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The time complexity of binary search method is ___________

O(log n/2)
O(log (constant))
O(log n*n)
O(log n)
The worst case time complexity of Binary Search algorithm for an array of n inte
gers is
O(log n)
O(n * n * n)
Which of the following is a collection of heterogeneous elements?
None of the above
The infix expression for the given prefix expression *+ABC is
The average case time complexity of sequential search is
O(log n)
In the statement:
char * p1, p2;
Both p1 and p2 are pointers
Neither p1 nor p2 are pointers
Only p1 is a char pointer but p2 is not
Syntax Error
s[2][2] is same as
The measure to calculate the proportionate time to solve a particular problem is

Algorithm complexity
Time complexity
Design complexity
Space complexity
The structure which has a pointer referening to the element of same structure is
Pointer structure
Structure pointer
Self-Referential Structure
Referential pointer
Which of the following statements is/are correct with respect to stacks?
Linked list based stack implementations are impractical than array based impleme
Insert a new element to the top of the stack, if the stack is full
Elements can be deleted from both the ends
Remove the most recently pushed element from the stack, if stack is not empty.
The condition to be checked before an element is pushed onto the stack is
Stack overflow
Stack underflow
No specific condition to check
Options 1 and 2
Header files contain
function prototypes
binary code
executable code
Complexity of Insertion sort is O(n*n) means that
depending on the nature of input data the number of comparisons will be either e
qual to n or to n*n
for n=5 number of comparisons will be 25
only for large values of n number of comparisons will be equal to n*n
only for large values of n number of comparisons will be Proportional to n*n
The purpose of algorithm validation is
To ensure that the algorithm doesn't work
To ensure that the algorithm produces the correct output for all legal input.
To ensure that the algorithm accepts legal inputs
None of the above
Constant complexity implies
maximum efficiency
efficiency depends on input data
minimum efficiency
Efficiency is not dependent on input size
No attribute value represents a set of values or repeating values this property

is _______
3 NF
2 NF
1 NF
------------- is a set of attributes of one relation whose values are required t
o match values of some key attributes of another relation
Candidate key
Primary key
Foreign Key
Super Key
Primary key is a combination of the following constraints
not null
Options 2 & 3
To transform a relation from second normal form to third normal form we must rem
ove which one of the following?
All partial-key dependencies
All repeating groups
All transitive dependencies
All inverse partial-key dependencies
Physical level is also known as
View level
Internal level
Conceptual level
External level
The columns containing primary key are automatically defined as __________
None of the above
Denormalization is done to
Reduce Data Redundancy
Check for Data Integrity
Increase Query performance.
Introduce Security Check
Protecting a database from unauthorized or malicious use is termed
Data integrity
Concurrent processing
Data recovery
Data security
_________ represents an attribute

If some entity E1 of R participates with some other entity E2 of R then such a p
articipation is
Partial Participation
Empty Participation
Total Participation
None of the above
The information about the tables created by the Data Definition Language (DDL) s
tatements are recorded in the:
Meta data
Data dictionary
Data file
First Normal Form is designed to
Ensure that all of the data in a RDBMS is represented in one data table
Ensure that there are no duplicate key fields in a table
That there are no repeating fields in atable (i.e. the fields are atomic)
Ensure that data is held accurately
The following is not a level of abstraction
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of database systems?
Standards enforcement
Program-data independence
Redundant data
Better data quality
If zero or more instances of an Entity set E1 is associated with exactly one ins
tance of another entity set E2 then the type of relation is
Many to One
Many to Many
One to One
One to Many
Which attribute do you use to specify the URL location of the frame in a <FRAME>
Is a table cell or a table row defined first?

Which property will open a page in a new window?
None of the above
Which section is used for text and tags that are shown directly on your web page
None of the above
Which is the best search tool for finding Web sites that have been handpicked an
d recommended by someone else?
Subject directories
Discussion groups
Meta-search engines
Search engines
Tag <DD> is used to create
Definitions for terms in a definition list
Terms in a definition list
Definition list
None of the above
The element that is used to load a page into a frame is
What is the correct HTML for referring to an external style sheet?
<style src='mystyle.css'>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='mystyle.css'>
None of the above
Which of these is valid HTML syntax?
<font face='verdana'>
<font face='verdana, arial'>
All of the above
What is the correct CSS syntax for making all the <p> elements bold?
p {font-weight: bold}
<p style='font-size: bold'>
p {text-size: bold}
<p style='text-size: bold'>

1) The C library function to perform modulus operation for floating point variab
les is ???
2)Data Independancy - ????
3) int x,y=10;
printf("%d",x=y++); ????
4) Conversion of Infix expression to Postfix expression is done by ...???
5) About DML Compiler ????
6) which tag is used to align the text inside the

table cell ????

7) How many Forms we can include in HTML ???

8) default return type in c ????
9) physical data independancy ???
10) which user can use the DB constantly and Update


11) time complexity for all searching and sorting algorithms..???

12) about call Spacing and cell Padding .....???
13) about sparce matrix ....???
14) Email with subject in HTML ..???
15) while allocating memmory dynamically in which area of the RAM, the memory wi
ll get
allocated ????
16) tokens in C ..???
17) Linear and quick sort time complexity ..
18) In which Data Model parent and child relationship is implemented ??
19) In which Data Model there will be a one to many relationship ????
'A data structure in which a element is added and removed from only one end is k
nown as ________.
__________ is the worst case time complexity of Quick Sort
' _________ is the average case time complexity of Quick Sort.
-------------1. Which of the following statement(s) is/are not correct?
In sequential search, the time complexity of an unsuccessful search is O(N).
The average case time complexity of sequential search algorithm is O(N).
binary search,an unsuccessful search requires examining every in the array
In Binary search, the time complexity of a successful search in the worst case i
s O(log N).

To search a page number 364 in a book containing 500 pages which of the followin
g Searching technique should be used to reach the page in minimum time?
Linear search
Fibonacci search
Binary search
Random search

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