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UBGLFP-20-3 Structural Analysis

Jan 13 / Jan 14

Module Details
Module Code

Jan 13 / Jan 14

Module Title
Structural Analysis

Module Leader
Kamal Karunananda

Module Tutors
Kamal Karunananda, Gayani Rajapaksha

Component and Element Number


Weighting (% of the modules

20 %

Element Description
Assignment 01

Total Assignment Time

20 hours

Date Issued to Students
13th February 2015

Date to be Returned to Students

to be confirmed

Submission Place
Online Submission

Submission Date:
14th March 2015
Submission Time:
1.00 p.m

A report

Module Leader Signature

Kamal Karunananda

University of the West of England

Faculty of Environment and Technology

Module: UBGLFP-20-3 Structural Analysis

Coursework Assignment 1

Hand-in date: 8 December 2011

The bridge shown above is of 36m long with the middle support at 20m from the
left. It may be modelled as a two-spans continuous beam.

1- The bridge has one lane of width.
2- Support A on the left hand side is a pin support, while support C on the right hand
side is a roller.
3- Support B at 20m from A is a pin, but allows for the continuous beam action
between the two spans.
4- The geometrical cross-section of the bridge is the same from A to C.
5- The materials properties of the bridge is the same from A to C.
6- A lorry of 40 tonnes drives from A to C.
7- Assume that the lorry moves as a point load on the bridge.
8- Ignore the effect of self weight of the bridge for the purpose of establishing the following

Coursework Report

This report contributes 15% of the module assessment mark.

The report must not exceed 3 pages of A4 size. This page limit excludes the front cover,
contents page, reference list, appendices, tables of results, drawings, pictures and graphs.
The text should be formatted as Arial 11 point 1.5 spacing on A4 paper, with a left hand
margin of at least 3 cms to allow for binding. This format is expected to contain no more
than 1000 words of text.
The report should be presented as a professional report of a consulting engineer. It should
contain the results of the following 5 questions in the details as requested in question 1,
with sample screen shots.
Marking Scheme: geometrical models (20%), loading models (20%), results, graphs and
comments (40%), professional presentation (20%).

Use the ISSD software of structural analysis to establish the following:

1- Consider point E which is at 28m from A. Create the following table:
Position of lorry from point A (m) Shearing force at point E (kN)
Plot a graph showing the position of the lorry on the x-axis and the
shearing force at E on the y-axis. From the graph find the position of the
lorry from point A which creates the maximum shearing force at E.
Comment on the difference between this graph and the shear force
Follow the same approach as point 1 above to establish the following:
2- The position of the lorry measured from support A which will create the
maximum uplift reaction at C. Find the value of this reaction.
3- The position of the lorry measured from support A which will create the
maximum hogging bending moment at B. Find the value of this moment.
4- The position of the lorry measured from support A which will create the
maximum sagging bending moment at point D which is at 8m from A.
Find the value of this moment.
5- Find the maximum value of sagging bending moment which may develop on
the bridge as the lorry moves from A to C. Find the position of the lorry
from support A which will generate this maximum value.

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