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Fage 26 ci 2E

Llan:za ai'e more selious than tirose r-eporrei by- Itlamza's teeciiers, who ha'"'e ciail.i ccntact u'irir

\L'hen I observecl ti:e chiia:en ';vitir each of ti:ei.r narenis, the chiliren apge:ireci. to be
ccniibi'tabie irr each paieni'-s c;il'e. Tire cl-Li1ti:er: u,e'r"e qr-ric'r and iesei'r,'ed u'iiir Nli'. tridjei, bLu
seemed to er:jcy his stor.., teiling ancl tile 13',,'s he has macle a.,'ailable ai his home. in coirii'a-st,
the children both seerreci more eiler-getic anil animated ..r,ith NIs. Sinoussa- They clemonstlatecl
alTectlon rvith her', rnost noticeabl-.,.\\ra]icl, r.r,ho physicaliy clernonstlative .r'ith hugs and an
occasional hiss- Bctl: cl-rilciren occ.,siona1l-,r excira:lgeci "I love vor-1" rvith theil n'rcti-rer'. l)iiferer:rinfut'ences mav i--e macle by tiris behaviour clepencing Lipon one's pei.spective. but it coul,-t sinpi.,'
be dLre to the clifierences in parenting stvles anci the parent-chil,1 relationshil,q. lt aplearerl to
me th:it both childlen were less contlollecl and more able to beirave in age-alplopriite u'avs
r.vith theii' rnother. Fuithermore, the e:rpressions of afibctions, through wot'cls ancl gestures,
betrveen the chilclien ancl their mother seemed sponlaneoLrs ancl genr:ine.
The childr-er) were cooperatir.e alcl compliant n,itii both parents. bLrt seemed tc be more
relared and har.e a stronger connection u.'ith NIs. Simoussa. I-Iamza inclicated a clesile to ]lave a
relationship li'itl-r his lather but expressecl fi'Listration and angel u'ith his fhther's negati\.ity
torvards iris mother.


appears tikely tliat rviren ivfr'. Iricljel accepted his farnily's recommendation for a r.viii:,
he anticipated a rnole traditional n-rarriage. It also appeals tliat as lvls. Sirnoussa ernbracecl the
Westeln ideals of eqLiality and inciepenclence her- u'illingness to remain in that marriage
cieciined. In n3r opinion, lr'hat is zrt the hezu't ol the confllct rvith rhese palents is the chailenge
of integr:rting rvhat appea]' to be the tladitional reliuioLrs belief,s o{'h{r. ilicljel and t}re more

contenrpolary relieiotis viervs o1' Ms. Siinolisszi anci irorv that has irnpacterl tireil abiiity to
resolve their co-parenting problems.
Accorcling1,v, 1 mal:e tire ibilou,ir)g recoirmenclations:

1. NIi". Fid.;e1 shor,rlcl

attend fbl cor-rnselling rvith Dr. iv{oiramn'rec1 Sacliq t}rroLrgh the Islarnic
Family and Soci:rl Ser-r,ices Association (iSFtrA at i1it1,21;_ 1t.1'q,,it.i1ii,i1i ). Alrangernents
can be macle r'vith Dr. Sadiq to access his services via Sliype ancl his ibes are on a sllciing
scale. Cor-urselling shotLlrl fbcr,rs on exploring Mr'. Iiicljel's ruiclerstiiurliug ol ho,,i, the
difference betu,een the r\igelian/N,fLrslim arrd Canaclian cultules impact his co*palenting
relationship."vith NIs. SimoLrssa. f'he fi'equenc1, ancl periocl of counsellmg shoLrld ocollr
in the discretion olDr. Sadiq.
N{s. Simotrssa s}roulcl attencl fot' counseiling ,,vith


Dr. Sadiq to assist her in der,eloping a

cr-iittrraliy appropr-iate co-parentlng relationship r.vith Mr. iiicljei. The frequency and
period o{'counselling shoulci occur in the ciiscletion of Dr. Sadiq.


N{s. SimoLrssa should be afii'rned as

plimary caregiver to the chilclren-

.1,. ir4s. SimoLrssa sltoi-rld maintain sole decision-maliing u,ith respect to the chilclren btrt
shoLrld enslu'e irlr. ilid.iel is kept inlbrrned in a tiinely mannel'of those decisions.


In an eflort to eliminate coutact betr.veen the parents ancl therefbre opportunities for the
children to be exposed to their contlict, iv1r. Irid]e1 shoLild have access on alternate
Re g i s t e rc d



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