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Assignment samples

Assignment samples

This section provides sample assignments for each of your assessment items. I hope that you
will find them useful. If you have queries or dont understand them please discuss your
troubles with either Jill or Ralph.

Sample article review/critique assignments

There are 3 article/review/critique examples. They are close to the expectations I have for
your article/review /critique.
However there is one big difference! None of the samples mention the graph, which is
part of criterion 6, analysis of graph. This is a new inclusion this year. So dont forget to
include it in your assignment! We will discuss this in Tutorial 2, however, more
importantly, this will also be discussed in MAT1008 classes.

Sample 1
Jackson, FM 2002, Considerations for community-based research with African American
women, American Journal of Public Health, April, vol. 92, no. 4, pp.561-5, viewed 12
February 2007,
This review critically reviews the article Considerations for community-based research with
African American women in the journal American Journal of Public Health. The review will
first summarise the article. Secondly, it will briefly analyse the effectiveness of the articles
structure, investigating how the information is set out and whether the reader can access it
efficiently. Thirdly, the review will critique the article, evaluating its authority, currency,
accuracy, objectivity and coverage. The review will also analyse the graph before finally
judging the articles accessibility and credibility. Overall the article was well written, clear
and relevant.
Article summary
The purpose of the article is to explore the need and advantages of conducting community
based research with women of colour in the United States. The authoritative knowledge that

CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

these women can provide about their lives and their health could form the basis of
collaboration between researchers and participants and lead to successful strategies to
improve the health of African American women. The article provides the goals for improving
African American womens health before investigating the issues related to cultural
sensitivity, reciprocity, accountability and authoritative voices in order to argue that the
research on these women and their health must be attuned to the multiple identities the
women possess that are associated with race, gender and class.
Article structure
The article was introduced with an abstract, which provided the stance or thesis developed by
the article as well as a brief overview of main points. The rationales for the article and for the
research it describes were also included. The paragraphs in the body were short and therefore
the information in each paragraph was easy to access, however there were only 3 body
headings, which meant that there was a lot of quite detailed information contained under each
heading. As the article described a research study that was conducted by the author, the
article contained the conventional information normally provided in such a study. For
example there are sections related to the background and significance of the research, a
review of the literature and the methodology as well as the data collection and analysis
techniques used. The findings and conclusions were developed towards the end of the article
however the conclusion was very short, lacking a comprehensive summary of the main points
covered by the article. However the short conclusion did develop future policy and research
directions. References were cited in-text and set out clearly in the literature cited section. The
articles structure was logically developed overall, with the use of short paragraphs helping
the reader access the main points more easily. The article was HMLT rather than a scanned
PDF document and included many links, which helped to make the information accessible.
There were links to author, journal, subjects, citations and references which allow the reader
to evaluate the articles worth more effectively, however linked headings and subheadings
may have allowed the reader to move through the paper more quickly.
Article critique
The journal, the American Journal of Public Health, is a publication of the American Public
Health Association, which is an objective unbiased public organisation. It was found on the
scholarly Academic Search Premier through EBSCOhost, which is a highly credible research
The authors credibility was established in a number of ways. These included her PhD; the
fact that the article was a peer reviewed article; the fact that the author is an academic
working at the School of Public Health, Emory University in Atlanta; the fact that the
research described in the article was supported by an ASPH/CDC/ATSDR Cooperative
agreement and a grant from the Ford Foundation; and the links to the authors other articles in
the Reference section.
The source of the information in the article was a current research project. It was also backed
up and supported by a comprehensive, recent reference list with these sources cited in-text to
support both the literature review and the research itself. The strict editorial and refereeing
processes also contributed to the articles accuracy as did the links to other expert sources
(the journal for example).

Assignment samples

The journal was published in April 2002, while the article was accepted for publication in
December 2001. The research it describes was current and the article cites up-to-date
references in the body of the text (ranging from 1990-2001). Therefore the article is current.
This was an academic journal on an academic database, which has high credibility in an
academic context. It was written to inform researchers and students rather than to entertain or
advertise. It would be relevant to both these groups but particularly any academic interested
in nursing innovations and in health generally. It could be a difficult article to read and
understand and therefore would be less relevant to first year nursing students.
The information was objectively developed, well supported with a current research base and
with all evidence acknowledged and referenced. There was no evidence of bias, a fact that
was reinforced by the recognition that the article documents research, which followed the
rigorous research processes, and the necessary ethical considerations demanded of such
community-funded research. The article acknowledged the complexity of the issues discussed
in a number of ways. For example, the literature review provided explanations of the key
terms discussed (for example gender and identity) and supported their research decisions
with references to the appropriate and relevant literature. The participants were clearly
defined a sample of 545 African American women living in Atlanta - with the findings
relevant to other African American women and would also be able to inform research
conducted in other countries, for example indigenous women in Australia.
The article, with its source an academic journal on an academic data base is stable as a
Analysis of graph
(MAT1008 will help you to write this section)
This review has both summarised and critically reviewed Jacksons article Considerations
for community-based research with African American women. The content, structure,
strengths and limitations of the article were analysed and critiqued. The article has
contributed to the literature in terms of its valuable critique of current research study on
African American women and their health issues and the implications provided for both
health interventions and future research collaborative possibilities.

CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

Sample 2
Bell, RL & Lederman, NG 2003, Understandings of the nature of science and decision
making on science and technology based issues, Science Education, vol.87, no.3, p.352-77,
viewed 15 March 2005, EBSCOhost database Academic Search Premier, item: AN9578033
This review critically reviews the article Understandings of the nature of science and
decision making on science and technology based issues by Randy L. Bell and Norman G.
Lederman which appeared in the journal Science Education. The review will firstly
summarise the article. Secondly, it will briefly analyse the effectiveness of the articles
structure, investigating how the information is set out and whether the reader can access it
efficiently. Thirdly, the review will critique the article, evaluating its authority, accuracy,
currency, relevance, objectivity and stability. The review will also analyse the graph before
finally judging the articles accessibility and credibility. Overall the article was well written,
clear and relevant.
Article Summary
The purpose of the article was to investigate whether knowledge of the nature of science
impacted on decision-making regarding science and technology based issues. The article also
determined the factors and reasoning used to reach decisions. The study involved 21 adult
volunteers, selected from university professors and research scientists from across the United
States. The participants completed two open-ended questionnaires and subsequent
interviews. The first questionnaire and follow up interview were designed to assess
participants decision making. Participants were then grouped according to their views on the
nature of science as gauged by the second questionnaire and follow up interview. The
groups overall decision making were then profiled using the responses to the Decision
Making Questionnaires and follow up interviews. After comparison of both group profiles, it
was found that there was little difference in the groups overall decisions, factors influencing
decisions or processes used to reach decisions. Participants in both groups based their
decisions mainly on ethics, personal values or social/political concerns. All considered
scientific evidence but more as a part of a multifaceted issue. The nature of science did not
significantly impact on either groups decision making. These results contrast with basic
assumptions of current science education reform efforts and call for a re-examination of the
goals of nature of science instruction. Future research directions include the relationship
between general epistemologies and decision-making, and the relationship between decision
making and moral development.
Article Structure
The article under review was accessed via EBSCOhost in a clear and well set out form. It
was retrieved as a PDF document. The article was introduced with an abstract that briefly
outlined the purpose of the article, its main points, findings, conclusions, implications and
future research directions. The article is broken into headings and subheadings with
relatively short paragraphs making the information readily accessible. The Introduction
provided background information and the rationale behind the article. This allowed clear
understanding of the context and importance of the study. The body was logically organised

Assignment samples

into scientific headings Method, Results, Discussion and Implications, Appendices and
References. This allowed the reader to read the entire article or just the part of interest. The
article had both qualitative and quantitative aspects with excerpts from interviews and
surveys combined with statistical data from the study. The article was summarised but this
occurred in the Discussion and Implications section in a long and jumbled form making a
clear and concise understanding of the main points difficult. There were extensive references
cited in-text and set out clearly in the References section. The article was a PDF document
which meant it could easily be printed and read. It did not have links throughout the text but
did have links in the citation. The sentences were structured so that an average person could
read most of the article however in some sections the level of literature was advanced. The
overall accessibility of the information was quite good.
Article Critique
The authors credibility was established in a number of ways. Both authors are associated
with education institutions with Randy L. Bell being an academic at the Curry School of
Education at University of Virginia and Norman G. Lederman is an academic in the
Department of Mathematics and Science Education at Illinois Institute of Technology. The
authors are also recognised in their field with an early version of the article being presented to
the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching in 2000.
The authors have also written a number of other articles, some of which are included in the
References section. The article was from the journal Science Education, which is a reliable
and peer reviewed journal. The article was found through EBSCOhost on the Academic
Search Premier database. This is a highly credible research database. It can be seen that the
article has authority.
The information included in the article was from a study conducted in 1998. The information
is verified and supported with in-text referencing and an extensive list of references. The
editorial and reviewing processes that the article was subject to both contribute to the
accuracy and reliability of the article. The information in the article is therefore accurate and
The study the article is written about was conducted in 1998. The article was written in 2001,
revised in early 2002 and accepted for publication 19 April 2002. It was published in May
2003. The references included in the list of references range from 1963 to 2001. The article
is therefore current and supported by a range of studies over an extensive time frame.
The article is from an academic journal and is therefore intended for the scientific
community. It was written to inform and detail specific research conducted by the authors,
not to entertain. The subject is covered well but because it was conducted in the United
States on a limited amount of high level academics, it is not generalisable. The article is very
detailed with the topics being explored in great depth. The material is presented in a logical
and organised way. The article is accordingly relevant to the academic community.

CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

The information presented in the article is from a research study. The results are presented in
an objective way with all evidence and supporting documentation acknowledged. The
authors clearly outline some of the limitations of the research and make reference to
alternative points of view, enhancing the objectivity of the article. The article is based on fact
with all stringent research processes and decisions clearly explained. As a result, the
information presented in the article is objective.
The article is from an academic journal that is available in both print and electronic forms. It
can also be found on an established and highly credible academic database: EBSCOhosts
Academic Search Premier. For these reasons, the article is stable as a resource.
Analysis of graph
(MAT1008 will help you to write this section)
This review has summarised and critically reviewed Bell and Ledermans article
Understandings of the nature of science and decision making on science and technology
based issues. The structure, accessibility, content, strengths and limitations of the article
were analysed and critiqued along with the graph which was included. The authors and
journal are credible, accurate and current. The articles information is accessible, well
structured, relevant and presented in an objective way. The article is also stable as a
resource. The article has therefore contributed valuable information and understanding about
how knowledge of the nature of science influences decision-making on science and
technology based issues.

Sample 3
Cregan, K 2005, Ethical and social issues of embryonic stem cell technology, Internal
Medicine Journal, vol.35, no.2, viewed 15 March 2007, Ethical and social issues of

embryonic stem cell technology

This review critiques the article Ethical and social issues of embryonic stem cell technology
by Kate Cregan in the Internal Medicine Journal. The article will be summarized and its
purpose defined. The review will then examine the structure of the article in terms of how the

Assignment samples

information is displayed and the ease with which the reader can access the information. The
article will be critiqued based upon its authority, accuracy, currency, relevance, objectivity
and stability. The review will also analyse the graph before finally judging the articles
accessibility and credibility. Overall the article was well written, clear and relevant.
Article summary
The purpose of this article is to consider the negative implications of embryonic stem cell
technology on an ethical and social level. According to the article, the issues relating to this
controversial topic transcend the religious arguments commonly brought to the fore in such
debates. The use of stem cell technology will lead to the transformation of societys view of
life, causing it to be commercialized and simultaneously devalued. The article does
acknowledge the possible benefits of the technology. However it questions whether such
benefits for a privileged few are worth the commercialization of women living in poverty those most likely to become a source of embryos for such technology. The use of stem cell
technology will have harmful consequences affecting not only these women, but also society
as a whole as the concept of life is reduced to a scientific process.
Article structure
The article was introduced with an abstract that provided an effective overview of the article
by establishing the background to the issue as well as the theme and main points of the piece.
The article itself is qualitative in nature and is two pages long. It is accessible online as a PDF
document. As such, links are not included in the article, but contact details for the author are
provided. In addition, the citation of the article, available through EBSCOhost MegaFILE
Premier does contain links to articles related to key words and subject terms. These links
provided useful background to the topic. Despite the shortness of the article, information is
not easily accessible. There is a logical ordering of points, but the piece lacks headings and
both the paragraphs and the sentences are long, so accessing the information, reading and
understanding the article is not easy. Furthermore, the conclusion is not a summary of the
points made but a question defining the overall theme of the article. There is no in-text
referencing, but three references are provided in a reference section. Additionally, there is a
section acknowledging the piece upon which the article was based. The original piece, coauthored by Kate Cregan and Paul James, Stem-cell alchemy: techno-science and the new
philosophers stone in the Arena Journal includes several in-text references and twenty-one
references in total. Overall therefore, while the abstract is effective and the links provided via
the citation are useful, the structure of the article makes it difficult to read and understand.
Article critique
The official journal of the Adult Medicine Division of the Royal Australasian College of
Physicians, the Internal Medicine Journal in which the article was featured is an extremely
reputable source. This journal aims to inform and educate, its target audience being the
medical community. In addition the fact that the article was found via EBSCOhosts
Academic Search Premier, which is known to be a reliable database, adds to its credibility, as
does that fact that it is peer reviewed. Furthermore, the author is a research fellow for the
Australian Research Council, as well as an academic at Melbournes RMIT University and
has written numerous other books and articles. The various positions and the contact details
of the author are displayed on the article. All of this information indicates that the article is
highly credible.

CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

The source of much of the information in the article was the original piece upon which the
article was based. While the article itself has only three references and no in-text referencing,
the original, co-authored by Kate Cregan and Paul James contains several in-text references
and a total of twenty-one references, implying great accuracy. The articles accuracy is also
confirmed by the careful scrutiny that it was subjected to by Internal Medicine Journal it
was accepted for publishing nine days after being received. The fact that the article is peer
reviewed also verifies its precision.
The journal issue containing the article was published in February 2005, while the article was
accepted for publishing in October 2004. Its references date from 2001. The original piece
upon which the article is based was published in 2002, with references dating from 1998.
The recent publication of the article and the recent references indicate that the article is very
current, as does the content of the article which deals with the latest developments in stem
cell technology.
The article was published in a medical journal intended to inform the medical community. As
it was written to provide information for an educated sector and published in a reputable
journal, it is relevant to the intended audience. The topic covered is also a significant one in
todays society. The article covers several aspects of the issue, and although the information
originates in Australia, it relates to the global community.
The information in the article was derived from Doctor Cregans extensive experience in the
area of stem cell technology, associated with the Australian Research Council. The article
shows research decisions, and contains both facts and opinions. However, where opinions are
presented, both sides of the argument are illustrated. The fact that the article considers the
negative implications of embryonic stem cell technology on an ethical and social level does
not lead to bias because the positive possibilities of the technology are also acknowledged.
Limitations of stem cell technology and conversely, the restrictions of not utilizing such
technology are discussed. The majority of the claims and arguments made are supported, if
not in the article, then in the original piece, by references to prior research or literature, and
frequent mention is made of alternative points of view. However, in several instances,
strongly worded assertions are made, and are not supported by documented evidence. The
article serves its purpose as an objective presentation of the negative social and ethical
aspects of stem cell technology to the medical community. However it could have been
written more objectively if emotive and strongly worded statements had not been used or had
been better supported.
Having been published in a medical journal, and being accessible through a credible and
reliable academic database, the article is a stable resource.
Analysis of graph
(MAT1008 will help you to write this section)

Assignment samples

This review summarised and critically reviewed Cregans article, Ethical and social issues of
embryonic stem cell technology. The content, structure, strengths and limitations of the
article were analysed and critiqued. The article has contributed to a better understanding
amongst the medical community of the disadvantages, both social and ethical of stem cell
technology. Although it lacks an accessible structure and is therefore difficult to read, it is
well researched and highly credible.

NUR1140 written assignment question

I have included this NUR1140 assignment question as it comprises one of your two topic
areas for the article you select for the CMS1008 article review critique. It also forms one of
the two alternative topics you can chose to base the CMS1008 assignment 2, the proposal/

Week 10, Friday May 11, 2007.

This assessment item carries a weighting of 50%. A mark of 25% is needed to gain 50% which is the minimum
mark required for a pass in this assignment.
Responsible, professional practice requires nurses to understand and apply the professional standards and codes
that influence clinical decision making and the outcomes of health care. This ability is one of the Australian
Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) competencies required for all registered nurses.
This assignment has been designed to help you explore some of the elements of responsible, professional practice.
You are the registered nurse on the floor of an eight bed general ward. The other members of your team are an
enrolled nurse, an unlicensed health care worker (Assistant in Nursing) and a nursing student from the regional
university. A 20 year old patient has been admitted into your ward for treatment of chronic constipation.
Applying the context of the scenario, explore and discuss each of the following elements:
Scope of Practice and delegation of duties


CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

Law and ethics

Infection control
Professionalism and Code of Conduct
Each element is to be discussed within a word limit of 200 words and referenced correctly using only references
that could be used as valid evidence for safe, responsible nursing practice.
Write an introduction of 50-75 words.
Your conclusion of 100-150 words should be presented as a summary of the learning outcomes you have achieved
while reading, researching and preparing the information used to complete this assignment.
Your assignment will be marked using the following criteria:
Succinct, clear introduction which defines the aim(s) of the assignment
A conclusion that presents a clear summary of the learning outcomes you have achieved while completing the
Clear written expression
Accurate grammatical presentation
Accurate spelling
Non-sexist language
Within word limit (+/- 10%)
12 marks
Use of valid references with appropriate referencing:
Evidence in the assignment of appropriate use of relevant literature
All sources of information are correctly acknowledged
Harvard style referencing/citations used correctly throughout the assignment
Comprehensive and accurate reference list included at the end of the assignment.
8 marks


Context and purpose of the assignment explained

Elements discussed within the given context
Clear identification and explanation of each element validated by appropriate reference(s)
Evidence of development of an understanding of the relationship of each of the elements to responsible nursing
30 marks

Assignment samples

NUR1140 Assignment Marking Sheet

Criteria 1




Poor presentation/legibility

Needs improvement
in some areas

presentation in
all areas

Inadequate Introduction
Learning outcomes not clear
in conclusion



Within +/- 10% of

required word count


Meets required
word count

Well below required word

Criteria 2




Very little use of literature

Reasonable attempt
to use

Evidence of
wide reading of

Fair attempt to use

both in text
referencing and
include a reference

Appropriate use
of relevant
literature to

Literature lack relevance to

context & elements
Literature used
In text referencing and/or
reference list absent or

Criteria 3

use of Harvard
referencing (in
text and
reference list




Elements poorly explained

Some elements
discussed well

discussions of
each element

Little relationship to context

of practice
Lack of development of the
element topics

Fair relationship to
context of practice
Some to fair
development of most
of the element topics

Relationship to
context of
practice clearly
evident in each
development of
element topics





CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

Proposal draft (assignment 2) samples

Sample 1
This sample has been developed from the NUR1140 question above.
1. Thesis statement:
Responsible, professional practice requires nurses to understand and apply the professional
standards and codes that influence clinical decision making and the outcomes of health care.
(An alternate thesis could beThe elements of responsible, professional practice can
be witnessed in a nursing teams treatment of a patient with chronic constipation).
2. Main points:
Introduction (50-75 words)
Privacy (200 words)
Privacy is one of the elements of responsible professional practice that need to be
demonstrated in relation to a nursing teams treatment of a 20 year old patient with chronic
Confidentiality (200 words)
Another of the elements that can be witnessed in the treatment of the patient is
Scope of Practice and delegation of duties (200 words)
Scope of practice and delegation of duties also need to be demonstrated by the nursing team
in the treatment of the patient.
Law and ethics (200 words)
Law and ethics are important considerations in relation to the elements of responsible
professional practice demonstrated in a nursing ward.
Infection control (200 words)
Infection control is one further element that needs to be demonstrated by the nursing team if
they are to display responsible professional practice
Professionalism and Code of Conduct (200 words)
Professionalism and code of conduct are the final elements of responsible professional
practice that need to be demonstrated in the treatment of a patient with chronic constipation.
Conclusion (100-150 words)

Assignment samples


3. Introduction:
Responsible, professional practice requires nurses to understand and apply the professional
standards and codes that influence clinical decision making and the outcomes of health care.
This assignment applies the elements of responsible, professional practice to a nursing teams
treatment of a 20 year old patient with chronic constipation. The elements discussed include
privacy, confidentiality, scope of practice and delegation of duties, law and ethics, infection
control, and professionalism and code of conduct.
4. Body paragraph
Privacy is one of the elements of responsible professional practice that need to be
demonstrated in relation to a nursing teams treatment of a 20 year old patient with chronic
constipation. The team members include an enrolled nurse, an unlicensed health care worker
and a nursing student from the regional university. Kerridge et al. (1998, p.128 cited in
Chiarella 2005, p.405) define privacy as ones ownership of ones body or information about
ones self. Clients would not feel confident in telling their most intimate and private details
if they could not expect that these would be treated confidentially (Chiarella 2005). Thus a
member of the team, for example the nursing student, nursing the 20 year old patient would
need to seek the patients permission before revealing any information the patient had
disclosed to the registered nurse. According to Braunack-Mayer and Mulligan (2003), sharing
information between members of the treating team, or between different treating
practitioners, while a common and necessary practice in the delivery of healthcare, but should
not be conducted without the knowledge of the patient. This would apply in the case of a
young female patient who, according to Rowe (2005), is still an adolescent, suffering a
potentially embarrassing bowel problem. (203 words)
5. Reference List

Braunack-Mayer, AJ & Mulligan, EC 2003, Sharing patient information between

professionals: confidentiality and ethics, Medical journal of Australia, vol. 178, no.6, pp.
277-279, viewed 12 February 2007,
Chiarella, M 2005, in J Crisp and C Taylor (eds), Potter & Perrys fundamentals of nursing,
(2nd edn) Elsevier, Sydney
Rowe, J 2005, Conception to adolescence in J Crisp and C Taylor (eds), Potter & Perrys
fundamentals of nursing, (2nd edn) Elsevier, Sydney

Sample 2
This sample is developed for the NUR1120 question.


CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

Professional portfolio (PP) assignment

This assignment is a new initiative in the nursing program. As a consequence I am going to
be asking you to evaluate your progress in developing your portfolio throughout the semester.
I have included lots of samples as well a developing a navigation map for your portfolio
development during the semester (see table below). Let me know whether these are helpful or
how I could improve them for your understanding?

Navigating portfolio entries during the semester

Portfolio development plan

Table 1 Portfolio development plan

Professional Portfolio (PP) actions

Skim read portfolio guidelines/portfolio marking criteria rubric

Print a copy of the rubric for easy reference throughout the semester

Open a new word document and create provisional headings Criteria

1-8 for PP

This column is for
you to tick off
after you have
completed each
task and pasted it
into your portfolio


Complete CMS1008 learning profile online

Score and describe learning profile strengths and weaknesses

Copy and paste learning profile strengths and weaknesses into PP under
Criteria 2
Start to develop learning profile action plan and paste into PP under
Criteria 2

Complete MAT1008 ass 2 and paste CV into PP under Criteria 2

Complete NSC1500 questionnaire & paste answers into PP under

Assignment samples

Criteria 2

Complete NUR1120 and paste answers into PP under Criteria 2

Complete MAT1008 & start to develop PP Table of Contents

Easter break

Following completion of CMS1008assig 1/ MAT1008assign 3 write

an assignment reflection & paste into PP

Write week 8 student feedback evaluation & 3 write an assignment

reflection & paste into PP

Criteria 8

Following completion of CMS1008 assignment 2 3 write an

assignment reflection & paste into PP


Criteria 2

Criteria 3

Following completion of NUR1140 assign 1 write an assignment

reflection & paste into PP Criteria 3 & 5 and paste NUR1140
assignment into Appendices


Following completion of NUR1120 assign 1 write an assignment

reflection & paste into PP Criteria 3 and paste assignment into

Complete NUR1140 forms and paste into PP appendices

Sample pages: portfolio assignment

Criteria 1
Criteria 1


Personal pages

Photograph/self portrait
Table of contents
Rationale/purpose/ summary statement
Curriculum vitae

10 marks



CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

Sample name/photograph/table of contents

This is part of the introductory page designed for a Carrick award in 2006. The page also
included links to other pages (which were the award criteria) (and could substitute for a Table
of Contents) and below that some quotations also linked to the other pages. It is a web
example and whereas there are plenty of portfolio introductions on the web it is much more
difficult to find examples of samples in word or hard copy. Also note that this reflects far too
many years being an academic and when it was put together in 2006 I had the special help of
graphic designer. Yours will be in word and are designed to help you right at the beginning of
your nursing journey.

Dr Jill Lawrence

| Faculty of Arts | University of Southern Queensland


My name is Jill Lawrence. I teach and research at the University of Southern Queensland, a regional
and transnational university.
My driving force is making connections: with the diversity of students I teach, with my colleagues and
with wider communities. So, in the spirit of Humanities and the Arts, I draw on the wisdom of others
to make connections with you. The quotations below resonate with me, capturing the essence of my
Connections (in my teaching approaches)
Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibres, our actions run
as causes and return to us as results. Herman Melville

Passion (in enhancing curricula and resources)

I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to
see happen. Frank Lloyd Wright

Learning (fostered through assessment and feedback)

If we value independence then we may wish to set up conditions of learning which make for uniqueness, for
self-direction, and for self-initiated learning. Carl Rogers

Diversity (celebrating and respecting student differences)

We all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. John F. Kennedy

Engagement (in scholarly activities and research)

Education becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and
creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world. Paulo Freire

Assignment samples

Criteria 2
Criteria 2


Learning journal

Learning profile (200-300 words)

Learning profile analysis (weeks 1-2)
Learning profile action plan (weeks 3-4)
Learning profile reflections (during the semester)
Goals/expectations/ reflections (400-500 words) in relation to:


Nursing program






Development of skills/literacies (500-600 words)


Communication technology




Critical thinking



Study skills

Team work

Class participation

Time management & stress management


Sample Learning profile template

Battery items

Learning profile analysis


Learning approaches
Conceptions of knowledge




CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

Sample learning profile action plan template

Action plan

Reflection 1

Reflection 2

Sample goal template






1. Complete
semester 1
and pass all
5 courses

Be positive


Weeks 1 -17

Develop assessment


End of week 1

term goal)

Work out timetable


Arrange baby sitting


Friends/family day

Form a study group

Use class time to

make social contact

I suppose I had always

set high standards for
myself in my working
life and I perceived
those academically
qualified to have
higher standards than
myself. To say I took
on a major task, by
trying to complete a
degree and work part
time, was something I
don't want to do
again. I need to be able
to realistically plan and
balance my time.

End of week 1

Talk to support group

and identify and
Skim read course
contents and
introduction to
develop overview of
nursing program

2. Develop
(short term

Family friends plan

time in timetable


Before week 1
Weeks 1-5
Before week 1

Weeks 1-2

Find template

Class information

Weeks 1-2

Organise classes

ALSonline for
strategies to achieve
your goals

Weeks 1-17

Do regular reality
checks (is it working
for you?)
Change if necessary

Skim reading and

attending the tutorials
helped me to
understand more where
the assignments were
heading and why they
are organised in the
way that they are. I still
feel annoyed that
things are so confusing

Assignment samples


Sample expectations template


I thought that lecturers would be high
and mighty.
One problem I expected would be the
(negative) communication between
lecturers/tutors and me, backwards and
I thought of it as a lot like school,
where you went into a classroom, you
opened your textbooks, and you did this
exercise, blah blah. Very much like
It wasnt indoctrinated, but it was
drummed into us at grade 12 if you hit
uni, youre not going to be spoon-fed,
and its going to be a whole new world.
So I thought it would be academically
reasonably hardI thought it would be
harder (academically) than it is.
I expected uni to be difficult and time
consuming. I expected that I would
have to work very hard to gain a pass. I
expected to be in a class full of very
capable people.
Its really hard, coming from me, Im
telling you! Like I feel a lot different,
being in my own environment, and
when you come here its totally
differentIm not in control, if thats
the way to put it. I mean Im not an
ego-tripping person like I have to have
total control. Although thats a new
challenge for me, alsobecause in the
18 years Ive been self-employed, Ive
created a lot of personal challenges. But
this is another one that Ive created.
Whether its a monster from the deep,
Im not sure?

Perceptions now
My expectations of university were both
realistic and unrealistic. I expected that
almost all students would have concrete
goals and reasons for studying what they did,
but in reality, a minority had definite goals
and future career plans and most were
undecided and floating. Many were not sure
of why they were at university, possibly
because it was expected and a natural
transition in study, rather than for personal
goal reasons. I noticed that most mature aged
students had definite goals and reasons for
commencing tertiary studies. It may be
because they have given up work and
income in order to commence study, and so
have much more at stake.
With a military background, university is the
total opposite. At university you need to
learn all the norms, which are very
different. Casual wear versus immaculate
uniforms and presentation. Choosing your
own timetable: that was incredible. When I
turned up on the first day, I did not know
where to go or even how to read the
timetable. Organising your study and
assignments, everything is totally up to you
personally, with so much responsibility left
on yourself, when it is totally the opposite in
the military, whereby you must fit into the
group and not be an individual.
I think theres an unwritten rule that youve
got to complain about your teachers.
Everyone has to do that at some point or
another. Things like, they dont know what
theyre talking about, just basically
incompetent. Theres always complaints
about a unit thats just completely irrelevant
or pointless or not effective. Another
unwritten law is not to get to lectures too
early. I chopped and changed when I got
there but I found when I got there fifteen
minutes before there were maybe 2 or 3 of us
in the lecture theatreit gets to five to and
then everyone just piles in. Im really
surprised that a lot of students never ever go
to the computer labs and they dont have
computers at home, they just dont care. Like
when an assignment is handed in, Im out
there every night checking my results to see
if its come in yet. My friends just dont care.
I think if you want to be a student, you dont


CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

care, you get your results when you get

them: get a bad result, then the lecturers an
idiot. I was surprised at some of my friends,
whove been out here for a while, dont put
the effort in that I was putting in. like going
out to the library or the computer labs they
get it done just on time and they just get


I expected that study at university

would be a solo affair and that it would
be hard to make friends and enjoy
myself. I though it would be all hard
slog, that I would just go to classes and
come home and then study.
I expected that in the first week I would
spend ages running around but having
no one really to do anything about my
problems. That I would go and line up
in a queue for 3 and a 1/2 hours to get
some information, and then realise Ive
made a mistake.

As we were put into groups according to

subject choice and timetable arrangement,
we saw (and still see) these people all the
time. It made a huge difference, especially in
the first couple of weeks in that we already
had a circle of friendshaving someone
with the same timetable as me has been
really great as we get along really well
instant best friend. It was like a giant jumpstart. Because I was settled with friends so
quickly it was a lot easier to organise the
work side of thingswith other people to
help and talk to.
I had ethical problems with nursing where I
had to reflect on things, which are really
toughhow you felt when somebody dies in
front of you. They screw you up inside and it
takes so long, because youre feeling so
wound up in it, it really makes it hard to
writeIts hard because it makes you think
about it again and it brings it all back again.
Partly as a debriefing, and partly just a way
of thinking about what youre doing, and
why youre doing it, rather than saying what
youve done.


I thought this looked like an English

subject and as I hated English at school
and didnt feel confident about my
writing, grammar and spelling, I felt
sure that I was going to have trouble in
this course. It seemed to make me also
examine my learning skills and I didnt
like this and I couldnt see what it had
to do with nursing.
Another thing I felt uncomfortable
about was that the teacher said that it
was a touchy/feely subject and I feel
much more comfortable with black and
white or right or wrong information


Studying maths again was a frightening

prospect, especially when I first saw
some of the problems. My first reaction
was What have I done? I have been
putting off doing Foundation Maths for
2 semesters. I have done well in all my
other subjects, but maths, well its like
hitting a brick wall.
However I feel more comfortable with
computing as I have experienced
difference software and feel I can cope

My expectations werent matched by reality.

I realise now that this is not English as such
but it is giving me the skills to do better at
university. I feel more confident about the
way information is structured and about how
to reference information. As a result of the
teachers feedback I have made a great
improvement as I found that feedback helps
a great deal. For example I discussed my
approach with my tutor and she thought I
was on the right track so that made me feel

Many of the staff have taken a personal

interest in my work. I mean you wouldnt
expect that. Its beenyeah its motivated
me, its also given me the confidence to ask
them questions and thats something that has
really helped me a lot.
As no-one is watching over you, its up to
you if you want to succeed, then you have
to put in the time and effort to make things
work for you.

Assignment samples


with study desk etc. I feel confident that

the tutors can help me overcome any
problems with computing.


I though science would be a struggle,

intellectually: I still have this idea of
university being like Oxford,
Cambridge the elite. So youre
expecting everybody to be very clever,
and intelligent, and obviously working
hard to get their degree but it wasnt
like that.

Science is a complete language of its own,

and in order to succeed or even understand
the subject, you must have a clear
understanding of the style of language and
literacy. I have come a long way since the
beginning of my degree, whereby I can now
pick up most biology, physiology, chemistry
and microbiology books in the library and I
can understand most of what I am reading.
When I first started the degree I would have
not understood most of it, it would be like
reading a foreign language. I also now
understand the reason why science is
communicated in its particular style, as the
language and methods of science are the
basic building blocks to any concepts. They
are all inter-related, and so my degree in a
way was learning the language and ideas of
science, so that I can apply it to unfamiliar
science (new technologies) and figure out for
myself what the information means. This
primes science students for on-going study
during their careers, whereby they are
required to refer to science journal articles to
keep up-to-date with the rapid advances in
science technology today.


Sample skills/literacies template

Skill /literacy

Reflection 1

Reflection 2


First of all I dont know why

communication is included as part of a
subject. I can walk and talk and
therefore communication well. Nursing
is about technical and clinical things
and I believe I dont need to use
communication in nursing.

The more I watch and listen to the

lecturers and to other students who are
working in Blue care and in aged care
facilities the more I realise how
important communication is. I need to
be able to fine tune my communication
to different contexts and purposes as
well as be aware that it is a lot more
difficult than I though in terms of
potential problems and barriers.

On your first day here you are not sure

if you know anyone; you tend to sit by
yourself and try and shrink into the
background. But once you start going
to classes and meeting a few people
and start having conversations with
them, you become more comfortable
with the environmentfeel more
connected to the university and more
confident in coming here everyday
You need to interact with the
environment to become part of it, you
need to be able to interact with the

This next example reflection has the

added advantage of including in-text
referencing which shows the portfolio
reader that you have consulted the
research base.
As a beginning nurse, it is an important
part of my training to develop excellent
communication skills by reflecting on
my weaknesses and strengthening them.


CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

people because they are the

When I first got out here I thought how
am I going to keep coming to all these
lectures and they are boringand what
if I dont succeed. After the first few
assessments you get to learn how by
asking questions and I went to study
skills things, you basically learn what
youve got to do youve got to be
able to listen, got to be able to talk to
your teacher, got to be able to take
notes, got to be able to study
effectively, youve got to be able to use
a computer system, these are all crucial.

As found by Keatinge et al. (2002,

p.19), not listening is an example of a
communication in health care. I would
like to learn more about body language,
as this is a very strong communication
tool and may indicate emotions felt by
clients, and understandings by different
cultures allowing me to assist with
issues they may not be able to talk
verbally about (Dowd, Eckermann &
Jeffs 2005).
Dowd, T, Eckermann, A & Jeffs, L
2005, Culture and ethnicity in J
Crisp, & C Taylor (eds.), Potter &
Perrys Fundamentals of Nursing, 2nd
edn, Elsevier, Sydney.
Keatinge, D, Bellchambers, H, Bujack,
E, Cholowski, K, Conway, J and Neal,
P 2002, Communication: principal
barrier to nurse-consumer partnerships,
International Journal of Nursing
Practice, vol. 8, no. 1 p. 19 viewed 27
July 2005, EBSCOhost database
CINAHL, AN2002045706.


I found the library pretty daunting to

start with, I avoided it for about the
first two weeks then I came very early
one day before any of the young
students were there staring at this silly
woman walking around. I asked one of
the young fellows over there who was
extremely unhelpful so I went upstairs
and walked around and tried to work it
out for myself.


The last time I played around with a

computer was when space invaders just
came out so Im finding that really

The skill of seeking help and

information is vital as ultimately a
student is responsible for themselves
and their own study success, and if a
student does not understand something,
then it is essential that they seek help
and information successfully and are
able to effectively express themselves
and their query for further assistance. If
a student does not develop this skill,
then they will suffer in silence and
ultimately may fail their subject as a
result of a small problem manifesting
itself throughout the semester and
subject. On many occasions I have
sought information and help, in
particular when working out problems.
If I had not approached the lecturer,
then my final semester results would
have suffered. Clarifying the problem
early also enabled me to better
understand the subject matter, and
future concepts that were taught. Dont
be afraid to ask if there were anything
youre in doubt about, rather itd be
better to be clear and sure about
something than to be unclear and lose a
lot of marks and a good grade because
of it.

Assignment samples


hard; thats the hardest.


The main barriers I find are having the

kids at home and trying to get enough
time Its time really. Youre racing
around in the morning getting the kids
organised. Youre racing off to uni.
Youre going to uni and doing all your
tutorials and everything, and then
youre going home and youre having
that family situation again, and finding
that time to sit aside and say, well OK
this is what Ive got to do. I think my
biggest barrier at the moment is
organising time. Because a lot of the
work that you do at uni, even though
you go to tutorials and that, theres a lot
more that has to be done at home, and
its finding those extra 40 hours per
week, with 4 kids and a husband whos
away, and home, and away, and home.
Its not easyHubbys very
supportive, but kids I find arent that
supportive. Theyre not willing enough
to help in tidying up things, and
everythingIve sat down and talked
to them. But, you know, you can talk
till youre blue in the face, and theyre
not going to listen.

Financially its a problem because I

have to work. I dont have a car and I
work most nights, late, in hospitality,
and then I have to get up early and be at
eight oclock lectures and I find that
pretty tough sometimesdefinitely
financially it is hardI finish at 1, 2 in
the morning and the next day when you
wake up, you get up, clean up the
house, do a bit of washing, sit there and
do your books. Before you know it its
time to go back to work again. And then
you get to Sunday afternoon, and the
weekends gone and I think what have I
done? Ive got an excellent timetable
and am organized at home, but theres
really not enough time.

Critical selfawareness

I have a little bit of self-doubt. I suppose

the best way that I can explain it is that it
doesnt matter what knowledge Ive got
to now its worth nothing. Ive really
got to relearn academic writing,
academic life and academic study. Im
doing accounting what Ive learnt up to
now and the way Im being taught the
theory now theres the conflict. What
the theory is in the real world so Ive
got to say Okay, this is what I know,
but this is what Ive got to learn. So Im
going through a purging of information,
I suppose in a way, to come back to the
result that is required in the academic

University is more process orientated.

Outside of here you tend to think of a
problem where youd jump to a
conclusion, but within the university
everything has a step to another level.
Yes, I think the step-by-step process
that every subject, every teaching
university goes through, is a lot
different from the outside world its a
mindset you need to take into
consideration while youre at

Participating in

Balancing study

Im again putting too much emphasis

on keeping up with it, and everyone I
speak to say that thats an impossibility
lecturers and tutors and students. I

The tutorials helped me to make friends

and I find my friends give me more
practical help because they are the ones
doing the research and finding stuff and
trying to formulate ideas. I can ask my
friends to read this and tell me if it was
OK. It gives you a bit of confidence. And
you can read theirs as well then you can
say oh, this is really good. Have I done
that right? We push each other to learn
from each other and I am finding that
quite useful.
Thats what I really did for the first
week was I just went round and read
all the signs. What does it mean, what
can I use, what cant I use, whos


CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

thought, no, this couldnt be an

impossibility.this is what you have to
do to achieve. Im starting to learn that
you just cant do all this in one hit.
You have to let things go. But at the
same token, I hope I dont feel too
positive about letting everything go,
because you can catch yourself in a
position that you swing from one to the
other, and itll be a complete let
downSo youve got to balance it all.

available, whats it mean? So what I

really tried to do is after the first week I
was here, I went home and made a list
of the things that I thought were
important to help me achieve what I
wanted here. One was first of all how to
research because, what Im used to, and
what the expectation is here are two
entirely separate issues. So that was
important to me. Going to the library
and being able to find things quickly is
important to me as well. So that was
important. Second was that I had to
look at what I wanted to achieve from
the subject. And then I had to look at
my commitment level to that. I also
looked at the things such as, Okay the
consultation times are there then Ive
got to use them. To me, thats just a
free benefit its there to be used. And
then I had to look at things on top of
that, Okay, hows this going to impact
on my home life. Because Im one of
those people, with what I do, I do
120%. And thats what Im trying to do
is draw back, and think Okay, Ive
got to find a balance. So thats what
Im trying to do now is find a balance.

Criteria 3
Criteria 3


Academic journal

Reflections about assignments and development of research and

academic literacy (1-2 pages)
Assignments (in appendices)


Reflection 1

Reflection 2


I can write essays as I did the tertiary

preparation class. I dont know why I
need to do this again. I got a HD in the
tertiary preparation course.

I didnt realise that I need to fine tune

academic writing skills to each specific
assignment and subject. CMS1008 has
helped me understand the similarities in
academic writing and has helped me
work out how to get maximum marks
by fine tuning my writing and
information to meet the needs of
particular assignments. For example the
introduction in NUR1140 is very small
(50-75 words) whereas the introduction
in the portfolio needs to be in more

After doing an assignment or two I

realised that I didnt know too much
about academic writing. I mean I have
basic writing skills in the format of
writing an assignment but its just not that
effective and I didnt realise that and
thats why I came to some of the study
skillsone course was also helpful
because it reinforced the information.
I am learning to play it by the rules

Assignment samples


because, if I dont, I cant survive and I

wont do well. Like with assignmentsif
I write the assignment the way I think,
but dont write it to meet the criteria, then
Ive not achieved its purpose and Ill lose

I was stressed out the first week. That

was probably the most difficult thing
because of the learning curve like
referencing what the hells referencing?
How do you use the library? So theres a
giant learning curve in the first fortnight.
Knowing how to reference properly was
importantthe first assignment really
daunted me. If I had known how to
reference properly, I think I would have
done a lot better in that first assignment.
Its the basis of all these assignments.
And I didnt realise how many
assignments and reports there would be.

I feel more comfortable with

referencing now. I realise that it is an
important tool at university and that I
have to be careful and consistent with it
as little mistakes can send markers a bit

Initially I found referencing confusing. I

didnt understand that you couldnt just
copy and paste the citation on the data
base and leave it like that in the List of
References. I didnt understand that I had
to change each reference into the Harvard
online system and put them in A-Z order
by author. I lost marks by not
understanding that referencing is very
picky at university and you have to
follow the rules and examples to the
letter! I also didnt understand the
difference between direct and indirect
references. I find it hard to change the
authors words in technical writing into
an indirect quotation

I tend to write long sentences and didnt

realise what the green lines were in spell
check. My sentences can sometimes be as
long as 6 lines. I need help to work out
how to get them to be shorter.

I did some draft paragraphs for Jill and

asked her about ways to make my
sentences shorter. She showed me on
my draft and I now understand how to
put one point in one sentences and write
it directly too. This draft process is
helping me to write better assignments
in all my courses.


I feel frustrated about the databases as I

am having trouble finding the article I
need to for the CMS1008 assignment
which also feeds into MAT1008,
NUR1120 and NUR1140 course. While I
like the way the one article can help get
good marks in all these courses, I dont
feel confident in learning how to use the
search engines well and especially how to
find the right key word searches.

I made an appointment to see the

Science librarian and she helped my by
going over the search strategies and
actually helping me find articles to use
for the CMS1008 assignment. I took the
article to the CMS1008, received 10
marks for it and now have a reference I
can use in the NUR1120 assignment
and in the first and second assignments
for CMS1008.


The list of assignments looked so

daunting but I know I need to work on
them step by step.

I am starting to realise how important it

is to get some feedback about an
assignment before I hand it in. The plan
for CMS1008 helped me to understand
the way the assignment was being


CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

marked and how careful I need to be in

obeying assignment directions.

Research skills

Understanding how to structure a

paragraph with a main point was a
major leap forward for me. Now I know
that the main point is not an example or
a reference but a main point that needs
to be related back to the question. It
needs to be in my own words too. I also
realise that by including some in-text
references and an example or two I can
develop a well rounded paragraph and
this is helping me to get through the
assignments more quickly.
I have learned a lot from studying at
university, and I believe it has helped me
think even more laterally than previously.
It has also helped develop analytical
skills and resourcefulness, for example
when researching, how to research
effectively and solve problems.

Criteria 4
Criteria 4


Nursing competencies /

Discussion of at least 3 of the 45 ANMC competencies following the

Nursing Competencies Template Table below
National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse (PDF
Professional Practice 1. Practises in accordance with legislation
affecting nursing practice and health care:
1.1 Complies with relevant legislation and common law
1.2 etc

Sample template

Professional Practice
Practises in accordance with legislation affecting nursing practice and
health care:
1.1 Complies with relevant legislation and common law

Assignment samples


Statement of justification

Evidence summary

Title of evidence

Appendix no

Criteria 5
Criteria 5


Graduate attributes (1-2 pages)

Discussion of at least 1 skill/capability from each of the following 6

clusters (1-2 pages)

NB Students need to crossreference this criteria with the

section on literacies/ skills in
criteria 2 (as you can see with the
samples below I have copied and
pasted information from criteria 2
above but also added some more
reflections as they occurred to me)

Graduate qualities, attributes and generic

skills (PDF* 66kb)
Core attributes & capabilities cluster: Communication skills
Decision making skills Teamwork
Research & inquiry cluster:
Analytical and critical thinking
skills Problem solving skills Research methodologies
Self-management cluster:
Self-management skills
Independent learning skills Life-long learning
Literacies & contexts cluster:
Information technology Numeracy
Local, national and
international contexts
Personal & professional responsibilities cluster: Personal ethics &
responsibilities Professional ethics & responsibilities Societal
Discipline knowledge & skills cluster: Generic discipline attributes
& capabilities
Discipline specific
attributes & capabilities Discipline specific cultural,
environmental & social context

Core attributes &

The more I watch and listen to the lecturers example and case studies and to other
students who are working in Blue Care and in aged care facilities the more I realise
how important communication is. I need to be able to fine tune my communication
to different contexts and purposes as well as be aware that it is a lot more difficult
than I though in terms of potential problems and barriers.


CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

The 2 professional attributes subjects have increased my skills in communicating,

culturally, interpersonally and technologically. I am much more confident as a
result of the courses this semester.
Team work

The military is very group-orientated, and I think that university is actually very
individualistic and extremely competitive. The military is also competitive,
however if you ignore the group aspect of it, you will not get ahead. Its really all
about teamwork. At university you must have strength within the individual
primarily, although uni students who work in a group are probably at an advantage
if they are in a group and work together as a group. The teamwork at university is
not as efficient as the military, I have noticed in the last 6 months. The attitudes at
university were quite surprising.

Research &
inquiry cluster:

I started wanting to learn and was quite good at it. I also started to change the way
I thought about myself. Going to uni facilitated changes in the way I think and I
now have more of an opinion and can be more of an individual. Uni gives you the
resources to have more of an informed opinion. For example I am no longer
prepared to accept things at face value.

Analytical and
critical thinking

The decision to come to university, though huge, was just the beginning. That
decision has led to a plethora of other decisions, both big and small. I hade to make
decisions about time and stress management, and about how to balance study,
work and the demands of my family. I didnt realise how much support and
organisation was involved. Despite the problems, which I choose to think of as
opportunities to learn, Ive made friends and know where I can get help if I need
to. Ive learnt that university is where I should be and I didnt really believe it
Its got a lot tougher for me. I havent got the support that I thought that I had. So
that made studying a lot more difficultit was a huge disappointment. Been
extremely difficult to keep goingIt comes down to the nitty gritty of how much
work that you need to put in and how much sacrifice you need to make in your
personal life. Others around me didnt comprehend that I was going to be so
involved and have so little time for them.
Ive got the responsibility of a child, in particular an only child, and that is quite
demanding on my time. Im her mum, her best friend, her companion, her guide,
and her discipliner. She is at school in a composite class. I have to keep my
schedule between 9 and 2 to pick her up and run her around, so I lose a lot of
hours. I see it as a barrier compared to a normal student, who has only got
themselves to look after. It makes me prioritise, it makes me organise my life and
the use of my time.

Lifelong learning

There is a Chinese proverb which says that when a teacher is trying to give
knowledge, the student should not present with a full bowl, instead with an empty
bowl and let the teacher pour the knowledge in. Then the student is to sift through
the bowl for what they dont know, and continue this process. Because as a student
if you think you know it all, then you wont learn anything. Learning is an ongoing process.
I think it (university) will change the sort of lifestyle I will be able to enjoy
because I will enjoy greater personal satisfaction and achievement that I wouldnt
have had, had I not attended university. A new attitude of not just learning to get
the degree, but a change of philosophy of thinking and lifestyle including the
understandings that life is continual learning process and that it is important to
keep learning scholastically, academically, vocationally, and in all areas of life,
even after university. University has helped change my way of thinking in making
what I learn personal, part of me, instead of learning something just to get the
grade, and not caring about it once youve got what you want.

Assignment samples

Literacies &
contexts cluster:



The Science librarian helped me by going over the search strategies and actually
helping me find articles to use for the CMS1008 assignment. I took the article to
the CMS1008 class, received 10 marks for it and had a reference I used in the
NUR1120 assignment and in the first and second assignments for CMS1008. This
was the start of understanding how important this literacy was in a university
environment. I have learnt how to use the data bases and this has led to my more
effective assignment writing techniques. I also realise it will be skill that I can take
into my professional career and even at home with the kids. It is a lifelong learning
Theres a more multi-cultural blend amongst the students and staff than I usually
encounter in my normal, everyday activities and life. Thats one of the attractive
sides or appealing sides to me, because of previous experiences with other cultures
visiting Japan on a student exchange I really enjoy and appreciate that.
Im a pretty black and white sort of a fellow and a pretty hard bloke to get along
with but Im trying to broaden my cultural horizons! Its a big learning experience
for me, and I hope that by doing this degree that it changes my perspectives and
my perceptions, and that Ill become more culturally balanced. Im accepting the
cultural changes more now than I was.
University teaches you a different way of thinking. Rather than just accepting
things, you learn to question, you learn to take a broader view of things and be a
bit more broad-minded.

Personal &
Personal ethics

knowledge &
skills cluster:
Generic discipline
attributes &

Im glad that Ive just started, because I sit in classes and I see the people you
can just tell that theyre straight out of school and I wouldnt ever want to do
that. I dont think Id be doing as well if Id started earlierIts an old clich I
now have life experience in terms of reading and communication skills just the
general skills that you pick up from having been in the workforceI think reading
people is a very big part of having successful communicationIf I had have
started when I was finished school, I would have been 16. It was me versus the rest
of the world. I just think that if I had have gotten any negative feedback from a
lecturer or tutor, I would have just thought Oh yeah, crazy old fool, or something
to those effects, that you think when youre 16.
The first few weeks until you get into the rhythm of study are difficult then just
as you achieve the rhythm the assignments all start lining up and your time is
shot. It's an exercise in time management and discipline. I found it hard to turn my
brain off one subject onto the next. I am the type of person that if I don't
understand something it will haunt me and take over my brain until I do. This was
very difficult as some subjects suffered as I tried to master concepts in others. Prereading for me was key if I already knew what I was struggling with I would try
to focus on this in the lecture hoping to "have the lid lifted on the mystery of the
concept" and then I could focus on the tutorial questions and hopefully consolidate
the learning.
Im glad that Ive just started, because I sit in classes and I see the people you
can just tell that theyre straight out of school and I wouldnt ever want to do
that. I dont think Id be doing as well if Id started earlierIts an old clich I
now have life experience in terms of reading and communication skills just the
general skills that you pick up from having been in the workforceI think reading
people is a very big part of having successful communicationIf I had have
started when I was finished school, I would have been 16. It was me versus the rest
of the world. I just think that if I had have gotten any negative feedback from a
lecturer or tutor, I would have just thought Oh yeah, crazy old fool, or something
to those effects, that you think when youre 16.


CMS1008 Building professional nursing attributes A

Criteria 6
Criteria 6


(evidence items)

Appendices may include:

Contact details
Registration details
Employment summary
Current position description
Professional memberships
Professional development activities
Case studies

Criteria 7
Criteria 7
Student feedback/

Evaluations of process, progress and content of professional portfolio: weeks 8 &


Evaluation reflection week 14 This is a sample written by an enrolled nurse and therefore
not really applicable to your situation. However it does illustrate the kinds of reflections you
can write here. It is 457 words in length.
The experience of preparing a portfolio for me was undoubtedly the most challenging task of my entire
nursing career. Never before has there been on such a grand scale the requirement for nurses to verify
extended clinical knowledge and clinical skills to meet the requirements for extended practice. For this
reason the experience for me merged feelings of gratification with feelings of frustration at various
intervals. I was largely unaware of the process of constructing the evidence, the presentation format and
the time required. Taking the first step and gathering all the required evidence allowed me to realise the
enormity of the task that lay before me. Nevertheless I was keen to strive ahead with it.
I recognise that reflective practice is critical to professional development, particularly when undertaking a
new professional role such as that of a nurse practitioner. Preparing my portfolio was a fantastic tool for
reflective practice. It enabled me to construct and deconstruct evidence and identify areas that I needed to
develop. My professional development during this phase was truly evident and not only could I recognise
this but, importantly, my colleagues could as well.
The time commitment needed to invest in a portfolio cannot be understated. The process of identifying
evidence that can best articulate the recommended standards of the Nurses Board of South Australia
(2006) is challenging and certainly a process by which the Nurses Board can eliminate potential

Assignment samples


candidates if it is felt they do not meet the requirements. This ensures consistency in the quality of nurse
practitioners and that adequate support structures are in place from the very beginning. To produce
quality evidence for a portfolio, it is advised that evidence be gathered as soon as you commit to the role
of nurse practitioner. It is certainly not something you can do in a weekend. Due to the infancy of the
position of nurse practitioner, there is time that needs to be devoted to establishing a need for the nurse
practitioner role, defining a scope of practice, setting up policies and procedures relevant to the scope of
practice, seeking avenues for dissemination of information, forming collaborative relationships with other
health professionals and, most importantly, gathering advanced clinical skills that are essential to the role.
I strongly advocate for completion of a Masters degree because this enables compilation of a large body
of evidence over a period of time into a portfolio for submission to the Nurses Board. Preparing my
portfolio enabled me to see the relationship between the core subjects I had successfully completed in my
Masters program and my future role and responsibilities as a nurse practitioner. The portfolio assisted me
in understanding the requirements necessary for making the transition to the challenging role of the nurse

Melissa Curtis RN, South Australia (cited in Andre & Heartfield 2007, p.54)

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