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EPICweb Customer

Portal User Guide

Version 1.0

This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change
without notice. This document and its contents, including the viewpoints,
dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as
of its date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no
guarantee, representations or warranties with regard to the enclosed
information and specifically disclaims any applicable implied warranties,
such as fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality
or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is likely to be
unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business
processes, users of this document are always advised to discuss the content
of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information
contained herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this
document since printing and other important information about the
software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged
to obtain the current release notes for the software product. We welcome
user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or make
improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this
publication at any time, without notice. The usage of any Epicor software
shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the
performance of any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be
pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Usage of the
solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third
party products may require the purchase of licenses for such other products.
Where any software is expressed to be compliant with local laws or
requirements in this document, such compliance is not a warranty and is
based solely on Epicor's current understanding of such laws and
requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying
interpretations as well as to change and accordingly Epicor cannot guarantee
that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All
statements of platform and product compatibility in this document shall be
considered individually in relation to the products referred to in the relevant
statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with
one product and also stated to be compatible with another product, it
should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatible with both
of the products running at the same time on the same platform or
environment. Additionally platform or product compatibility may require the
application of Epicor or third-party updates, patches and/or service packs
and Epicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be
caused by updates, patches and/or service packs released by third parties
after the date of publication of this document. Epicor is a registered
trademark and/or trademark of Epicor Software Corporation in the United
States, certain other countries and/or the EU. All other trademarks
mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Copyright Epicor
Software Corporation 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Epicor
Software Corporation.

EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Table of Contents
EPICweb Portal Access................................................................................................................................................1
The EPICweb URL .................................................................................................................................................1
WEB Domain ........................................................................................................................................................2
Log in to EPICweb from your Web Browser ...............................................................................................................4
Your First Attempt since before the EPICweb Upgrade.......................................................................................4
Pre- Account Migration Login with your old EPICweb Account .........................................................................4
Forgot your old EPICweb Account Name or Password? .....................................................................................4
Migrating your user account ................................................................................................................................6
Migration process: ..............................................................................................................................................6
Customers: Create an EPICweb Account Now ...........................................................................................................8
To Create an Account: ........................................................................................................................................9
To Reset Password:.......................................................................................................................................... 10
To Change Password: .........................................................................................................................................1
Why can't I log in to EPICweb? ...................................................................................................................................1
Credentials Manager............................................................................................................................................2
EPICweb Main Page: New Look and User Experience (UX) ........................................................................................4
The New Information Architecture of EPICweb .........................................................................................................5
Page Header Region ...................................................................................................................................................8
Primary Navigation Menus ..................................................................................................................................8
EPICweb Site Search.............................................................................................................................................9
Social Networking Icons .................................................................................................................................... 10
Left Navigation Region ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Common Green Bar Links ................................................................................................................................. 14
Contact Epicor ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Provide Feedback .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Submit a Support Call........................................................................................................................................ 15
Search Site......................................................................................................................................................... 15
User Resource Links per User Type ................................................................................................................... 15
Account Team Panel ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Call Summary Panel .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Maintenance Panel ........................................................................................................................................... 23
Page Main Body Region ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Primary Informational Banner .......................................................................................................................... 24
Tabbed Product Quick Access Bar..................................................................................................................... 24
Marketing Customer Focus Banner .................................................................................................................. 24
Rotating Announcements and News Blocks ..................................................................................................... 24
Page Footer - Legal Statements ........................................................................................................................ 25

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Version 1.0

Copyright Epicor Software Corporation


EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

EPICweb Portal Access

Accessing the Epicor Customer and Partner Portal, EPICweb, is done by specifying the proper URL to the
site and logging in with previously established your site credentials. As an Epicor Customer, you will
need to be registered in our Clientele CRM system by your Sales Account Team, and then have an
EPICweb Account created for you as an individual user (based on your company email address and your
companies assigned Site ID.


Using an HTTP link: HTTP://
This link should work but will be redirected to the secure HTTPS link HTTPS:// .
Using an HTTPS link: HTTPS://
This is the correct SSL Secured link to EPICweb, whether you are within the Epicor Corporate Network or
outside on the Public Internet.

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Depending upon the configuration settings in your browser, and the browser type and version you are
using, and the operating system running your computer, you could potentially experience problems
accessing EPICweb at this URL.

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If this occurs you can try using a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) or version if that is an option
available to you. Otherwise there are many possibilities as to why your browser cannot get to the
EPICweb website.

Some of the more common reasons are:

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Your currently open browser sessions are causing cached page data to be kept on
your computer. Closing all your browser sessions, related to EPICweb or not, then trying
to access the EPICweb link again, can often resolve the problem.
Browser History can be a cause too. Sometimes Deleting your Browser History can clear
this up.
Custom security settings in your browser can cause issues accessing the site. Resetting
you browser security to the default settings for the Internet can sometimes help resolve
this issue.
Check for Proxy and DNS settings that could be blocking the site. Setting this URL as an
exception to allow can sometimes resolve the issue.
If you have Add-ons installer in your browser, they can sometimes cause this type of
conflict, and disabling your browser add-ons can resolve this issue sometimes.

There are many more possibilities as well, and the best approach to resolution is to have your local IT
representative take a look at your particular issue, your client computer, youre your browser
configuration settings to see if they can quickly resolve your access issues for you. If you are still
experiencing issues contact Epicor Support at

WEB Domain

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To clarify a little more about EPICweb and the process for logging in to access the website, lets discuss
the WEB domain in which EPICweb is hosted and resides. The EPICweb website resides behind our
firewall in a Domain called WEB. This is a secured Domain, accessible to the outside internet, via
domain account login. Your EPICweb account is a domain account into Epicors WEB domain, and is
necessary for accessing the EPICweb website.

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When you are logged onto your computer you are always within either a local workgroup (which be
default is your computers name) of on a Network Domain (like within your company network). When
you try to log into a website in a secured domain other than where your computer is currently running,
you will always be prompted to login (with the exception of saving the URL and domain login
information in a local Credentials Manager on your computer).
This is why, when you open your browser to the HTTPS:// URL, you are prompted to
login. And very often that login prompt is pre populated with a login name your computer remembers
for you. Additionally, the Domain (shown below the Username and Password prompts in Internet
Explorer) will always default to your current network domain or local workgroup.

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Copyright Epicor Software Corporation


EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

As a result you will need to enter your EPICweb account name preceded by the WEB domain name and a
backslash (\), like this:

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Copyright Epicor Software Corporation


EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Log in to EPICweb from your Web Browser

Your First Attempt since before the EPICweb Upgrade
Pre- Account Migration Login with your old EPICweb Account

If you havent yet logged into the main EPICweb site since the upgrade of EPICweb, and therefore have
not yet migrated you old EPICweb account to the new EPICweb account format, you may experience a
few unfamiliar things when trying to login to EPICweb that first time.
Forgot your old EPICweb Account Name or Password?

If you had your EPICweb credentials stored in your computers Credential Manager or a similar security
tool, or if you just havent used your EPICweb login for a while, you may find that you cannot remember
your account name or the associated password. If this has happened to you, go to the page shown
below at the link where you can use these links to recover this
information and more:

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

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Once you are able to login to EPICweb ( with your pre-migration EPICweb
account, you will be immediately asked to migrate you account to the new EPICweb account format.
Follow the instructions given carefully, and you will receive a new EPICweb account name and password
in your email (at the email address you entered). Use this new account name and password to login
again. Be sure to remember to close all open browsers before trying to login to EPICweb with your new
EPICweb credentials. For more details on the EPICweb Account migration process see the next section
on Migrating your user account.

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Copyright Epicor Software Corporation


EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Migrating your user account

If you have an EPICweb account from before the recent (Jan 2014) EPICweb upgrade, please follow
these steps to migrate your account to the new EPICweb account format. If you have any problem,
please contact the support team at, copying the details in which step you are
getting the problem and print screens if possible. Note if you do not remember your password, you can
have it reset from here:
Migration process:
1. Close all your Web browser sessions.
2. Go to
3. Enter your old username and password (be sure to include web\ in front of your old

username, like web\jsmith , if jsmith was your old EPICweb account name.
4. Then presented with the page below, click the Migrate me now link button.

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5. Check your email for a message containing your user information from our CRM system

(Clientele) for you to review and confirm. There is no need to Reply to this mail. After
reviewing this email, if everything looks correct, click on the link button for Continue
Migrating your account.
6. After a minute or two, check your email again for an email with your new user name and
password. If you do not see either of these emails in your inbox, you may want to check
your Junk Mail folder too.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

7. You will receive an email like this:

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8. Close all your browser sessions completely, and log in to EPICweb from the EPICweb link in

your email notification. (Make sure youre using the WEB\ in front of your new username).

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

9. Once logged in you will see the new EPICweb home page.

Customers: Create
EPICweb Account Now
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If you are new to EPICweb Epicors Premier Customer and Partner Portal, you can go to the following
link to get EPICweb Portal Access:
then Click on the New User? link. Or you can go directly to this link to create a new EPICweb user

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Copyright Epicor Software Corporation


EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

To Create an Account:
1. Enter your e-mail address (which must be in our CRM system for this site ID).
2. You may optionally enter a company Site ID, if you have a parent company site and one
or more child company sites and you need a separate account for each of your child
site accounts.
3. Click the Verify Information button and an email will be sent to the email address
indicated above.

a. If you already have an account you will be instructed how to reset your password.
b. If your e-mail address is not in our system, you will get a message that your e-mail
address is not valid for the site ID - Please contact your Customer Account Manager
(CAM) or the Administrative contact for your company can add you.
c. If your information sent to your email was incorrect, please contact your CAM or Epicor
Support at
4. Do Not Reply to the email you receive to Verify your information Just visually review and
if all the information is correct in the email you received, you should proceed by
clicking the button Create EPICweb Account.

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a. If your account is created successfully, an e-mail will be sent to your e-mail

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address containing the username and password.

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Copyright Epicor Software Corporation


EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

To Reset Password:
1. Select Forgot Your Password? link
2. Enter your e-mail address (which must be in our system for this site ID).
3. You may optionally enter a company Site ID, if you have a parent company site and one
or more child company sites and you need a separate account for each of your child
site accounts.
4. Press the Reset button.
a. If your account is not found then you will be instructed to contact EPICweb
support by filling out a form.
b. If your password is successfully reset, an e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address

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containing the username and new password.

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Copyright Epicor Software Corporation


EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

To Change Password:
1. Select Change Your Password? link
2. Enter your WEB account Username. Note you do not need to prefix the WEB\ to the
3. Enter your Current Password.
4. Enter your New Password.
5. Re-enter to confirm your new Password.
a. You will see a message that your password has been changed and no e-mail will
be sent.

Why can't I log in to EPICweb?

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Assuming you have not made typing errors when entering your new EPICweb username and password,
the most common reason for difficulty logging in to EPICweb is due to cached EPICweb login credentials
due to open browser sessions on your computer.

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Be sure you close all your web browser sessions before you attempt to login with your new EPICweb
user credentials, regardless what is running in those browser sessions.

Also please make sure you are using web\ in front of your new EPICweb username.

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Copyright Epicor Software Corporation


EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

If your login dialog come up with a different login name or with something other than web\ in front of
your EPICweb username, choose the option below that one, to Use another account and enter your
EPICweb username with the web\ domain name in front of it, along with your new password.

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Credentials Manager

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After you make sure you closed all you browser sessions and entered you credentials correctly, if you
still cannot log in to EPICweb and are getting a blank screen after multiple login attempts, you can try
these steps to clear any of your credentials that may be saved into the Credentials Manager on your
Steps to clear your EPICweb credentials form the Credentials Manager:
1. Go to My Computer or Open an Explorer window.

2. Type Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Credential Manager to the address bar.

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Copyright Epicor Software Corporation


EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

3. Find your stored EPICweb credentials under and remove it from the

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4. Close down your all browser sessions and try to login to again.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

EPICweb Main Page:

New Look and User Experience (UX)

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

The New Information Architecture of EPICweb

The architecture of the new EPICweb main page is
To make the page easier to navigate by reducing the navigation choices and
information presented to simplify what you see and need to absorb, and then decide
what you want to do.
To present the information on the page focused to the role and interest of the
particular logged in user, you. As a customer you will see information a customer needs
and information about the products you specificatlly own:

Product tabs for each of your licensed products,

Customer Resources panel, with links to your Company/User specific information,

Account Team panel, with your Epicor Account Team members contact

Call Summary panel, with a summary of your companys Support Call status,

Maintenance panel, with the current license status for your owned products.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Breaking down the areas of the EPICweb home page further we have

The Page Header Region with

Primary Navigation Menus,

The Search Box,

A set of Social Networking Icons.

The Left Side Region with

Common EPICweb Green Bar Navigation Links,

Common User Resources tailored by user type,

User and page specific Informational Blocks and Links below.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

The Central Region and Main Area of the page with

The Primary Marketing Information Banner,

The User Role Focus Area which contains various lists or link groups per
user type,

A Marketing Customer Resource Focus Panel, with Protect, Extend,

Converge sections,

The Rotating EPICweb Info and Latest News Listings.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Page Header Region

Primary Navigation Menus
The Top level EPICweb navigation menu has changed slightly from the old EPICweb, primarily due to the
new Information Architecture and therefore a new philosophy around the menu navigation. This
philosophy is for a product oriented presentation of information. The menu changes accompany
changes in other areas of the main page, following this rule:
If it is product specific information being accessed then it will be available under selected product menu
or heading.
So, for many of the menu items you previously navigated to by functional, business area first (Support,
Documentation, Education, etc) and then selected the product you wanted the information on, now you
first select the product under the Products menu and then you select the functional, business area
you are interested in. For example, to get to Avante product updates, you would go to Products,
Avante, Updates.

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This will result in the Avante Products Announcements page filtered with results just for the Avante
product line. Note, in this case, you could still use the Resources menu to go to Product Updates, but
you would then need to filter the results down to only the product you are interested in, or wade
through all the product results to find the update you desired.
The rest of the Top level EPICweb menu Resources, Partners, Education, Services, Community,
Administration are intended to be a minimal set of non-product specific functional business menus,
as you are familiar with from the old EPICweb.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

You should note, you will only see the menus and sub-menu items that your user role and security
allows you to have access to. For example:
The Downloads menu item under the Products sub-menus, are only available to
Customers where they have current maintenance licenses for the product in question.
The Partners menu is only available to Partner users and Epicor employees
The Administration menu is only available to Epicor employees

EPICweb Site Search

The Search box for EPICweb is located above the Menus to the right side of the page, next to the Social
Networking icons.

This Search box is for EPICweb site-wide searching, and is the same as the Site Search available in the
left side Green Bars:

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It will return results for content and collateral for all areas of EPICweb that you have permissions
to access.
This should not be confused with the other functional areas referred by the Search word, such as:
Search for Customers
Search for People
Search for Calls
Super Search

These are technically reports rather than web site search features, but they allow you to search for and
find much more specific categories of information than the site wide search does.
There is also the Resource Library Search (under Resources menu) and the Service Resources Library
search box which are both more specific content search capabilities.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Social Networking Icons

Positioned at the top of the page, to the right of the Site Search Box, are the Social Networking icons
allowing you to connect with Epicor via:

LinkedIn Takes you to the Epicor Software LinkedIn site where you can review
the company and career possibilities with Epicor.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Google Plus Takes you to the Epicor Software Google site Posts page where you
can review and comment on posts and Follow Epicor Software.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Facebook Takes you to the Epicor Software Facebook page where you can
review Epicor Software Wall posts and add your Likes and comments.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Twitter Takes you to Epicor on Twitter so you can Follow Epicor

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Left Navigation Region

Common Green Bar Links

Contact Epicor

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This link will take you to the Contact page presenting easy contact information for:

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Your Customer Account Manager (CAM),

Epicor Support Escalations,
Other Business Areas emails,

Key Epicor regional office locations worldwide,

Provide Feedback
This presents you with a form intended for you to give feedback on the new design and layout of the
site, including your comments on what you think of the site changes or how you would like to see it
changed going forward. You can include comments on functionality what you would like to see added,
what you find not too effective to use, etc.
This link should not be used to:
Ask for assistance logging in to the site or migrating your EPICweb account.
Report difficulties using the site here you need immediate support.
Report errors or performance concerns you experience when using the site.
Contact or request assistance from your Customer Account Team

Issues accessing or using the site, website errors, website performance issues, or anything requiring
immediate support from Epicor support staff should be sent to

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Submit a Support Call

This link should continue to be used as it always has been, to submit a support call for any issue you
have in using an Epicor product, indicating the Product Line, Module, Version, and Options your need
support for. These Support Calls are routed to the Regional Customer Support team in your area.

Search Site
As previously discussed, this Search Site link allows you to conduct a full website wide search for
collateral or content you are interested in, matching your search criteria string entered into the
Search box.

Note you will not be able to access any content you do not have license or permissions to access.

User Resource Links per User Type

Customer Resources

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

As you can see, there are several links to available resources for the Customer:
My Contacts this link will take you to a page listing you organizations contacts.

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If you are your companys Administrative Contact then you will be able conduct
several activities from here, including:
1. Edit your Administrative Contact information.
2. Edit other Contacts in your organization.
3. Add new Contacts for your organization.
4. Create EPICweb accounts for contacts in your organization, if they do not yet have
5. Flag which Contacts for your company are No Longer with Organization so their
accounts and Clientele information can be disabled and removed.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

My Company Profile clicking the My Company Profile link displays your organizations
Profile information and allows the Administrative Contact an option to update.

My Education this link will take you to the Epicor University Class Schedule page
allowing you to search for Epicor training classes to sign-up for.

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If your Find A Course button is missing this usually indicates there is a problem with you
product maintenance status, or possibly some issue with your Education records. If this
occurs, contact EPICweb support at for assistance in clearing the issue.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Search Calls this link will take you to a page to generate filtered reports of the
Support Calls related to your organization.

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Search AnswerBooks this link will take you to a page allowing you to run a report
the Cleintele AnswerBooks, filtering by Product, Phrase, and Any or All Key Words. No

report is run by default for this case, due to the potentially excessive length of time to
run a
non-filtered report.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Search People this link will take you to a page to generate filtered reports of the
People registered with your organizations Site ID, listing their Name, their Title, their Role
within your organization, their contact Phone Number and Email Address.

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Search Tips this link will take you to a page allowing you to run a report against the
Tech Tips database, filtering by Product Platform and Module, Tech Tip number, Phrase,
and Any or All Key Words. No initial report is run by default for this case, due to the
potentially excessive length of time to run a non-filtered report.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Search CRs this link will take you to a page allowing you to run a report against the
Change Requests database, filtering by Product Platform, Module and Version, as well
as Action, Change Request number, Status, Phrase, and Any or All Key Words. No initial
report is run by default for this case, due to the potentially excessive length of time to
run a non-filtered report.

My Project Site this link will take you to your organizations Project Control Center
(PCC) site if one has been created for your company. Here is an example of a PCC site
(note that depending upon when your organizations PCC site was created, your site
layout may look different, as it may have been created from a different PCC Site

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Copyright Epicor Software Corporation


EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Account Team Panel

Your Epicor Account Team contact information if available will appear in the Account Team panel, just
below you Customer Resources panel. This will contain the name and phone number for each member
of your Epicor Account Team. Clicking on the name allows you to send an email to that contact as well.
The example below shows the Customer Account Manager, Channel Manager, and Sales Manager
contacts for this Account Team. Your Account team contacts will vary depending upon what data is
available from our application.

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Call Summary Panel

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The Call Summary panel shows a summary count of all your organizations Support Calls according to
their Status. If you click on any Status (i.e. Closed) a new window will display with a panel containing a
list of all the support calls, with that Status, for your organization.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

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From the list, clicking on any Call Number, will open a new window with the Call Details displayed.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Maintenance Panel
The Maintenance Panel will display current Product License information for the Epicor products your
organization has purchased. It will list out the Type of product and the current Maintenance Expiration
date we have on record for this product purchase.

This gives you a convenient visual reminder to your product license status without having to reference
other resources.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Page Main Body Region

Primary Informational Banner
This EPICweb site banner is used to present major initiatives and announcements to the EPICweb User
base. These rotating banners are all clickable to get to further detailed information on the topic
of interest.

Tabbed Product Quick Access Bar

This bar gives you quick access to the most used areas of the website with the content focused and
filtered, where possible, to the product of the tab you have selected. For instance, if you are on the
Epicor ERP 9 product tab and you click the Class Schedule link under the Education section, you will see
a page showing the class schedule list for available Epicor ERP 9 classes allowing you to use one click
from the main EPICweb homepage to see the applicable list of classes available for one of the products
you own no need to click on the Education menu at the top of the page, and select the Class Schedule,
then choose your product, to get to the classes you want to see. Instead, just its one click away!

Marketing Customer Focus Banner

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This banner is a place holder for a soon to be coming Marketing initiative to help you more easily find
collateral related to Protecting, Extending, and Converging you investment in Epicor products. This
banner will be enhanced in the near future to offer clickable areas for these initiatives.

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Rotating Announcements and News Blocks

These blocks give you quick access to many important Epicor Product and Event Announcements as well
as the latest news about recent events and important Epicor products and services offered to you.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

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Page Footer - Legal Statements


On the Footer area of the page you will find the standard links to the legal statements for Terms of Use
and Privacy Policy with regard to the website, as well as the Copyright Notice.

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EPICweb Customer Portal User Guide

Additional information is available at the Education and Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer
Portal. To access this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create an account, go to

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Corporate Office
804 Las Cimas Parkway
Austin, TX 78746
Toll Free: +1.888.448.2636
Version 1.0

Latin America and Caribbean

Blvd. Antonio L. Rodriguez #1882 Int.
Plaza Central, Col. Santa Mara
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, CP 64650
Phone: +52.81.1551.7100

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