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County Court, City and County of Denver, Colorado Lindsey-Flanigan Courthouse, Room 160 Plaintiff: The People of the State of Colorado Defendant: RODNEY MARK HENDRIX Mitchell R. Morrissey, Reg. No. 13784 District Attomey, Second Judicial District By the undersigned Deputy District Attorney 201 West Colfax Ave,, Dept. 801 Denver, CO 80202 Phone Number: 720-913-9000 Fax Number: 720-913-9035 Flies in the County Court Cy & County of Denver. Coleco OCT 02 2015 CLERK OF COURT A COURT USE ONLY_ (Case Number: TeROSTTE Div.: Criminal Ctrm: 51) COMPLAINT AND INFORMATION FIVE CHARGES: COUNT 1: SECOND DEGREE BURGLARY, C.R.S 18-4-203(1) (F4) {06031} ‘COUNT 2; SECOND DEGREE BURGLARY, C.R.S 18-4-203(1) (F4) {06031} COUNT 3: IDENTITY THEFT, C.R.S 18-5-902(1}(a) (Fé) (1307G} COUNT 4: THEFT, C.RS 18-4-401(1),(2)(0) (F6) {08A13} COUNT 5: THEFT, C.RS 18-4-401(1),(2)(¢) (M1) (08A12) People v. RODNEY MARK HENDRIX Case No. Mitchell R. Morrissey, District Attomey for the Second Judicial District, of the State of Colorado, in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Colorado, informs the court of the following offenses committed, or triable, in the county of Denver: COUNT J: SECOND DEGREE BURGLARY (F4) Between and including approximately August 16, 2014 and August 17, 2014, RODNEY MARK HENDRIX unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly broke an entrance into, entered, or remained ‘unlawfully after a lawful or unlawful entry in the building or occupied structure of DENVER CO-OP PRESCHOOL, located at 480 MARION ST with the intent to commit therein the erime of THEFT; in violation of section 18-4-203(1), CRS. COUNT 2: SECOND DEGREE BURGLARY (F4) Between and including approximately August 16, 2014 and August 17, 2014, RODNEY MARK HENDRIX unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly broke an entrance into, entered, or remained unlawfully after a lawful or unlawful entry in the building or occupied structure of COMMUNITY CHRIST CHURCH, located at 480 MARION ST with the intent to commit therein the crime of THEFT; in violation of section 18-4-203(1), CR.S. COUNT 3: IDENTITY THEFT (F4) On or about August 17, 2014, RODNEY MARK HENDRIX unlawfully, feloniously, and Knowingly used the personal identifying information, financial identifying information, or financial device of DENVER CO-OP PRESCHOOL without permission or lawful authority with the intent to obtain cash, credit, property, services, or any other thing of value or to make a financial payment; in violation of section 18-5-902(1)(a), CRS. COUNT 4: THEFT (F6) Between and including approximately August 16, 2014 and August 17, 2014, RODNEY MARK HENDRIX unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly, without authorization or by threat or deception, obtained, retained, or exercised control over; or knowing or believing it to have been. stolen, received, loaned money by pawn or pledge on, or disposed of, a thing of value, namely: I- PADS, MORIE PROJECTOR, GIFT CARDS, of DENVER CO-OP PRESCHOOL, with the value of two thousand dollars or more but Jess than five thousand dollars, and intended to deprive DENVER CO-OP PRESCHOOL permanently of its use or benefit; in violation of section 18-4-401(1}(@),2)(, CRS. People v. RODNEY MARK HENDRIX ‘Case No. COUNT 5: THEFT (Mi) Between and including approximately August 16, 2014 and August 17, 2014, RODNEY MARK HENDRIX unlawfully, and knowingly, without authorization or by threat or deception, obtained, retained, ot exercised control over; or knowing or believing it to have been stolen, received, Joaned money by pawn or pledge on, or disposed of, a thing of value, namely: GUITARS, of COMMUNITY CHRIST CHURCH, with the value of seven hundred fifty dollars or more but fess than two thousand dollars, and intended to deprive COMMUNITY CHRIST CHURCH permanently of its use or benefit; in violation of section 18-4~401(1)(a),(2)(e), C.R.S. All offenses against the peace and dignity of the People of the State of Colorado. County/Distriet Court ‘THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO City and County of Denver, Colorado Offense Case No. #13-433709 AFFIDAVIT AND APPLICATION FOR ARREST WARRANT AND THE ARREST WARRANT FOR THE PERSON(S) OF: Hendrix, Rodney (10-21-65) for Second Degree Burglary, CRS. 18-4-203, Class 4 Felony and Theft, CRS. 18-4-01, Class 4 Felony |, Dative Manes Rogue 52, the Alan, sate under oth tht he facts now othe Ala! wich tablish probable case to Belch 8 criminal offease was commited, and thatthe offense was committed by the above nemed personis), are the following: On 08-19-14, Your Affiant, Detective Moses Rodriquez was assigned the case of burglary which occurred at 480 Marion St,, which occurred between 08-16-14 (1500 hours) and 08-17-14 (1100 hours). The reporting party, SENRIRGEREEE reported the incident to the Denver Police Department and CRT William McClelland responded for the report and investigation, CRT McClelland reported that person(s) unknown gained entry into the "Denver Co-Op Preschoo!" by unknown means. By gaining entry into the school the suspects also had access to the “Community Christ” church which shares the same address. During the burglary the unknown suspect(s) stole two guitars from the church and ‘numerous electronic items from the school. The approximate total combined value of theft is approximately $4,072.00 On 08-20-14, Your Affiant visited the crime scene and spoke with 200908 During this visit @BBrdivised the A/D that a pair of shorts were found in the school restroom. These shorts were believed to have fecal matter on the material and were collected in a plastic bag by an employee, prior to Your Affiants arrival. S289 stated that she had verified with her entire staff that the shorts did not belong to any staff member and believed that the shorts belonged to the suspect in this case. Your A ffiant took possession of the shoris and placed them into the Denver Police Department Property Bureau under invoice, #671844, On 09-08-14, Your Affiant submitted the shorts for DNA testing, On 09-30-15, Your Affiant received the DNA Test results back from the crime lab. Crime lab records indicated that the DNA evidence on the shorts matched that of known Colorado offender, Rodney Hendrix (10-21-1965) at 13 or more genetic loci. ‘On this same date Your Affiant verified with the reporting party, STEIN that Hendrix was not a staff member of the schoo! and that there was no reason for his shorts to have been in the restroom. Page 2 of 2 (Case # 14-433709 AFFIDAVIT AND APPLIC JON FOR ARREST WARRANT Hendrix, Rodney (10-21-1965) Based on the aforementioned information Your Affiant respectfully requests Probable Cause Warrant for the arrest of Roduney Hendrix (10-21-65) for Second Degree Burglary C.RS. 18-4-203, Class 4 Felony and Theft, CRS. 18-4.01, Class 4 Felony. firm this information to be tue and correct ‘Subscribed under oath before me on ‘You are hereby commended to ake the person ofthe defendant and bring hi Court tobe dealt with according to Iw. THEREBY CERTIFY that executed tre above warrant on (Gat) by taking, (ame of person arrested) into custody and placing said person inthe further order ofthe coun. ‘Signature of Arresting Officer

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