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Analysing a persuasive article

A newspaper has run a competition inviting young people to write an article about a TV
programme they love or loath. Read the following article and answer the accompanying questions
in groups.
Smarty pants. I think the name says enough. What has humanity come to when entertainment
consists of four insufferable, arrogant and irritating people competing to determine which one of
them is the most insufferable, arrogant and irritating?
As if the shows name wasnt ridiculous enough, they appear to have roped in former human
Serena Smallington MP to play host, just to lower the programmes credibility that bit further.
The show sees Smallington, a woman now so devoid of dignity she makes Mr Bean look like the
very essence of respectability, dispose of the last tattered dregs of her reputation. How that saggyskinned manatee ever blundered her way into Parliament is beyond me, but it is surely a sign that
the apocalypse is nigh.
And as the contestants line up, eagerly waiting to begin the battle for the coveted title role, its
clear to see that they all fit at least half the (pants) bill. So the first round begins as Smallington
proudly proclaims: This is a proper quiz show Therell be none of that pop culture nonsense
here! There then follows a question on Lady Gaga.
The show follows a very typical, tried and tested formula with a mixture of (surprisingly difficult)
questions and light banter between the shows host and the contestants. What the show lacks in
credibility, it most certainly does not make up for in comedy. Smallingtons stone cold attempts at
humour reveal yet another unbearable trait in her repertoire. In fact, they are so dire the earth
actually spins faster with every one she makes due to all the people turning in their graves.
The show is evidently the product of childish TV producers who, on a dull day in the office
thought Oh, screw it. The thing I hate most about it how ever, is that now Ill never get the
chance tell my grandchildren It was better in my day, because unless civilisation falls into a
second Dark Age, it wont have been. Its a boring show with an irritating host and a stupid
premise. And just as we were all mourning the loss of The weakest Link too.
1. This article demonstrates how persuasive writing can be used to great effect. In groups, decide
how it demonstrates the following features, by highlighting examples and labelling the extract:
use of effective persuasive devices
use of effective writing techniques (variety of sentences, range of vocabulary etc.)
use of an appropriate tone and style for the intended audience.
3. Write your own article on this topic (TV Show), using these techniques.

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