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March 15, 2009

Volume I, Issue 4

Inside this issue:

Longevity Markets 2

Trade Data 3

Insurable Interest 4

Yield to LE 5

Longevity Market 8 Trade Report


Credit Watch 9
Longevity Markets Commentary 25 23
Investment in any asset class re-
quires the investor to understand as best as 20
possible both the reward and the risk of a 15 14
potential investment. Anytime you have an 15
Editor & Publisher emerging market, which is how we would
Brian C. Dorr classify life settlements, you have to be 10 8
Contributing Editors aware of the risks that are known and accept
Anne K. Zand that the probability of unknown risks yet to 5
Keith M. Feldman be discovered is high. One of the goal’s of
Carline B. Gele this publication is to help highlight risk as it 0
relates to life settlements and hopefully to Feb.       Feb.       Feb.      Feb.     
Managing Editor and steer market participants around those risks
Writer 2‐6 9‐13 16‐20 23‐27
so they may make more informed invest-
David C. Dorr ment decisions. In this month’s Trade Re-
port we focus on some of the legal risks that Total Policies Closed and Funded
data is published monthly relate to our market such as determining
on the fifteenth of each insurable interest and vetting new programs domicile, or situs will usually but not always
month. Subscription rate that involve the beneficial interests of trusts determine the regulation that will apply to the
is $250 per month or that own life insurance policies. We will transaction. If the state is a regulated state
$2,750 for the whole year. discuss momentarily some of the confusion than most often a licensed life settlement
No data herein should be that surrounds beneficial interest trades and provider will have to be a party to the transac-
construed to be recom- in addition we have a special section with an tion. Additionally as the policy is sold from
mendations to purchase, update on relevant court decisions that in- the current owner to the provider a change of
retain, or sell securities, or volve insurable interest that has been written ownership and beneficiary form must be filed
to provide investment by Dan Passage and Francisco Flores, both with the carrier. This type of transaction re-
advice of the companies of O’Melveny & Myers LLP. Insurable in- quires licensing, time, and involves the car-
mentioned or advertised. terest is of course the cornerstone upon rier’s participation or perhaps more accurately
No fees are accepted for which many life settlement investment deci- the carriers cooperation.
publishing any editorial
sions are determined so it is timely to cover A beneficial interest trade is struc-
information. LIFE-
this topic as we enter a year where more turally much more elegant. In a beneficial
EXCHANGE, its subsidi-
aries, and its employees premium finance and beneficial interest pro- interest transaction the policy is owned by a
may, from time to time, grams than ever before will require vetting trust usually with a situs in a non regulated
purchase, own, or sell as they enter the market for sale in 2009. state like Delaware. Delaware in particular
securities or other invest- For those not familiar with benefi- also has favorable trust laws as it relates to
ment products of the cial interest trades a quick primer is in order. insurable interest.
companies discussed or A plain vanilla life settlement transaction
advertised in this publica- involves the sale of a policy from an individ-
tion. ual, a corporation, or a trust. As most par-
ticipants are aware the state of residence, Continued on Next Page

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc. All rights reserved.

Page 2

Longevity Markets Commentary Cont.

Rather than transfer the Well after much thought (or outright solicited insured to put poli-
ownership of the policy from the maybe not enough thought) the invest- cies in force for the sole purpose of a
trust to the new owner the beneficial ment banks and hedge funds felt that sale. This is what kicked off the
interests in the trust are sold instead. all these factors could be properly STOLI controversy. Unfortunately
Since the trust rather than the policy mitigated and if so it would allow them other errors were made such as re-
is being effectively sold there is no to buy policies that had been issued viewing whether or not the insured
need to file change of ownership less than 24 months and thus achieve could properly justify the amount of
and beneficiary forms with the car- an IRR 300-500bps higher than the face value they were having issued on
rier. This speeds up the transaction regular market. Here is how their the- them. This one factor alone has con-
and keeps it more private. So struc- ory worked. First statistically high net tributed to an entire New York City
turally this makes a lot of sense but worth seniors do not often commit zip code being banned by several life
there are of course some drawbacks. suicide so the risk of suicide within 24 settlement buyers because of financial
One such drawback was the way in months of issuance was extremely misrepresentations by the insured and
which this technique was pushed to slim. Second medical fraud was rather their agents. All that said there are
the limit. easy to detect because although an numerous portfolios of beneficial
What happened was a insured may lie on a carrier application interests that are available in the mar-
clever investment bank and several to appear healthier than possible when ket and no two portfolios are exactly
hedge funds started looking at the it comes to a life settlement they want alike. The portfolios present oppor-
legal risks of their life settlement to appear as unhealthy as possible so tunities and land mines. Just like in
investments, in particular as it re- discrepancies are usually picked up the premium finance market where
lated to insurable interest risk, and quickly. Last but not least, if insurable we have seen programs range from
the contestability and suicide period interest is essentially a risk pre and excellent legal structures to question-
which usually exists for the first two post the 24 month mark then you able legal structures the same exists
years after a policy is issued. What might as well be compensated with with beneficial interest portfolios.
they discovered was a rather unique higher IRR’s buy purchasing policies The devil is in the details and funds
misconception held by the majority pre 24 months. The problem in this enticed by IRR’s and looking to
of the life settlement market. First rationale was not that it was necessarily gather large blocks of policies should
they discovered that if a carrier felt incorrect but that it took these as- be encouraged to retain experienced
there was an issue with insurable sumptions to extremes and overlooked legal counsel to do proper due dili-
interest they could challenge the some other important transactional gence on these portfolios to mitigate
original issuance of the policy and elements. To visualize this error in their risk and maximize their reward.
potentially rescind it. Many market thinking take a look at the chart on
participants have mistakenly be- this page. The thought basically was
lieved that past the 24 month mark hey if we are
you’re completely safe from a carrier comfortable
rescission. Turns out this is not the buying at 18
case. The second thing they looked months why not
at was the C&S period. If someone 12 months?
claims they are not a smoker and it And then ulti-
turns out they are and the carrier mately why not
catches it within the C&S period the the day after it
carrier may rescind. Everyone is was put in force?
aware of this. And last but not least J u s t
if the insured commits suicide like anything else
within the first two years of policy some funds ac-
issuance the death claim will likely tually crossed
be denied. Everyone knows this too. the limit and

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 3

Number of Avg Purchase

Cases Gender Avg Age of Avg Cash Suren- Price as % of
State Closed Male Female Insured Total Face Value Avg Face Value der Value Face
Alabama 2 1 1 75 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $45,625 13.2%
Alaska 0
Arizona 0
Arkansas 1 1 0 77 $800,000 $800,000 $0 15.4%
California 5 3 2 76 $10,500,000 $2,100,000 $38,704 11.8%
Colorado 0
Connecticut 2 1 1 75 $2,500,000 $1,250,000 $64,250 15.1%
Dist. of Columbia 2 1 1 73 $16,000,000 $8,000,000 $0 4.9%
Florida 8 4 4 74 $18,250,000 $2,281,250 $103,545 13.3%
Georgia 2 2 0 71 $16,000,000 $8,000,000 $32,000 8.1%
Hawaii 0
Trade Data February 2009

Illinois 3 1 2 79 $3,000,000 $1,000,000 $46,242 18.1%
Indiana 0
Iowa 2 1 1 80 $1,500,000 $750,000 $9,872 23.5%
Kansas 1 1 0 77 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 15.0%
Kentucky 0
Louisiana 0
Maine 0
Maryland 4 4 0 77 $14,500,000 $3,625,000 $218,082 15.7%
Massachusetts 2 1 1 75 $1,150,000 $575,000 $21,925 14.9%
Michigan 2 2 0 75 $2,500,000 $1,250,000 $23,546 13.1%
Minnesota 1 1 0 76 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $72,350 11.0%
Mississippi 0
Missouri 1 0 1 72 $750,000 $750,000 $0 12.0%
Montana 0
Nebraska 0
Nevada 0
New Hampshire 0
New Jersey 4 3 1 75 $6,000,000 $1,500,000 $18,746 17.5%
New Mexico 0
New York 4 2 2 79 $9,000,000 $2,250,000 $81,909 20.7%
North Carolina 0
North Dakota 0
Ohio 0
Oklahoma 0
Oregon 1 1 0 82 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 28.0%
Pennsylvania 2 2 0 77 $18,000,000 $9,000,000 $316,632 7.5%
Peuerto Rico 0
Rhode Island 0
South Carolina 1 1 0 78 $800,000 $800,000 $2,336 10.0%
South Dakota 3 2 1 80 $10,000,000 $3,333,333 $51,640 14.2%
Tennessee 2 1 1 74 $1,800,000 $900,000 $0 10.0%
Texas 2 2 0 75 $200,000 $1,000,000 $124,971 21.7%
Utah 0
Vermont 0
Virginia 0
Washington 3 2 1 78 $4,000,000 $1,333,333 $18,021 17.4%
West Virginia 0
Wisconsin 0
Wyoming 0
Totals 60 40 20 76.25 $147,250,000 $59,497,916 $1,290,396 14.7%
Note- All gray highlighted rows are non-regulated states. The information contained herein is made available to the public by Life-Exchange,
Page 4

Insurable Interest Update

Daniel F. Passage, Partner, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
Francisco Flores, Counsel, O’Melveny & Myers LLP

A number of recent judicial it], we agree with the district court that life settlement, viatical or secondary
decisions have been rendered in Moore had an insurable interest when market provider” and (ii) there was
cases involving carrier efforts to he obtained it, preventing the policy lack of insurable interest in the policy.
rescind policies. We focus on four from being void ab initio.” The court The policy owners had requested
of these decisions because of what stated that Moore’s unilateral intent to summary judgment on the grounds
they tell us about the development sell did not defeat his insurable interest that (i) the insurer had only alleged
of the insurable interest doctrine, “where ‘[t]here is no evidence that “intent to sell” (had not alleged that
material misrepresentations suffi- anyone other than Moore was a par- an actual arrangement to sell was in
cient to rescind or void a policy and ticipant in the scheme at the time place) and that as a matter of law the
issues ahead for insurance compa- Moore obtained the First Penn policy” mere unilateral intent to sell does not
nies that are over-zealous in their and characterized this principle as the invalidate an otherwise valid insurable
efforts to rescind policies. rule being followed by a majority of interest and (ii) it cannot be a material
courts. This case represents an impor- misrepresentation to conceal one’s
First Penn-Pacific Life v. Evans
tant affirmation of the principle ex- intent to exercise lawful rights (e.g. to
In an unpublished Febru- pressed in the Sun Life v. Paulson case eventually sell a policy, since life set-
ary 26 decision, the U.S. Court of by a federal district court in Minnesota tlements are a lawful activity). The
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit af- and in the Life Products v. Angel by a court denied this motion for sum-
firmed a lower court’s grant of sum- federal district court in New York. We mary judgment. Stating that this was
mary judgment in favor of a policy expect that this principle really is and an issue of first impression for the
owner (and against rescission), rul- will be the majority rule as cases are courts of the Third Circuit and the
ing that the “[insured/original decided nationwide. State of New Jersey, and after consid-
owner - Stanley Moore - who had ering the Paulson and Angel deci-
First Penn-Pacific Life Ins. Co. v. William
settled the policy] had an insurable sions, this court ruled that it was pre-
R. Evans, Chtd., Case No. 07-2020 (4th
interest under Arizona law despite mature to dismiss the complaint on
Cir. Feb. 26, 2009), on appeal from
his plan ‘to sell all or most of his life summary judgment because the in-
Case No. 1:05-cv-00444-AMD, 2007
insurance policies at the time he surer in fact had alleged that at the
U.S. Dist. LEXIS 45112 (D. Md. June
applied for them.’” The court time the policy was issued the insured
21, 2007).
treated as undisputed fact that Mr. both intended to sell and had “either
Moore set out to defraud the viatical contracted or arranged to sell the
settlement industry by buying multi- policy to a third party investor.” The
Lincoln National v. Calhoun court also noted that important policy
ple policies then reselling them while
claiming to be terminally ill, and that On January 27, the Federal questions were at stake in the issue
Mr. Moore made material misrepre- District Court for the District of New whether unilateral intent is sufficient
sentations to the insurer by not dis- Jersey denied the request of policy or whether mutual intent (i.e. agree-
closing his existing and pending owners for a motion to dismiss against ment or arrangement) is necessary for
other policies when he applied for rescission on insurable interest and rescission on insurable interest
the particular policy in question. material misrepresentation grounds. grounds to be appropriate.
Importantly, the insured did not The policy had been premium fi-
meet with settlement brokers until nanced. The insurer is seeking to re-
after (albeit shortly after) the issu- scind the policy, alleging that (i) the
ance of the life insurance policy in insured had made material misrepre-
question. The court ruled that sentations (by allegedly falsely answer-
“Despite Moore’s intent to transfer ing “no” to the question whether he Continued on Page 6
the policy [at the time he applied for had engaged in conversations with any

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 5

Yield to Life Expectancy

When we see policies traded in the secondary market we often see new buyers forget to take into account the
premium (in yield not payments to keep policies in force) that should be received for longer investment horizons i.e.
longer life expectancies. There are 4 reasons we think this should be taken into consideration. 1. The most obvious is
naturally the time value of money. 2. The historical trend of mortality improvements as evidenced by recent revisions
to the industry’s most widely used underwriting tables. 3. The credit risk that exists over longer periods vs. shorter
periods. 4. The currency risk associated with the long term potential decline of US dollar denominated contracts/
You can see by looking at the chart below that the yield curve flattens out in the longer life expectancy ranges.
Buyers active in the life settlement space also know that competition is limited in policies where insured’s have LE’s
beyond 14yrs so this would be an additional factor suggesting that the yield curve should steepen significantly from
where it currently is today.

Comparative Yields to Life-Expectancy Chart

February 2009 Comparitive Yields‐to‐life‐expectancy




12 21st Services


As expected the EMSI trend line has moved down to be more inline with the rest of the life expectancy com-
panies. IRR’s on each of the other LE companies have not changed this month. We believe this is because the life set-
tlement industry is beginning to rebound from the credit crisis and LE table changes that occurred at the end of 2008.
It seems as if the market has corrected to a degree and investors are comfortable with the new guidelines. In the future
we expect the average IRR to decrease across the board however We don’t believe that will happen until more capital is
allocated to the purchasing side and the life settlement industry gradually moves back to a sellers market.

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 6

Insurable Interest Update

Daniel F. Passage, Partner, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
Francisco Flores, Counsel, O’Melveny & Myers LLP

Continued from Page 4 courts will make much of this court’s insured’s actual financial condition.
odd disposition of that motion to dis- In addition, the court determined that
As mentioned on the last
miss. language in the policy itself did not
page, our view is that the appropri-
limit the insurer’s statutory right to
ate test is “mutual intent”, and we
rescind the policy (the language did
view this court as having in fact Lincoln Nat’l Life Ins. Co. v. Calhoun,
not require the insurer to demon-
ruled as it did on the summary judg- Case No. 3:08-cv-02917-JAP-TJB,
strate it had actually relied on the
ment motion primarily because the 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 5948 (D.N.J.
misrepresented facts, as opposed to
insurer alleged that the discovery Jan 27, 2009). The authors note that
the facts being objectively relevant
process could or would result in the O’Melveny & Myers, LLP represents a
whether or not relied upon). Lastly,
production of evidence that a con- party in this action.
the court also concluded that because
tract or arrangement was in fact in
the misrepresentations were objec-
place. On what appears to us to be
American General v. Schoenthal tively material, there could not be a
faulty reasoning, the court denied
Family, LLC triable issue of fact as to whether the
the motion to dismiss the insurer’s
insurer had acted in bad faith in con-
rescission claim based on material On January 30, the Court of testing the claim - material misrepre-
misrepresentation. The court rea- Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit af- sentations are an inherently reason-
soned that since insurers can deny firmed a lower court grant of summary able basis for contest. In our view,
coverage based on misrepresenta- judgment in favor of an insurer seek- although on its face limited to inter-
tions about lawful conduct such as ing rescission on grounds that the in- pretation of Georgia law and a review
skydiving, then it may be reasonable sured made material misrepresenta- for abuse of discretion by the lower
for an insurance company to deny tions in his application for insurance court, this case is interesting for its
coverage based on intent at some regarding his net worth and annual precedential value in pending rescis-
future time to exercise the right to income. This judgment affirmed that, sion cases where this specific type of
sell the policy (the court incorrectly as a matter of Georgia law, misrepre- misrepresentation is alleged.
focused on the legality of the activi- sentations about net worth and income
ties at issue, failing to recognize the can be material to insurers. Under Am. Gen. Life Ins. Co. v. Schoenthal Family,
difference between legal activities Georgia law, the misrepresentation LLC, No. 08-10749 (11th Cir. Jan. 30,
that increase the risk of mortality must be “[m]aterial either to the accep- 2009), on appeal from Case No. 06-00695
versus legal activities that do not). -CV-1-WSD (N.D. Ga. June 15, 2007).
tance of the risk or to the hazard as-
The court also asserted that the pol- sumed by the insurer” and the test for
icy owner’s motion to dismiss had materiality is the “objective standard of Continued on Next Page...
misread the question at issue. The conduct of a prudent insurer, not a
court stated that the question was subjective standard about the actual
whether conversations with provid- conduct of American General.” This
ers had occurred and not about in- court noted that the district court had
tent to settle. It appears to us that considered two kinds of evidence in
the court somehow failed to under- establishing that misrepresentations
stand what insurers do - that discus- about net worth and income were ob-
sions with providers will rarely be jectively material, Swiss Re’s under-
about anything other than possible writing guidelines, which take net
settlement, and thus are interesting worth into account, and the testimony
precisely because such discussions of an expert witness to the effect that
can point to the issue of present no reasonable insurance company
intent to settle. We doubt other would issue this policy in light of the

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 7

Insurable Interest Update

Daniel F. Passage, Partner, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
Francisco Flores, Counsel, O’Melveny & Myers LLP

the insured during the contestability family and household use (not to
Upcoming Events period) on insurable interest grounds protect sophisticated parties with
constituted a “deceptive business prac- equal bargaining power). The ruling
03.22.2009-03.24.2009 tice” under New York General Busi- suggests to us that where an insurer
ACLI Financial and Investment ness Law Section 349. The court rescinds on insurable interest grounds
Roundtable in Amelia Island FL noted that most disputes between pol- just because the original policy owner
icy holders and insurance companies is a trust and/or has a premium fi-
are mere private contractual disputes nance product in place, but has not in
over the right to insurance proceeds, fact settled the policy, a Section 349
03.30.2009-04.01.2009 as opposed to being “consumer ori- claim may be successful. On the
ACLI Life Insurance Conference ented” (i.e. relating to broader prac- other hand, the ruling also suggests to
in Orlando FL tices of an insurer directed toward us that secondary market players
SEE EVENT consumers) and so not covered by should not assume that they will win
Section 349. a Section 349 claim on the merits,
since they are not the intended bene-
05.06.2009-05.08.2009 ficiaries of the protections of Section
However, an insurance car-
LISA 15th Annual Spring Confer- 349.
rier’s failure to pay under a standard-
ence in Time Square NY issue policy can constitute a violation
SEE EVENT of Section 349, because complaints Phoenix Life Ins. Co. v. Irwin Levinson Ins.
Trust II, Index No. 600985/2008 (N.Y.
about inappropriate denials of cover- Sup. Ct. Feb. 19, 2009).
age under standard-issue policies can
05.20.2009-05.21.2009 be complaints about issues that have a
The Dealflow Media Life Settle- broader impact on consumers at large.
ment Conference 2009 at Central If the insurer makes a practice of inor-
Hall Westminster, London dinately delaying and then denying a
SEE EVENT claim without reference to the viability
of that claim, or the denial is not an
isolated incident but rather a practice
that affects similarly situated insureds,
Fasano 6th Annual Life Settle- then a Section 349 claim can be stated.
ment Conference in Washington In the case at hand, the policy owner
DC submitted some evidence that Phoenix
SEE EVENT has sought rescission of a number of
policies on insurable interest grounds
where standard-issue life policies had
Continued from Page 6 been transferred in life settlements. In
Phoenix Life v. Levinson Trust addition, the court concluded that
policy owner had also sufficiently al-
On February 19, a Supreme Court leged that Phoenix’ pattern of attempt-
of the The State of New York de- ing to rescind settled policies com-
nied Phoenix’s motion to dismiss a prised a deceptive practice. The court
counterclaim raised by a policy cautioned that Section 349 is there for
owner that Phoenix’s efforts to re- the protection of persons who pur-
scind a policy (following death of chase goods and services for personal,

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 8

Longevity Market Spreads

This chart shows the relationship between 10yr life settlements* and a comparative index of 10yr investment grade
corporate bonds. There is a natural correlation between the two. The reason is that all life insurance contracts have an
inherent credit risk in them similar to corporate bonds. A life insurance contract is an obligation for a company to pay
a claim in the event of a death and should that carrier become insolvent then there is a risk that they may not be able to
meet that claim. See our Credit Watch section for more on this.

10yr Investment Grade Corporate Bond Yields







Feb‐08 Mar‐08 Apr‐08 May‐08 Jun‐08 Jul‐08 Aug‐08 Sep‐08 Oct‐08 Nov‐08 Dec‐08 Jan‐09 Feb‐09

10yr LS 10yr IG Corp 10yr IG Corp/10yr LS

*We use an equally weighted average of 10yr life expectancies with 150% mortality impairment at the 50th percentile
from AVS, Fasano, EMSI, 21st Services, and ISC.

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766
Page 9

Credit Watch
Credit Watch is a list of Life Insurance Carrier’s that have been placed on “Credit Watch” by the underlining
Rating Agencies. Credit Watch is when an Insurance Carrier has been downgraded or is being watched for possible
downgrade. The Ratings listed below are the latest data from the two rating agencies. All ratings listed can found on the
public Web site of the underlining rating agencies. This information is the most accurate at the time of publication.

IC R - BEST IC R - S&P State of

Insurance C arrie r Long Te rm Long Te rm FSR - BEST FSR - S&P Domicile
AIG Life Insurance Co a/Negative A+/Negative/-- A/Negative A+/Negative/-- DE
Beneficial Life Insurance Co a/Negative A/Negative/A-1 A/Negative A/Negative/-- UT
CIGNA Life Insurance Co of NY a/Negative A/Negative NY
Cincinnati Life Insurance Co a+/Stable A+/Negative/-- A/Stable A+/Negative/-- OH
Connecticut General Life Ins Co a/Negative A/Negative/-- A/Negative A/Negative/-- CT
Constitution Life Insurance Co bbb-/Stable B+/Stable TX
Farm Bureau Life Insurance Co bbb+/Negative A-/Negative/-- B++/Negative A-/Negative/-- IA
FBL Financial Group Inc bb/Negative BBB-/Negative/-- NR/--/-- IA
First Central National Life Ins Co of NY aa-/Negative A+/Negative NY
First SunAmerica Life Insurance Co a/Negative A+/Negative/-- A/Negative A+/Negative/-- NY
General Fidelity Life Insurance Co a-/Negative A-/Negative SC
Genworth Life and Annuity Ins Co a/Negative AA-/Stable/A-1 A/Negative AA-/Stable/A-1 VA
Genworth Life Insurance Co a/Negative AA-/Stable/A-1 A/Negative AA-/Stable/-- DE
Genworth Life Insurance Co of NY a/Negative A/Stable/-- A/Negative A/Stable/-- NY
Hartford Life and Accident Ins Co a+/Negative A/Negative/-- A/Negative A/Negative/-- CT
Hartford Life and Annuity Ins Co a+/Negative A/Negative/-- A/Negative A/Negative/-- CT
Hartford Life Inc bbb+/Negative BBB/Negative/A-2 CT
Hartford Life Insurance Company a+/Negative A/Negative/A-1 A/Negative A/Negative/A-1 CT
Humana Ins of Puerto Rico Inc bbb-/Negative B+/Negative PR
Liberty Union Life Assurance Co bb/Negative B/Negative MI
Reassure America Life Insurance Co a+/Stable A/Stable IN
Security Benefit Life Insurance Co bb/Negative BB/Negative/B B/Negative BB/Negative/B KS
SunAmerica Life Insurance Co a/Negative A+/Negative/A-1 A/Negative A+/Negative/A-1 AZ
Swiss Re Life & Health America Inc a+/Satble A+/Stable/-- A/Stable A+/Stable/-- CT
T ransamerica Financial Life Ins Co aa/Negative AA/Watch Neg/A-1+A+/Stable AA/Watch Neg/A-1+ NY
T ransamerica Life Insurance Co aa/Negative AA/Watch Neg/A-1+A+/Stable AA/Watch Neg/A-1+ IA
Western Reserve Life Assurance Co of OH aa/Negative AA/Watch Neg/-- A+/Stable AA/Watch Neg/-- OH
* Denotes Ratings Under Review FSR = Financial Strength Rating ICR = Issuer Credit Ratings
BEST = AM BEST S&P = Standard and Poors

The Rating’s listed above are the latest data from the two rating agencies. All ratings listed can found on public Web site of the underlining rating agencies.
This information is the most accurate at the time of publication.

Copyright @2009 Life-Exchange, Inc │ 2001 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2102, Miami, Florida 33137 │ (866) 907-9766

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