer clicks the Reorder button against
an order. By default, when a STK (Product Upload) message is processed by ECC, the flag is set to Yes.
You can now reorder from an account shipment, or account invoice; this is subject to Access Rights settings for
specific customers.

Supplier Connect (Epicor ERP Only)

Supplier Connect is a separate portal within ECC your suppliers can use to login and view the following information:
Parts lists
Purchase Order lists and detail, with the ability to update both
Quotes, with the ability to update prices and quantity breaks
Invoice searches and details
Supplier Payments
Account Summary details
Note The Supplier Connect portal does not have trading functionality.

Supplier Connect Login Restrictions

Login restrictions optons that formerly just applied to customers can now be applied to suppliers.
These options allow for the branding and/or currency of the supplier to be used as the basis of restricting their
ability to log into a site. To define login restrictions:
Go to System > Configuration.
Select Customer Configuration from the side menu.
Select Login Options.



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

General and System

The following topics describe general and system level enhancements that apply to Customer Connect, Consumer
Connect and Supplier Connect.

BSV and GOR Log Message Clearing

BSV and GOR log entries are now included in the Log Message clearing. The BSV log entries are cleared based
on the setting of the Days of Logs field, located in the System > General > Network and General Setting
page in the Admin Panel, Days of Logs. GOR Log entries have a separate cleardown interval that is defined against
the GOR Request message.

CNC Message Processing Enhancements (Prophet 21 Only)

The following enhancements have been made to CNC (Create Customer Number) message processing; they are
only applicable if CNC Message processing is enabled.
When creating addresses for a new ERP Account, it is now possible to copy invoice and delivery address from
a registered address.
When creating an ERP Account from Admin, the store to which the account is associated must be specified;
this allows the correct branding to be sent in the CNC message.
When generating a CNC message from the Admin Panel, if branding is blank for the selected store, ECC uses
the default company as the <company> branding in the CNC message.

Comms Settings Import/Export

The Epicor > Import/Export of Comms settings function can now include mapping tables that you define in
Epicor > Mapping during import or export. A Backup Selected Tables option has been added, which enables
you to select the specific mapping tables to export.

Enhanced Synchronization Request Messaging (Prophet 21 Only)

If using Prophet 21, you can now specify that Epicor Commerce Connect should automatically send Synchronization
Request (SYN) messages on a regular basis.
Note Specifying if SYN messages should automatically be sent is only required for Prophet 21; for all other
ERP interfaces, scheduling of SYN messaging is not required.
To enable automatic SYN messages:
Access Epicor > Messaging > Request Messages.
Select the SYN Sync Request message.
Set the Autosyn Enabled flag to Yes.
After setting the Autosyn Enabled flag to Yes, use the following fields to further define how this function
should operate:
Use Advanced Options to specify if the Upload Message field should list message areas or specific messages
that can be synchronized. Select Yes to automatically synchronize message areas, or No to automatically
synchronize actual messages.
Upload Messages displays the messages or message areas (depending on the setting of the Advanced
Options field above) that can be automatically synchronized. Select the specific messages or message areas
that should be automatically synchronized.



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Language displays all languages that are in use in ECC. Select the languages that should be automatically
Date From displays the date that the last automatic synchronization was carried out; ECC uses this date as
the <syncronize from> date that is sent in the SYN message.
Note When setting up Autosyn options for the first time, it is blank. Every time ECC performs the
automatic synchronization, it updates the displays date. Epicor recommends that you do not manually
update this date.
Use the Frequency Value and Frequency Unit fields to specify, in seconds, minutes, hours or days, how
frequently ECC should perform the automatic synchronization.

Epicor Payment Method Force Billing Address

Using the new Force Billing Address check box, located on the System > Configuration > Payment Methods
> Epicor Payment Module page in the Admin Panel, you can specify that the associated billing address cannot
be changed.

Epicor Skin Modifications

The Epicor Skin has been modified so that the Welcome message occupies only 20% of available space and the
Quick Links block occupies 80%, so when there is something in both the wishlist and the cart, the Quick Links
block does not wrap, This modification affects new installations only; existing installations are unaffected.

Epicor Theme Stock Level Display

The standard Epicor theme has been modified to display stock level information. This modification affects new
installations only; existing installations are unaffected.

Extended Search Capabilities

When you perform a search, the results are always sorted by relevance, using the weighting that is defined against
the various attributes used in the search. A new facility has been added than enables you to define the order in
which the results are displayed within relevance.
For example, you can designate that search results be defined by Default Group Position within relevance. It is
now possible to specify that both Boolean and Text Product Attributes can be used in Layered Navigation.

FAQ Footer Links Support

A new FAQ link has been added to the footer links in ECC sites. This allows users to access Frequently Asked
Question pages you define and format in the Store View from within the Epicor > Manage FAQ page in the
Admin Panel.

GOR (Generate Order) Message Enhancements

Several enhancements have been made to GOR (Generate Order) messages.
The XML code for a GOR message now includes the contact email address for the customer.
If ECC receives a GOR message with a Status Code of '019' from the associated ERP system, it no longer
treats it as an ERP error. Instead, the offline order processing functions will re-send the message at a later



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Import/Export FlexiTheme Layouts

You can now import or export FlexiTheme layouts.

Login Landing Page Options

Using the new Login Options field in the System > Configuration > Customer Configuration page in the
Admin Panel, you can now specify the specific landing page that should display when a non-logged in customer
logs into an ECC site.
This can be a specific page, or the last page that was accessed by the customer. Formerly, only the Dashboard
displayed when a customer logged in.

Magento 1.9.0 Integration and Certification

Epicor Commerce Connect 1.0.3 has been integrated with, and certified to be fully operational with Magento
Release 1.9.0.

Messaging Reports Option

A new Messaging Reports option has been added to the Epicor > Messaging page in the Admin Panel. This
allows the response times of one or more messages to be plotted on a chart for a selected time period.

Multiple Product Category Support

ECC has been enhanced to support products that belong to multiple product categories in ERP.

No Default ERP Message Frequency

Using the new No Default ERP Message field, located on the System Configuration > Networking and
General page in the Admin Panel, you can now define the frequency with which the No default ERP Account
message displays.

Online Content Availability

Installation notes, releases notes and the Feature Summary document is now available online within ECC.

Quick Start Licensing Status Display

The Quick Start page has been modified to display the current licensing status.

Prophet 21 ERP Data Interface Support in ECC

Support has been added to Epicor Commerce Connect for the Epicor Prophet 21 product. As with other currently
supported ERP flavors you can now create a data synchronization interface with Prophet 21.

Send State Name or Abbreviation in Messaging

Using the new Send State/County/Province Name field, located on the Epicor > Messaging > Request
Messages > Global Options page, you can specify whether the state name (for example, California) or
abbreviation (CA) should be sent to ERP in the following types of messages:
CUAU - Customer Address Update



Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

Epicor Commerce Connect Feature Summary

CNC - Create New Customer

GOR - Generate Order Request
GQR - Generate Quote Request

SOU (Sales Order Update) Message Processing

ECC now rejects a SOU message that contains an order status that has not been mapped using the Epicor >
Mapping > Order Status function.

Synchronization Enhancements
The following enhancements have been made to ERP-CC synchronization processing:
When requesting a manual SYN (Synchronization Request) message, it is possible to select Full or Partial
Synchronization. Partial Synchronization requires selection of date from the date picker widget.
Based on ERP in use, ECC automatically detects which Upload Messages always perform full Synchronization.
When Full Synchronization takes place between the ERP host and ECC, ECC detects "mismatches", (records
that exist in ECC that were not uploaded by the ERP). When this occurs, an entry is automatically recorded
in a synchronization log, which allows for identification and purging of any mismatched records.

System and Error Log Viewing Options

New options have been added that enable viewing of system and error logs. These options are available from
Epicor > Advanced > System Logs and Epicor > Advanced > System Error Reports; however, they are
typically used only by your software support representative.



Additional information is available at the Education and

Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access
this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create an
account, go to

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