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OptiX RTN 600 Training Examination Paper


OptiX RTN 600 Training Exam Paper

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A. Single Choice: (3 points for each)

1. OptiX RTN 600 is one type of the ( C ) equipment.
A) Trunk microwave equipment






C) Split mount microwave equipment

D) All above

2. The antenna aligning means the aligning of the ( D ) between two sites.
A) Rear lobe to main lobe

B) Main lobe to side lobe

C) Side lobe to side lobe

D) Main lobe to main lobe

3. The function of ODU is ( C ) .

A) Amplification only

B) decode

C) transfer signal between RF and IF

D) Modulation

4. In the OptiX RTN 600 system, IF cable is installed exactly between ( D ).

A) Antenna and IF cable

B) Antenna and ODU

C) IDU and ODU

D) IF jumper and ODU

5. The IF cable (1/2 inch) can support up to ( C ) distance feeding.

A) 120 m

B) 180 m

C) 300 m

D) 360 m

6. The loss between the active (main) interface and standby interface is ( C ).
A) the same

B) loss of the main is higher

C) loss of the main is lower

D) stochastic

7. The IDU 620 can support up to ( C ) microwave direction.

A) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 5

8. The IF1A board can be installed in slot ( D ) of IDU 610.

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

9. Two IF1A boards in the 1+1 SD, can be installed in IDU 620 slot ( D ).
A) 7 and 8
10. There are ( D

B) 7 and 6

C) 4 and 5

D) 5 and 7

) working modes like 4E1, QPSK, 7M can be set in IDU 620.

OptiX RTN 600 Training Examination Paper

A) 3

B) 5


C) 6

D) 7

11. For the STM-1 capacity, ( C ) is the modulation method.


B) 16QAM

C) 128QAM


12. In the OptiX RTN 600, one ODU can support the capacity ( E ) .
A) 4 E1s

B) 8 E1s

C) 16 E1s

D) one STM-1

E) all of them

13. The power switch on the PXC board is to ( C ).

A) Switch on/off the power of ODU
B) Switch on/off the power of IDU
C) Switch on/off the power of ODU and IDU
D) Switch on/off the power of PXC board
14. The indicator test button on the SCC board is to ( B ).
A) Test indicators on SCC board
B) Test indicators on all the boards in IDU
C) Test indicators on ODU
D) Test indicators of ETN interface on SCC board
15. The ODUs at two sites of one microwave hop should be a pair of ( A ).
A) Hi and Lo sites

B) Hi sites

C) Lo sites
16. The ODU interface is like

D) never mind
, it means its polarity is ( D ).

A) Horizontal

B) Vertical

C) round

D) depends on the antenna

17. The 1+1 HSM switching is occurred on ( C ).

A) PXC board

B) SCC board

C) IF1A board

D) SDH/PDH board

18. The 1+1 HSB switching is occurred on ( A ).

A) PXC board

B) SCC board

C) IF1A board

D) SDH/PDH board

19. The function of ( C ) should be disable during the antenna aligning.

A) 1+1 HSB

B) 1+1 SD


D) PXC 1+1 backup

20. The default user name and password of Web LCT is ( C ).

A) admin/t2000

B) admin/password

C) admin/T2000

D) admin/root

OptiX RTN 600 Training Examination Paper


21. The default user name and password for logining RTN equipment is ( B ).
A) admin/t2000

B) root / password

C) admin/T2000

D) root / T2000

22. When connect laptop to the new IDUthe IP segment of laptop should be ( B ).
A) 192.168. ***.***

B) 129.9. ***.***

C) 172.168. ***.***

D) 10.0. ***.***

23. The link ID is set on ( D ).





B. Multiple Choices: (4 points for each)

24. In the ( BC ) technology, it needs to use two antennas at each site.
A) 1+1 HSB

B) 1+1 FD+SD

C) 1+1 SD

D) 1+1 FD

25. There are ( ABD ) inside the IF cable.

A) IF signal

B) ODU management signal

C) RF signal

D) ODU DC power

26. The MANT indicator on the SCC board is on, it means ( ABD ) .
A) Loopback has been done

B) ODU was manually mute

C) Equipment powered off

D) SDH laser was shutdown

27. For a new station, the sequence of 1+1HSB or 1+1SD configuration should be ( BEADC ).
A) set parameters of Active IF board and ODUunmute Active ODU
B) create logic boards in the slot layout window
C) create cross connection to configure the service
D) Unmute Standby ODU manually
E) Create IF 1+1 protectionspecify which IF board is working boardwhich one
is protection board
28. Replace an ODU, it should ( ABCD ).
A) Make sure the type of the spare ODU is consistent with that of the ODU to be
B) Keep the polarity of the new ODU the same as before
C) Carry out the waterproof measures for the IF interface of the ODU
D) Turn off the ODU-PWR switch on the panel of the IF board

OptiX RTN 600 Training Examination Paper


C. True-False Test: (2 point for each)

29. We should set the same Link ID at the two end station of one microwave link. ( T
30. The transmit frequency of ODU can be set in some certain range by software. ( T
31. The power switch on the PXC/IF1A board was set to O, it means power on.
( F )
32. Two IDU 610 can be used to make the regenerator site. ( T

33. We can use Quick Configuration in any occasion, no any limitation. ( F

34. RTN 600 is SDH/PDH hybrid equipment, we can modify working mode of IF board
to determine SDH or PDH signal can be transmitted in the microwave link. ( T

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