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Revision 1 MCQ

Role of Accounting Information Systems

System Documentation Techniques

Database Concepts


1. The process of creating value for customers is the result of nine activities that form a
A) support system.

B) profitable operation.

C) value chain.

D) successful business.

2. The value chain concept is composed of two types of activities known as

A) support and value.

B) primary and secondary.

C) primary and support.

D) technology and support.

3. Which of the following is a primary activity in the value chain?

A) Infrastructure

B) Technology

C) Marketing and sales

D) Purchasing

4. In value chain analysis, what is the activity of arranging the delivery of products to customers
A) Shipping

B) Inbound logistics

C) Outbound logistics D) Delivery

5. Kiama, New South Wales, is a popular tourist destination. During the winter months, the
population dwindles to a meagre few, but when summer comes, the size of the town surges.
Chuck Hewitt is the town sanitation engineer. When the size of the town surges, so do his
responsibilities. Among them is management of the sewage processing volume. In an interview
with the local paper, Chuck complained that a report on tourist population that he uses to adjust
processing volume refers to data that was collected five days ago and it takes him a week to make
adjustments. Which of the following characteristics of useful information is absent in the situation
described above?

A) Verifiable
B) Timely
C) Reliable
D) Understandable
E) Complete
F) Accessible
G) Relevant

6. Michael called the home office from Perth. 'You have got to help me. I am about to close a great
sale, but I have to be able to guarantee delivery by the fourteenth. I can't get through to the
company website to verify delivery!' 'Thank you for calling. Your call is very important to us.
However, all of our lines are currently in use. Please try again later.'
Which of the following characteristics of useful information is absent in the situation described
A) Verifiable
B) Complete
C) Understandable
D) Accessible
E) Reliable
F) Relevant
G) Timely

Refer to the chart above. At what point, measured in terms of the net cost of information, does
information overload begin?
A) 12 B) 10

C) 5

D) 0

8. John has set up a business that sells oil paintings. He has hired five employees. The following
lists the duties of each of the five employees:
9. Ting: Manages the painting process and paints most of the oil paintings.
Derek: Sources canvas, oil, and paint from suppliers.
Fiona: Takes calls from customers who have post-sales issues.
Phoebe: Arranges delivery of completed oil paintings to customers.
Marcus:: Provide customers with professional advice to help customers choosing a painting that
suits their budget and furnishing style.
Which of the following functions in the value chain is Marcus performing?
A) Inbound logistics
B) Operations
C) Outbound logistics

D) Service
E) Marketing and sales


Which of the following statements regarding the diagram is not true?

A) A copy of the payroll cheque is sent to another department/function.

B) A copy of the new employee data is sent to another department/function.

C) A copy of the employee cheque is sent to another department.function.
D) A copy of the tax report is sent to another department/function.

11. How many on-page connectors are there in the diagram?

A) Two
B) Three
C) Four
D) Five

12. In the diagram, employee cheques are sorted ________ when filed.
A) by date only
B) alphabetically only
C) either A or B
D) neither A nor B

13. What is the label of Shape 3?

A) Update employee/payroll file and store forms in file
B) Update tax tables using new-employee data
C) Update time cards and payroll register,
D) None of the above is correct

14. What is the label of Shape 4?

A) CP voucher
B) Tax payment cheque
C) Tax report
D) None of the above is correct

15. How many manual operations are there in the diagram?

A) Seven
B) Three
C) Four
D) six

16. How many files are there in the diagram?

A) Two
B) Three
C) Four

D) Five

17. Which one of the following results corresponds to the query below?

15) ______




18. Which statement below is false regarding the basic requirements of the relational data model?
A) All non-key attributes in a table should describe a characteristic about the object
identified by the primary key.
B) Primary keys can be null.
C) Foreign keys, if not null, must have values that correspond to the value of a primary key
in another table.
D) Every column in a row must be single-valued.

19. The schema that provides an organisation-wide view of the entire database is known as the
A) logical view of the database. B) conceptual-level schema.
C) external-level schema.

D) internal-level schema.

20. Heidi Holloway is a headhunter with Career Funnel in Hobart, Tasmania. Heidi is proud of the
company's motto: 'We funnel workers into jobs.' The foundation of CF's success is its accounting
information system. When a client is placed with an employer, a record is created that identifies
the employment relationship. CF follows up on placements by surveying both employers and
clients about the employment experience and then entering the results into the AIS. Clients are
uniquely identified by social security number. In records that contain client survey data, the social
security number is likely to be
A) a foreign key.
B) null.
C) combined with other data fields to form a primary key.
D) the primary key.

21. The delete anomaly

A) is usually easily detected by users.

B) may result in unintentional loss of important data.

C) restricts the addition of new records.
D) prevents users from deleting outdated data from records or tables.

22. ABC is chairman of the DEF Society, which maintains a database of registered purebred horses
and their breeding history. One table will store the name, birth date and other characteristics of all
of the horses that have been registered. Each horse is uniquely identified by a registration number.
A second table will contain data that link each horse to its male and female parents by means of
their registration numbers. The primary key in the second table is
A) a combination of primary keys in the first table.
B) birth date.
C) name.
D) the same as the primary key in the first table.

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