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Shelton Voters Networks

Shelton Voters Guide 2015

Election Day: November 3rd, 2015

The Shelton Voters Network builds a stronger democracy.


educate Shelton residents about our local government,

engage Shelton residents in local decision making, and
advocate for processes that ensure strong public input
and transparency in our Shelton government.

Table of Contents:
I. Mayoral Candidates
Michele Bialek ......4
Timothy Bristol .....7
II. Treasurer Candidates
Paul Papadimitriou ......10
III. Board of Alderman Candidates
Ward 1:
Denese Deeds ....12
John Jack Finn ...13
Anthony SimoneK ..15
Ward 3:
John Anglace ......16
Steve Guralnick .......18
Ward 4:
Joseph Liscinsky ...19
IV. Board of Educa<on Candidates
Anne Gaydos .....22
David Gioiello ...23
Faith Hack ....24
Mark Holden .....24
Kate Kutash ....26
Arlene Liscinsky ...27
Tom MinoK .....29
Win Oppel ......29
Adam Robinson ......31
V. Planning and Zoning Commission Candidates
Nancy Dickal ..32
Frank Osak (alternate) ......33
VI. Board of Appor<onment and Taxa<on Candidate
Lou DagosZne ...34
Adam Heller ...35
Joseph Knapik ...36
VII. Library Board of Directors Candidates
Jean Cayer ........37
Patricia Walker ....38
VIII. On The Shelton Ballot 2015 ..39
IX. Elec<on Day Informa<on .40

I. Mayor Overview
Number of Posi<ons Elected: 1
Term: 2 years
Du<es: According to the Shelton, ConnecZcut Code of Ordinances, The Mayor shall "supervise
the general opera6on and Departments of the City. The Mayor shall preside at all mee6ngs of the
Board of Aldermen and the Board of Appor6onment and Taxa6on, at which mee6ngs of the
Board he/she shall have a 6e-breaking vote only. The Mayor shall prepare and have printed, as
soon as possible aIer the close of each scal year, an annual City report. The Mayor shall prepare
and submit to the Board of Appor6onment and Taxa6on an annual budget as provided in Chapter
7 of this Charter. The Mayor shall have such other lawful powers and du6es as may be conferred
or imposed by ordinance or resolu6on of the Board of Aldermen; provided, however, that the
Board of Aldermen shall not diminish, in any way, the powers and du6es of the Mayor except
those powers and du6es conferred or imposed on the Mayor by the Board of Aldermen..."

Mayoral Candidates
Michele Bialek Democrat
1. Why do you feel you are best suited to hold this seat?

There are many reasons why I am best suited to be Mayor. I have a passion for this city and deep
knowledge of our community and those will drive my decision-making. I will lead with care and
balance, diligently weighing perspecZves and opZons. I am an experienced businesswoman who
does what it takes in order to make a business succeed, but never loses my personal integrity. I
will apply the skills I have honed in business to build a cooperaZve and honorable government.
My communicaZon abiliZes are the best tools in my skillset, and I am determined to nd and
valued. I hold no grudges, making it easier to work eecZvely with many dierent people on
complex issues. Finally, my ideas are smart, fresh, posiZve and exciZng. I have a cohesive,
creaZve plan for the City of Shelton which serves to further increase our tax base while
simultaneously increasing the quality of life for the people in our community. My plan will
transform our downtown, ensure our schools are compeZZve, bring transparency to the budget
process and keep our taxes low. I know how to implement that plan and I look forward to doing
that with Shelton residents.

2. What are two things about the City of Shelton that make you proud?

I am proud that Shelton is 1) A true community. We are not a small town, and yet we have some
of the benets of small town living, such as the connecZons that come when you know your
neighbors. 2) An aordable, diverse place that allows many people to buy homes and sedle in
the same community where they grew up. Our aordability including our low tax rate helps
sustain these generaZonal Zes and also provides a place for families who are new to Shelton to

This story shows the sense of community and small town style that makes me proud to be from
The Howe Avenue re of January 2014 caused many casualZes including the agship locaZon of
my Liquid Lunch restaurants. Immediately following that devastaZon, our city banded together
like nothing I have seen before. The all-volunteer Shelton and Valley re companies badled
Zrelessly to control the raging re and save every person in the building. My husband and I
watched as the four story building next to our beloved restaurant went up like a pile of
matchsZcks, yet the reghters managed to save our lidle building.

When the smoke cleared, almost 30 people had lost their apartments, and when Echo Hose Fire
Company asked for help, donaZons began pouring in. There were so many household and food
donaZons that volunteers gave of their Zme to sort and fold, feed and chat, wipe tears and give
hugs. I remember looking around thinking that I live in the best place in the world. The tenants
were eventually helped in nding new homes and the businesses are on the mend. I worked hard
to reopen a new restaurant in the same locaZon in late summer 2015. Plus, the owners of the
site are now working to ll the gap that now exists in the heart of our downtown. That love and
sense of community that Shelton showed during that tragedy makes me want to return the
compassion, and build and grow our city even more.

3. Name up to three things youd like to improve in the city of Shelton and tell us how you
would go about doing that in your role as Mayor.

There are many things that I would keep the same, such as our low tax rate. We have a lot to be
proud of here. However, I have some real concerns, so I will make improvements in the following

1) I will change the relaZonship that the Mayor has with the Board of EducaZon in order to
support our childrens educaZon, not ght against it. I would develop a collaboraZve relaZonship
with the Board of EducaZon in order to meet strategic educaZonal goals for Sheltons kids. I will
communicate with the BOE early in the budget process and I will take the budget
recommendaZons of our elected Board of EducaZon members and our professional
Superintendent very seriously. AddiZonally, as Mayor, my annual budgets will always cover the
Board of EducaZons contractually required and mandated expenses. EducaZon is vital to a
healthy city. It can draw new families in and cause current families to leave. While sZll balancing
educaZon with other needs in Shelton, I would ensure that our schools have what they need to
provide a compeZZve educaZon.

2) I will change the way in which our government does business in order to increase
communicaZon, transparency and accountability throughout City Hall. It is the obligaZon of a
municipal government to involve the voters, to make sure that residents have good informaZon
about their government, and to be accountable with taxpayer funds. Therefore, I will require all
Department Heads to adend the annual budget seKng workshops. I will select a new auditor
our current auditors failed to idenZfy the thek of nearly $900,000 that occurred over the course
of 8 years. I will expand City Halls online presence, including implemenZng live streamed
municipal meeZngs, and I would consider implemenZng an online 311 system it allows ciZzens
to easily report items in the city that need adenZon or repair.

3) I will transform our downtown into a vibrant desZnaZon that draws visitors from throughout
our region. I have a comprehensive vision and plan for our downtown. Please see subsequent
quesZons for more informaZon about my plans to draw on Sheltons exisZng assets in order to
create a vibrant downtown that will boost our tax base.

4. Describe with specic examples how you would expand and diversify the citys economy.

I am a rm believer in the buy local movement. Many Americans have been so cut o from our
immediate communiZes that we are feeling the pull towards something real. I will begin with
cohesive plans for the city centers of Shelton, including the Downtown, HunZngton Center and
White Hills Center. Led by the city, these plans will engage land owners, community members,
business owners and planning professionals in order to implement a true vision for local
economic development. I will pound the pavement to recruit unique and diverse businesses to
sedle in our commercial centers. I will secure

state and private place making grants to support the infrastructure needed to adract these
businesses, such as common markeZng, storefront improvements, parking soluZons, links to the
Housatonic River, a streetscape program and more.

I see a Shelton that is rich in small, creaZve, arZsanship-based retail businesses that will serve as
the foundaZon of a cultural and tourist desZnaZon. We are fortunate enough to enjoy Jones
Family Farm, Stone Gardens Farm, Beardsley Cider Mill, Wells Hollow Farm, Oronoque Pies, the
Shelton Farmers Market as well as other many other agricultural ameniZes. We also host Indian
Wells state park as well as the Sports center and two golf courses. Visitors already come to the
outskirts of our city to enjoy many of those features, why not give them a reason to come further
in and stay for a bit? We could do that by creaZng year-long opportuniZes for these businesses
to have a link to downtown (as the Farmers Market and volunteer-driven Handmade Market
have started to do), by adding more businesses to the downtown that complement the assets we
have and by linking events and businesses to our waterfront.

I will also build and maintain relaZonships with our larger business partners, such as the
companies in our business parks (where I have one of my Liquid Lunch locaZons), and seize
opportuniZes to invite addiZonal large companies into these business parks. However, the
diversicaZon will come from our smaller commercial centers. The more we refurbish and
revitalize our city centers the more people will spend Zme and money in our city, and the more
we will have more reason to stay in town ourselves.

5. What is your vision for downtown redevelopment? Describe with specic
examples how you would improve the citys downtown.

This answer is nearly idenZcal to my answer for diversifying the citys economy. As I previously
stated, I believe that we need to start with a comprehensive plan for the downtown area to
create a pedestrian friendly desZnaZon that draws people to visit. The plan would be a living
document that is revisited every few years so that it can evolve. The current administraZon has
taken the planning process in a piecemeal fashion a few blocks at a Zme or even one site at a
Zme. This piecemeal approach does not take the changing needs of the community into
consideraZon and there is no guiding vision holding it together.

I would implement a comprehensive vision that would expand Sheltons small and local business
base and create a desZnaZon where visitors can enjoy arts and cultural assets, good food,
outdoor recreaZon and unique shopping. As we are implemenZng a comprehensive plan that
highlights Sheltons many local assets, we can start a markeZng iniZaZve with the Valley
Chamber of Commerce and other markeZng organizaZons. This will serve to enZce small
business owners whose drive is creaZvity and craksmanship. We will work to create an events
schedule, uZlizing our open spaces on a regular, year round basis. We will work cooperaZvely
with the city of Derby in order to bring visitors to a large, vibrant area with many adracZons on
both sides of the Housatonic River.

6. Do you think taxa<on in Shelton is too high, about right, or too low? Choose one, then

I have been taking a closer look at the citys budget worksheet and I believe that our tax rate is
right where it should be. However, we need to measure the level of service that our residents
get for their tax dollars. We should not increase taxes, but we should focus our budgeZng on
outcomes, not just on spending less. Every year many departments spend tens of thousands of
dollars less than they have been budgetedand yet most of those same departments see budget
increase in the following year. The extra unspent funds go into the citys surplus fund. That
fund has millions more than it needs for Shelton to maintain the highest bond raZng, and it has
no policy to govern its use.

If the budget was more honest and developed more criZcally and if it focused on outcomes in
addiZon to controlling spending we could use our taxpayer money more eecZvely. We dont
have to raise taxes, but we do have to restructure our budget in order to apply funds beder for
maintenance of infrastructure, adequate audiZng and nancial management, and educaZonal
needs. Under my budget and we would sZll enjoy a high bond raZng, but all unspent money
would be accounted for, properly allocated and re-invested back into our community - and our
tax rate would stay where it is, low and aordable.

7. How important are parks, trails, open space, and recrea<on facili<es to the city of Shelton?
Is the level of public funds spent on these areas adequate?

One measure of a citys success lies in its community spaces. I am proud of our trail system and
the dog park. The open space of Veterans Memorial Park in the downtown is a great community
asset. However, we can accomplish more. Wolfe Park in Monroe is a beauZful example. There
are modern jungle gyms, a beauZful lake, trails throughout as well as a public pool and many
dierent sports elds. I would love to see a facility like this in Shelton.

However, before Shelton can create new space, we need to be sure we are maintaining the
spaces we have both recreaZon space and other infrastructure. We have far too long patched
and band-aided our buildings, automobiles, roadways and city grounds and parks instead of
using the funds already allocated to care

Imagine a city where the children are cared for and given the educaZonal services they need by a
city government that feels an obligaZon to care for and educate them. Our children simply
deserve beder. We can aord much beder without raising taxes by using exisZng city budget
resources more eciently and strategically. As Mayor I will collaborate with the Board of
EducaZon and Superintendent to make sure Shelton is providing the best educaZon for our
children that our city can aord.

Please share any addi<onal contact informa<on you would like to make available to the public
(i.e. campaign website, Facebook page, email address, phone number, etc.:

I welcomes any voter to call or email my campaign in order to learn more:

Timothy Bristol No Party Affiliation

Write-In Candidate
1. Why do you feel you are best suited to hold this seat?

I am best suited to ll this seat because I am a lifelong resident of Shelton. I was not nominated
by a poliZcal party, I have no alternate agenda, and will only answer to the people of Shelton
when elected. I have been studying poliZcal science for years and I am well versed in policy and
how poliZcs work. I went to Shelton Public Schools, I know how they run, and as an aspiring
teacher I believe that educaZon is one of the most important things that a city or town has to
oer its people. Our schools are my number one priority.

2. What are two things about the City of Shelton that make you proud?

Two things that make me proud of Shelton are, the development of the Riverwalk and farmers
market in downtown Shelton and the recent business developments in Shelton show how strong
our city is economically.

3. Name up to three things youd like to improve in the City of Shelton and tell us how you
would go about doing that in your role as Mayor.

The rst and foremost is educaZon, I would work with the Board of EducaZon to improve our
schools and create an educaZon budget that makes sense. We need to make our schools the
envy of the state, and badling with the BOE over full Zme kindergarten is not the soluZon. We
need to nd the areas of the school system that are struggling and work to improve them while
maintaining a reasonable budget. If that means going through the city budget line-by-line then so
be it.

The second thing I would improve is transparency in our government. First is to bring the
creaZon of the city budget into the light. Every department and every oce in the city
government would have to make their budget proposals public. We should know how our tax
dollars are being spent. I would also open up the mayors oce to the public with weekly
addresses over the internet and by starZng a forum online where people can bring issues they
have directly to my oce. I would respond those issues in a Zmely fashion. The Mayor is elected
by the people to represent the people, its Zme we started doing that.

Finally, city beauZcaZon and the conZnued improvement of downtown. I have lived on Howe
Avenue. I was a few blocks away from the re in downtown when it happened. Actually in the
year and a half that I lived on Howe Avenue there were several res. Downtown needs a new
plan that gets rid of potenZally dangerous abandoned buildings and improves the lives of the
people that live there. As for the rest of Shelton we need to take a real look at the city and x the
roads, sidewalks, and parks that need the most help.

4. Describe with specic examples how you would expand and diversify the City's economy.

As I menZoned earlier, I am proud of the citys economy as it is, but we can improve further.
Downtown Shelton is the place to start. We need to encourage more business owners to open up
shop in the area. I would develop a relaZonship with the local businesses, big and small, and
work with them to improve the economy. I would also promote a green business iniZaZve to
bring in new, and innovaZve companies to Shelton. A green Shelton will produce a strong
sustainable economy.

5. What is your vision for downtown redevelopment? Describe with specic examples how you
would improve the City's downtown.

I discussed this in an earlier quesZon but to expand on this topic. There are many areas in
downtown Shelton that need improvement. Its nice to see the roads resurfaced but we need to
work on trac ow, and gure out how to make a trip through downtown easier for trac. We
also need to repair all of the sidewalks downtown; a clean look all the way from the Route 8
bridge to the baseball eld. Finally we need to replace and/or redevelop the areas of downtown
that have been neglected. We have made some progress, but there are sZll some abandoned
buildings that need to be redeveloped. Also since the Shelton-Derby bridge project will begin in a
year or so, I would work with the Department of Roads and Bridges to make that process as
smooth as possible for commuters.

6. Do you think taxa<on in Shelton is too high, about right, or too low? Choose one, then

I have heard that taxes in Shelton are low, and people seem to like that, but it has put a
strain on the city budget and may hurt us in areas of the budget. Im not going to say
taxes are too low or that I think they are too high. Taxes are how we pay for the services
and needs of the city. If our needs are higher then perhaps the city will need more, but if
the city has a surplus of money than those savings will go to the tax payer. I could not say
for sure unZl a budget is produced.

7. How important are parks, trails, open space, and recrea<on facili<es to the City of
Shelton? Is the level of public funds spent on these areas adequate?

Our citys parks and open spaces are very important to me. We need to protect our parks,
trials and open lands from overdevelopment. I have always lived near a park in Shelton,
but in recent years the city has lapsed in its care of those parks. I currently live across from
a basketball court owned by the city that needs serious improvements. I would make it a
focus of my oce to improve our recreaZonal areas.

8. Are you sa<sed with the level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

It is possible that our educaZon budget could use a bit more money. Our schools are
geKng older, especially the elementary schools and the Shelton High School. I was very
happy when the new intermediate school was build. I went to the old one before it was
refurbished and it was in sorry shape.
We need to keep an eye on the condiZon of our schools and the condiZon of the materials
in our classrooms. Teachers are having to pay more and more out of pocket for school
supplies, they need help and we need to help them. We can start programs to help reduce
costs for teachers, every lidle bit helps. The children of Shelton deserve the best educaZon

Please share any addiZonal contact informaZon you would like to make available to the
public (i.e. campaign website, Facebook page, email address, phone number, etc.):
(203) 751-4161

Thank you!

Mark Lauretti Republican (Incumbent)

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

II. Treasurer Overview

Number of Posi<ons Elected: 1
Term: 2 years
Du<es: The Treasurer shall manage the oce of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the agent
of the City deposit fund and other City trust funds. The Treasurer shall coordinate all his/her
acZviZes with the Director of Finance. The Treasurer shall have such other related powers and
duZes as are prescribed by the Mayor or the Board of Aldermen.

Treasurer Candidates
Raymond OLeary Republican (Incumbent)
Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Paul Papadimitriou - Democrat

1. Why do you feel you are best suited to hold this seat?

I will work hard to ensure that our city is nancially sound both short-term and long-term. I will
ensure that we hold the line on taxes, and have a solid audit system in place. I have managed
$53 million in business budgets for the past 10+ years. I have a solid understanding of what
drives protability and strong stance on managing cash ow eecZvely, so that we may re-invest
our money focused on adracZng both small businesses and families with developing a vibrant

2. What are two things about the City of Shelton that make you proud?

I have been a resident of Shelton for the past 13 years. First and foremost I am proud of Shelton
knowing that there are plenty of organizaZons / sports programs within the City that support
both the academic and athleZc growth of our children. I am heavily engaged with my childrens
academics and extra-curricular acZviZes; I love that Shelton has a wide variety of acZviZes for
our children at the community center,, a strong Boy Scouts of America presence, and the Lego
League at Perry Hill school. We need to conZnue to oer these types of acZviZes that strengthen
our community this will conZnue to adract more families to Shelton that will further grow our tax
base revenue. Secondly, I am proud that our City has the annual Fireworks shows during 4th of
July and holds the Concerts at HunZngton Green its the amount of people that adend which
gives me a feeling of strong community bonding and friendship.

3. Name up to three things youd like to improve in the City of Shelton in regards to the
responsibili<es of Treasurer?

1. I will issue a quarterly budget performance reporZng for all departments to ensure they have
a balanced budget and are spending their funds appropriately and in a Zmely manner. I would
issue this quarterly report for our taxpayers. I feel that they deserve to know where their hard
earned tax dollars are being spent. This is not currently done the Treasurers oce releases an
annual nancial report.


2. I will Line item budget disclosure and performance reporZng to our taxpayers Issue status on
our development projects throughout the City.
3. Control the level of debt the City is taking on with constantly bonding projects, when we clearly
have surplus in the budget to cover.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

I have been working at Sikorsky for the past 10 years in progressing leadership roles; I have
managed $53 Million dollar business budgets and my most recent role as a Supplier Development
Manager, managing a team that supports with the operaZonal development and improvement of
141 suppliers with a 1.726B spend. I have managed mulZ-million dollar capital expenditure/
investment projects which all were achieved within lead-Zme and budget. As a manager you need
to pose great adenZon to detail, project management skills, and the ability to moZvate and
empower those around you.

5. How would you be able to contribute to the eort of maintaining our steady tax level while
s<ll ensuring we properly maintain our infrastructure and quality services for Shelton taxpayers
and residents, as Treasurer?

As the treasurer I would contribute in the following ways: I would improve the current budgeZng
process. All departments would be held accountable to meet with the A&T board explaining yearly
scal budget requirements, if departments do not meet with the A&T board would result in a delay
of their budget being approved. Secondly, I would require that both the A&T board and Board of
Alderman meet together to nalize the budget. The current budget process facilitates a back and
forth review, this tends to only delay the crucial process of nalizing a budget. Thirdly, I would
request that a quarterly review with the support from the Mayor of all City development and
facility improvement projects. The A&T board is accountable for monthly transfers and board of
Alderman performs a end of year transfer. There is zero oversight of this process and performance
on over spending of tax payer dollars. The current of process is of transfer and budgeZng is a
shell game. The process is rob Peter (under run of one) to pay Paul the (over run) of the other.
In the end the budget is not balanced so development and improvement projects get delayed or
departmental budgets are cut to support these ineciencies. Lastly, I would hire a more
competent nancial audiZng rm and replace the City current rm who missed $900K in mis-
allocated funds during the past eight years. As we conZnue to stay focused on our quality of
educaZon and growth of our downtown this will adract both residenZal and business tax base.
We will x what needs to be xed; I will be transparent with my vision and acZons.

6. What is your opinion in regards to the level of tax revenue surplus held by the City of Shelton?

I feel it is crucial to have a certain level of surplus in the Citys budget. However, that needs to be
balanced with spending money wisely toward the growth of our community. This is vital to
adracZng addiZonal tax base revenue. I believe that the current budget spending needs a much
greater oversight and re-direcZon of where our money is being spent. There are too many
projects that the City has started, and not nished and conZnues to delay. We need to improve in
our educaZon system but not cuKng budgets on a yearly basis. We need to improve Shelton High
Schools out-dated faciliZes, increase our Police force that is in short fall of 10+ policemen and our
community center and improve up keep of public sports elds and parks.

Please share any addi<onal contact informa<on you would like to make available to the public
(i.e. campaign website, Facebook page, email address, phone number, etc.):

Mobile: (203) 997-7529
Home: (203) 944-0563

III. Board of Aldermen Overview

Number of Posi<ons Elected: 8 (two represen<ng each of the four wards in Shelton)
Term: 2 years
Du<es: The powers of the Board shall include, but not limited to, the following powers: to enact,
amend, or repeal ordinances; to create, consolidate, or abolish oces or boards, commissions, or
other bodies and to dene their powers and duZes; to provide for the preservaZon of the order,
peace, safety, health, and welfare of the City and its inhabitants; to determine and set, upon the
recommendaZon of the Mayor, the compensaZon of all elected and appointed ocials of the
City and all City employees; to regulate the borrowing of money by the City; to issue such bonds
or notes as may be required for the proper conduct of the business of the City; and to exercise
the powers as granted by ConnecZcut General Statute SecZon 7-194, as amended from Zme to

Board of Aldermen Candidates

Ward 1:

The rst ward shall have the following boundaries: beginning at the point on the Housatonic
River where the Shelton and Monroe town lines meet, thence proceeding southwesterly along
the Monroe town line, to Walnut Tree Hill Road thence southerly along the centerline of Walnut
Tree Hill Road to the intersecZon of Ripton Road, thence southeasterly along the centerline of
Ripton Road to the intersecZon of Shelton Avenue, thence northeasterly along the centerline of
Shelton Avenue to the intersecZon of Meadow Street, thence northwesterly along the centerline
of Meadow Street to the intersecZon of Wheeler Street, thence northeasterly along the
centerline of Wheeler Street to the intersecZon of Howe Avenue, thence northeasterly along a
line perpendicular to Howe Avenue to the center of the Housatonic River, thence northwesterly
along the centerline of the Housatonic River to the Monroe town line and the said point of

Denese Deeds - Democrat

1. Why do you feel you are best suited to hold this posi<on?

As an owner of a successful business for 35 years, I understand how to manage and use resources
wisely. I believe I will bring fresh ideas and leadership to the city.

2. What are two things about the City of Shelton that make your proud?

The rst is the preservaZon of open space and the character of our city. I love the trails our
volunteers have created to help us enjoy them.

The second is the community spirit. I see it in the wide array of volunteer acZvity from the Boys &
Girls Club to the ACT homeless shelter and how we help each other in Zmes of need.

3. Name up to three things youd like to improve in the City of Shelton and tell us how you
would go about doing this in your role as Alderman.

Downtown Shelton has great potenZal that has not been realized. I would support tax breaks to
encourage development and public works to beauZfy downtown more. I would work to limit
strip-mall development and focus on higher tax revenue projects. The roads in Shelton are
disgraceful. I would support a capital budget with planned repair on a reasonable schedule.
when they


4. Are you sa<sed with the level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

It is dicult to see if money is spent wisely by our Board of EducaZon but I am concerned that
our per student expenditure is among the lowest in the state. EducaZon is the most important
funcZon a city has and we owe it to our children to assure they get the best start in life possible.
As Alderman, I would carefully consider the BOE budget and increase funding where warranted.

5. Do you think the Citys budget process needs improvement? If so, what would you do to
improve it?

The budget process is broken. City departments oken do not even present to the Board of
ApporZonment and TaxaZon. Departments receive the same budget each year, even did not
spend it the year before. This is to assure a big surplus. As Alderman, I would carefully consider
each budget request and vote to make budgets more realisZc. I would try to make the process
open and transparent.

6. What can be done to maintain our steady tax level while s<ll ensuring we properly maintain
our infrastructure and quality services for Shelton taxpayers and residents?

Shelton ciZzens are overtaxed for the services we receive. As Alderman, I would vote for a more
realisZc budget, spend the budget monies, stop borrowing (driving up debt) and keep taxes as
low as possible while doing what is needed to maintain our infrastructure.

John Jack Finn Democrat (incumbent)

1. Why do you feel you are best suited to hold this posi<on?

I have been proudly serving the First Ward with dedicaZon to our community. I have held this
oce for the past 30 years and I owe it to those residents in my district who know my experience
and Integrity with the qualiZes of being honest and strong moral principles on issues that they
might be facing. My family has a long history of serving our community on many levels. I have
always returned all my phone calls, emails, and even have visited residents homes to obtain a
rst had account of their concerns. I have never looked to see what I can get out of this. My only
interest is helping my fellow mankind.

I have been your strong voice at City Hall for thirty years. I have voted against all proposed tax
increase in scal years 2005, 2001 and 2013.

I have a strong sense of service to my community and country. I am a Vietnam Veteran, proudly
serving in the US Navy from 1969 to 1973 and was adached to COMCARDIV-7 Admiral Sta.

I am a member of the White Hills Fire Company #5, Fire Police, the ConnecZcut Fire Police
AssociaZon, and ChrisZan Counseling & Family Life Center on the Board of Directors, Shelton
High School Fathers Club (Past President, Vice President and Trustee). I am also a past member of
the Shelton Lions Club (Vice President).

I am known as the Dean of the Board of Alderman, Incumbent Alderman since 1985. I have
served on various Aldermanic Commidees (Finance, Public Health and Safety and former
Chairman of the Street Commidee). I served as Vice Chairman of the Shelton Community Center
and a member of the EMS Building Commidee. I was the Chairman Energy Management Planning
Commidee (2005 to 2007), a member of the Board of EducaZon Long Range Planning Commidee
(1991), and the Long Range Planning Commidee Shelton Intermediate School (1997).


2. What are two things about the City of Shelton that make you proud?

First and most of all is how friendly and caring the residents of our great City are. Secondly, how
we have preserved our valuable open space with Sheltons farms, forests, parks and open space
to sustain our rural character which adds value to our quality of life.

3. Name three things youd like to improve in the City of Shelton and tell us how you would go
about doing this in your role as Alderman.

We need to stop hiding the Citys surplus in the budget of the departments at the taxpayers
expense. I have been poinZng out each year the amount of unused funds that the Board of
Aldermen approve during the budget process. We need to start showing transparency.

During the budget process, departments request funds for full Zme and part Zme posiZons. The
Mayor and Board of Aldermen approve those funds at the taxpayers expense. Vacant posiZons
are not being lled but conZnue to be funded in the budget year aker year. This leaves a
manpower shortage in various departments such as the Police Department which returns a
million dollars or more each year. I would have the most important posiZons lled for public

We need to address our infrastructure. Various City owned buildings are in disrepair as are some
of your roadways. We need to obtain funds either through Locip or grants to improve our
infrastructure. We have to have a look outside of the box and not to conZnue to rely on our
credit card spending through bonding.

4. Are you sa<sed with the level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

In the last two years I have not been saZsed with the funding the Board of EducaZon receives.
We must work with the Board of EducaZon to provide the best possible educaZon at a
reasonable cost to our children and grandchildren. In the past two years, the Board of Aldermen
have not reached that goal. Comments are made during the budget process by an Alderman:
This is not the place to discuss the Board of EducaZon budget. I have always thought that is
the place to discuss their budget. The problem is they forget to check with the Board of
EducaZon to verify if savings they projected were real or could be used as they had hoped. My
hope is in the future we will be able to work closer together to prevent the Board of Aldermen
from having this kind of misunderstanding. We have to provide high quality educaZonal faciliZes
that are properly maintained and keep our taxes low. We must have cooperaZon, not
confrontaZon, to strengthen the educaZon system. Playing poliZcs with educaZon and bullying
the Board of EducaZon does nothing to help our children. The childrens educaZon should not be
a poliZcal issue.

5. Do you think the Citys budget process needs improvement? If so, what would you do to
improve it?

Recently, we have our budget loaded online in our Chrome Books. Most of the informaZon for
each department are online. But there are areas such as outside agencies that are omided along
with City ordinances that require funding to various departments. The budget also needs to start
providing transparency.


6. What can be done to maintain our steady tax level while s<ll ensuring we properly maintain
our infrastructure and quality services for Shelton taxpayer and residents?

Despite increases in the cost for educaZon and other areas, the Citys property tax rate this year
will hold steady. We need to see this year what the budget will look like that would keep the mill
rate as it is, taking into consideraZon revenue losses from the decrease in property assessments,
if any, and from the state and expense increases coming from the school system. To that end, we
have developed a municipal budget this year that maintains the current level of services. Barring
there are no major changes to the municipal budget, the Citys property tax rate will remain with
a no tax increase. Theres a variety of reasons which could result in everything from addiZonal
revenue and to improved controls over spending, which could be a real team eort. That has
included our City employees, Boards and Commissions.

Many of the services that Shelton provides are some of the most important. We maintain our
roads, bridges, garbage and recycling, snow removal and emergency (Police, Fire and EMS).
Shelton also maintains school and park grounds. There is no need for parents to be out there
with their own personal lawnmowers cuKng the grass at our schools. We also have to improve
the maintenance of our local parks. The City uZlizes our schools playgrounds for their summer
programs. However, the City does NOTHING to maintain them. This pracZce needs to change.
AddiZonally, we need to improve the maintenance on our municipal buildings.

During the budget process, every department is requested to submit a ve year capital outlay
program. But the City Fathers do not seem to take their requests seriously and do not address
their concerns.

David Gidwani Republican

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Anthony Simonetti Republican (incumbent)

We as a Republican Party in Shelton are very proud of our record of low taxes, strong schools,
and wonderful quality of life for all town residents. We will conZnue to work diligently to inform
voters of our vision for Shelton.

Ward 2:
The Second Ward shall have the following boundaries: beginning at a point located in the center
of the Housatonic River on a perpendicular line extended from Howe Avenue at the intersecZon
of Wheeler Street, thence proceeding southwesterly along said line to Howe Avenue, thence
southwesterly along the centerline of Wheeler Street to the intersecZon of Meadow Street
thence southeasterly along the centerline of Meadow Street to the intersecZon of Shelton
Avenue, thence southwesterly along the centerline of Shelton Avenue to Nells Rock Road, thence
southeasterly along the centerline of Nells Rock Road a distance of 450 feet to the intersecZon of
the proposed ConsZtuZon Boulevard, thence easterly along the centerline of the proposed
ConsZtuZon Boulevard to the intersecZon of Bridgeport Avenue, thence easterly along the
centerline of ConsZtuZon Boulevard over Route 8 to the intersecZon of Long Hill Avenue, thence
southeasterly along the centerline of ConsZtuZon Boulevard South to a point 300 feet
southeasterly of the Plaskon Drive intersecZon, thence easterly along a line 300 feet south of and
parallel to the centerline of Plaskon Drive to the center of Coram Road, thence, southeasterly
along the centerline of Coram Road to the intersecZon of Laurel Heights Road, thence easterly


along the center line of Laurel Heights Road to River Road, thence northerly along the centerline
of River Road to the intersecZon to Gordon Avenue, thence easterly along the centerline of
Gordon Avenue and conZnuing along the extended centerline of Gordon Avenue to the center of
the Housatonic River, thence northwesterly along the centerline of the Housatonic River to the
said point of beginning

Stanley Kudej Republican (incumbent)

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Eric McPherson Republican (incumbent)

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Linda Robak Democrat

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Ward 3:
The Third Ward shall have the following boundaries: beginning at a point located in the center of
the Housatonic River on the centerline of Gordon Avenue extended, thence proceeding westerly
along the centerline extension of Gordon Avenue and the centerline of Gordon Avenue to the
intersecZon of River Road, thence southerly along the centerline of River Road to the intersecZon
of Laurel Heights Road, thence westerly along the centerline of Laurel Heights Road to the
intersecZon of Coram Road, thence northwesterly along the centerline of Coram Road to a point
located 300 feet south of the Plaskon Drive intersecZon, thence westerly along a line parallel to
and 300 feet south of the centerline of Plaskon Drive to the centerline of ConsZtuZon Boulevard
South, thence northwesterly along the centerline of ConsZtuZon Boulevard South to the
intersecZon of Long Hill Avenue, thence Westerly along the centerline of ConsZtuZon Boulevard
over Route 8 to the intersecZon of Bridgeport Avenue, thence Westerly along the centerline of
the proposed ConsZtuZon Boulevard to the intersecZon of Nells Rock Road, thence
northwesterly along the centerline of Nells Rock Road a distance of 450 feet to the intersecZon
of Shelton Avenue, thence southwesterly along the centerline of Shelton Avenue to the
intersecZon of HunZngton Street, thence southerly along the centerline of HunZngton Street to
the Strazord town line thence easterly along the Strazord town line to the center of the
Housatonic River, thence northerly along the Housatonic River to the extended centerline of
Gordon Avenue and the said point of the beginning.

John F. Anglace, Jr. Republican (incumbent)

Except for college and military service, John is a life long Valley resident. He was born in Ansonia
and raised in Derby.

He went to St. Marys Elementary School, Derby High School, Bullard-Havens Technical School,
the University of ConnecZcut for one year and then graduated from the University of Bridgeport
with a degree in Industrial RelaZons.

John had 11 years of combined military service, both acZve duty and in the Army Reserves. He
served in the Army of OccupaZon, being staZoned for 18 months in Germany and then received
an honorable discharge with the rank of Master Sergeant.


John is a member or former member of the Shelton Senior Center, the American Legion, the
Derby-Shelton Lions Club, St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church and the Heritage Village Country
Club. He is on the Commidee of Troop 3, Boy Scouts of America and has served the Housatonic
Council in a number of capaciZes.

John has been honored to receive the Good Scout Award and the Silver Beaver Award from
the Housatonic Council, Boy Scouts of America. He is also a NaZonal BSA James E. West Fellow.
He was the 2003 recipient of the John Davis Lodge Award from the Shelton Republican Town

John moved to Shelton in 1967 with his wife Theresa and their two children, Sandra and John L.
He and his wife have 5 grandchildren.

He worked 28 years for Pzer Inc (the PharmaceuZcal Company, makers of Viagra) commuZng
daily to New York City where he reZred in June of 2001. Most of his Pzer career was spent as
Worldwide Director of Employee and Labor RelaZons. He spent his last six years with Pzer as
the Director of ReZree RelaZons.

He has been acZve in City government and the Republican Party since moving to Shelton in 1967.
For many years John served the City as a member of the Board of ApporZonment and TaxaZon.
He was also the Welfare Director in the 80s, a posiZon that no longer exists. Johns most
exciZng and memorable event in poliZcs happened in 1980 when he was a delegate to the
Republican NaZonal convenZon and had the opportunity to meet Ronald Reagan, George and
Barbara Bush, former Governor John Davis Lodge and Robin Moore, author of the Green Berets.

John rst ran for and was elected to the Shelton Board of Aldermen in 1991. He has been elected
to the Board twelve Zmes serving for 24 years. He has been President of the Board since 1995
(20 years).

Johns lists among his proudest accomplishments the City tax record under the LaureK
AdministraZon wherein over the last eleven (11) years residenZal taxes have decreased with the
mill rate frozen in nine of those years and reduced in two years. He also lists improved Student
SAT scores as an achievement due to cooperaZve funding of technology, infrastructure, and
STEM programs. John was a Charter member and sat on the SHS Technology Commidee for 12
years from incepZon to compleZon. John was in the forefront of Charter Revision, Road
ReconstrucZon/resurfacing, Canal Street reconstrucZon, the new Animal Shelter and the
acquisiZon of new re apparatus and related re safety equipment. He structured and fought for
voter understanding and approval of these capital improvements through referendum. He was
an acZve planner in the transiZon of the garbage system to a recycling/garbage program
represenZng a much neater city-wide system at no cost to taxpayers. He was an acZve
parZcipant in the conversion of the School bus program to City ownership thereby saving
taxpayers money and realizing environmental benets via the conversion from diesel to propane

676 Long Hill Avenue, Shelton, CT 06484
(203) 929-1515

Lynne Farrell Republican (incumbent)

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.


Steven Guralnick Democrat

1. Why do you feel your are best suited to hold this posi<on?

I believe I am best suited to hold this posiZon because I pledge to listen to all residents regardless
of their poliZcal aliaZon. I have lived in the Long Hill Neighborhood for almost 30 years and
understand how important it is to be respeczul of all our neighbors. I have a Bachelors degree in
EducaZon and have started businesses where it was important to use my skills to manage and
balance budgets.

2. What are two things about the City of Shelton that make your proud?

I am proud that our school system is working to educate our students to deal with the many
challenges that they will have to overcome. I am pleased that smart development of open spaces
is taking place that are looking at preserving our environment. Shelton takes the lead on many
projects in the valley to improve the quality of life for its residents.

3. Name three things youd like to improve in the City of Shelton and tell us how you would go
about doing this in your role as Alderman?

I would like to see a balanced budget that reects the actual costs to the city. I would make sure
to get the correct informaZon to the residents in a Zmely manner in order to make appropriate
choices on the budget that reects everyones input. I want to focus more on our Senior CiZzens.
This needs to be done by keeping taxes low and strengthen municipal programs that help
alleviate the economic pressures on our seniors. I want to keep our neighborhoods safe. This can
be accomplished by coordinaZng with the Shelton Police Department and improve a sense of
community throughout our neighborhoods.

4. Are you sa<sed with the level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

I feel no department is ever saZsed with their funding or budget. However there is a level of
accountability the Board of EducaZon has to provide the state. I am not sure the city at this Zme
is always working for the improvement and safety of our schools.

5. Do you think the Citys budget process needs improvement? If so, what would you do to
improve it?

The citys budget process does need improvement. I would want to see more accountability and
details as to the way the city spends its money. No dierent than a family or an individual needs
to budget by exact costs and income to maintain stability in this economic environment.

6. What can be done to maintain our steady tax level while s<ll ensuring we properly maintain
our infrastructure and quality services for Shelton taxpayers and residents?

Shelton taxpayers have many quality services. However our infrastructure such as roads sewers
and public buildings always need updaZng. It is important to look closer at the income we bring
in and how it is distributed to many departments to maintain our steady tax level.


Ward 4:
The Fourth Ward shall have the following boundaries: beginning at the point of the intersecZon
of HunZngton Street and the Strazord town line, thence proceeding northerly along the
centerline of HunZngton Street to the intersecZon of Ripton Road, thence northwesterly along
the centerline of Ripton Road to the intersecZon of Walnut Tree Hill Road, thence northerly along
the centerline of Walnut Tree Hill Road to the Monroe town line, thence southwesterly along the
Monroe town line to the intersecZon of the Trumbull town line, thence southeasterly along the
Trumbull town line to the intersecZon of the Strazord town line, thence easterly along the
Strazord town line to the intersecZon of HunZngton Street and the said point of beginning.

Jim Capra Republican

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Joseph S. Liscinsky Democrat

1. Why do you feel your are best suited to hold this posi<on?

I have a degree in Business AdministraZon, along with a Associates in Civil Engineering, and many
years of management and budgeZng experience. I also have been an acZve member of this
community including my church and Shelton schools where my two daughters adended, along
with coaching, and a supporZve parent of their acZviZes. I served also on the Board of
ApporZonment and TaxaZon. I also have been a local business owner in Oxford and Shelton for
ten years. My employment background over the years has been in managing, direcZng,
purchasing, and budgeZng.

2. What are two things about the City of Shelton that make your proud?

Its community involvement and spirit, along with its small town rural atmosphere.
Its educaZonal system, even given the sparse funding, the BOE, along with sta and teachers
have been commided to providing a quality excellent public educaZon. Not only has our school
district remained compeZZve, but provides many great opportuniZes for our children, especially
at the high school level.

3. Name three things youd like to improve in the City of Shelton and tell us how you would go
about doing this in your role as Alderman?

1. Engage the community ,and would do this by holding quarterly meeZngs in my ward to hear
their concerns and ideas .I want to hear what residents think, what works and what doesnt
work, and would work with anyone regardless of their poliZcal leanings to get things changed
and accomplished.

2. Accountability and transparency in the budget process .One of my quarterly meeZngs would
be to address this specically. With a beder process, many items could perhaps be beder funded,
without increasing taxes, an example would be perhaps more programs to help the seniors in our
community. Would like to see details of city budget on the website, along with a more acZve city
website, i.e. customer friendly.


3. Public safety improvements ,such as our re and police men have the necessary tools to do
their jobs, along with a greater police presence in the area ,especially in the areas our schools are

4. Are you sa<sed with the level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

The BOE has managed to do great a job with what has been provided, as they have been very
resourceful, in looking for cost savings whether it be uZliZes, healthcare, or xed expenses. Over
the years this has save many dollars for taxpayers. They have done more with less over the last
several years, but can they do more with more, absolutely. The Board of Alderman are the scal
authority and control the amount of iniZal funding. As an alderman I would work closely with the
Superintendent and BOE members to hear their concerns and needs and nd a level of funding
where we could address those needs without puKng a burden on taxpayers.

5. Do you think the Citys budget process needs improvement? If so, what would you do to
improve it?

Absolutely needs improvement! It should start with a zero base and look back at what has been
spent, whether it be a 3 or 5 year window. I believe we could have more transparency, and would
make an eort to meet with all major stakeholders prior to them submiKng their budget, to hear
their thoughts on the process, and their needs. I would also advocate that the budget details be
put on the website for all to see. As an alderman by charter, they are the scal authority, and ask
that the nance commidee meet monthly so we know where money is being spent and are
policies in place to ensure sound scal accounZng pracZces are taking place

6. What can be done to maintain our steady tax level while s<ll ensuring we properly maintain
our infrastructure and quality services for Shelton taxpayers and residents?

Beder budgeZng and planning, would help, along with developing a long range plan. For
instance, some items we bond for where we should be budgeZng for in our normal department
budgets .In other words pay as we go. A six year capital plan incorporaZng BOE projects and
funding it on a consistent basis would also help plan what we will be bonding for in future
projects, and future years. One example of this would be road repair and paving, a master plan
should be developed on how all roads would be addressed, and constantly updated. Also work to
adract more light industry and light manufacturing, not only would this bring more tax revenue
into our city, but also provide for beder paying jobs.

Noreen McGorty Republican (incumbent)

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.


IV. Board of Education Overview

Number of Posi<ons Elected: 9 (no more than 5 from the same poli<cal party)
Term: 2 years
Du<es: According to the Board of EducaZon website: The Board of EducaZon is the governing
body of the school district. The purpose of the Board of EducaZon is to establish the policies,
including those mandated by local, state and federal statutes, under which the enZre Shelton
Public School System funcZons. In addiZon, the Board of EducaZon recognizes the importance of
cooperaZon with the community and the Board. It is our goal to increase public understanding,
interest and community condence in the public school system, to eecZvely disseminate
informaZon, and to improve the disseminaZon of informaZon and the sharing of resources
within the community.
Oce Loca<on: 382 Long Hill Avenue

Board of Education Candidates

John Boyko Republican
Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

John Francino-Quinn Republican (incumbent)

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.


Anne Gaydos Republican

1. Why are you running for re-elec<on or seeking a rst <me seat on the Board of Educa<on?

I strongly believe in the value of an excellent public educaZon. I am a parent of a rst grader at
Sunnyside Elementary and therefore have a vested interest in the quality of our school system.
Serving on the Board of EducaZon would be a worthwhile and rewarding way to volunteer my
Zme and give back to the community.

2. If elected, what goals would you achieve?

My goal is to be an advocate for our children. I will ensure that we place the needs of our
children rst, and balance a compeZZve learning environment with a responsible budget.
My other goal is for the community to see what the Board of EducaZon does, with the
expectaZon that such transparency will result in beder communicaZon and accountability. For
example, unZl now the Board of EducaZon meeZngs were only able to be seen by those who
could adend. I suggested that the meeZngs be videotaped, and with the support of the Board of
Ed and members of the community, that goal was achieved. StarZng this October, the Board of
Ed meeZngs will be videotaped and then available to the public.

3. As a board member, do you feel you can dedicate the necessary <me required to serve?

Yes. I work from home and am able to coordinate my schedule so that I can regularly adend all
meeZngs. Furthermore, I view Board Membership as a job, and would commit the Zme and
energy necessary to do that job well.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

I am a parent with a child in our school system, a tax-paying homeowner and a self-employed
businesswoman. I have been in the business world for 20 years, grappling with budget challenges
and the needs of diverse consumers. My experience in the working world combined with my
experience as a parent and current volunteer in our schools give me a well-rounded foundaZon
upon which to draw as a member of our Board of EducaZon.

5. Are you sa<sed with the current level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

Although our students impressively out-perform most districts, which spend more per pupil than
we do, I feel we can do beder. We face mandates from the state and federal governments to
achieve certain results, and of course we must fund special educaZon costs. I intend to become
very involved in the budget process and to review our expenditures line-by-line, mindful of the
need to keep taxes low and spend our dollars most eciently.

Please share any addi<onal contact informa<on you would like to make available to the public
(i.e. campaign website, Facebook page, email address, phone number, etc.):
Website: hdp://
Facebook: hdps://
Twider: hdps://
Instagram: hdps://


David Gioiello Democrat

1. Why are you running for re-elec<on or seeking a rst <me seat on the Board of Educa<on?

Local government provides many services to its ciZzens. Perhaps one of the most important is
the quality of educaZon we provide. The educaZon the children of Shelton receive will impact
them for the rest of their lives. We have an obligaZon to provide them with an educaZon that will
prepare them for their adult lives. The educaZonal experience should prepare them for college
and a career if that is what they choose or any other eld of endeavor. The quality of the
educaZonal system also impacts the value of our homes. CiZes with perceived poor educaZonal
systems have generally lower home values and recover more slowly in down markets.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

I will work to increase the test results for Shelton students in any of the standardized test
programs. The beder Shelton students do in the standardized tests the higher rated the school
system. I strongly support the introducZon on foreign languages at the earliest possible Zme in a
childs life. Thus I plan to support introducZon of foreign languages in the elementary schools.
The learning environment must be support of the educaZonal process. I will work to upgrade our
classrooms to reect the state of the art in educaZonal faciliZes especially the physical structure
of our buildings.

3. As a board member, do you feel you can dedicate the necessary <me required to serve?

The simple answer is yes. I have a history of puKng in the Zme necessary to get the job done,
both in my personal and professional life.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

I have taught at the college level but never at either the elementary of high school level. So from
an educaZonal standpoint I dont have any special qualicaZon other than a true desire to see
the Shelton Schools produce well educated students ready to take their place in our complex
world. I have however held numerous leadership posiZons both professionally and outside of
work. I have worked with others of dierent philosophies and work to reach common
understanding for the good of the organizaZon involved. In this case it would be for what is best
for the children within the school system. Also having provided consulZng service to the Shelton
BOE for more than 20 years in the area of asbestos, lead and indoor air quality, I am perhaps the
only candidate that has been in the tunnels in all the schools and walked the roofs of each. I
know the buildings from the inside out. I will use this knowledge to ensure that our students and
faculty have a safe environment to work and learn.

5. Are you sa<sed with the current level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

No but there is lidle the BOE can do. As long as the current administraZon is in power in City Hall
the amount of funding given the BOE will but what the Mayor sees t to provide. Could the BOE
do more with more funding, of course. Is the current funding adequate, yes if you are saZsed
with how and what the system provides. If you want more AP classes, foreign language in the
elementary schools beder faciliZes than the answer is no.

Please share any addi<onal contact informa<on you would like to make available to the public
(i.e. campaign website, Facebook page, email address, phone number, etc.):

Should I be elected I will provide my home phone and cell phone along with an email address for
ciZzens to contact me.


Faith Hack Democrat (incumbent)

1. Why are running for re-elec<on for BOE?

I am running for re-elecZon to conZnue my eorts to advocate for a superior educaZon system
for the City of Shelton. It is my desire to conZnue to work for Sheltons students on a non-
parZsan basis to enable them to learn in a safe environment and achieve academic success.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

My goals include helping to raise Sheltons educaZon system to a higher level. I will conZnue to
support STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) with a modicaZon to STEAMA for Arts!
We have an excellent school system because of its high quality teachers, administrators, students
and parents. Id like to see the general public show more support and take more pride in our
very important asset.

3. As a board member, do you feel you can dedicate the necessary <me required to serve?

I can and do dedicate the Zme necessary to serve on this board. I adend BOE Regular and Special
MeeZngs, Finance, Teaching and Learning and Policy meeZngs; and, whenever possible, I adend
various hearings and parZcipate in union negoZaZons. VisiZng the schools and parZcipaZng in
the various funcZons is also a graZfying part of the job. I do not take the privilege of serving
lightly and consider it essenZal to dedicate as much Zme as I can to hold the public trust.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

I have almost two years of experience on the BOE. I have an addiZonal two years of public
service on the Board of ApporZonment and TaxaZon as well as 17 years of working for the BOE,
12 of which in were related to Finance. My son graduated from the Shelton school system. I
parZcipated in several parent organizaZons in leadership and nancial areas. ANDI care about
Shelton and its children and families!

5. Are you sa<sed with the current level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

I think if we want to raise Sheltons educaZon levels to a higher standard, and provide a higher
level of achievement for our students, we are going to have to do beder than zero budget
increases and underfunding in general. It is true that our students are doing fairly well; however,
the demands on our school system are steadily increasing. Fairly well is not good enough! The
cost of Special EducaZon conZnuously rises. CompeZZon for colleges is mindboggling. The need
for other than 4-year college is evident. I think Shelton needs to educate all of its students, and I
want to see that all students get their fair share.

Mark Holden Republican (incumbent)

1. Why are you running for re-elec<on to the Board of Educa<on?

I enjoy the challenge of developing and promoZng policies and pracZces to help our school
system deliver the best educaZon we can with the resources we have available. Its fun to be
part of a team that accomplishes good things for the community and Ive learned a lot along the

2. If elected what goals would you like to achieve?

My primary goal will be to conZnue improving the quality of educaZon we provide our students.


Part of that will be working with our new Superintendent to ensure he gets o to a strong start.
On the Board of EducaZon a new opportunity or need could present itself at any Zme. I intend to
conZnue meeZng new challenges and using available resources to get the best possible outcome
for our students.

3. As a Board Member do you feel you can dedicate the necessary <me required to serve?

An advantage to enjoying what you do means youre moZvated to show up and parZcipate. Ive
got the best adendance record of board members for the current term, and Im the only one who
is expected to adend all meeZngs for all standing commidees. Im a very frequent parZcipant in
expulsion hearings and contract negoZaZons for our larger unions. As Board Chairman I have
addiZonal responsibiliZes, and Ive kept on top of them. My wife Wendy is amazingly supporZve
and oken helps me behind the scenes.

4. What Background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

I rst became involved in community service when I joined the Shelton Jaycees in 1983. I held
numerous posiZons and chaired many large projects over the years on the local and state level,
and I learned a lot about leadership and teambuilding there. I was a naZonally cerZed trainer
for the Jaycees. I was also on the Board of Directors of BHCare for 25 years. For three years I was
Chairman of the subsidiary that oversaw the Umbrella DomesZc Violence Program. BHCare is a
great non-prot organizaZon thats very ecient with donor dollars. Im sZll on their FoundaZon
Board. My rst elected government posiZon was on the Board of ApporZonment and TaxaZon. I
served six years and was Chairman for most of them. Four years ago I ran for the Board of
EducaZon. Ive been Chairman for the last 3 years. Ive established a record of being an acZve
parZcipant who is able to work with almost anyone regardless of party aliaZon. Im a strong
scal conservaZve but the accomplishment Im proudest of is being the point person to build
public support for Full Day Kindergarten. All of these are volunteer acZviZes. Professionally, Im
an insurance agent.

5. Are you sa<sed with the current level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

The BoE has a great track record - our school system out-performs most districts with larger
budgets. In terms of funding, according to the most recent data released by the state we ranked
156th of 166 districts and 125 districts spent at least $2,000 more per pupil than we do in
Shelton. Despite that, we have excellent schools with teachers, sta, and administrators who
care and want to provide the best possible educaZon to our kids.

I am a strong scal conservaZve and I am not suggesZng a tax increase. Because we have done
so well managing our budget, I believe a modest increase of $100 per student beyond the
amount needed to meet inaZonary increases to our cost to run the district would allow us to
make meaningful improvements to our system. We have projects on our wish list that will make
us more ecient and save money in the long run. Those savings could be used to fund
addiZonal improvements. Unfortunately these ideas wont save enough in the rst year to cover
the start-up expense, but we will see real savings the next year.

Thats almost half a million dollars to prime the pump it sounds like a lot but its less than of
1 percent of the total city budget. The city surplus is always considerably larger which means a
tax increase wouldnt be needed.

Please share any addi<onal contact informa<on you would like to make available to the public.

My email address is My cell phone is 203-261-2521. Best Zme to
call is between 9am and midnight. Between 4pm and 8pm is iy because of BOE meeZngs and

Kate Kutash Democrat (incumbent)

(While my candidacy is supported by the DemocraZc Party, our Shelton BOE is a very nonparZsan
group. Once elected, the lines of our respecZve poliZcal parZes cease to exist and we work as
one unit for the schools and the children of Shelton.)

1. Why are you running for re-elec<on or a rst <me seat on the Board of Educa<on?

I am running for reelecZon to the Shelton Board of EducaZon because I have enjoyed what I do
as a member of the Shelton Board of EducaZon for two terms. As a teacher for 38 years, I am
passionate about educaZon. As a parent, I know what I was proud of in Shelton schools and what
I hoped to see achieved. I am an empty nester parent who enjoys being busy and is accustomed
to it aker all the years being acZve in the PTAs and clubs at my childrens schools. I think that
with my previous involvement and my career commitment to educaZon, I can make a dierence
for Shelton Public Schools.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

As a member of the Shelton BOE, I will conZnue to be in regular adendance at all BOE commidee
and general meeZngs, as well as to adend as many events as possible at our schools. I will work
to maintain and improve upon the quality educaZon currently oered to Shelton students and to
publicly recognize achievements of both students and sta. I parZcularly support expansion of
the Fine Arts Pathway, JAM (Journalism, Arts, and Media) at the upper elementary, intermediate
and high school levels. I would like to see the music programs in parZcular grow to the popularity
they once enjoyed. I will conZnue to support the BOE in our annual campaign for full funding of
our requested budget from City Hall. I will always be available to hear the concerns of Sheltons
parents and taxpayers.

3. As a board member, do you feel you can dedicate the necessary <me to serve?

Obviously as a current member of the BOE, I am well aware of the Zme commitment involved in
being a member. The Shelton BOE is a very visible and involved group. Since the start of school I
have already adended four Back to School nights and have ve more on my agenda in the coming
weeks. Over the course of the spring and summer, I have served on a negoZaZon team, as well
on the interview commidees for the two elementary school principals, the faciliZes supervisor
and on the superintendent search commidee. I am a member of the Policy Commidee as well as
Teaching and Learning commidee, and I adend the Finance commidee meeZngs every month
even though I am not appointed to that commidee. When invited, I oken adend Literacy and
STEM nights, concerts, spring exhibits and other school based events. SomeZmes I am at BOE or
school events three or four evenings out of the week! This summer I even skyped in for three
meeZngs while visiZng my daughter in Ohio. I have a near 100% adendance record for
commidees and meeZngs. While my husband may not appreciate the menu at dinner Zme, I do
have and have already commided the necessary Zme to be a member of the BOE.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

I was rst elected to the Board of EducaZon in 2009 and have served on the Building and
Grounds commidee, as co-chair of Policy, Curriculum and Technology Commidee, and as chair of
the Cafeteria and TransportaZon Commidee. I currently serve on the Policy and Teaching &
Learning Commidees. I have been a member of negoZaZon teams for contracts with several
unions and parZcipated in the interview process for many major administraZve posiZons. I was a
strong proponent for full day kindergarten in Shelton for over 15 years and served on the Ad Hoc
Commidee that helped put it in place last year.


I have been a resident of Shelton for 19 years and my daughters, Kelly and Sarah, were products
of the Shelton Public Schools. I was involved in PTAs at all levels, including as president of ESS
PTA and as three years as PTA Council President. I was an acZve band and drama parent. In my
early years in Shelton, I was a member of the YES Commidees that worked to pass the
referendums for the new SIS, SHS RenovaZons and Technology Enhancement. A graduate of
Western ConnecZcut State College and Southern ConnecZcut University, with BS, MS and 6th year
degrees in EducaZon, I have taught at the elementary level in Strazord for 38 years in second,
third, fourth and sixth grades. As both a teacher and a parent, I understand the concerns of
Sheltons teachers, parents and students.

5. Are you sa<sed with the current level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

Anyone who follows the budget process in Shelton is well aware that the BOE annually struggles
for even rollover expenses to be alloded to us by the Board of ApporZonment and TaxaZon and
the Board of Alderman. Shelton taxpayers denitely get a bang for their buck from the BOE
with excellent test scores, schools, sta and students who move on to achieve in the global
society. But there is so much more that we can do to improve upon what we currently do. We
have a wish list a mile long that includes such things as stang requests, plans to improve
technology oerings in our school and capital expenditures to maintain and improve our
buildings. As an educator, I am well aware of the demands of the new teacher evaluaZon tool
and feel the most pressing need is to provide assistant principals to each of our elementary
schools. No, I am not saZsed with the level of funding the Board of EducaZon receives.

Please share any addi<onal contact informa<on you would like to make available to the public.

Home phone: 203-944-9111
Shelton BOE email address:
Facebook page for my campaign: Kate Kutash for BOE 2015

Arlene Liscinsky Democrat (incumbent)

1. Why are you running for re-elec<on or seeking a rst <me seat on the Board of Educa<on?

I have always been a staunch advocate of public educaZon, working hard over the years to
achieve high standards, and opportuniZes for our students. I was a very acZve parent of two
daughters who adended and graduated from the Shelton school system. I served not only as a
local President of our neighborhood elementary, but also as Citywide PTA Council President and
then acZve on the statewide PTA board as Treasurer and Vice President. I conZnue to be a very
acZve BOE member, serving on numerous ad hoc commidees, such as Strategic Planning,
Technology Building Commidee, and most recently the FDK AD Hoc Kindergarten Commidee.
This has been in addiZon to my BOE responsibiliZes, serving as Finance Chair, serving on Teaching
and Learning and Policy. I also serve and represent Shelton for the last 6 years, on our local
Regional EducaZon Service Agency C.E.S., serving as President of a 17 member Governing Board
of all Faireld County. Over the years I have worked hard for improved faciliZes, increased
technology, stronger curriculums, and quality teachers and Administrators, to help move our
district forward.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

I believe with a new Superintendent starZng in January, it will be Zme to embark on a new
strategic plan for the next 3-5 years. EducaZon is in a constant ux of change and as a board
working with sta and the Superintendent we need to plan accordingly to keep our district


current, but also give our students all the opportuniZes we can so they can be compeZZve with
their peers. As an example, one of the iniZaZves that came out of the last strategic plan in
addiZon to FDK was bring down foreign languages to the lower grade levels. As a huge proponent
of parent involvement, I would like to see the conZnued engagement of parents in their local
schools as well as being informed of issues aecZng educaZon, and would work with the new
Superintendent to conZnue that eort.

3. As a board member, do you feel you can dedicate the necessary <me required to serve?

Absolutely, I can honestly say my adendance records at all commidee and regular meeZngs have
been impeccable. While serving on the BOE over the last 14 years, I have raised a family, worked
fullZme and commuted, and owned two businesses, and sZll managed to commit my Zme and
eorts to serve my consZtuents, and be an acZve board member. I take my BOE responsibiliZes
very seriously.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

I have been an acZve BOE parZcipant over the last 14 years, prior to that an acZve PTA parent,
serving in many PTA Leadership roles .As a BOE member over the years I have chaired just about
every commidee I have served on. I presently am a member of the teaching and learning
commidee ,and Chair of the Finance Commidee .I also have been an acZve member of the every
negoZaZon commidee who has worked with all bargaining units in the Shelton District
negoZaZng contracts. I also represent Shelton on our local Regional EducaZon Center (C.E.S.),
serving as President of this 17 member board of educaZon. I have made it my responsibility to
keep up on issues by adending forums, workshops and legislaZve meeZngs to always keep
current with issues aecZng public educaZon. My background in business has also helped me in
the areas of budgeZng, and customer service which has translated into servicing my consZtuents.

5. Are you sa<sed with the current level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

The last several years it has been parZcularly dicult ,but despite the funding received ,we have
consistently provided resources needed to not only the teaching sta ,but have tried to be
creaZve in providing the funds for necessary program for our students ,parZcularly like FDR, and
programs at the high school like virtual high school, UCONN courses ,and an extensive selecZon
of AP Courses as an example. We have had several years of zeros and less then one percent.
Those are not sustainable budgets to deal with healthcare increases, salary increases, uZlity
increases, special educaZon increases ,and other x costs. The staZsZcs prove we can be funded
with more dollars, as compared to our reference group we are in the bodom of the funding level.
The board at budget Zme always does a great job in providing the comparaZves, and certainly
has proved that our level of funding could be beder. Unfortunately our level of funding has not
kept up with our level of xed expenses or the mandatory need to fund special educaZon.

Please share any addi<onal contact informa<on you would like to make available to the public
(i.e. campaign website, Facebook page, email address, phone number, etc.):

My background and successes have been predicated on great customer service. I encourage
anyone at anyZme to always call or email me with their concerns or comments .I have a BOE
email, my personal email is,or my home telephone # is 203-925-0628.I
also have a LinkedIn account or Facebook page.


Thomas R. Minotti, Sr. Republican (incumbent)

1. Why are you running for re-elec<on or seeking a rst <me seat on the Board of Educa<on?
-To provide quality educaZon for all students
-To conZnue to provide the leadership for the teaching and learning commidee
-To review and revise the BOE goals
-To review and revise the long range plan
-To work cooperaZvely with the new superintendent
-To work with the Director of Finance to ensure that we have a benecial operaZng budget.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

-To expand and update technology
-To review capital project updates and funding resources
-To ensure school faciliZes are a safe learning environment for students and sta
-To provide eecZve communicaZon both internally and externally
-To work as a strong team with other BOE members to provide the best educaZon for our

3. As a board member, do you feel you can dedicate the necessary <me required to serve?

My adendance record for the past yen years speaks for itself. Yes, I am dedicated and arrange my
schedule to adend all meeZngs and workshops.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

-High school mathemaZcs teacher, department chairman, and district math supervisor 38 years
experience. ResponsibiliZes included curriculum development, providing P.D. for department
members, teacher evaluaZons and developing department budgets. Presently I am an adjunct
math professor at the University of Bridgeport. During my tenure I assisted in developing a
technology based math program.

5. Are you sa<sed with the current level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

I feel that the current level of funding could be increased so that we can expand academic
programs and provide the necessary resources. StarZng with a zero budget, we make every eort
to provide the necessary and important resources and technology. However, we have to consider
and include contracts, health benets, and more importantly SPED requirements along with
unfunded state mandates.

Win Oppel Republican (incumbent)

1. Why are you running for re-elec<on to the Board of Educa<on?

I would like to conZnue to help move the District forward in terms of educaZonal achievement
and technology resources.


2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

One of my goals will be to conZnue improving the quality of educaZon oered to our students so
that their achievements increase. Another is to work closely with our new Superintendent to
assist him in our eorts to raise the bar of educaZonal success and achievement. Finally, I will
conZnue to ensure all our students have equal opportuniZes to the best educaZon that our
taxpayers are willing to provide.

3. As a Board Member do you feel you can dedicate the necessary <me required to serve?

I am proud to have one of the highest adendance records over the past 10 years for adending all
Board related meeZng, including regular meeZngs, special meeZngs, and commidee meeZngs.
AddiZonally, I am in regular contact with the Superintendent, other Board members, sta,
parents and members of our community. A large part of helping solve a problem or inuencing a
decision is being at the meeZng to parZcipate in the conversaZon. If you are not involved in the
process you cant be involved in the soluZon. As the owner of a local business I am aorded the
luxury of making Zme for eorts I have dedicated myself to.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

I have been involved in our local government for more than 30 years. I started as an aide for
Mayor Eugene Hope and later became his AdministraZve Assistant. I have seen the Board of
EducaZon from both sides of the table. I have was appointed by Governor Jodi Rell to the
ConnecZcut Community College System Board of Trustees. I was also appointed by both Gov.
Rell and Governor John Rowland as a member of the ConnecZcut Employment and Training
Commission which had responsibiliZes to insure that our students and workers were well
prepared for the jobs available in ConnecZcut. I have spent the last 23 years as a member of the
ExecuZve Commidee of the WorkPlace, southwestern ConnecZcuts Regional Workforce
Development Board, an organizaZon who aides workers through job training and retraining. I am
proud to be able to say that I help develop the naZonally recognized program Plazorm to

Pady and I have 6 children who adended the Shelton schools and with 6 of our 11 grandchildren
either in or about to enter the system over the next few years I have a very vested interest in the
success and conZnued academic excellence we are oering.

5. Are you sa<sed with the current level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

As well all know, each of us would like more in our paychecks to do more things personally. The
same is true with the Board. There are a hosts of programs and opportuniZes I would like to see
implemented and addressed, but I also realize that the community sets the amount that will be
available. We must respect that. When we have put forth a program change, like full day
kindergarten, and the community rallies behind it, then the dollars become available. One of our
tasks is to present the opportuniZes to the community and our elected scal authoriZes in a
manner that allows them to see the benets.

Please share any addi<onal contact informa<on you would like to make available to the public.

I can be reached at my Board of EducaZon email,; my personal
email and at 203.929.1397 my home phone.

Dr. Darlissa Ritter Republican

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.


Adam K. Robinson Democrat

1. Why are you running for re-elec<on or seeking a rst <me seat on the Board of Educa<on?

I am seeking a rst Zme seat on the Board of EducaZon because I am deeply concerned about
the future of our towns schools. I have two sons who currently adend Shelton Public Schools.
While I have been overwhelmingly happy with the sta at the schools they adend I am
concerned about the lack of resources available to them. I believe that the majority of the
current Board of EducaZon is doing a ne job of ghZng for addiZonal resources and making the
tough decisions as to how to allocate the limited resources they get. I feel that I can be a valuable
contributor to those conversaZons.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

If elected, my main goal would be to make sure that students who adend Shelton Public Schools
receive a well-rounded, inclusive educaZon. One focus of mine would be to maintain and grow
ne arts and vocaZonal courses/programs in our schools. These programs benet all students
and should be a part of everyones public school experience. Unfortunately, these programs are
usually the rst to be compromised when resources are diverted to meet the requirements of
high-stakes tesZng.

Another goal would be to encourage and engage in an open dialogue with the community,
especially parents of children in our schools. In talking with parents I have realized that many feel
disconnected from the Board of EducaZon. A lidle outreach from the Board of EducaZon can go
along away. A great way to encourage this would be the video taping and streaming of all BOE
meeZngs so that residents can keep informed on their own Zme instead of having to adend
meeZngs that are oken at an inconvenient Zme of day. Shelton residents who understand the
issues facing our public schools are more likely to support our BOE.

3. As a board member, do you feel you can dedicate the necessary <me required to serve?

Yes, I know that I can dedicate the required Zme to serve. This is not an issue.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

I have been a public school music teacher for 19 years. During that Zme I have served as a
mentor teacher in both the BEST and TEAM programs for supporZng new teachers. I have served
(in the roles of both teacher and parent representaZve) on interview commidees for the hiring of
teachers and a school principal. I have a working knowledge of the laws that govern public
educaZon in CT as well as the needs of students and teachers working in our schools.

5. Are you sa<sed with the current level of funding the Board of Educa<on receives and why?

I am not at all saZsed with the current level of funding the Board of EducaZon receives. I think
its an embarrassment that 90% of the towns in CT spend more per pupil than Shelton does. This
town can do beder. In my opinion the Board of EducaZon has proven that they can stretch a
dollar. The fact that our schools perform as well as they do on such a small budget is a credit to
our teachers, building administrators, and central oce sta.

Kathy Yolish Republican (incumbent)

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.


V. Planning and Zoning Commission Overview

Number of Posi<ons Elected: 6 (no more than 4 from the same poli<cal party). There shall be 2
alternates (no more than 1 from the same poli<cal party). 3 members are elected at each
biennial elec<on to create staggered terms.
Term: 4 years for regular members. 2 years for alternates.
Du<es: The Department provides administraZve, general planning, permiKng and zoning
enforcement to its ciZzens and general public.

Planning and Zoning Candidates

Nancy Dickal Democrat (incumbent)
1. Why do you feel you are best suited to hold this seat?

Currently a 2 year Planning & Zoning Commissioner; served as an Alternate for P&Z. Knowledge,
personal parZcipaZon, being commided to the board and volunteer to oer an opportunity to
conZnue in making Shelton a prosperous town for current and future generaZons to come.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

To conZnue in being outspoken about the overuse of Planned Development Districts (PDD).

3. Are you sa<sed with regards to how the public is currently no<ed to zoning changes and
other related mafers? If not, how would you improve the processes?

Somewhat. We need to have meeZngs or public hearings posted earlier. And signage in areas
that are already approved by the City.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

Due to my longevity in Shelton and working with the public for thirty years has given me great
people skills and knowledge of the town. Also was appointed by former Senator Donald Williams
Jr. President Pro Tempore to serve on housing issues with lawmakers at the State Oce in

5. Are you sa<sed with the current processes the Planning and Zoning Commission follows?
Please comment on your opinion regarding the approval process of Planned Unit Development

Somewhat.. The process should be allowed to be open longer for public input. The board should
conZnue to discuss in length concerning the pros and cons. There are many factors to consider.
For example the density could make for a safer community but also the ameniZes more crowded
and create more trac. Financial consideraZons. The fees in a PUD are usually much higher. We
need to be sure that there will be disposable income from this kind of development.

Please share any informa<on you would like to make available to the public (i.e. campaign
website, Facebook page, email address, phone number, etc.):

Email: Telephone: 203-929-6993


Virginia Harger Republican (incumbent)

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Elaine Matto Democrat

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Tom McGorty Republican (incumbent)

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Planning and Zoning Alternates

Ned Miller Republican (incumbent)
Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Frank Osak, Jr. Democrat (incumbent)

1. Why do you feel you are best suited to hold this seat?

Being a former chair of P & Z from 1963 to 1986. I care about community and its growth.
Somewhat haphazard in recent past.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

-Complete revisions to zoning regulaZons
-complete a POCD (10 year plan)

3. Are you sa<sed with regards to how the public is currently no<ed to zoning changes and
other related mafers? If not, how would you improve the processes?

The process of interpersonal communicaZons is broken. Nobody reads newspapers. Perhaps
certain zone changes require more than small print legal ad. Perhaps a regular ad of certain size.
This is a real problem.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

P & Z member 1962 1986. CEO of business. Member, Board of Directors of Grin Hospital

5. Are you sa<sed with the current processes the Planning and Zoning Commission follows?
Please comment on your opinion regarding the approval process of Planned Unit Development

Special development areas & PDD were begun in the 1970s to prevent unwanted strip road
frontage development Route 8 area in favor of corporate high right buildings. It succeeded in
that. Then someZme in 1990s a residenZal project on Murphys Lane was passed as a PDD then
many others followed. Need to stop this. Have to revise zone regulaZons.

Please share any informa<on you would like to make available to the public (i.e. campaign
website, Facebook page, email address, phone number, etc.):

My email: Phone: 203-929-4486


VI. Board of Apportionment & Taxation Overview

Number of Posi<ons Elected: 6 (no more than 3 from the same poli<cal party)
Term: 2 years
Du<es: According to the Shelton, ConnecZcut Code of Ordinances, The Board of ApporZonment
and TaxaZon must annually review the proposed budget submided by the Mayor, holding at
least one (1) departmental hearing in joint session with the Board of Aldermen. "The Board of
ApporZonment and TaxaZon shall either approve the budget submided to it by majority vote of
the full membership of the Board or shall prepare and recommend, by a majority vote of the full
membership of the Board of ApporZonment and TaxaZon a dierent proposed budget and tax
rate for the City, and shall submit either budget and tax rate to the Board of Aldermen not later
than May 1."

Board of Apportionment & Taxation Candidates

Cris Balamaci Republican
Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Karen Batistelli Republican

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

John Belden Republican (incumbent)

Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Louis J. Dagostine, III Democrat (incumbent)

1. Why do you feel you are best suited to hold this seat?

I have been a member of the Board of ApporZonment and TaxaZon (A & T) since 2013. During
my Zme on A & T, I have gained tremendous insight and knowledge with respect to Sheltons
budget process, which will greatly assist me if elected for a second term. In addiZon, I believe my
commitment to Shelton, educaZonal background and work experience makes me best suited to
hold a seat on A & T.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

I would like to achieve the following goals:
A) Maintain Sheltons low tax rate in order to keep and adract both individuals and businesses
(including in our downtown area);
B) Work to ensure that all departments, including the Board of EducaZon, are adequately
funded; and
C) Seek to achieve more transparency and accountability in the budget process.


3. Do you think the Citys budget process needs improvement? If so, what would you do to
improve it?

The budget process needs some improvement. I believe the budget process would benet from
more transparency and accountability. All departments should submit realisZc budget requests
based upon what each department anZcipates spending and/or will be permided to spend. I also
believe the City should develop, and share with its residents. A concrete plan with respect to the
intended use of the Citys mulZ-million dollar surplus. Lastly, the yearly budget badle between
the City and the Board of EducaZon is extremely concerning and needs to be addressed.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

I am a proud product of the Shelton school system, having graduated from Shelton High School in
1992. I also adended Colby College and Hofstra University School of Law. I have worked as an
adorney for nearly keen years. On mulZple occasions, I have been recognized in ConnecZcut
and New England Super Lawyers as a Rising Star in the eld of business liZgaZon. Just as
important, I believe my deep care and commitment to Shelton will help me succeed. I am a 4th
generaZon Shelton resident and the oldest son of two reZred Shelton educators. My wife and I
have two children in the Shelton school system and are commided to giving back to the
community we call home.

5. What do you think the role of departmental heads should be in regards to the budget

Out of respect to taxpayers, and for the sake of transparency and accountability, all department
heads should be acZvely involved in the budget process. All department heads should ensure
that their departments budget requests are made on a Zmely basis. Further, all department
heads should adend yearly budget workshops before A & T and the Board of Aldermen in order
to answer quesZons and to jusZfy budget requests.

Please share any addi<onal contact informa<on you would like to make available to the public
(i.e. campaign website, Facebook page, email address, phone number, etc.):

As always, any member of the public can reach me via email at

Adam M. Heller Democrat

1. Why do you feel you are best suited to hold this seat?

I am well-suited to hold this seat because I have over 15 years of experience working with
municipal budgets including managing a $3 million budget for the last 9 years. As a department
head in my current job I understand the budgeZng process and the need to be judicious with the
use of public dollars.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

I would like to see a more transparent and ecient process in an eort to save tax-payer dollars.


3. Do you think the Citys budget process needs improvement? If so, what would you do to
improve it?

The budget process needs improvement from transparency, public outreach, and accountability
for budgeted dollars. I would like to see an easy to read published budget with monthly or
quarterly reports from the administraZon on how the budget is being spent and targeted to
nish the year.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

Working for a municipality and managing a budget gives me the background that I need to
understand Sheltons budget and to discuss the budget with department heads and the Mayor.

5. What do you think the role of the departmental heads should be in regards to the budget

Department heads play a crucial role in the budget process by establishing the needs, jusZfying
the costs, and explaining changes. It is criZcal for all Department Heads to come before A&T to
speak regarding their budget and to answer quesZons from the commidee.

Joseph J. Knapik Democrat (incumbent)

1. Why do you feel you are best suited to hold this seat?

Successfully completed a term on board. Served as nance chairman of the Board of EducaZon.
Advocated in the taxpayers interest. EducaZonal background is sound six years of university.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

Challenge need for huge city surplus. Advocate proper funding of city departments. Soundly
judge departmental transfer requests. Contribute to city budget creaZon. ConZnue to request
that board be Zmely and properly informed of city business.

3. Do you think the Citys budget process needs improvement? If so, what would you do to
improve it?

The aldermen are the legal scal authority. All but some follow the mayors wishes. Two did not
vote on the last budget. The board of A & T can only oer suggesZons. I will conZnue to do so.
Rather than wasteful bonding, accounts should be created for capital improvements. A charter
change is necessary to empower A & T. All department heads should be required to present their

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

Akin to quesZon one: successful incumbency, personally responsible as Board of EducaZon
nance chairman for millions of city dollars! Professional educaZon, non-professional industrial
experience. I can deal with people of all backgrounds.

5. What do you think the role of the departmental heads should be in regards to the budget

The mayor and/or charter should require them to meet with A & T. They presently are not
required to do so.


Please share any addi<onal contact informa<on you would like to make available to the public
(i.e. campaign website, Facebook page, email address, phone number, etc.):

Rather than make contact informaZon commercially available, please contact city hall.

VII. Library Board of Directors Overview

Number of Posi<ons Elected: 6 (no more than 4 from the same poli<cal party).
Term: 6 years. Terms are staggered 6 members serve for staggered terms of 6 years with the
terms of 2 members expiring at each general City elec<on.
Du<es: The Board shall operate a library system in the City and shall appoint and may remove,
subject to the approval of the Mayor, such librarian, librarians, and other personnel as may be
necessary or convenient to the operaZon of the system. The Board shall make and adopt bylaws,
rules and regulaZons for the governance of the library and reading room and shall have exclusive
control of the expenditure of all monies collected to the credit of the library fund, have the
supervision, care and custody of the grounds, rooms or building set apart by the Board of
Aldermen for library purposes; provided that all such monies collected and received shall be
placed in the custody of the Finance Director to the credit of its library fund and shall be kept
separate from other monies of the City and shall be drawn upon by the proper ocers of the City
upon duly authenZcated vouchers of the Directors. The Board shall have the power to receive,
manage and expend any giks for library purposes, and shall have custody of such giks, including,
but not limited to, any endowment funds.

Library Board of Directors Candidates

Stephen Bellis Republican
Did not respond to ques<onnaire.

Jean A. Cayer Democrat (incumbent)

1. Why do you feel you are best suited to hold this seat?

I have been an acZve contribuZng member of the Library Board for the past 6 years. I have
brought 35 years of management experience to the posiZon, and enthusiasZcally proposed new
ideas. As an avid reader and long Zme patron of the library I understand the importance of the
library to our community. I will conZnue to work hard to improve our library system if elected.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

We are in the process of planning and geKng approval for an elevator in the Plumb library. I
would like to expedite the process. I would like to see at least one library open every Saturday of
the year to beder serve our patrons. The days of summer weekend closings do not t our clients
needs on the busy world we live in. I would also suggest the library budget be reassessed to
provide more realisZc funding for books and programs.


3. Name up to 3 things youd like to improve in the City of Sheltons library system and tell us
how you would go about doing that in your role on the Library Board of Directors?

Maintain and improve our computer capabiliZes for sta and patrons. This requires constant
oversight by the city I.T. department. The board can serve as a monitor of the process. Return to
the long range library plan, to assess the areas that sZll need to be addressed. Work with library
administraZon to develop a succession plan for the future.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

I have 35 years of management experience, and an ability to plan and organize that has served
me well in the past 6 years. The board has worked together in a nonparZsan approach to support
the library. We succeeded in building a new parking lot at Plumb and we are united in working
towards implementaZon of an elevator in Plumb.

Patricia A. Walker Democrat

1. Why do you feel you are best suited to hold this seat?

I am a long Zme advocate for literacy. Library services enable children and families to have access
to printed and electronic media that will enhance their educaZon. I have over 30 years of
experience in higher educaZon and I am a library user and understand the benets students
receive by having an early introducZon to books.

2. If elected, what goals would you like to achieve?

If elected, I will be an advocate for conZnued state funding for ConnecZcard, the CT Library
ConsorZum and other programs that provide access and improve eciency of CT libraries. I will
also like to improve accessibility for people with disabiliZes to the Plumb Library. Finally, I will
support even more programming to help parents develop acZviZes for their children and get
families involved.

3. Name up to 3 things youd like to improve in the City of Sheltons library system and tell us
how you would go about doing that in your role on the Library Board of Directors?

I would like to see funding restored to the ConnecZcut Library ConsorZum. Id like to improve
accessibility to the adult secZon of the Plumb Library. Id like to see more publicity for all the
great service that are oered. I would parZcipate in lobbying our legislators and municipal
leaders for funding for needed improvements and support librarians in communicaZng their
services to the public.

4. What background do you have that might help you succeed in this posi<on?

I have served on the boards of non-prot services and educaZonal organizaZons. In my
leadership roles in higher educaZon, I have developed skills needed to communicate eecZvely,
facilitate meeZngs, and work collaboraZvely to achieve goals. I have supported community and
university libraries, and Im passionate about reading.

Please share any addi<onal contact informa<on you would like to make available to the public
(i.e. campaign website, Facebook page, email address, phone number, etc.):

I can be reached at my home phone number if anyone has ideas about making the Shelton
Libraries even stronger: 203-225-9270.


VIII. On The Shelton Ballot 2015:

Bolded names indicate candidate returned a quesZonnaire response
The number following each posiZon is the amount of posiZons being lled through
this elecZon
Mayor of Shelton (1)
Michele Bialek (D)
Timothy Bristol, write-in candidate
Mark LaureK (R), incumbent

Treasurer (1)
Raymond O'Leary (R), incumbent
Paul Papadimitriou (D)

Alderman, First Ward (2)
Denese Deeds (D)
John "Jack" Finn (D), incumbent
David Gidwani (R)
Anthony Simonek (R), incumbent

Alderman, Second Ward (2)
Stanely Kudej (R), incumbent
Eric McPherson (R), incumbent
Linda Robak (D)

Alderman, Third Ward (2)
John Anglace (R), incumbent
Lynne Farrell (R), incumbent
Steven Guralnick (D)

Alderman, Fourth Ward (2)
Jim Capra (R)
Joe Liscinsky (D)
Noreen McGorty (R), incumbent

Board of Educa<on (9)

John Boyko (R)
John Francino-Quinn (R), incumbent
Anne Gaydos (R)
David Gioiello (D)
Faith Hack (D), incumbent
Mark Holden (R), incumbent
Kate Kutash (D), incumbent
Arlene Liscinsky (D), incumbent
Tom Minok (R), incumbent
Win Oppel (R), incumbent
Darlissa Rider (R)
Adam Robinson (D)
Kathy Yolish (R), incumbent

Planning and Zoning Commission (3)
Nancy Dickal (D), incumbent
Virginia Harger (R), incumbent
Elaine Mado (D)
Tom McGorty (R), incumbent

Planning and Zoning Commission Alternates (2)
Ned Miller (R), incumbent
Frank Osak (D), incumbent

(P & Z seats have staggered terms. Three P & Z
members are not up for elecZon this year and
will remain on the Commission.)

Board of Appor<onment and Taxa<on (6)
Cris Balamaci (R)
Karen BaZstelli (R)
John Belden (R), incumbent
Lou Dagos<ne (D), incumbent
Adam Heller (D)
Joe Knapik (D), incumbent

Library Board of Directors (2)
Stephen Bellis (R)
Jean Cayer (D), incumbent
Patricia Walker (D)

(The Library Board has staggered terms. Four
current Library Board Directors are not up for
elecZon this year and will remain on the Board.)


IX. Election Day Information:

Tuesday, November 3rd
Polls will be open from
6:00 am - 8:00 pm

Need to register to vote in Shelton?

CT Secretary of the States Website:
In person:
Shelton Registrar of Voters
54 Grove Street, 203-924-2533, opZon 1
Same day:
You can register on ElecZon Day at the Registrar's oce if you are unable
to register ahead of Zme but it may take longer!

Mayoral Candidate Debate:

The Shelton Voters Network and Shelton High School Junior State of
America will be co-hosZng a Mayoral Candidate Debate. Join us!

When: Monday, October 19th, 2015
Where: Shelton Intermediate School Auditorium,
675 ConsZtuZon Blvd North
Time: 7:00 p.m.

Shelton Voters Network Monthly Meetings:

Come to our monthly planning meeZng to get involved with SVN.

When: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Where: Scinto Tower One 1 Corporate Drive
Lobby meeZng room (parking available in garage next door)
Time: 7:00 p.m.

The Shelton Voters Network is an aliate of the Bridgeport Area League of Women Voters.

Check out our website for elec<on informa<on, Shelton updates, and other
resources regarding our local government.


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