Element of Film

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Sim, Nowell Paolo Q.

Elements of Film
A film or also known as movie or motion picture, is composed of a series of
still pictures when shown in a screen, creates an illusion of movement. It originated
around the mid-19th century, inventions such as the phenakistoscope and zoetrope
demonstrated that a carefully designed sequence of drawings, showing phases of the
changing appearance of objects in motion, would appear to show the objects actually
moving if they were displayed one after the other at a sufficiently rapid rate. The earliest
films were simply one static shot that showed an event or action with no editing or other
cinematic techniques. Around the turn of the 20th century, films started stringing several
scenes together to tell a story. The scenes were later broken up into multiple shots
photographed from different distances and angles. A film is created by; Photographing
actual scenes by a camera or by animation where in an artist uses computer animation or
CGI to create images that move or a movie may create a film. Some of the elements of
film are image, time, motion, sound, lighting, sequence and composition.
Image is an element of film, which is a depiction of a visual perception. In
theaters powerful lamps are used to project the image through a focusing lens. In
television a vacuum tube projects lines of electrons upon a phosphor coated screen.
Although the image is a recording of captured light the aesthetics of what we are viewing
is still determined by the use of the basic elements and principles of static, fine art.
Elements and principles of art are needed to be identified in this element to be able to
determine the quality and continuity of the film created.
Then time. Time is a period of duration, time or occurrence, in relation to an
event. There are two types of time. The first is the actual length or duration of the film.
The other type of time is called diegetic time, or time that is the result of the story. Time
is needed to determine the running time of the film created if it is just right or dragging.

Next is motion. Motion is what creates an illusion of movement. The physical

property of the eye and brain called the "persistence of vision" is the one that creates the
perception of movement in a motion picture. The element of motion is the motion that we
see while watching a film.
After that is sound. Sound is not essential to a motion picture however sound is so
common in film that it is included as an essential element. Sound is what we hear in a
motion picture. It helps in the depiction of what is happening in a story. In early films,
there were no sounds because there was no technologies yet those times that record
sound. But in present times sound is one of the essential elements to create a good film.
Next is lighting. Lighting or can be also called as illumination is the deliberate use
of light to achieve a practical or aesthetic effect. Lighting includes the use of both
artificial light sources like lamps and light fixtures, as well as natural illumination by
capturing daylight.
Then sequence. The sequence is the one that tells the story by means of visual
language of the film or the film syntax. To be able to create a perfect sequence there must
be continuity and unity between all of the scenes of the story.
Lastly is composition. Composition is the use of the visual elements and
principles to create a frame that is aesthetically interesting, attention holding, and
consistent with overall continuity. Composition is the placement of the shapes within the
frame that enhance the film reality. It involves placements of actors the scene of the film
and more to create a realistic and interesting scene.
So the elements of film are image, time, motion, sound, lighting, sequence and
composition. Each of them have a specific role to create a good film which will attract its
viewers and will show them what the director intent to depict in his movie.

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