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ave the

perm: a


2009 / 2015


Energy is released due to steam rice after lifting the lid of the container which has been
boiled in water with the help of fire produced by wood.

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WILLIAM (X) June 14 at 3:53 pm Hi Daniel, my respect and greetings and appreciation
My question is regarding the TAO, please do recommend me a guide or book about sex
& Tao, I have read Mantak Chia (the cultivation of male sexual energy) My specific
question is as long as I might understand, 0 there is possible & necessary to retain
indefinitely the semen ( seed) without causing any organ damage?
I managed to stay for more than a week having sex without bouncing semen, but after
that time, or even after a week, or three sessions, I'm starting to feel some kind of an
excessing energy and a pressure in the testicles, as I have not managed to mobilize the
energy contained in the testes to the higher centers
Answer .: My dear William, You have to be very careful with this practice. It is
extremely dangerous. I will share with you a secret teaching that my dear master told me
His name is LIU YUEN CHIAO. First of all you must read ZOOGNOSIS my sex book
published by the Academy of National History in 1993, in Caracas. Semen does not
exists at all. It is formed in the testicles by the gonads when an erotic arousal of thought
moves us towards pleasure. That is different from the state of erection, which is natural,
without involving the production of semen. Even without erection, sperm is formed by
erotic desire. Therefore, we must reach the point of spontaneous erections, without desire.
Still: before forming the semen there is an internal taste resulting from the existence of a
funny power rising up the spine. This is the most important moment. If semen forms you
must throw it away, because it corrupts if retained. Reflect. Meanwhile, I am here for
you to ask. Hugs, friend, I hope you have soon questions in that topic. D
WILLIAM (X): Dear Daniel, thank you very much for your prompt response, and excuse
my slowness, indeed the whole week I had a lot of work and activities and I could not sit
quietly and answer any mail unless yours that merits further reflection.

I've been thinking about it, and have the following questions:
1. If semen should bounce it, because they have insisted on the books intended to
illustrate the practice, the need to contain the seed (semen) in the sexual act, both
to save energy, is to practice self control.

2. While inclusive, there is a technique that illustrates Mantak Chia, which seems
extreme, but that I have read and practiced a few times, which consists of
tightening the seminal duct, is the point between scrotum and anus, with such
force and pressure that the expulsion of semen is prevented, once control has been
lost in the excitement and feel the semen started its journey outward.
In these books, to talk about closed matters definitively, once arrived at, is total self
In my case, when I kept control and have preserved semen after several days of
relationships, I felt harder, better mood, and deep concentration.
Conversely, when I've gone a little, allowing the discharge of semen for more than two
days, I feel less energy, less state mood, and lower concentration.
2. So what's the halfway point, if any, between the release or ejaculatory control?
3. That funny power that goes up the spine, is the kundalini? and manifests itself as a
tingle up the spine?
4. I read that there is a point or moment in the sexual act, where one can redirect the
energy upwards through the column. There then? In my personal experience, I have
managed to have what I would call an orgasm inward, without the expulsion of semen,
just at the point where it is about to lose control, abruptly stops tightening the sphincter,
and feels an energy very strong that makes you vibrate, as an internal orgasm without
Thank you very much for your attention, and would help his knowledge, to answer these
questions and add new comments.
A .: My dear William:
This issue is of paramount importance to us all, men. There has been a lot of confusion
since & when someone translated the word CHING meaning SEXUAL ENERGY
ESSENCE - as "seed".
Semen itself is already the subject of the essence and feel that energy and power, still
wandering in the art is normal because you eat the dish and cooked it. It is like spending a
gasoline car chola treading the accelerator in a drop: it would be better that you leave so
it is not necessary to "tighten". The HUY YIN point of which speaks Mantak Chia, in the
perineum, is used "before" that semen occurs, no "while" or "after". But better would
control that intended, with the thought, not the finger. So that what the eye does not see
the finger guess is reversed: not guess what the finger looks with the eye of the Being.
It has come to feel when semen is formed: it's like you invade a benign heat produced by
a passenger welfare.
That's passenger, my friend, is consumed and lost by the edges, ie we not seize the subtle
light behind. What to do? Like I said, it is to perceive control of our state of arousal
before it (semen) is formed. It is a very subtle point. As an example, I will put the time of
the morning when erection, but no sexual intent, nor erotic, is present.
To this point is the level which must be reached. With that I think you understand.

Once generated, semen will be expelled by, lets say it, that monthly losses (so-called
wet dreams), or worse, will be stored in the testes, which is very delicate.
Erotic control can be performed with the use of five words:
When you feel that initial pleasure of desire, it is time to close your eyes, stay a while
berween the eyebrows, exhale, keep the gap (1, 2, 3), inspired by the nose, keep the
fullness (1, 2, 3 ) and returning to the medium, neutral point. Try to feel, in the process,
up the spine, something as a kind of warmth and tingling, pass or take it to the mouth,
taste as saliva, swallowing and store it in the lower abdomen, the hara, tanden, TAN
TIEN - the Cinnabar Field of Chinese. How do I store it? For pleasure, imagining that
such a subtle pill is a small sphere of light that will be stored there as in a socket of a hive
and it is reduced to light.
Many things stem from this practice: memory, strength, moderate optimism, inner
silence, calm and twinkle in his eye.
Yes, that funny power is Kundalini, riding like a snake through the column and fills us
with heat, intense joy, pleasure and well-being without cause.
What you call "liberation" must not happen, because the characteristic of a sexual
encounter one must get to the middle, not up near the top, because there can not control
the rise of the seminal source.
You realize it is a subtle practice, we must fight hard against the trivial & profane desire
and alquimize it. refining it, because what he wants is taking to price the soul (energy).
That is the famous sexual alchemy, the transformation of lead (semen) into gold (an
intangible and impalpable subtle energy). The words I gave you are the philosopher's
stone. With his touch, the "base metal" - as they call it the alchemists, becomes the vital
gold. The feeling of being wrong in doing so is false, it is the same that you feel after
being running crazy, I say without cause.
All riders are very well then, since pump power, consuming precious at all, gunpowder
on crows.
And now, the most important notes:
The woman partner should collaborate, cooperate herself with us. Without their
cooperation, we are a fops. If she moves a lot, we can not resist. An external motion
produces an internal shock.
Therefore, do not move either, after penetration. . .
The tongue, palate The perineum, tight SMILE (very important) Eyes closed DO
NOT MOVE (A move external spoils everything) With penetration, the two stand still for
a moment without duration. . .

"Stay, you're so beautiful" - you say to that extraordinary moment to youy female
excited partner
There must be a CO-FIT, as between the bow and the lyre, and between the bow and
violin. You are the bow, women, violin. . .
SMILE The closed eyes in the middbrow. . Tighten the toes Tongue up in the
palate of the mouth Eyes closed Calm down And then return to Ithaca, you are
the same Odysseus. . .
Have you noticed that when sound volume occurs, if it is too high, there is a serious
problem in the horns?
You have to calibrate it to the point of harmony. . .
Sex, sexual life, there is to be a precious moment with the Self, to be himself, in a brief
eternity, to touch the Self, and at that moment (kairos) be one with those you love. . .
Ahead . . .

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