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22nd IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems

Comparing fail-safe microcontroller architectures

in light of IEC 61508
Riccardo Mariani
San Martino Ulmiano, Pisa (Italy)

Peter Fuhrmann
Philips Research Europe
Aachen (Germany)

In this paper, an overview is given on the main architectures used in the automotive to
implement fail-safe microcontrollers. The concept of a new HW-centric, distributed and
optimized architecture is also presented. In light of the IEC 61508 norm for safety related
electronic systems, a comparisons between these different architectures is done based on a
reference design. The paper concludes discussing how the presented architectures can be
extended to become fail-functional.

1. Introduction
Driven by many different requirements, such as AUTOSAR [1], the complexity of
Microcontroller Units (MCU) used in todays vehicles is continuously increasing: powerful
32/64 bits CPUs are used with a corresponding increase of embedded memory size and this
brings to the progressive use of very deep submicron technologies. At the same time, MCUs
are heavily used in many safety-critical or safety-related applications (like Throttle Control,
Transmission, Suspension, Steering, Braking, and Airbags) and therefore faults and failure
modes have to be carefully considered. In fact on one side, the uncertainty of models,
functional verification holes and specification misunderstanding is increasing the probability
of systematic faults causing intermittent faults, very difficult to be detected during design and
production tests [2]. On the other side, electromagnetic interferences, crosstalk, unforeseen
interactions, misuse, soft-errors and malicious accesses are increasing the random failure rate
[3]. Due to that and due to the increasing popularity of norms ruling the safety-critical
applications, such IEC 61508 [4], there is an increasing pressure to move the safety integrity
level of automotive electronic components and systems to an unprecedented level,
challenging the current available architectures.
This paper starts with an introduction of IEC 61508 norm. Chapter 3 gives an overview on
the architectures currently used in automotive to implement fail-safe microcontrollers. The
concept of a new HW-centric, distributed and optimized architecture is presented in Chapter 4
and compared in Chapter 5 with the other presented architectures. The paper concludes in
Chapter 6 discussing how the presented architectures can be extended to become failfunctional.

2. The IEC 61508

The IEC 61508 is a norm for functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable
electronic safety-related systems. The basic concept of IEC 61508 is the definition of safety
integrity level (SIL), i.e. the discrete level (one out of a possible four) for specifying the
safety integrity requirements of the safety functions to be allocated to the safety-related
systems, where safety integrity level 4 has the highest level of safety integrity and safety
integrity level 1 has the lowest. The safety integrity level is granted based on the value of Safe
Failure Fraction (SFF): SFF is equal to the ratio between the sum of safe failures (i.e. failures

1550-5774/07 $25.00 2007 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/DFT.2007.63


which dont have the potential to put the safety-related system in a hazardous or fail-tofunction state) and detected dangerous failures over the sum of all the possible failures (safe
plus dangerous). Annexes of IEC61508-2 deliver guidelines in terms of faults and failure
modes to be considered for each component. For instance for a CPU, IEC 61508 requires to
cover permanent and transient faults for register banks, internal RAMs, instruction coding and
execution, flags, address calculation, program pointer, stack pointer, interrupts logic. IEC
61508 includes as well the recommended diagnostic techniques, graded according to their
effectiveness with respect to the target SIL.
An important role for System-On-Chip (SoC) is played by the Beta Factor. The
definition of the Beta Factor has been introduced in order to quantify the probability of
common cause failures (CCF) when multiple, functionally-equal channels are implemented in
the same system to provide the required safety integrity. For an MCU or more in general for
any ASIC, IEC 61508 specifies that the CCF must be quantified using a ASIC that has to be
lower than 25%. Examples of CCF affecting redundant channels in MCUs are: sleeping
faults, clock faults, power faults, temperature faults, hot spots, timing faults and checker
faults. Another important concept is the hardware fault tolerance (HFT). A system with a
HFT of N means that N+1 faults could cause a loss of the safety function. In light of IEC
61508, a unit is said to operate in a fail-safe manner if a defined set of faults are detected and
they will lead to a safe condition in an adequate short time. If despite these faults the unit can
still guarantee the mission functionality, it is said to operate in a fail-operational or failfunctional manner. In general, units with HFT=0 cannot be fail-functional but can be failsafe. In summary, the following milestones have to be considered for an MCU to be certified
SIL3 in accordance with IEC 61508, for HFT=0: SFF has to be equal or greater than 99% and
ASIC has to be equal or lower than 25%.

3. Fail safe architectures

1oo1D (1-out-of-1 with diagnostic) architectures are a typical example of fail safe
architectures. 1oo1 architecture consists of a single channel, where any dangerous failure
leads to a failure of the safety function when a demand arises. The added diagnostic, if
properly designed, guarantees reaching the safe state when such dangerous failure occurs, e.g.
forcing the actuator in a safe position with a separated shutdown path. Architectures already
used in the market to realize 1oo1D architecture are described in the following.

Figure 1. The 1oo1D architecture

In the dual-CPU lock-step architecture (figure 2), two CPUs usually referred to as the
master and the checker, execute the same code being strictly synchronized. The outputs
produced by the checker feed a compare unit, consisting of a comparator circuit that checks
the consistency of their data, address and control lines. The detection of a disagreement
reveals the presence of a fault on either CPU (without giving the chance to identify the faulty
CPU). One example of this is the DELPHI Secure Microcontroller Architecture [5].




Compare Unit



Figure 2. The dual-CPU lock-step architecture

In the challenge-response architecture (such as the one claimed by BOSCH in [6]) there
is a main computing element, and a monitoring element, like a watchdog (figure 3a). The
monitoring element executes a sequence control of the MCU and it determines the correct or
defective operation from a comparison of the results of this processing. The monitoring
functions are determined by using software running in the main computing element. In the
BOSCH architecture, three program levels (mutually independent programs) are
implemented. In the first, the functions required for the system mission are computed. Second
level checks the correct formation of at least one control variable in first level based on
selected quantities. Third level checks, in interplay with the monitoring element, the correct
carrying out of the monitoring in the second level, executing a sequence control of the second
level. In the dual-core challenge-response architecture, there are two computing elements,
each one comprising a processing unit (figure 3b). In the architecture proposed by BOSCH in
[7], each computing element is mutually checking the other one based on concepts of
previous described single-CPU architecture. Typically the two cores include two different
processing units, such a 32-bit and a 8/16 bit core. A similar challenge-response concept is
used by the Infineon/AUDI approach [8], which maps the functions of the second monitoring
element into a second CPU core integrated with the first computing element in the same chip.
Other architectures exist but they match with some of the previous described ones such as the
architecture proposed by FUJITSU for airbag applications [9], where an external monitoring
element operates like an intelligent watchdog, defining a concept in between the architecture
of figure 3a and 3b. The Infineon watchdog concept [10] is similar to the one presented in
figure 3a, where a monitoring element is used to mainly check a value that depends on the
flow of the program carried out by the main computing unit.
All the previous described architectures are entitled to reach SIL3, even if this implies
some cost or performance penalties as it will be shown in section 5. Other fail-safe
architectures exist, but most of them are intrinsically not able to reach SIL3. This applies for
those based on start-up CPU tests only (unable to catch transient faults during normal
operation) or architectures with a very simple watchdog (mostly unable to catch data failures).
SW 1

SW 1




SW 2

SW 3


SW 3


SW 2

SW 3



SW 2
SW 1

Figure 3a/b. Challenge-response architecture single and dual core


At the design level, the use of hardened processing units - such [11] can increase the
reliability of some sub-systems of the MCU. However, they cannot solve the overall safety
problem since they are addressing only specific fault models. Furthermore, the IEC 61508
standard discourages this approach due to the general difficulty to separate the mission logic
from the safety integrity circuitry in a proper way. This increases the ASIC factor beyond the
acceptable limit. For the same reasons, the use of well-known triple-modular-redundant flipflops to harden a given circuit is very critical in light of the IEC 61508 norm. This solution
element is specific to a particular fault model and becomes more and more inefficient due to
the increasing rate of multi-cell single event upsets which represent a CCF for such structure.

4. faultRobust Technology
As described in the previous section, state-of-the-art architectures for fail-safe MCUs
mainly rely on HW replication (the dual-CPU lock-step), SW redundancy (the challengeresponse architecture), and/or processing units hardening. As it will be better quantified in
the following section, SW redundancy introduces overhead, performance degradation, strong
application dependency and a quite negative impact on time-to-certification and on its
associated cost. HW replication introduces a significant overhead and high complexity related
to the need of protection against common-cause failures. All of the issues highlighted for SW
redundancy and HW replication become even more severe for MCUs integrating multiple
CPUs, multiple memories and complex peripherals. On the other side, technology hardening
(i.e. process, layout or circuit techniques to harden the processing units against faults) has a
strong impact on cost due to the changes generally required on the production chain.
Moreover as previously stated, this type of hardening can address only specific types of
faults. Therefore it is not going to reach the target in terms of SIL, unless it is used in
conjunction with SW redundancy and/or HW replication.
The basic concepts of a platform-based HW-centric optimized approach targeting IEC
61508 SIL3 fail-safe MCUs, called faultRobust, have been recently introduced [12]. In
summary, faultRobust is composed by a set of tools and methodologies (identified as
fRMethodology [13]) to perform Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) of an integrated
circuit in adherence to IEC61508, and by a library of Intellectual Properties (called fault
supervisors or faultRobust IPs [14]) to address fault detection and fault tolerance of MCU
sub-systems. A very high level architecture of a MCU integrating faultRobust IPs (fRIPs) for
implementing the safety integrity strategy is shown in figure 4. A summary description of
fRIPs is given in the following.
The fRMEM supervisor is a configurable and re-usable IP for protection of memory subsystems [15]. It is basically an ECC-based memory protection supervisor but extended with
measures to fulfill the requirements of IEC 61508. Optionally it provides optimizations to
improve access time (fast-track) and protection over time (scrubbing of developed
errors). Due to the ability to store the ECC codes separately from the data, memory overhead
can be reduced by providing different protection levels for different memory pages. For multi
bus master architectures also a distributed MPU can be integrated. The fRMEM supervisor
has been certified by TV SD in accordance with IEC 61508.
Concerning the fRCPU, it is designed taking full benefit of the fRMethodology, i.e.
starting from a detailed FMEA which select the sensitive zones of the target CPU to be
protected in order to get a SFF 99% with the minimum cost. So the fRCPU supervisor does
not come as a replication of the CPU, but is architecturally and functionally diverse and thus


strongly reduces the ASIC as required by the IEC 61508. Also, as fRCPU implements a
hardware-centric approach, most diagnostic is implemented in hardware and not in software
as in approaches and thus CPU performance is not impacted. Main blocks included in the
fRCPU are: the Sniffer Unit that is collecting, comparing and coding signals from the
CPU boundary; the Shadow Processing Unit executing the same instruction flow of the
CPU, including a register bank to store a shadow value of CPU main registers; a
Management Unit to generate data/addresses; a Coverage Monitor Unit providing runtime information on the current coverage (SFF) with respect to the assumptions used
during fRCPU design optimization. And finally, fRCPU compares its results with the
ones read from the protected CPU by means of a set of independent checkers
supervising the different CPU ports. The fRCPU has been assessed by TV SD: a
concept report has been delivered stating that the proposed measures can be able to fulfill the
safety integrity level SIL3 in accordance with IEC 61508.
The other remote supervisors are fRBUS, fRPERI and fRNET. Bus supervisors (fRBUS)
consist of a set of blocks (decoders, arbiters, checkers) monitoring sources and sinks of the
bus interconnect and providing the information needed to control data integrity and routing.
Peripheral supervisors (fRPERI) implement a hardware verification component, i.e. a block
where a subset of the protocol checks and assertions are used to verify that a given interface
and protocol are still implemented by the hardware. fRCPU, fRMEM, fRBUS and fRPERI
communicate with system-level supervisors through a dedicated interconnect (fRNET) based
on an on-chip robust protocol that guarantees that information is transferred without errors
between the different diagnostic units as required by IEC 61508.
























Figure 4. The faultRobust architecture

5. Comparisons
The first comparison described in this paper is between the dual-CPU lock-step
architecture and faultRobust approach, considering the following parameters: Safe
Failure Fraction and ASIC, area overhead, SW overhead (referring to the overhead of
Flash/ROM and RAM memory needed to host the additional software, both code and
data), power overhead, detection latency (referring to the relative detection latency, i.e.
the time between the appearance of an error at the boundaries of the CPU core respect
when the error is detected by the diagnostic) and finally performance overhead


(referring to the overhead in performance caused by the number of diagnostic

instructions to be performed within each process safety time).
Concerning dual-CPU lock-step, without additional measures, this architecture is
unable to reach SIL3, due to CCFs that can affect both CPUs without being noticed by
the compare unit. Following what specified in the IEC 61508, a starting ASIC equal to
33% has to be assumed. Then, a table is given with bonus and malus points to be
subtracted or added to the starting value based on the implemented architecture. The
characteristics of the dual-CPU lock-step architecture lead to increase this value rather
than decreasing it: in fact, without additional measures, the dual core lock-step
approach ends up with a ASIC greater than 50%. The HW measures required to lower
the ASIC are determined by the IEC 61508, such as using a watchdog external to the
microcontroller (able to detect on top of program flow errors also data failures
caused by CCFs affecting both cores), using a diverse synthesis for the CPU checker
and choosing a layout for the CPU checker that results in a stand-alone hard-macro with
guard-rings 100m and complete potential ring around it (including an extra
dedicated voltage regulator as well). Furthermore, this catalog comprises measures like
the provision of two temperature sensors (one for CPU master and one for CPU
checker) and design improvements to be applied to the compare unit (i.e. desynchronization of compared inputs to benefit of time diversity during comparison,
properly routed connections between lines of CPU master and CPU checker avoiding
CCF between them). Proper SW routines are also needed to support the previous
measures such CPU start-up test (with a medium-high coverage), CPU start-up compare
unit management, CPU periodic diagnostic test (with a coverage at least 60%), CPU
periodic compare unit management (check & synchronization), CCF periodic
monitoring, CPU failure diagnostic and control.
Concerning instead faultRobust architecture, thanks to the intrinsic fRCPU diversity,
no additional measures are needed to fulfill IEC 61508 and ASIC is inherently below
25%. This intrinsic diversity allows avoiding space diversity as needed for dual core
architectures. Thus no particular layout rules have to be used: resulting in a noticeable saving
in area overhead.
Table 1 summarizes the related costs of applying those measures, taking
ARM968ES-based dual-CPU lock-step architecture as reference. The values represent
the delta cost for the safety integrity measures, i.e. the cost of the architecture with
safety integrity measures minus the cost of the architecture without them. Moreover,
costs are normalized to the costs of the pure dual-CPU lock-step reference without
additional measures as shown in the grey column. In table 2, Tightly Coupled Memories
(TCM) are taken into account on top of what is already considered in table 1. The
TCMs are not shared between the two cores, i.e. each of the CPU has its proper memory
set. This is useful to reduce timing overhead and represents a more general structure for
complex CPUs, for which the sharing of internal memories is not possible (e.g. for
caches). In addition, this architecture with separated memories has to be chosen for
designs that integrate the CPU core as a complete hard-macro. In table 2, a 16KB ITCM plus twos 8 KB D-TCMs have been considered. For the dual-CPU lock-step, the
TCMs are protected with an ECC structure composed by ECC with a coding width of 8
bits for the two D-TCMs and ECC with a coding width of 32 bits for the I-TCM. For
the faultRobust architecture, the TCMs are protected with two fRMEMs: with BTMA
structure for D-TCM (with a D-TCM shared code mem of 4KB) and with a standard
fRMEM with 32-bits coding widths for I-TCM.


As shown in these tables, the use of faultRobust provides very significant savings
compared to dual-CPU lock-step costs: from table 1, it brings around one sixth of the
delta costs of a SIL3 compliant dual-core lock-step architecture. A possible objection is
how much the diluting effect of large memory amounts affects the faultRobust
advantages. For a typical medium-high end automotive MCU with 512Kb flash, 48Kb
SRAM, 32Kb shared TCM and 0.25Mgates of extra logic, the saving of fRCPU/fRMEM
respect to dual-CPU lock-step is still around 25%. It is important to note that this
benchmark does not include the optimized supervision of the buses and peripherals for
failures. With a simple simulation, for the typical medium-high end automotive MCU
described before and considering 70% of the extra logic to be protected with HW safety
integrity measures, the saving of fRCPU/fRMEM plus fRBUS/fRPERI with respect to
dual-CPU lock-step plus bus/peripheral redundancy rapidly growths to 35%.Concerning
power overhead, the same considerations done for the area overhead apply. For all the
other benchmarked parameters (such SW, performance overhead and detection latency),
the fRCPU optimized and diverse architecture always ends up in a positive balance
respect the dual-core lock-step, resulting in an overall very significant benefit.
Table 1. Comparison without memories

Area overhead
SW overhead
Power overhead
Detection latency
Perf. overhead

Dual CPU
Lock Step

Dual CPU
Lock Step




SIL3 Compare Unit















SIL3 Compare Unit




Area overhead
SW overhead
Power overhead
Detection latency
Perf. overhead

Dual CPU
Lock Step

Dual CPU
Lock Step


Table 2. Comparison with doubled memories


Concerning the challenge-response architectures of Figure 3a and 3b, by definition

they cannot fully cover transient faults, unless they are present during the period of
time in which the challenge-response operation is running. So SIL3 level is very
difficult to be achieved. The area overhead is significantly greater than the one to be
paid for fR approach: in fact in most of the cases the second CPU has to be powerful
enough to do sophisticated challenges (otherwise coverage will decrease) and it has
to be provided with a dedicated memory sub-system (instruction and data memories),
bringing very high integration costs. The diagnostic coverage is clearly proportional to
the SW overhead needed to perform such challenge-response. Moreover, this
architecture is very often supported by some additional SW diversity (such as variable


mirroring) to cover remaining unprotected subsystems. So, if the application running in

this architecture becomes complex, this SW overhead will lead to an unacceptable
increase of flash memory size. Concerning performance overhead, SFF is directly
proportional to how often and for how long this challenge-response is performed. The
same holds for diagnostic capability. This brings significant performance overhead that
makes this architecture unsuitable for small microcontrollers with no additional
performance headroom. Last but not least, it is mostly left to the system integrator to
decide the period and quality (i.e. complexity) of the challenge-response. Even if
this seems an advantage in terms of flexibility, in reality this heavily loads system
integrator with additional development and certification costs.

6. Extension to fail-functional and conclusions

In light of IEC 61508, a fail-functional architecture needs an HFT 1. A possible
implementation is the 1oo2d architecture. This architecture (figure 5a) consists of two
channels connected in parallel. During normal operation, both channels need to demand
the safety function before it can take place. In addition, if the diagnostic tests in either
channel detect a fault then the output voting is adapted so that the overall output state
then follows that given by the other channel. If the diagnostic tests either find faults in
the two channels or a discrepancy that cannot be allocated to either channel, then the
output goes to the safe state. In order to detect a discrepancy between the channels,
either channel can determine the state of the other channel via a means independent of
the other channel. Today, the IEC 61508 norm doesnt accept the implementation of
any SIL3 fail-functional architecture in a single chip: the detection of a fault shall result
in a specified action to achieve or maintain a safe state, unless the effects of a fault can
be controlled, for example by power disconnection of the faulty block. Therefore, in
order to enable in principle the implementation of a fail-functional MCU in a singlechip, two main conditions have to be fulfilled: the ASIC has to be in any case lower than
25%, i.e. CCF have to avoided; a detailed diagnostic information has to be available in
order to allow a quick and precise reaction leading to the isolation of the faulty block.



Shadow Proc
Shadow Proc



Figure 5a/b: the 1oo2d architecture and a possible fR implementation

The presented faultRobust architecture has the possibilities to fulfill these
requirements. In fact, fRCPU delivers precise diagnostic information (data fault,
address faults etc) and it includes a fast automatic restart capability to realign the
fRCPU to the CPU after a fault. CCFs are prevented by the functional, architectural and
timing diversity of the fRCPU. Taking benefits of these characteristics, an
implementation of fRCPU such the one described in figure 5b enables a 1oo2D
architecture in compliance with IEC 61508. Two shadow-processing units collaborate
with the checkers to identify the faulty channel and to generate the diagnostic signals
needed to modify the 1oo2D voting mechanism accordingly. In such a way, fRCPU can
be combined with dual-CPU architectures to achieve HFT1, or it can be combined


with multi-channels architectures such [16] in order to implement more sophisticated

safety concepts, e.g. MCU reconfiguration after a failure.
In conclusions, several approaches exist to implement fail-safe microcontrollers.
However, only some of them are capable to fulfill the requirements of the IEC 61508,
and most of them require additional costs in terms of overheads (area, power and
performance) or development, validation and certification efforts. The presented HWcentric distributed and optimized faultRobust platform guarantees compliance with IEC
61508. At the same time it reduces HW/SW costs by using pre-certified HW fault
supervisors, which are optimized by help of a specific FMEA methodology. The
faultRobust technology is flexible and scalable (e.g. towards fail-functional
architectures), and by that it provides the advantages of a portable and reusable
platform approach. Moreover it adds system-level benefits, like the increase of
availability by using the sophisticated diagnostic capabilities, or the massive de-loading
of the main CPU from diagnostic SW tasks. The faultRobust approach allows system
makers to exploit new ideas and sophisticated safety concepts for both challenges of the
future: getting costs down for fail-safe architectures and enabling the next level of
component integration even for applications requiring fail-functionality - without
compromising safety.

7. References
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[2] Cristian Constantinescu, "Trends and Challenges in VLSI Circuit Reliability," IEEE Micro, vol. 23, no. 4, pp.
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[4] CEI International Standard IEC 61508, 1998-2000.
[5] T. Fruehling, Delphi Secured Microcontroller Architecture, SAE Technical Paper, 2000-01-1052
[6] US Patent n.5880568 by Robert BOSCH Gmbh
[7] DE Patent n.19933086 by Robert BOSCH Gmbh
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[11] Todd Austin , David Blaauw , Trevor Mudge , Krisztin Flautner, Making Typical Silicon Matter with
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[13] R. Mariani, G. Boschi and F. Colucci, Using An Innovative Soc-Level Fmea Methodology To Design In
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[14] R. Mariani, A Platform-based Technology For Fault-robust SoC Design, IP/SOC 2006 Conference,
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[15] R. Mariani, P. Fuhrmann, F. Colucci, Safety Integrity of Memory Sub-systems in Automotive
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[16] M. Peri, S. Pezzini, A. Ferrari, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, M. Baleani, Fault Tolerant Platforms for
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