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Advanced English

Irma Mokhtazar
What is a fragment?

What are the different types of fragments?

a. ______________________________________________________________
I cooked a bowl of instant noodles. Because I was hungry.
independent clause (IC)

dependent clause (DC)

*A dependent clause cannot stand on its own. It must be connected to an independent clause.
I cooked a bowl of instant noodles because I was hungry.

b. ______________________________________________________________
a. My friends shop online these days. Is easy and convenient.
My friends shop online these days. It is easy and convenient.

b. In my country have many beautiful beaches.

In my country there are beautiful beaches.

c. ______________________________________________________________
It cheaper for companies to sell online because they dont have the high overhead of a retail
It is cheaper for companies to sell online because they do not have the high overhead of a
retail store.

Advanced English
Irma Mokhtazar
d. ______________________________________________________________
You can buy almost anything online. For example, food, automobiles, books, clothes and air
You can buy almost anything online. For example, you can buy food, automobiles, books,
clothes and air tickets.

e. ______________________________________________________________
It is possible that we will do most of our shopping online in the future. Without having to travel
to a store.

a. Connect the ing phrase to an independent clause

It is possible that we will do most of our shopping online in the future Without without having
to travel to a store.

b. Re-write the ing phrase to make it a complete sentence with a subject and a verb.
It is possible that we will do most of our shopping online in the future. Without having We
wont have to travel to a store.

Part I
Identify the type of fragments below. Correct each one.
1. If you go on a vacation, you can do many things to relax. Spa and sip cocktails on the beach.
2. Homer gazed intently through the telescope. Hoping to catch a glimpse of the meteor.
3. Ethnology the comparative study of contemporary cultures, wherever they may be found.
4. He will still attend the party. Even though he knows he is going to be late.
5. My son is very friendly. Talks to strangers too, which makes me very uncomfortable.

Advanced English
Irma Mokhtazar
Part II
Each word group in the paragraph below is numbered. Write C if a word group is a complete sentence;
write F if it is a fragment.
1. Im starting to think that there is no safe place left for me to ride a bicycle. 2. When I try to
ride on the highway. 3. I feel like a rabbit being pursued by predators. 4. Drivers past me at high
speeds. 5. As if to see how close they can get to my bike without actually killing me. 6. When they pull
onto the shoulder of the road or make a right turn. 7. Drivers completely my vehicle. 8. On city streets,
I feel more like a cockroach than a rabbit. 9. In the city despise bicycles. 10. Regardless of an
approaching bike rider, street-side car doors will unexpectedly open. 11. Frustrated drivers who are
stuck in traffic will make nasty comments. 12. Or shout out obscene propositions. 13. On top of that,
pedestrians in the city also show their disregard for me. 14. While jaywalking across the street. 15. The
pedestrian will treat me, a law-abiding bicyclist, to a withering look of disdain. 16. Pedestrians may even
cross my path deliberately. 17. As if to prove their higher position in the pecking order of the city
streets. 18. Today, bicycling can be hazardous to the riders health.

Part III
Re-write the paragraph above to make it more grammatical.

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