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WTO and Developing Countries


Business Management


In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Award of the degree of
Master of commerce Part 1

Veronica Fernandes
St. Andrews College of Arts, Science & Commerce
St. Dominic road, Bandra (West) Mumbai 400 050


the student of M.Com Part 1 Business Management (2015 2016)

hereby declares that I have completed this project on WTO and Developing Countries

This information submitted is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

Students Signature
Veronica Fernandes
Roll No. 9039

St. Andrews College of Arts, Science and Commerce

Dominic road, Bandra (West) Mumbai 400 050


This is to certify that Shri/ Miss VERONICA GREGORY FERNANDES of M.Com Part 1 Business Management
(2015-2016) has successfully completed the project on WTO and Developing Countries under the guidance of
Prof. Kashmira Mody.

Course Coordinator

Project Guide/ Internal Examiner

External Examiner



A great teacher is not simply one who impacts knowledge to his students, but one who awakens their interest in it and makes them
eager to pursue it for themselves. He is not a spark plug, he is a fuel pipe.

W J . Berrill

This idiom without doubt, fit with Prof. KASHMIRA MODY. (My Project Guide, St. Andrews College of Arts, Science and
Commerce) who has been my Teacher, My Guide and Mentor. She widened the sagacity of confidence in me for affecting this project
work. From the bottom of my heart, I thank her for precious time that she spent for me.

I owe my indebtedness towards the library staff of St. Andrews college of Arts, Science and Commerce who lend their hands in hours
of need by providing me the information on books from time to time.

I am also indebted towards my parents, family and friends whose support was a steering factor for me in carrying out the project.
Above all, my sincere and heartfelt thanks to almighty god who was with me always, throughout the preparation of this project report.

Small Developing Countries Struggle In WTO
Developing countries are more active in WTO disputes
The Need To Improve The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism
WTO processes favor big business and rich countries.
WHY INDIA IS NOT WTO VILLAIN source:- By Ajit Ranade, Mumbai Mirror | Aug
2, 2014
3 major research questions and thier answers

1. Is it relevant to differentiate between the developing countries in the WTO beyond the
Existing categories of developing countries?
2. According to what objective criteria could a differentiation between the developing
Countries in the WTO be accomplished most successfully?
3. What connections exist between a differentiation among the developing countries in
The WTO and new Special and Differential Treatment (SDT)?
Case studies (Im still trying to find...)!!

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