Automatic Extraction of Ground Control Regions and Orthorectification of Remote Sensing Imagery

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Automatic extraction of ground control regions

and orthorectification of remote sensing imagery

Cheng-Chien Liu 1,* and Po-Li Chen 2

Department of Earth Sciences, Earth Dynamic System Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan
701 Taiwan ROC
Institute of Satellite Informatics and Earth Environment, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701 Taiwan ROC
Corresponding author:

Abstract: We develop a fast and accurate method that is able to

automatically select and match a large amount of ground control regions
(GCRs) for orthorectifying remote sensing imagery. This new method is
comprised of four modules, namely automatic extraction of GCRs, fast
image-to-image matching, iterating and filtering of GCRs, and rigorous
orthorectification. We assess the accuracy of this new method by processing
the high-temporal- and high-spatial-resolution Formosat-2 imagery. Results
show that the accurate orthoimage with a root mean square error of less than
1.5 pixels can be automatically generated from one standard Formosat-2
image (covering 12km 12 km) in 55 minutes. This new method has been
incorporated into the Formosat-2 automatic image processing system and
has been used to produce orthoimages on a daily-basis.
2009 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (100.0100) Image processing; (100.2000) Digital image processing; (100.5010)
Pattern recognition; (280.0280) Remote sensing and sensors; (280.4788) Optical sensing and

References and links


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Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7970

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1. Introduction
Spaceborne remote sensing imagery is advancing fast both in spatial and temporal resolutions.
For example, the commercially operated satellite WorldView-1 is now able to provide highspatial-resolution imagery with 50 cm resolution [1]; meanwhile, deploying a group of
satellites in constellation, such as the Disaster Monitoring Constellation [2] and the RapidEye
Satellite Constellation [3], has effectively shortened the revisit time to less than one day. In
the case of Formosat-2, the first satellite with a high-spatial-resolution (2m) sensor placed in a
daily revisit orbit, both the spatial and temporal resolutions are enhanced in its coverage area
[4]. Since more details of land cover and land use can be revealed at a much higher frequency,
Formosat-2 imagery has ever-increasing applications in environmental monitoring [5-7],
hazard assessment [8], orthomap generation, and land use management [9]. Ever since its
successful launch on 20 May 2004, Formosat-2 has been providing multispectral images of
the Taiwan area with 2m resolution for more than 2,500 km2 every day. These images need to
be processed and orthorectified in a few hours to meet the requirements of various
applications. However, the current bottleneck of orthorectification is the time-consuming and
error-prone process of manual selection and matching of the ground control points (GCP) [10].
This motivates us to develop a fast and accurate method that is able to automatically select
and match a large amount of ground control points for orthorectifying the high-temporal- and
high-spatial-resolution Formosat-2 imagery.
A comprehensive review of various approaches of orthorectification was provided by
Toutin [11]. He categorized the models of geometric correction as (1) rigorous physical
models that reflect the physical reality of the viewing geometry, and (2) empirical models that
are mainly used by image vendors and government agencies who do not want to deliver
satellite/sensor information with the image. The approach we propose in this paper is based on
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Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7971

the rigorous physical model, because all the acquisition parameters of Formosat-2 image are
provided in its ancillary data. In addition, Chen et al. [12] also demonstrated that the
geometrical accuracy of Formoat-2 orthorectified images obtained from the rigorous physical
model is better than that obtained from the empirical model. Gianinetto and Scaioni [10]
reviewed various approaches of automated geometric correction for high-resolution
pushbroom satellite data and summarized the main procedure as feature extraction and image
matching. They applied the automatic ground control point (GCP) extraction technique to
select such points on the already geocoded images, and then employed the least squares
matching algorithm to coregister the QuickBird, SPOT-5/HRG and IKONOS images against
those geocoded images. With the commercial off-the-shelf software, PCI Geomatica v.9.1,
they were able to generate the orthoimages in a fully automated way.
Following the same concept proposed by Gianinetto and Scaioni [10], we demonstrate that
Formosat-2 images collected in the Taiwan area are even more suitable for automatic
orthorectification, because the satellite is able to observe the same place at nearly the same
viewing angle everyday, and the viewing angles are all very close to the nadir direction in the
Taiwan area [4].
Our new method is comprised of four modules. First, a large amount of ground control
regions (GCRs) are generated automatically from the orthorectified aerial images that are
available nationwide. Based on the calculation of local spatial statistics, the selection of GCR
is determined by feature characteristics and spatial distribution. Second, because the
geometric deformations other than shifts are not significantly presented in the Formosat-2
images collected, the fast normalized cross correlation (FNCC) technique can be employed to
conduct the image-to-image matching in a very efficient fashion [10]. Third, the polynomialbased generic pushbroom model with the interior and exterior orientation parameters acquired
from the satellite GPS/inertial navigation system (INS), together with the digital elevation
model (DEM) of the imaging area, are used to establish a transformation model of rigorous
orthorectification. This transformation model is used to examine all correlated GCRs. The
particular GCR with the highest deviation is removed and a new transformation model is
established based on the remaining GCRs. The iteration is performed until the deviations of
all GCRs are less than the specified threshold. Finally, the commercial off-the-shelf software,
ERDAS Imagine 8.7, is used to generate the orthoimages. This software was also used by the
other researchers to conduct the geometrical correction, such as the works by El-Gamily [13],
Hamandawana et al. [14] and Altmaier and Kany [15].
To assess the accuracy of our new method, we follow the same procedure of analysis used
by Baillarin et al. [16] and Habib et al. [17]. The study areas are selected as the watersheds of
Chou-Shui River (CSR) (60km 16km) and Gao-Ping River (GPR) (20km 60km), and the
catchment of Tseng-Wen reservoir (TWR) (16km 40km), with the intention to cover both
flat and mountainous areas. The high-spatial-resolution (5m) digital elevation models (DEM)
and the orthorectified aerial images (50 cm) are both available in these areas. Results show
that the accurate orthoimage with a root mean square error (RMSE) of less than 1.5 pixels can
be automatically generated from one standard Formosat-2 image (12km 12 km) in 55
minutes, using an ordinary personal computer equipped with a Pentium 3.00-GHz processor.
This new method has been successfully incorporated into the Formosat-2 automatic image
processing system [4] and has been used to produce Formosat-2 orthoimages on a daily-basis.
2. Data
2.1 Aerial orthoimages and digital elevation models
Aerial orthoimages with tens of centimeter resolution are common yet significant data that is
now available in most developed and developing countries. Gianinetto and Scaioni [10]
pointed out that aerial orthoimages are ideal for extracting a large amount of ground control
points for image-to-image matching. In the Taiwan area, the orthoimages with 50 cm
resolution are acquired and updated almost every year. Based on this huge database of
orthoimages, the digital elevation model (DEM) with 5m resolution for the entire Taiwan area
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Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7972

was produced recently, under the financial support of the Ministry of Interior Affair. One
major goal to produce this 5m DEM is that the existing 40m DEM is not able to meet the
geometric requirement of orthorectifying the 2m Formosat-2 images. To give a thorough
evaluation of our new approach of orthorectifying Formosat-2 images, we select three regions
(CSR, TWR and GPR) that cover both flat and mountainous areas.
The CSR is the longest river in Taiwan, which drains 3157 km2 and flows 186 km from
the Ho-Huan Mountain westward to the Taiwan Strait. The alluvial fan of CSR has an area of
approximately 100,000 ha and is the finest agriculture land in Taiwan, supporting more than
three million people. This region is mainly comprised of plains and hills with a topography
that varies from 0m to 430m. The GPR has the largest basin (3257 km2) of any river in
Taiwan, and is the second longest river (171 km), flowing through five counties in Southern
Taiwan. Like the region of CSR, the GPR basin is also comprised of plains and hills with a
topography that varies from 0m to 255m. Since a tremendous amount of gravel is usually
washed into these two rivers and deposited on the riverbeds after heavy rains, activities related
to gravel mining are frequently found in these two regions.

Fig. 1. Geographic location of the study areas.

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Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7973

To effectively manage such large areas of CSR and GPR, Formosat-2 imagery has been
applied to monitor the illegal quarry mining of gravel on riverbeds on a daily-basis [9]. TWR
is the largest water reservoir in Taiwan, which irrigates more than 76,000 km2 of Chia-Nan
plain and supplies drinking water to 1.2 million people. The entire catchment area of TWR is
as high as 481 km2, yet the small drainage basins are surrounded by hills reaching up to 1,470
meters. Together with the fragile composition of geology, frequent earthquakes, and the heavy
rainfall during the rainy and typhoon season, landslides often occur in the catchment area,
posing a potential threat to the water quality and the lifespan of TWR. Therefore, Formosat-2
imagery has also been applied to monitor the spatial and temporal variations of landslides in
this area [18]. Figure 1 illustrates the geographic location of the study areas. The
orthorectified aerial images (50 cm) of the study areas were provided in the new Taiwan
geodetic datum 1997 (TWD97) [19]. We resampled them to the same resolution (2 m) as the
one of Fomorsat-2 image. The resampled aerial images and the high-spatial-resolution (5m)
digital elevation models (DEM) of the study areas are given in Fig. 2 (CSR), Fig. 3 (GPR) and
Fig. 4 (TWR), respectively.

Fig. 2. The orthorectified aerial image and 5m DEM of Chiu-Shui River.

2.2 Formosat-2 images

The raw data of Formosat-2 imagery is processed to a level-1A product by applying basic
radiometric calibration through the Formosat-2 terminal developed by NSPO and Tatung
System Technologies Inc [20]. Since the CSR flows mainly in the east-to-west direction, it
requires three strips of Formosat-2 imagery to cover the entire region of CSR. Table 1 gives
the dates and viewing angles of Formosat-2 images that we used in this research.

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Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7974

Fig. 3. The orthorectified aerial image and 5m DEM of Gao-Ping River.

Fig. 4. The orthorectified aerial image and 5m DEM of Tseng-Wen Reservoir.

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Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7975

Table 1. Dates and viewing angles of Formosat-2 images

Viewing angle (deg)
Along track
Cross track

Study area

























3. Method
3.1 Automatic extraction of ground control regions
Rigorous orthorectification needs to refer to a certain amount of GCPs whose ground
positions are known with respect to some horizontal coordinate system and/or vertical datum
[21]. Although the principles of selecting GCPs would be different under various situations,
one thing in common is that the GCPs are always located at those pixels with higher contrast
of digital number (DN) values. For example, road intersections and cultural features are
common selections in urban areas, while land-water interfaces and mountain ridges are
preferable choices in the rural or mountainous areas. Various methods were proposed to select
GCPs based on feature characteristics, such as the Foerstner operator [22]. However, all these
areas can be visually identified on the image based on their characteristics of higher DN
contrast as well. Therefore, the selection of GCPs can be parallel to the detection of hot spots.
Getis and Ord [23] proposed the Gi index for identifying hot spots, such as areas of very high
or very low values that occur near one another. The Gi index within a distance d is defined as:

Gi (d ) wij ( d ) xj
j =1

x ,


j =1

where wij(d) is the spatial connecting weighting matrix and x is the DN value at the pixel i.
The detailed steps to derive the standardized form of Gi index can be referred to [24, 25]. This
index is particularly useful in determining clusters of similar values, where concentrations of
high values result in a high Gi value and concentrations of low values result in a low Gi value
[9]. Therefore, we may use Gi as an index to assist us to determine the GCPs. Note that for
automatic image-to-image matching, what we need is not just the location of GCP but the DN
values of pixels within a certain range around the GCP. This can be done by setting a
threshold to determine the size of GCR centered at each GCP. The procedures that we
employed to automatically extract the GCRs are illustrated as the flowchart shown in Fig. 5,
and described below.
First of all, the Gi image is calculated from the base image that is generated by adding and
averaging all spectral bands to simulate the panchromatic band. To give an even distribution
of GCRs over the entire base image, the set of tile images with size 1km 1km is created
from the Gi image. On each tile image, only six GCRs would be selected at most. The
searching would be started from those pixels with higher values of Gi. To mask those pixels,
we can calculate the histogram of the current tile image and use the upper 2% value as the
threshold to create the mask. Starting from the pixel with the highest value of Gi, we enlarge
the GCR pixel by pixel in all four directions, until all peripheral pixels of the current GCR are
masked off. We also ensure that the size of the selected GCR is within the specified lower (25
25 pixels) and upper limits (50 50 pixels). Once the GCR is determined, all pixels of this
GCR will be masked off from the tile image to avoid being selected again in the next search.
The searching of a new GCR is initialized by selecting a single pixel with the highest Gi value
of all remaining unmasked pixels. Figure 6 shows the overlay of six selected GCRs on one tile
image, while all selected GCRs in CSR, GPR and TWR are overlaid in Fig. 2(a), Fig. 3(a) and

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Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7976

Fig. 4(a), respectively. Note that those GCRs located at coastal waters, riverbeds and water
reservoirs are all masked off to avoid confusion in later image-to-image matching.

Calculate Gi image
from the base image

Create the tile images with size

1km x 1km from the Gi image

Loop for each tile image

Calculate the histogram

of the current tile image

Mask off all but the

upper 2% of Gi values

Loop for each GCR in the

current tile image by
searching a single pixel with
the highest Gi value of all
remaining unmasked pixels

Mask off the current GCR

on the tile image

Enlarge the GCR by one

pixel towards all directions



Check if the size of

current GCR reaches the
upper limit

Check if all
peripheral pixels of current
GCR are masked off



Check if the size of

current GCR reaches the
lower limit

1. Output the current GCR

2. Mask off the current GCR on the tile image
3. Number(GCR)++

if the Number(GCR)
is equal to the specified number
of GCR in one tile



Check if this is the

final tile image



Fig. 5. Flowchart of the procedures that we employed to automatically extract the GCRs. The
grey-filled box indicates the head of an iteration structure.

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Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7977

Fig. 6. Overlay of six selected GCRs on one tile image (1km 1km)

3.2 Fast image-to-image matching

Image-to-image matching is a fundamental and mature technique that is widely used in
photogrammetry [21]. The basic concept of this technique is a straightforward calculation of
the cross correlation coefficient (CCC) between each candidate scene and the target scene on
the base image. Repeating the same procedure for all candidate scenes within a certain
searching range on the matching image, the highest value of CCC would give the best
matched scene. However, the implementation of this technique usually requires a considerable
amount of computational resources, especially when the size of target scene or the searching
range is large. Recent progress in speeding up the calculation of CCC using a new technique
of Fast Normalized Cross Coefficient (FNCC) [26, 27] has enabled the fast calculation of a
large amount of correlated subscenes [4]. Consequently, it took only 20 minutes to coregister
2500 pairs using an ordinary personal computer equipped with a Pentium 3.00-GHz
Another limitation is the similarity between the base and the matching images. If a nonuniform translation or a significant rotation exists between these two images, some
correlations would be confused and the results would be unreliable. In the case of this work,
the rotation between the level-1A image and the orthorectified image can be estimated by the
ground speed of Formosat-2 and the rotational velocity of the Earth. In addition, the size of
each GCR is limited to 50 50 pixels to avoid large distortions caused by relief displacement.
Therefore, the correlations are generally good. Figure 7 gives a few examples of coregistered
scenes identified by our module.
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Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7978




Fig. 7. Examples of coregistered scenes on Formosat-2 level-1A images (left column) and the
orthorectified aerial photos (right column) using our module. (a) CSR, (b) GPR, and (c) TWR.

3.3 Iterating and filtering of ground control regions

Even for those clear images with low cloud cover, some coregistered GCRs would give
problematic coordinates incurred from poor or even completely wrong results of image-toimage matching. Some mismatching is inevitable since the land cover and land use might

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Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7979

have changed significantly between the orthorectified aerial photo and the Formosat-2 level1A image. This is particularly true if the two images were taken in different seasons. To filter
out those problematic GCRs, we assume that most of the coregistered GCRs are accurate and
use the transformation model of orthorectification established by all GCRs to get rid of the
problematic ones step by step. Note that the assumption is made when the problematic GCR
with the highest deviation is filtered out. In other words, all GCRs are assumed to be accurate,
except for the one with the highest deviation that is going to be removed. This assumption
would be made again in every step of iteration. Since there are still a few hundred GCRs in
the final stage of iteration, the assumption is still valid.
The procedure of filtering out the problematic GCRs is as follows: First, a transformation
model of rigorous orthorectification is established to examine all correlated GCRs. The GCR
with the highest deviation is then removed and a new transformation model is established
based on the remaining ones. The iteration is performed until the deviations of all GCRs are
less than a specified threshold. Note that the frequency of GPS and INS information onboard
Formosat-2 is too low to resolve the dynamic variation of satellite attitude. Therefore, we
apply the polynomial-based generic pushbroom model with the interior and exterior
orientation parameters acquired from satellite GPS/INS, together with the digital elevation
model (DEM) of the imaging area, to establish the transformation model of orthorectification
at each iteration. The procedure of filtering out the problematic GCRs is conducted by using
the commercial off-the-shelf software, ERDAS Imagine 8.7.
3.4 Rigorous orthorectification
Once the problematic GCRs are filtered out, a robust and accurate transformation model of
orthorectification can be established. The commercial off-the-shelf software, ERDAS
Imagine 8.7, is employed again to apply the transformation model to the Formosat-2 level1A image, and the orthorectified image is obtained. Note that the problem of band-to-band
mis-registration in the original Formosat-2 level-1A image has been fixed by the procedure
described in Liu [4] and Liu et al. [8]. This transformation model of orthorectification only
needs to be applied to the panchromatic band once. The same geometric correction would be
applied to all coregistered multi-spectral bands and the high-quality pan-sharpened image can
be obtained automatically.
4. Results and discussion
To assess the accuracy of our new method, we follow the same procedure of analysis used by
Baillarin et al. [16] and Habib et al. [17] to measure the mis-registration with the
orthorectified aerial image on a random set of check points (CP) by correlation. The CPs are
randomly selected subset of the match points established by registering GCRs, and which are
not used in adjusting the model parameters. Figures 8 10 illustrate the overlay of the error
vectors on the Formosat-2 Level-1A images in three study areas. The error vectors are
calculated for CPs for each scene. Note that we need three strips of Formosat-2 imagery to
cover the entire region of CSR in the east-to-west direction. Table 2 lists the numbers of
automatically selected GCRs, filtered GCRs and CPs, as well as the RMSE for each scene.
The results show that the RMSEs are generally low for the flat areas CSR1 (1.63), CSR2
(1.53), CSR3 (1.46) and GPR (1.63), and even for the mountainous areas in TWR the RMSEs
are no more than 2.17. Note that the accuracy is relative to the geocontrol of the aerial
orthophoto references. It took only four minutes to orthorectify one standard scene (12km
12km) using an ordinary personal computer equipped with a Pentium 3.00-GHz processor.
Compared to the results of similar analysis reported by Baillarin et al. [16] and Habib et al.
[17], this research indeed provides a faster and more accurate method that is able to
automatically select and match a large amount of ground control points for orthorectifying the
high-temporal- and high-spatial-resolution Formosat-2 imagery. This new method has been
incorporated into the Formosat-2 automatic image processing system [4] and has been used to
produce orthoimages on a daily-basis.

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Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7980

Table 2. Assessment of automatically-orthorectified Formosat-2 images

Study areas

Total GCRs

Valid GCRs

Check points

RMSE X-dir

RMSE Y-dir


The major sources of error are the topographical variations and land cover types. The
spatial resolution of DEM is 5m, which has to be re-sampled to the spatial resolution of
Formosat-2 image (2m) by interpolation. For those areas of plains and hills with less variation
of topography, such as CSR and GPR, the interpolated elevation is closer to the real values
and the RMSEs are generally lower. By contrast, for the mountainous areas, such as TWR, the
interpolation would exhibit larger deviations and introduce larger RMSEs. Another source of
error is the land cover. The quality and spatial distribution of GCRs are better in CSR and
GPR, because more permanent features, such as buildings and roads, can be found in these
areas. Most of the land cover in the mountainous area, however, is trees or vegetation that
changes with the seasons, and only a few roads and houses can serve as good choices of
GCRs. As a result, the ratio of GCRs retained in TWR (~15%) is lower than that in CSR and
GPR (30%~50%) (Table 2). Nevertheless, we can still have 155 valid GCRs in TWR
(16km40km) to achieve an RMSE as low as 2.1675.
The accuracy of orthorectification is usually evaluated by the RMSE calculated from a
certain number of CPs. In some cases, however, a low value of RMSE might be produced
from a set of CPs with insufficient number and an intrinsic bias. But this value is not able to
represent the actual quality of the orthorectification [28]. To avoid this type of bias, the formal
way is to randomly select and gradually increase the number of independent CPs until the
RMSE calculated is stable and converged. This approach requires a large amount of CPs that
is usually very expensive and time-consuming to collect. Note that we extract a large amount
of GCRs directly from the aerial orthoimage, and that its spatial resolution (50 cm) is much
higher than that of the Formosat-2 image (2m) and its geometric accuracy is already approved
too. This gives our method an advantage to produce a reliable and stable RMSE from a large
amount of GCRs.
During the process of iterating and filtering of GCRs, the GCRs would be removed if they
do not fit the transformation model well. However, since the transformation model is
established by the remaining GCRs and some of them are problematic, we found that too
many GCRs may be removed at one time if we lower the threshold of RMSE too fast. In some
cases, the removed GCRs might all cluster together and the iteration would end up with a
large area without any GCRs. This is wrong, since all valid GCRs should be distributed as
evenly as possible across the entire image. To ensure the transformation model is not
dominated by the problematic GCRs, we gradually lower the threshold of RMSE to remove
only a few of the problematic GCRs at one time. The randomly-oriented error vectors and the
evenly-distributed GCRs shown in Fig. 8 10 indicate that this process of iterating and
filtering gives a reasonable set of GCRs.
Equipped with a monolithic linear CCD array, Formosat-2 is able to take a long strip of
image along its moving direction [4], and the advantage of this was demonstrated in the
mission of image acquisition during the South Asian tsunami in 2004 [8]. The operation of
Formosat-2 in the Taiwan area usually takes an image that is one long strip from north to
south (more than 300 km). However, when applying the polynomial-based generic pushbroom
model to orthorectify the entire strip, we found that the model is not able to simulate the
orbital variation over such a long distance. The remedy is to cut the long strip into a few
scenes with overlaps, and the polynomial-based approximation would give a satisfactory
model of the orbital variation in each scene. These orthorectified scenes can be mosaicked
into the whole strip. Another benefit is that storing the smaller scenes would save much more
hard disk space than storing the entire orthorectified strip.
#106147 - $15.00 USD

(C) 2009 OSA

Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7981

Fig. 8. Overlay of the error vectors on the Formosat-2 Level-1A image of Chiu-Shui River. The
red arrows indicate the error vectors, the lengths of which are elongated one hundred times for
illustration purposes.

5. Concluding remarks
Formosat-2 provides multispectral images of the Taiwan area with 2m resolution for more
than 2,500 km2 every day. These images need to be processed and orthorectified in a few
hours to meet the requirements of environmental monitoring and disaster assessment. We
successfully develop a fast and accurate method that is able to automatically (1) select a large
amount of GCRs from the aerial orthoimages, (2) match the GCRs on the aerial orthoimage
and the Formosat-2 level-1A image, (3) filter out the problematic GCRs, and (4) establish a
transformation model to conduct a rigorous orthorectification of Formosat-2 imagery. We
assess the accuracy of this new method in three study areas comprised of plains and hills, and
the results show that the accurate orthoimage with a root mean square error less than 1.5
pixels can be automatically generated from one standard Formosat-2 image (12km 12 km)
in 55 minutes. This new method has been successfully incorporated into the Formosat-2
automatic image processing system and has been used to produce orthoimages on a dailybasis. This new method would benefit the image processing of future satellite missions with
similar specifications.

#106147 - $15.00 USD

(C) 2009 OSA

Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7982

Fig. 9. Overlay of the error vectors on the Formosat-2 Level-1A image of Gao-Ping River. The
red arrows indicate the error vectors, the lengths of which are elongated one hundred times for
illustration purposes.

#106147 - $15.00 USD

(C) 2009 OSA

Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7983

Fig. 10. Overlay of the error vectors on the Formosat-2 Level-1A image of Tseng-Wen
Reservoir. The red arrows indicate the error vectors, the lengths of which are elongated one
hundred times for illustration purposes.

This research was supported by the National Science Council of the Republic of China,
Taiwan through grants NSC-95-2625-Z-006-004-MY3 and SC-97-2611-M-006-002, as well
as the Landmark Project through grant B-023.

#106147 - $15.00 USD

(C) 2009 OSA

Received 27 Jan 2009; revised 13 Mar 2009; accepted 27 Apr 2009; published 29 Apr 2009

11 May 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 10 / OPTICS EXPRESS 7984

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