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Week of Prayer starts Today

We are really excited about this years Week of Prayer.

We are embedding our life of prayer within our Cells and
Missional Communities, and inviting everyone to take part.
We will be starting the week with a special Breathe service

4th October
Hosted by Lighthouse & Rock cells

Morning Worship
Parable of the lost son
Luke 15: 11-32
breathe 6.30 pm
St Pauls, Roundshaw

If you enjoy The MiX, you will love MiXXtra

This is for all MiX young people and their friends (Yrs 7 and
above) to come along for some worship, exploring of the
Christian faith together plus lots of fun & games.
Supper will be provided.

Booking forms and full details for our fantastic weekend away
on Nov 27-29 are now available online or from Becca.
Places are limited, so return them as soon as you can.
Canon Will Cookson
(day off Saturday)
Children & Families Minister:
Sue Bosley
Youth Minister
Becca Watkins

020 8404 6064

020 8773 4787
07531 017 789

18th October
Holy Communion
Retreat & Revelation
Mark 8: 27 - 9:8

Welcome to our Service,

especially if you are here for
the first time today.
There is a young families
corner at the back of the
main hall.
Please do join us for tea
and coffee after the service.

Tonight, 6.30pm at St Pauls, Roundshaw
We hope you will join us for the evening service
It will be an opportunity to bring to God all that is on our
hearts and in our minds as we prepare for our week of
prayer. Join us as we focus on God, come together in worship
and spend time listening and receiving from Him.

Today @ 10.00 am
Prayers in classroom G3
Today @ 18.30 am
breathe @ St Pauls
October 12th @ 11.00
Caf connect
October 12th @ 7.30 pm
Craft @ Cricket4Change
October 12th @ 8.00 pm
MiXXtra team meet
October 15th @ 7.30 pm
Alpha Course continues
October 16th @ 7.00 pm
MiXXtra @ the Phoenix
October 22nd after school
Foresters Fun
October 31st @ 7.30 pm
Help for Heroes disco
November 15th @ 1.00 pm
Welcome Lunch
November 27th - 29th
MiXXtra weekend @
December 13th @ 10.30 am
Nativity service @ WHSG

Pray for our church family

Please pray for

Ana, Lorraine, Alison, John,

Dave, Kathy and others we
know who are unwell. For
Gods healing and hand on
their situations as we pray
for them this week.

Will as he travels back from

his retreat, that he will be
refreshed and filled by the
Holy Spirit.

Our groups at Springfield

as they prepare for the
week of prayer and to offer
hospitality to those visiting.
For prayer chain requests,
please contact :

Jean Silvester 8647 5100

She will pass on any pastoral

matters as appropriate

Cupcake chatters

Foresters Fun

Theres a chance to join the

cupcake team who chat with
residents at Ashby Grange
and Abbeyfield once a month
while eating delicious cake.
For more details, please talk
to Carolyn Churchyard.

After school craft and

activities to celebrate harvest
with the children and their
families at Foresters Primary
school on the 22nd October.
Sue Bosley would love you to
come and help: please see
her after the service

Help for Heroes

Charity Dance and Disco
with live band 3:33
at WHSG on October 31st.
Invite your friends to join
you at this fund raiser.
Details and tickets from
Angela Baker

20th December 4.30pm
The scripts are currently
being written for this year's
invitational opportunity to
celebrate with our friends,
neighbours and family.
We would love all ages of
the church family to be
involved. If you would like to
take part in one of
the drama scenes please see
Sue Bosley or Nick White

Easter Taster
There is a taster session for
the Easter Experience 2016.
1.30 pm on 26th October at
Carshalton Methodist.
Come and view a scene, find
out more info and meet up.
Refreshments will be served.

Mums the Word

7.30 pm Thursday 15th Oct
New Life Christian Centre,
You are invited to join
hundreds of mums for an
evening of encouragement,
inspiration and
encouragement organised by
Care for the Family.
Please see Sue Bosley or the
welcome desk for invitations.

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