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Tomasz Krawczyk

Topic: A problem to solve - praca w grupach, gra
Level/Grade : 2A2D2F2G
Lesson aims: to practice the language of making suggestions and predicting results
introduced during the previous lesson; to practice the communicative skill of suggesting how
to solve a problem;
Teaching aids: "Matura Repetytorium poziom rozszerzony" Express Publishing

Reserve task(s):

(a brief description of an activity)
The Ss are divided into groups. Each person in a group
is assigned a different colour: red, green, blue and
yellow. The red are to make suggestions to a problem
given by a teacher, the green are to develop the
suggestion with a supporting point, the blue are to give
the results. the yellow will write down everything what
his/her groupmates say. The Ss speak in turns, so first
the red speak, then the blue and so on. Each turn lasts
from 10 to 30 seconds (the teacher may vary the time
depending on how difficult or how easy the task is for
the Ss). Then, the teacher takes from the yellow the
written account of the group work and asks one of the
persons in a group to describe what the others were
saying. If what the S says complies with what is in the
written account, and all the members of the group use
the language for making suggestions and predicting
results from the previous lesson, the group gets a point.
Then the Ss change their colours and take on different
roles, so that each person in the group has a chance to
perform all the roles.





The Ss a re given pictures and are to think of what

T Ss
problem is presented in the picture
The Ss are to write a problem solving essay on one of
the topics presented during the game. They may use the
ideas they came up with during the game.



This was a particularly well thought out lesson. In the

group work task all of the Ss were made to participate
and contribute, and moreover, they had to listen to each
other as not only they had to refer in their utterances to
what their friend said, but also they had to remember
what the others said so as to be able to report it to the
teacher. The idea with writing down what the group
came up with enabled the teacher to verify the work of
the group and check whether everybody was really
listening. i suppose, however, that not all of the Ss
followed the turn division and some of the spoke at
random,, the fact that the teacher didn't notice. Thus
though the work of the ss was tangible, not all of them
contributed equally. In the future the teacher should
pay more attention to making ss follow the rules of the
game. I liked that the teacher assigned the Ss
homework that was connected with what they were
doing during the lesson. In this way the ss may make
use of their group work, especially that it took a
tangible shape of written down accounts

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