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In a world become blind,

I beat the drum of the Deathless.
- Ariyapariyesana Sutta

Meaning and Use of the Pentagrams. ( one tip up and one tip down) and a brief
introduction to the Western Right Hand Path (RHP) and Western Left Hand Path
Many people in the Occult and Magic Community have asked why some use the
Pentragram with one tip up as some Neo-pagans and Wiccans and others
inverted as typically in the so-called Left Hand Path or Satanism in our modern
Well according my own research there is Not difference in the position of the
pentagram, the pentagram represents the five elements (fire, air, water, earth and
spirit azoth).
In the context of Magick , the position of the tip of the pentagram, represents the
flow of the energy, therefore: with one tip up it is used to send energy and giving
to others, to nature and the universe, sending our healing and blessings and giving
our own pranic energy or for making offerings to elemental spiritsthe process of
offering our energy to others and to the cosmos. Following the cosmic fate and
destiny and what has been designed according planetary influences and the
bloodline of our ancestors or what is written in our birth chart, a divination, a
prophesy declared for usetc. This is what is usually defined as White Magick
or Western Right Hand Path.
While the inverted pentagram as used in the Western Left Hand Path (LHP) has the
application of directing the energetic flow toward the self, also used in vampyric
sorcery for the absortion of energy, as it is known the focus of the Left Hand path
is the empowermet of the self, a path of ultimate selfishness and development of
the etheric/astral bodies which in theory will help consciousness and the ego to
survive physical death and will lead to self-deification. In this context selfdeification does not mean becoming a living god or goddess because we are just
human beings and the origin and destiny of the gods is different than ours. But,
when the practitioner of the Left Hand Path or Black Magickian refers to selfdeification it is concerning control and manipulation of his or her own fate and
destiny and path in life. Sometimes against of what had been prescribed or
designed by the cosmos, nature, fate, prophesy, birth chartsor the will or
expectations from others. The Practice of Black Magick allows the individual the
ability of controlling and manipulating the energies of the cosmos according his or
her own Will. With this ability comes a great responsibility, because the power of
having our own destiny in our own hands usually comes at a great price. Thus, a
great level of self-control: in emotion, desires, will and thoughts, words,
actionsis required for the Black Magickian or Left Hand Path practitioner, this is
why this path is often put as dangerous and forbidden. Also, this may explain why

Black Magick is enshrouded by secrecy, the stigma of evilness or the way of the
My personal wisdom
Aside this research, according my personal Gnosis and what has been revealed to
me by the spirits during rituals:
In the beginning of Humanity the pentagram was an ancient sorcery symbol
connected to the inner vision the ability of connecting various energetic planes.
Also there was a use for the pentagrams one tip up and inverted. The Pentagram
with one tip up is more connected to the Goddess and the female aspect of the
Divinity. Usually, worn by the High Priestess to exalt the female atribributes and
abilities as the virtue of the giver of life and birth, beauty and unconditional love...
If we meditate over the pentagram with one tip up we can perceive the figure of a
female with the legs spread and crowned by the Horned Moon which is the symbol
of the Goddess.
These are some insights, but the Pentagram or pentacle always be potent tool
regardless personal meaning or magical tradition in the hands of the wise
So mote it be !

12- Things You May Not Remember About Who You Really Are:
1. You are ever-expanding.
2. Your purpose is to be you.
3. You are the essence beneath your labels and titles.
4. You are eternal.
5. You have the power to create your world.
6. You are naturally entitled to well being, happiness, love and abundance.
7. Everything in life is a lesson you were meant to learn.
8. You are perfect just as you are.

9. Your natural state is love.

10. You are much safer than you think.
11. The world is a reflection of you.
12. You have access to all the answers you seek.

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