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Student ACCA:


Student Name:

Yasir Rasheed

Topic Number:

Submission Number:

Research Report
Technical and Professional Skills
1. Understanding of accountancy/business models


2. Application of accountancy/business models


3. Evaluation of information, analysis and conclusions


Reasons for fail and advice for improvement:

Your financial analysis is weak in parts - you need to identify the management strategies that drive the trends observed. In paces
you are using speculative language such as on page 24 ie the use of "the significant fall down maybe due...". You may speculate in
an exam but not in a research report where we expect you to have found the answers. You have separated out the analysis for each
year, this is not helpful for the reader. Try instead to be more strategic and talk about the trend for a particular ratio across the
three year period. Across three years does it largely go up or does it first go up then down - and then identify the cause of that
trend. To analyse is to explain rather than describe. I cannot confirm your findings and conclusions as you have not demonstrated a
sufficient standard of referencing - please see box 6 below.
4. Presentation of project findings


Reasons for fail and advice for improvement:

Your graphs in the financial analysis e.g. pages 22 and 23 and 25 and 26 are poorly presented. You need to make them smaller to
fit under the headings on one page and to have some narrative underneath. It would be better to combine the graph for Abbott
with your chosen company GSK in one figure to show the corresponding figure for each year side by side - more helpful to the
reader. It would be much better if you prepared your graphs using the data in your spreadsheets - this would provide a much more
professional look to your figures.
Overall Technical and Professional Skills


Graduate Skills
5. Communication


6. Information gathering and Referencing


Reasons for fail and advice for improvement:

Your report does not demonstrate a sufficient standard of referencing e.g. in your financial analysis you have not provided sources
to the data you use to prepare your tables and graphs - if the data comes from your appendices then you must source the graphs
to the appendices and then insert a source in your appendices to where the original data comes from. Your narrative on pages 28

and 29 contain facts and information that should be referenced to the items in your list of references. Pages 36 -43 are lacking any
appropriate references. The weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in your business analysis are not referenced to the source of
the facts and information there. Without a good standard of referencing we cannot distinguish your work from that of others and
give you due credit. Please use the Harvard system in the text and the list of references. In the early sections of your report you
include the reference at the end of the paragraph on a separate line: this is wrong as the reference should form part of the
sentence to which it relates.
7. Information Technology


Overall Graduate Skills


Research Report Assessment

Skills & Learning Statement

Graduate Skills
8. Self Reflection


Reasons for fail and advice for improvement:

Your paragraphs are too long which suggests your communication skills need a little strengthening particularly in questions 2 and 3.
Your answer to question 1 is largely a description of events, and your answer to question 2 focuses on a description of what you did.
You need to provide a balance in your answers across the 4 questions in terms of wording. Try to avoid long paragraphs - use one
idea per paragraph as a guide. Your answer to question 1 should demonstrate your overall thinking to the experience of meeting
your mentor rather than a detailed description of what you did, what your mentor did and the events. For question 2 try to think
about your application of the methods ? did everything go smoothly if so why do you think that was. Perhaps things happened that
you did not expect, how did you overcome any obstacles and what did that teach you?
9. Communication Skills (inc Presentation)


Skills and Learning Statement assessment


Overall RAP Result

Moderator Comments
Moderator agrees with marker comments. You have made a good start. In addition to the comments raised above please ensure
that the most recent financial statements are used when resubmitting your work.

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