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Simulating an SMPS Design using CapturePSpice Flow

Product Version 16.6

October 2012

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Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Table of Contents

Introduction to the tutorial


Project Files
Design Overview
PSpice Tutorial Libraries
In this tutorial
What's Next
Recommended Reading


Enabling the SMPS design for PSpice Simulation
Opening the SMPS design in OrCAD Capture
Adding Part properties
Adding variable block in the schematic
What's Next
Recommended Reading


Setting Up and Running a PSpice Simulation on the SMPS design
Creating a PSpice Simulation Profile
Running the Simulation using PSpice
What's Next
Recommended Reading


Verifying the Stress Levels of the components in SMPS
Running Smoke Analysis using PSpice Advanced Analysis
Correcting Stress Levels using PSpice Advanced Analysis
What's Next

October 2012



Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Table of Contents

Recommended Reading


Creating Measurements for the SMPS


Creating Measurements
What's Next
Recommended Reading


Verifying Design Stability and Yield


Running Parametric Plotter using PSpice Advanced Analysis
Running Monte-Carlo
Running Optimizer and Sensitivity Analysis using PSpice Advanced Analysis
Recommended Reading

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Introduction to the tutorial

Introduction to the tutorial
The objective of this tutorial is to provide you an overview of OrCAD Capture - PSpice flow using an
Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) design. In this tutorial, you will configure the design for
simulation, simulate the design using PSpice, and then use the Advanced Analysis option to verify
stability and yield of the design.

This tutorial is designed for:
PCB designers who use OrCAD tools to design and simulate a circuit design
First time users of the Capture PSpice flow

To perform the tutorial tasks, you need to have following Cadence Products installed:

OrCAD Capture 16.6 or later
PSpice 16.6 or later
PSpice Advanced Analysis 16.6 or later

Project Files
Unzip the file provided with the tutorial on your system. This archive file contains library
files and design files. Open demo_smps_1.dsn to start with the tutorial.
Path to file is <Cadence
The Project files are shipped with this tutorial.

October 2012

Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Introduction to the tutorial

Design Overview
This tutorial uses a Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) design as a base design. The SMPS
design is created using Capture and is simulated in PSpice.
The following figure shows the SMPS design.

Figure 1-1: SMPS Design

The SMPS design contains a hierarchical block PWMCON with a pulse width modulator circuitry
controlled by feedback from an 18V output. A ferrimeter transformer, designed using Magnetic Parts
Editor, is used in the design. A high voltage is switched through the primary winding of the
transformer. The secondary winding of the transformer is connected to a rectifier and a filter.

PSpice Tutorial Libraries

These libraries are shipped with the attached design and are already added to the

October 2012

Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Introduction to the tutorial

In this tutorial
You will perform the following tasks:
Prepare the SMPS design in Capture for PSpice simulation
Specify simulation settings, run simulations and examine early violations, and view simulation
Run smoke analysis to verify the stress level of the each component in SMPS design
Create Measurements and set tolerances for Capture PSpice flow
Run advanced analysis on SMPS design for design optimization

What's Next
In the next chapter, Enabling the SMPS design for PSpice Simulation, you will open the base SMPS
design in Capture and prepare it for simulation in PSpice.

Recommended Reading

October 2012

Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Introduction to the tutorial

This tutorial does not explain the concepts and user interface elements. For more information, see:
OrCAD Capture User Guide
PSpice User Guide
PSpice Advanced Analysis User Guide

October 2012

Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Enabling the SMPS design for PSpice Simulation

Enabling the SMPS design for PSpice Simulation
Before you run simulation on a design, you need to enable the design for simulation. In this chapter,
you will observe the properties assigned to parts to enable simulation.

In this chapter, you will be:
1. Opening the SMPS design using OrCAD Capture
2. Adding properties of the schematic part using OrCAD Capture
3. Adding variables block in the schematic

Opening the SMPS design in OrCAD Capture

To open the design, demo_smps.dsn in Capture CIS, follow the steps given below:
1. Choose Start All Programs Cadence Release 16.6 OrCAD Capture .
If prompted, from the Cadence Product Choices dialog box, select OrCAD EE Designer Plus
and click OK .
The OrCAD Capture window is displayed.

October 2012

Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Enabling the SMPS design for PSpice Simulation

Figure 2-1: OrCAD Capture Window

2. Choose File Open Design , browse to DEMO_SMPS_1.dsn from the project files of this
tutorial, and click Open . If prompted, select PSpice A/D from the Cadence Product Choices
dialog box and click OK . The project manager window opens as shown in Figure 2-2.

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Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Enabling the SMPS design for PSpice Simulation

Figure 2-2: Project Manager window

The project type is specified as Analog or Mixed A/D below the title bar of the
Project Manager window. You can simulate analog or mixed signal circuits in
PSpice only.
3. Under Design Resources, expand demo_smps.dsn and then ROOT. Double-click PAGE1.
The schematic opens, as shown in Figure 2-3.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Enabling the SMPS design for PSpice Simulation

Figure 2-3: PAGE1 of Demo_SMPS.dsn design file

Adding Part properties

In the schematic design, add the properties with the values as described in table for the PWMCON
part. Also, ensure that these properties are visible on the schematic:
Property Name






Perform these steps to add properties to the schematic part:
1. Double-click the PWMCON part to open the Property Editor for this part. Alternatively, you can
right click the part and select Edit Properties .

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Enabling the SMPS design for PSpice Simulation

Figure 2-4: Property Editor

2. Click theNew Property button. If prompted, click Yes in the Undo Warning message box.
The Add New Property dialog box is displayed.

Figure 2-5: Add New Property dialog box

3. Enter name of the first property as PERIOD1 and Value as 44.5u.
4. Click Apply to enter a new property name-value pair.
5. Enter name of the second property as TOL_ON_OFF and Value as OFF and then click Apply
6. Enter the name of the third property as SMOKE_ON_OFF and Value as ON.
7. Click OK to close the Add New Column dialog box. If prompted, click Yes in the Undo Warning
message box.
The Add New Column dialog box is displayed.
To make the properties visible on the schematic.
1. In Property Editor, right-click on the property value in the column for the property PERIOD1 and
choose Display .
Alternatively, you can click in a column and then click Display to open the Display Properties
dialog box.
2. In the Display Properties dialog box, under Display Format, select Name and Value and click
OK .
This ensures that both, the name and value of the property, are displayed in the schematic.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Enabling the SMPS design for PSpice Simulation

Figure 2-6: Display Properties dialog box

3. Similarly, set the display value for the TOL_ON_OFF and SMOKE_ON_OFF properties.
4. Close the Property Editor.
Observe that these properties are added on the PWMCON part in the schematic.

Figure 2-7: PWM Controller Properties Labels

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Enabling the SMPS design for PSpice Simulation

Adding variable block in the schematic

This design uses a variable block that specifies parameter values. You can use variable blocks in
designs to pass specified parameter values or to the parts in the design that use these parameters.
Perform the following steps to add the variable block in the schematic:
1. Add an instance of the VARIABLES block from the pspice_elem.OLB library as shown in
Figure 2-8. The location for this library is
e_elem.OLB library.

Figure 2-8: The VARIABLE Block on the Schematic

Save all changes to the design and the schematic in Capture.

2. After saving the changes, ensure that the RTOL and LTOL have the values as shown in Figure
2-8. The default values for the other variables are retained.
You may need to zoom in to the schematic to view the variables in a larger size.

What's Next
In the next chapter, Setting Up and Running a PSpice Simulation on the SMPS design, you will create
a simulation profile and run a PSpice simulation on the SMPS design.

Recommended Reading
For more information on opening a project, adding properties in a schematic, and adding variables
block in a schematic, see chapters Working with Projects and Working with Properties in OrCAD

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Enabling the SMPS design for PSpice Simulation

block in a schematic, see chapters Working with Projects and Working with Properties in OrCAD
Capture User Guide.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Setting Up and Running a PSpice Simulation on the SMPS design

Setting Up and Running a PSpice Simulation on
the SMPS design
In this chapter, you will create a simulation profile for the SMPS design to run a transient analysis in

In this chapter, you will be:
Creating a PSpice Simulation Profile using OrCAD Capture
Running the Simulation using OrCAD Capture

Creating a PSpice Simulation Profile

To create a new Simulation Profile using OrCAD Capture, follow the steps given below:
1. Choose PSpice New Simulation Profile .

Alternatively, you can click the New Simulation Profile icon (

In the Name box, type trans. This will specify the simulation profile name as trans.
Click Create to open the Simulation Settings dialog box.
Select the Analysis tab of the Simulation Settings dialog box.
Specify the following settings in the Analysis tab of the Simulation Settings dialog box:
a. In the Analysis type box, select Time Domain (Transient) .
b. In the Run to time box, enter 30ms.
c. In the Start saving data after box, enter 0.
d. Ensure that Skip the initial transient bias point calculation (SKIPBP) is not

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Setting Up and Running a PSpice Simulation on the SMPS design

Figure 3-1: Analysis Tab of Simulation Settings dialog box

6. In the Configuration Files tab, ensure that tecci_core.lib and demo_smps.lib are listed under
Configured Files for the Library Category.
If required, browse to the library files in the project directory and add them using Add to Design.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Setting Up and Running a PSpice Simulation on the SMPS design

Figure 3-2: Configuration Files Tab of Simulation Settings dialog box

7. Click AutoConverge on the Options tab.

The AutoConverge Options dialog box appears.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Setting Up and Running a PSpice Simulation on the SMPS design

Figure 3-3: The Options tab

8. Select the AutoConverge check box.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Setting Up and Running a PSpice Simulation on the SMPS design

Figure 3-4: AutoConverge Options Settings

9. Click OK to save changes and close the AutoConverge Options dialog box.
When you select AutoConvergence, PSpice uses the relaxed limit for some of the options,
such as ITL1 and RELTOL, to adjust and run the simulation to achieve convergence.
10. Click OK to save changes and close the Simulation Settings trans dialog box.

Running the Simulation using PSpice

Perform the following steps in OrCAD Capture to run PSpice simulation:
1. Place a voltage probe (PSpice Markers - Voltage Level ) on the OUT node, as shown in
Figure 3-5.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Setting Up and Running a PSpice Simulation on the SMPS design

Figure 3-5: Voltage Probe on OUT Node

2. Choose PSpice Run or click
to run the simulation. If required, click Yes in the Undo
Warning dialog box.
The simulation result is displayed in the PSpice probe window as shown in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6: Simulation Results

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Setting Up and Running a PSpice Simulation on the SMPS design

What's Next
In the next chapter, Verifying the Stress Levels of the components in SMPS, you will run smoke
analysis using Capture - PSpice Advanced Analysis flow and verify and correct the stress levels for
the components.

Recommended Reading
For more information on creating a simulation profile, running a PSpice simulation on any design, and
understanding convergence options in a PSpice, see PSpice User Guide.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying the Stress Levels of the components in SMPS

Verifying the Stress Levels of the components in
Smoke analysis is run to identify components stressed due to power dissipation, increase in junction
temperature, secondary breakdowns, or violations of voltage / current limits. In this chapter, you will
perform Smoke analysis based on the transient profile to identify and correct components that are

In this chapter, you will be:
Running Smoke Analysis using Capture - PSpice Advanced Analysis flow
Correcting Stress Levels using PSpice Advanced Analysis

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying the Stress Levels of the components in SMPS

Running Smoke Analysis using PSpice Advanced Analysis

1. In Capture, select PSpice - Advanced Analysis Smoke .
If prompted, select PSpice Smoke option from the Cadence Product Choices dialog. PSpice
Advanced Analysis [Smoke] window is displayed.
You can right-click in the result pane of the Smoke Analysis window and choose the options to
see only specific measurements, such as RMS, average, or peak values. You can also view
specific parameters.
2. Right-click to open the context menu.
3. Ensure that only Average Values is selected.
4. From the context menu choose Parameter Filters .
5. Ensure that only Power Parameters is selected.
6. Choose Hide Invalid Values .
This will ensure that invalid values are not displayed.

Figure 4-1: Smoke Analysis

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying the Stress Levels of the components in SMPS

In the current schematic, note the component U1.R9 is under stress, as shown by the red color for it
To know more about bar graphs colors in %Max column, see PSpice Adavanced
Analysis User Guide.
Next, you will correct the stress levels of the components under stress.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying the Stress Levels of the components in SMPS

Correcting Stress Levels using PSpice Advanced Analysis

1. In the Capture schematic, open the Attributes window for pwmcon and change the
SMOKE_ON_OFF value to OFF.
Alternatively, you can change the value of a single attribute of a part by double-click on the
attribute and changing the display settings in the Display Properties dialog box.

Figure 4-2: Display Properties dialog

2. Save the schematic.
3. Choose Pspice - Create Netlist to create the netlist for the current schematic.
If you change the smoke property of a component, you need to create a netlist
before you run the smoke analysis. However, if you change the value of a
component used in schematic, you will need to re-run the PSpice simulation
before you run the smoke analysis.
4. Run smoke analysis.
As displayed in Figure 4-3, the smoke analysis results shows that stress has been removed
after disabling the SMOKE_ON_OFF property. SMOKE_ON_OFF property on PWMCON is
made OFF to discard smoke analysis on the hierarchical block.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying the Stress Levels of the components in SMPS

Figure 4-3: Smoke Analysis Result

What's Next
In the next chapter, Creating Measurements for the SMPS, you will create measurement expressions
for the SMPS design.

Recommended Reading
For more information on Smoke Analysis, see chapter on Smoke in PSpice Advanced Analysis User

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Creating Measurements for the SMPS

Creating Measurements for the SMPS
In this chapter, you will create measurements to further evaluate the design's stability and optimization
using Capture - PSpice Advanced Analysis flow.

In this chapter, you will be:
Creating Measurements

Creating Measurements
In this section, you will create the following measurements to evaluate the characteristics of the
waveform generated using PSpice:
To know more about different measurement expressions, see Measurement
Expressions chapter in PSpice User Guide.

1. Open the PSpice Probe window.

2. In the Probe window, choose Trace Measurements . The Measurements dialog box
The Probe window is displayed whenever you run a simulation.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Creating Measurements for the SMPS

Figure 5-1: Measurements dialog box

3. Select Max_XRange in the Measurements dialog box.
4. Click Eval .
5. Specify the trace value as V(OUT) and the max and min values for the XRange as 25m and
30m, respectively.

Figure 5-2: Arguments for Measurement Evaluation

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Creating Measurements for the SMPS

6. Click OK .
7. Click OK after viewing the results.

Figure 5-3: Max_XRange(V(OUT)) measurement expression result

8. Similarly, create measurement for the Min_XRange function.

What's Next
In the next chapter, Verifying Design Stability and Yield, you will perform various advanced analysis to:
verify the stability of the design
optimize the design

Recommended Reading
For more information on creating measurement expression and setting tolerances, see PSpice User

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Verifying Design Stability and Yield
PSpice Advanced Analysis is a set of advanced tools that augment the classic PSpice functionality
with capabilities that include Smoke, Sensitivity, Monte-Carlo, Optimizer, and Parametric Plotter. In this
chapter, we will use these advanced analysis tools to verify the stability of the SMPS design and
optimize it.

In this chapter, you will be:
Running Parametric Plotter
Running Monte-Carlo
Running Optimizer and Sensitivity Analysis
From Capture, you can run advanced analysis, such as Parametric Plotter, and Monte Carlo. To do
so, choose the appropriate option from PSpice Advanced Analysis .

Running Parametric Plotter using PSpice Advanced Analysis

In Parametric Plotter, you analyze sweep results from multiple parameters and you can sweep any
number of design and model parameters (in any combinations) and view results in PPlot/Probe in
tabular or plot form. You will run Parametric Plot analysis to ensure that the design is stable for a
range of load and fluctuations in the line voltages.
1. Choose PSpice Advanced Analysis - Parametric Plot from OrCAD Capture to start
Parametric Plotter.
2. Open the Select Sweep Parameters window.
To do so, in the Sweep Parameters window, click the text Click here to import a parameter
from the design property map .

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Figure 6-1: Select Sweep Parameters Dialog Box

Figure 6-1: Select Sweep Parameters Dialog Box

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

3. Scroll down to the Parameter rload and click in the Sweep Type column for this parameter.
In Capture 16.6 QIR 2 or earlier releases, Global Params do not get displayed in
Select Sweep Parameters dialog box. To ensure Global Params are displayed,
install Capture CIS 16.6 QIR 3 or a later release.
4. Select Discrete from the list.
5. Click in the Sweep Values column to open the Sweep Settings dialog box.
6. Specify the values as 100, 150, and 170.
To specify a value, click New (

) and type the value.

Figure 6-2: Sweep Settings Dialog Box

7. Click OK to close the Sweep Settings dialog box.
8. Similarly, enter 250, 300 and 350 as discrete values for Parameter vline .
9. You will simulate the design for different values of rload and vline to observe the impact of this
variation on the output voltage Vout .
For this you will import the measurements created in PSpice using Import Measurement(s)
window. To do so, in the Measurements window, click the text Click here to import a
measurement created within PSpice.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Figure 6-3: Import Measurement(s) Dialog Box

10. Select the measurement Max_XRange and click OK .
11. Run the analysis.
12. After analysis is completed, observe the Results pane that lists the values for the parameters
and the measurement results for each value in Figure 6-4.
To view the graph of the results, activate the Plot Information tab.

Figure 6-4: Result of Parametric Plotter analysis

13. Click on the label Click here to add plot in the Plot Information tab.
14. In the Plot Information Select Profile window page, select tran.sim and click Next .

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Figure 6-5: Plot Information Select Profile Page

15. In the Plot Information Select X-Axis Variable window page, select param::rload and click
Next .

Figure 6-6: Plot Information Select Profile Page

16. In the Plot Information Select Y-Axis Variable window page, select
tran.sim::max_xrange(V(out),25m,30m) and click Next .

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Figure 6-7: Plot Information Select Profile Page

17. In the Plot Information Select Parameter window page, select param::vline and click Finish .

Figure 6-8: Plot Information Select Profile Page

18. You can observe that the details you entered, are added to the first row of the Plot Information
Right-click the row in the Plot Information tab and choose Display Plot .

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Figure 6-9: Plot Information Select Profile Page

Result of the parametric plotter analysis is displayed as shown in Figure 6-10 and you can
observe that:
For VLINE250
VOUT changes abruptly from 1.2V to 19V when RLOAD changes from 100 ohms to 150
ohms, but when RLOAD changes from 150 ohms to 170 ohms the Vout remains
For VLINE300
VOUT changes abruptly from 1.2V to 19V when RLOAD changes from 100 ohms to 150
ohms, but when RLOAD changes from 150 ohms to 170 ohms the Vout remains
For VLINE350
VOUT remains fairly stable whenever RLOAD is changed.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Figure 6-10: Displayed Plot

Therefore, from Figure 6-10 you can conclude that if VLINE is 350V, the design is fairly stable
and the initial value of 350V for VLINE is OK for this SMPS design.

Running Monte-Carlo
There are two ways to run Monte-Carlo Analysis and calculate the yield:
Using PSpice
Using PSpice Advanced Analysis
Set the TOL_ON_OFF property to OFF on the PWMCON part to ignore tolerance for
hierarchical components before you run Monte-Carlo Analysis.

Running Monte-Carlo using PSpice

Monte Carlo analysis calculates the circuit response to changes in part values by randomly varying all
model parameters for which a tolerance is specified. This provides statistical data on the impact of a
device parameter's variance. Monte Carlo analysis is frequently used to predict yields on production
runs of a circuit.
For the SMPS design, you will run the Monte Carlo Analysis in Time Domain to calculate the yield:

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

1. Select Monte Carlo/Worst Case in Options and set Number of runs to 10. Ensure that the
Analysis tab matches with Figure 6-11.

Figure 6-11: Simulation Settings for Monte-Carlo Analysis in time domain

2. Click Apply and then click OK to save the settings and close the Simulation Settings dialog
3. Run the PSpice simulation. The PSpice probe window displays the simulation result, as shown
in Figure 6-12.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Figure 6-12: PSpice Simulation Results

4. In PSpice, choose Trace - Performance Analysis to compare the different waveforms
generated using Monte Carlo Analysis.
The Performance Analysis dialog box appears.
5. Click the Wizard button in the Performance Analysis dialog box. Using this wizard, you will
create a plot to calculate the design's yield.
6. Click the Next button.
7. In the Choose a Measurement box, click Max_XRange, and then click the Next button.
8. Click in the Name of trace to search text box and type V(OUT).
9. Click in the XRange begin value text box and type 25m.
10. Click in the XRange end value text box and type 30m.
11. Click the Next button.
The wizard displays the Max_XRange trace for V(OUT) for the first run. This is done to test the
measurement and you can verify if the result is correct.
12. Click the Next or Finish button.
A plot of Max_XRange(V(OUT), 25m, 30m) vs V(OUT) occurrence percent appears.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Figure 6-13: Performance Analysis

Using this plot in the PSpice Probe, you can calculate the yield of the SMPS design.

Running Monte-Carlo using PSpice Advanced Analysis

Monte Carlo is a PSpice simulator that predicts the behavior of a circuit statistically when part values
are varied within their tolerance range. It also calculates yield, which can be used for mass
manufacturing predictions.
You will use Monte Carlo analysis to determine the Probability Density Graph and the statistical
values, such as the mean voltage and the standard deviations. You will run Monte Carlo on the
max_range measurement you created in the Creating Measurements for the SMPS section.
1. Choose PSpice Advanced Analysis Monte Carlo in Capture to start Monte Carlo
2. Click the text Click here to import a measurement created within PSpice to import the
measurement max_Range.
3. Choose Max_XRange from the Import Measurement(s) dialog.
4. Choose Run - Start Monte Carlo or click Run icon ( ) to run Monte Carlo Analysis.
5. As Monte Carlo Analysis is completed, Probability Density Graph is displayed.
Using the Probability Density Graph (shown in Figure 6-14), you can observe that every Monte
Carlo Analysis run is within the Cursor Minimum value and Cursor Maximum value, which
concludes that the yield of the SMPS design is 100%. You can also notice the yield information
in Statistical Information tab.

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Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Figure 6-14: Monte Carlo Analysis Result Probability Density Graph

6. Right Click and choose CDF Graph to view data in a Cumulative Distribution Graph.
The Cumulative Distribution Graph is shown in Figure 6-15.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Figure 6-15: Monte Carlo Analysis Result Cumulative Distribution Graph

7. Activate Raw Measurements tab.
This tab displays the measurement data for every run of the simulation (shown in Figure 6-16).

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Figure 6-16: Monte Carlo Analysis Result Raw Measurements tab

Running Optimizer and Sensitivity Analysis using PSpice

Advanced Analysis
Optimizer is a design tool for optimizing analog circuits and their behavior. It helps you modify and
optimize analog designs to meet your performance goals. Optimizer fine tunes your designs faster
than trial and error bench testing methods. Use Optimizer to find the best component or system
values for your specifications.
Run Sensitivity Analysis, before running Optimizer, to identify the most sensitive component in the
1. Choose PSpice Advanced Analysis - Sensitivity to run Sensitivity Analysis,.
2. Click Click here to import a measurement created within PSpice to import the
measurement Max_XRange.
3. Choose Max_XRange from the Import Measurement(s) dialog.
4. Click Click here to import a measurement created within PSpice to import the
measurement Min_XRange.
5. Choose Min_XRange from the Import Measurement(s) dialog.
6. Run Sensitivity Analysis.
After Sensitivity Analysis, the results shows that L1 is the most sensitive component (as shown
in figure 6-17).

Figure 6-17: Sensitivity Analysis window

7. Right Click on L1, select Send to Optimizer.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

8. Choose Optimizer from Analysis toolbar to open Optimizer Analysis.

As shown in following figure, L1 is already added as the parameter in the Parameters[Next
Run] section.

Figure 6-18: Parameters [Next Run] section

9. Click Click here to import a measurement created within PSpice to import the
measurement Max_XRange in the Specifications[Next Run] section.
10. Choose Max_XRange from the Import Measurement(s) dialog.
11. Click Click here to import a measurement created within PSpice to import the
measurement Min_XRange in the Specifications[Next Run] section.
12. Choose Min_XRange from the Import Measurement(s) dialog.

Figure 6-19: Specifications [Next Run] section

13. Specify goals by defining minimum and maximum measurement values for the imported
Following are the minimum and maximum measurement values for the imported
Measurement Type Minimum Measurement Maximum Measurement






14. Specify minimum and maximum for the component as well.

Component Type Minimum Measurement Maximum Measurement



15. Select engine as Random from Analysis Toolbar.

16. Run Optimizer Analysis.
From the Optimizer Analysis results, you can see that the optimized value of the L1
component is 133.33m for the goals defined in Standard Tab are displayed, as shown in

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

Simulating an SMPS Design using Capture-PSpice Flow

Verifying Design Stability and Yield

Figure 6-20.

Figure 6-20: Results of Optimizer Analysis

Recommended Reading
For more more information about various advanced analysis, such as, Monte Carlo Analysis,
Parametric Plot Analysis, Optimizer Analysis, and Sensitivity Analysis, see PSpice Advanced Analysis
User Guide and PSpice User Guide.

October 2012


Product Version 16.6

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