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Over 300 customers in 50 countries

It is UNILABs software suitable for companies in the HVAC industry which need to select and estimate the fancoil unit.
UNILAB FANCOILS SELECTOR also provides the possibility to calculate a single unit or select it from a range, based on
a required capacity. A thermodynamic calculation is executed, according to the parameters inserted and using the calculation engine of our software UNILAB COILS for the coils calculation.
UNILAB FANCOILS SELECTOR allows you to work both in selection and in verify. In the selection mode, the user can
select a range of units while in verify mode it is possible to select only a single unit. During the calculation, it is possible
to force the software to always use the nominal air flow or balance point. It is possible to calculate the noise from the
curve of the fan.
The user manages their data efficiently using UNILAB FANCOILS GENERAL MANAGEMENT tool.
The program and the final report include technical data, performance data and dimensional
drawings. First, a detailed print preview is displayed, which shows the noise and the data of
the engine. It is customizable, including the
header and the logo of your company.
Optional module:
COMMERCIAL LICENSES: for the Sales Department, which includes the SELECTION
Module. Available packages of 25, 50, 100
that do not include the UNILAB FANCOILS

Calculation in selection & verify
Heating, cooling: pure water / water mixture and direct expansion
Calculation through the nominal air flow or through the balance with the fan
Possibility to specify the usage of a tolerance margin (in positive or in negative) for required capacity
Calculation using the fluid flow or the fluid thermal difference
Calculation of the balance point between the fan curves and the internal pressure drop (heat exchangers, filters, etc)
Calculation of the noise, the absorbed current and the absorbed capacity at the operating point of the
fan curve
Possibility to modify the fin pitches, manifolds material and recalculate the unit
Possibility to filter units in selection mode:
- according to series and models
- according to coil typology (cooling or heating)
- according to a maximum noise
- according to fan speed and the fin type
After the unit selection or verify, the software allows you to select certain accessories linked to the unit
Possibility to print and to export in excel file the grid of the models selected
Available only for the technical license
Archive of materials, tubes, fins, manifolds, geometries, fans and accessories
Possibility to insert, set, edit and erase materials, dimensions, prices, weights, other information:
- geometries
- coils
- fans
- units (series, velocities, typologies)
- accessories and relationships unit-accessories
- drawings and images
Fluid properties Pure and mixtures liquids (in heating and cooling modalities)
Possibility to choose the currency
Unit of
Possibility to choose SI or Imperial System
Possibility to see a print preview of the selected and configured unit
Summary Printout
Detailed Printout
Possibility to export printouts in PDF format
Possibility to modify the language directly in the printout
Catalogue generation exportable in Excel format
Possibility to generate, save and restore offers
Offers archive
Possibility to create multiple offers, with different selections, which can be saved in one single file in
PDF format
Possibility to export offers in PDF format
Possibility to set, edit and erase the customers data
Possibility to load unit data by UNILAB, on demand, under quotation
Upload of
series by
Consignation of the technical data in digital format, preferably Excel file, according to the instructions
provided by UNILAB
Logo and company data linked to the main brand of the company
Customization Graphic interface according to the customers requirements
Printout layout according to the customers requirements
Possibility to order on demand, with additional cost, packages of commercial licenses (25, 50 and 100)
and the possibility to enable different activations levels for end users
Italian and English. Other languages on request, with additional cost. Unicode support for non Latin
Only to customers with regular subscription of maintenance contract. Automatic renewal. The contract
covers maximum of n 3 technical licenses
Digital downloadAn internet connection is required for both installation and activation. Further access
to the internet connection may be required while using the software
Operating System Microsoft Windows Vista, 7 and 8, 32 or 64 bits
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Unilab Srl - Via Nino Bixio, 6 35131 Padova, Italy

Tel: +39 (0)49 8763311 Fax: +39 (0)49 8750196 - VAT no.: IT01334900287
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