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Your best/worst day at school

Year 9 students (Jablonna)

My worst day at hopeless. Next lesson was Polish language

school with Mrs. Jędryczka.

by Stachowicz Natalia I forgot the test we had, I got 1, and the

teacher started talking about Tuesday when I
Monday started very skipped chemistry. That day was real bad
awfully .I always get up because she phoned my parents... it was
at 6 a.m. ,but this day I awful !
woke-up at 9 a.m., because I forgot to set
my alarm clock .
I arrived late for school and my form tutor WE ARE HERE TO
was very angry with me. It was a Polish TAKE YOU! - My worst
lesson and my teacher gave our tests back. I day at school ever.
was depressed, when I got my exam. I got a by Doleżych Maria –
bad mark-2. I thought that I wrote it very
That day seemed to be just
well. The next subject was biology. When
a normal, typical Friday.
we walked into the class we noticed that
Birds were singing, flowers smelled nicely,
teacher was nervous. At first she didn’t say
somewhere else a cat was meowing
anything. She checked the attendance and
she told us that we had a small test .We were
shocked. I hadn’t studied the last and I wrote I went to school with great humour – it was
nothing on the test. I was very angry with last day of that school week, I had
myself because I hadn’t revised before the interesting plans for the weekend and
test. I went out of the classroom, because I everything seemed to be beautiful.
had a break. I went to the changing room. I In German lesson, which was my second
got my tracksuit. During our PE lesson we one, everybody was having a great time.
practiced very hard. Our teacher admonished There was a lot of laughter and fooling
us all the time. We were very tired after this around – even our teacher was telling jokes.
lesson. We still had math. The teacher gave Suddenly, after our last ‘laugh-explosion’,
us a difficult exercise which we had to do. I the building started to shake and there were
was tired and I couldn’t concentrate on the some heavy voices coming from outside.
exercise. Some students started to laugh louder, but I
When I went back home I was depressed. I started to feel frightenedl. The teacher told
noticed that I had a lot of homework. I was us to stay in the classroom and she went to
doing my homework till late. I was tired, check what was happening. After ten
depressed, and sad and I went to sleep. It minutes she hadn’t come back. Nobody
was the worst day of my life. seemed to be worried, but I was – shivers
gained on power-. I told Gabi, my friend,
“I’m going to the toilet. When I went outside
The worst day the classroom the hall was empty. I took the
at school fire extinguisher with me and I went to
check all classrooms. All different classes
by Mikulski were empty too. I stood close to the opened
Mateusz window and I couldn’t believe my eyes –
It was Thursday, there was a big flying saucer on our
when Mrs. Grzyb at playground! Some aliens were talking and
first lesson told us to deliberating, others were putting my school
write about the mates into the big saucer. I heard some of
worst day in school. I had no idea which day their talk:
to write about, all days at school are
Your best/worst day at school
Year 9 students (Jablonna)

‘’ Ok, boss. All classes are here, there’s got a bad mark and that my grade at the end
only one left – 3rd A.’’ ‘’So, you’d better go of the year would be lower. But I got a 5!
and bring them here or I’ll beat you and you The best mark I could ever get! I was very
don’t want to discover what I mean!’’ happy then. But it was only a start of the
I felt like I was an actress in some B-class
movie from the 80’s. But I was also really At Physics and Biology I got good marks for
scared! I decided to wait and hit the invader the homework, that led to my good grades at
with my weapon. I knew I didn’t have got the end of the year.
much time. I ran upstairs, straight to my At the end of the day I had Polish language
classroom. I told them what was happening. class. I expected that my class master would
They didn’t want to believe me, but they had ask me to write a grammar test. But I really
to believe the UFO landed on the hated it and I was very scared of that lesson.
playground. We ran fast to the gym where
there was a back exit. We got quickly to the So, when the lesson started and my teacher
closest forest and started to wait. After four opened the class register and started asking I
hours we were found by the police. They stopped breathing. I was thinking about how
told us that European Cosmic Guards flew to great this day had been until then. Then my
the Cosmos to find our friends. teacher read my end of year grade. It was 5!
Without asking me anything! I was very
After three weeks our mates were found. It very happy!
happened that the aliens wanted to celebrate
a big party, so they kidnapped some That day I got my bests grades!
creatures from all planets in the galaxy.
I’m happy that everything had a happy end,
but it was still my worst day at school ever!

My worst day at
My best day at by Napiórkowski Adam
It was my worst day in my
by Dudzińska school life. Like everyday
Aleksandra morning I came to the bus
I would like to tell stop, but the bus had already left. I had to go
you about my best on foot, and then it started raining.
day at school. When I arrived at school, all my clothes
It was in June last year. The end of the were wet. My first lesson was Physics, we
school year was coming up and I (probably were supposed to have a test, I forgot all
like all of you) was trying to get as good about it. I didn't write anything. Later I
marks as I could. found an open juice in my school bag, and
all my books were destroyed. It couldn't be
When I arrived at school my friend told me worse.
about the chemistry test.
I was about to leave school, when my jacket
I panicked! I hadn’t studied this subject, disappeared and I couldn't find it. I knew I
because I was sure that the test was the next lost it. I went back home and I was in bad
week. mood till the end of the day.
I started to study. I'm not very bad at
chemistry and with some help from my
friends I passed the test. I thought that I had
Your best/worst day at school
Year 9 students (Jablonna)

My worst day at school Friday 13 was the best day of my life.

by Koniecka Agata
It was rainy Monday. I was twelve. I hate
getting up early in the morning! That day I
woke up at 9 o’clock. I ran all the way to the
bus stop, when suddenly I fell down at the The best day at school
bus stop! It was really embarrassing. People by Czekirda Gabriela
looked at me, like at an idiot. When I arrived
at school (at last), I couldn’t find my It was in my 1st class at
classroom. A janitor shouted at me: "what this school. We had a
are you doing here in the middle of the School Day. We didn't
hall?!". I was terrified because at that have lessons!
moment my classmates were doing a very Older students prepared some nice things-
difficult exam. So what would I do? When I films, plays, talent competition and a
got to my class I started the test: It was photography gallery. I liked it!
My older friends played a volleyball match
In P.E lesson we were playing volleyball. It against the teachers. We had so much fun
was a nice game provided that you don’t and the students won!
break your finger, something I did. It was
worse than ever. My mother arrived at Next I with my friends went to the talent
school and together we went to the hospital. competition. Some students danced and
I’ll never forget that day. sang. They are so gifted! After that I went
with my friends to the photography gallery.
When I saw the photos I decided to take up
My best day at photography. When I was coming back
home from school with my friends we were
school singing on the bus! That was so funny.
by Wasilewska Ewa That day was the best in our school for me.
This is a short story
about my best day at
school. smile
It was Friday, November the 13th. That day I
had a test, but I hadn’t studied for it. I was
very tired.
At the school I had two different tests. It was
the end of my life. After four lessons I had a
chemistry test, and that was the hardest. We
went to the class and waited for the teacher.
It happened that our teacher was sick, and
she didn't go to school. I was very happy
because I didn't have to write a test then.
Because of my happiness I ran out of class.
Accidentally I ran into a boy who was there,
and I felt on the floor. He helped me to get
up, and told me his name. He was very
handsome. He had beautiful blue eyes, …
After this we started to date. Now we are
going out together.

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