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DOI: 10.17354/ijss/2015/74

Single File Systems: AReview

Annil Dhingra1, Nidhi Ruhal2, Neetika Bhardwaj2, Sahil Rohilla2
Professor and Head, Department of Conservative and Endodontics, Divya Jyoti College of Dental Sciences and Research, Modinagar, Uttar
Pradesh, India, 2Post-graduate Student, Department of Conservative and Endodontics, Divya Jyoti College of Dental Sciences and Research,
Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India

In past, the shaping of root canals was done by using stainless steel (SS) hand files. But, it was not found so much effective
as SS hand files a number of drawbacks because they lead to using of numerous hand files and drills for preparing the canals
effectively. As well, hand instrumentation among SS files Take more time. These file also include an increased incidence of
canal. Carrying lastly, from a clinical perspective, utilize of hand instruments in thin canals can be very annoying particularly
in teeth with complex access. Hence, a single file technique has been developed for shaping the immense bulk of canals,
regardless of their diameter, length or curvature. They have made the root canal procedures simple and less time consuming.
Key words: Canal transportation, Drills, Stainless steel, Single file

Endodontics is not uncomplicated term. The reality is,
the further we know about the innovation and curvatures
of the root canal systems, the more that we are attentive
of natures anatomic complications.1 From the starting of
modern era endodontics, there have been many notions,
techniques and strategies for preparing canals. The
clinical endodontic step forward was succeeding from
utilizing a long series of stainless steel (SS) hand files and
numerous rotary Gates Glidden drills to combined nickel
titanium (NiTi) files for negotiating or shaping the canals.
Irrespective of the ways used for root canal preparation, the
mechanical objectives for canal preparation were radiantly
outlined nearly 40years ago. While properly performed,
these mechanical objectives endorse the biological
objectives for shaping canals, filling root canal systems,
and three-dimensional disinfection. Over the decades, an
astounding display of files has emerged for negotiating and
shaping canals. On the other hand, in spite of the numerous
brand names, the number of techniques advocated and
number of instruments required endodontic treatment has
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Month of Submission : 12-2014

Month of Peer Review : 01-2015
Month of Acceptance : 01-2015
Month of Publishing : 02-2015

been classically approached with sanguinity for possible

success. Every new age group of files has more developed
canal preparation techniques through novelty in design,
movement and material.2 Our profession has visualized
preparing canals utilizing a single-file technique. The
actuality is that practically all canals can now be optimally
prepared using a single-file technique.3 Newly the focus is
on the idea less is more for endodontic canal preparation.
Consequently, a single-file technique has developed for
shaping the immense majority of canals, irrespective of
their diameter, length, or curvature.4


In 1988, Walia projected Nitinol, a NiTi alloy that
is 2-3 times more stretchy, in the same file sizes, as
contrasted to SS. The first commercially offered NiTi
rotary files had come to sell in mid 1990s. All these files
(first-generation) NiTi rotary files have inert cutting
radial lands, fixed tapers over the length of their blades,
and need a significant number of files to accomplish the
preparation objectives.
The subsequently generation of NiTi rotary files
introduced into existence in 2001. This generation of NiTi
files contains the ProTaper (Dentsply-Tulsa) rotary files
which, dissimilar all further passive or active NiTi cutting
instruments, have manifold increasing or decreasing
proportion tapers on a single file.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Nidhi Ruhal, Department of Conservative and Endodontics, Divya Jyoti College of Dental Sciences and
Research, Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India. E-mail:


International Journal of Scientific Study | February 2015 | Vol 2 | Issue 11

Dhingra, et al.: Single File Systems

The third generation of NiTi instruments was introduced

in 2007 to the market, which apparently provided better
flexibility and resistance to repeated fatigue. Sybron
dental specialties initiated R-phase heat treatment, a
non-grinding method, and a so-called special surface
conditioning. Dentsply Tulsa dentals introduced a new
proprietary thermal procedure, which resulted in an original
metallurgical technology termed M-wire.5
They insist on for something new and immense is still
on and single file systems are not left untouched. Thus,
this review talks about the single file systems, which are
available there in market viz.: Reciproc Wave One, One
Shape and T-files.
One Shape File

One Shape file has introduced by Micro-Mega. Directed

down the glide path by three cutting edges, its flexibility
assures admiration to the new canal path and curvature.
The file is accessible in size 21mm, 25mm and 29mm
with a taper of 0.6% (Figure 1).
One Shapes disparity of cross-sections provides a finest
cutting action in three zones of the canal. The uneven
pitch of this file reduces instrument screwing effects. The
anti-breakage organize of One Shape file is a protection
bonus i.e.the instrument will slow down to avoid division.
The principle following the efficient cutting is that the file
has three unusual cross-section zones.

The first zone has a variable 3 cutting-edge design

The second, prior to the change, has a cross-section
that increasingly changes from 3 to 2 cutting edges
The final (coronal) is provided with 2 cutting edges.6

One Shape file is delivered in a germ-free blister, and it is

recommended to use one file per tooth and then surplus.

Figure 1: One Shape file size 25 taper 0.6 taper6

The file be supposed to not sterilized, as the cutting

effectiveness decreases severely, so the file should be
utilized for maximum of 3-4 canals.7
Wave One File

It is known as a single-use, single-file organization from

Dentsply Maillefer that is used to shape the root canal
totally from start to end. The working of these NiTi files
generally run in an alike but repeal balanced force action
by using a pre-programmed motor to run these files in a
reciprocal motion (back and forth).
The number of files is three, which are in the Wave One
single-file reciprocating system, and they are obtainable in
lengths of 21,25 and 31mm shown in Figure2.
i. In fine canals, the Wave One small file is used. This
file is available in tip size of ISO 21 with a constant
taper of 6%
ii. In the majority of canals, the Wave One primary file
takes place. This file is obtainable in tip size of ISO
25 with an apical taper of 8% that decreases toward
the coronal end
iii. In large canals, the Wave One large file is applied. This
is available in tip size of ISO 40 with an apical taper
of 8% that declined toward the coronal end.
The design of these files is competent to work with a
reverse cutting action. All these instruments are having
a modified convex triangular cross-section at the tip of
end. As the reciprocating cycles complete its one complete
reverse rotation, the instrument steadily moves towards
with required little apical pressure into the canal.
With a possibility of cross-contamination, all instruments
should be used single time inside root canals because it is
a tough job to completely clean and sterilize endodontic
instruments. Hence, there is a possibility of the presence
of human dental pulp tissue. The plastic color coding in
the handle also malformed once clean, which restraint it
from being properly placed back into its handpiece.8

Figure 2: Wave One small (yellow), primary (red) and large

(black) files8

International Journal of Scientific Study | February 2015 | Vol 2 | Issue 11


Dhingra, et al.: Single File Systems


Dr. Yared and VDW Germany were the first who

introduced this system at the 8thWorld Endodontic
Congress in Athens.9 Reciproc instruments are designed
with diameters and tapers, which are efficient in an optimal
apical preparation in the large number of cases by using
just one instrument according to the canal anatomy.7
The numerous cases of all canal anatomies can be primed
using only one reciprocating file at 1 time and with the
absence of the glide path or initial instrumentation. The
Reciproc file is firstly moved toward in a cutting direction
and after that reverse to liberate the instrument in the
process of reciprocation. It takes several reciprocating
movements to complete just one rotation of 360. This
procedure of root-canal preparation, which lacks the step
of creating a glide path, opposes the current teaching
standard for rotary instrumentation, which includes the
preparation of initial glide path to minimize the risk of
fracture which can be caused by an instrument binding
in the canal.9
However, the angles of alternating right and left rotations
are considerably lesser than the angles at which a
Reciproc instrument can cause fracture in the process of
reciprocation. These angles are preserved in the Reciproc
endodontic motor, which prevents these instruments
from rotating past its particular angle of fracture. The
centering ability of this reciprocation technique also
permits the instrument to pursue the natural path of
least confrontation, which is the root canal. Reciproc
instruments are made up of M-wire NiTi under the
process of an innovative thermal-treatment. This alloy is
having both the features of amplified resistance to cyclic
exhaustion and superior flexibility than common NiTi
material. One more advantage of this specific design is
a huge capacity of the removal of debris from the canal
because of deep flutes. Further, the flexible S-shaped crosssection having two cutting edges gives fine cutting ability
at decease friction.

instruments. Single use of these instruments also decreases

the risk of material weariness due to over-use.9

In the year 2014, this file was introduced by miraculous

dental solution in India. The file is obtainable in tip size
of 21, 25, 30 and 40 with a taper of 8%. It is also offered
in length 21, 25 and 31mm shown in Figure4.
This file has been made in a convex triangular design which
is efficient in better rotation and proficient cutting; it is also
notable that the file has no screw in effect and is capable in
debris removal efficiently. T-Files has nano coating, which
makes them supple and resists them to wear and tiredness


1. Just one NiTi instrument for single root canal and in
the majority cases per tooth
2. Reasonably priced

Figure 3: Reciproc file size no. 259

From the three file sizes shown in Figure 3 - R25, R40

or R50 -It is required to select the one that matches the
canal size best. The initial taper of every file is bigger over
the first 3mm from the tip, thus allowing #30 irrigation
syringes to be positioned near to the apex. The canal shape
designed in all the three instruments is best for all modern
obturation techniques.
The Reciproc system is mainly designed for convenience
and protection. With the single use specification of
instruments, makes the work more efficient, and it declines
the risk of contamination. One Reciproc instrument is
sufficient for doing the job of several hand and rotary

Figure 4: T-Files10

International Journal of Scientific Study | February 2015 | Vol 2 | Issue 11

Dhingra, et al.: Single File Systems

3. Decrease global shaping time; let the clinician to spend

more time cleaning the root canal system with superior
irrigation techniques
4. Eliminates practical errors by using a single Instrument
quite than using several files
5. A new level of care, eliminating the possibility of prior
contamination due to single use
6. Simple to learn.11

It is concluded to facilitate One Shape and Wave One,
are the new asset in endodontic instruments. Only single
rotary file is there for your endodontic treatments. Aroot
canal treatment is approximately 3-4 times quicker than
a conventional treatment. Thus, the generally period of
treatment is shortened, and its easy for patients to accept
the treatment due to less follow-ups.


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How to cite this article: Dhingra A, Ruhal N, Bhardwaj N, Rohilla S. Single File Systems: AReview. Int J Sci Stud 2015;2(11):169-172.
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.

International Journal of Scientific Study | February 2015 | Vol 2 | Issue 11


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