Defeating The Great Police State Gun Roundup

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Recently it’s been reported that millions of government volunteers are going door to door
asking questions, and logging down the GPS coordinates. It’s not just everyone; it’s
targeted for certain people the government views as the enemy-namely political
opponents. This is serious. If the government is logging down GPS coordinates of it’s
declared enemies it makes no sense to be around when they decide to come knocking
with a tactical team… or a tactical strike.

Who is the government’s enemy?

If you ever protested against government policy, you’re the enemy. Agents record
faces and license plates and digital scans of your government issued identification
match you up. You go on a watch list.

Protest the wide open borders for illegals? You’re the enemy. You want to preserve
America. Your government wants to break down that nationalism, mix Mexico with the
US and Canada, have a North American Union-and you dare say no.

Protest abortion? Enemy. Your government has deemed it necessary to cull your
numbers and besides, certain elements of your public servants find your opposition to
child murder infringes on their satanic religious beliefs.

If you voted for Sarah Palin (I know you voted McCain but really meant her),
you’re the enemy. You want reform enough to vote for a “maverick”. Didn’t you get the
hint when the entire media formed an execution squad, made her seem vapid, venal,
ambitious and hick stupid?

If you voted for Ron Paul, you’re definitely the enemy as you voted for someone who
actually wanted change and would have gone through with it. That goes for any third
party candidate. You volunteer you’re just higher up on the list.

Oh and if you’re on the quote/unquote “left” and you don’t go along smoothly with what
the government want, you’re the government’s declared enemy. Any kind of activist or
organizer is a threat to the government’s need to have a monopoly on public opinion.

If you got the gall to run for public office to reform government, guess what, yes you’re
the enemy. You threaten the livelihood of thieves, hustlers, poverty pimps, drug dealers,
pedophiles and murderers.

If you spend time and try to warn your fellow Americans, shake them out of their
government/corporate-induced apathy and ignorance, you’re the enemy. Enough
people awaken and rise up, the government’s done for, so yes they’re going to literally
bust down doors to shoot the messenger.
If you own a gun you’re the enemy as in the government’s viewpoint only its
minions need be armed. If you bought a gun through a federally licensed dealer,
signed a form 4473 then the government knows you have a gun.

If you applied for a concealed carry permit you’re the enemy in the government’s
viewpoint as you actually dare to exercise your Right to Bear Arms-however
imperfectly you do so by asking permission from people who view you as the enemy.

If you signed up for tactical training from a shooting academy-like Front Sight or
Thunder Ranch-you’re definitely an enemy to the government as they have a
perceived need to be the only ones who can competently use small unit tactics
against their declared enemies…

Like Patriotic Solders, Veterans and Police. You’re trained to use all kinds of
dangerous weapons our federal government keeps from little people. Especially you
Special Forces types-oh yes you are the government’s declared enemy.

Not as much as declared militia members. Anyone who flies the Gadsen Flag, trains
with their unit, has semiautomatic military pattern rifles, even if they’re lip service
patriot posers, is number one on the government’s hit list. A lot of you may stupidly
advertise yourselves as volunteers to local law enforcement but they’re indoctrinated to
view you as the enemy as much as the state and federal turds.

I’m certain there’s more than one category of anti-government types I missed but don’t
worry, you’re on the list. If you’re reading this and you’re stupid enough to do it from
your own home, or otherwise from a computer that’s in your name or a computer you
logged onto with your own ID then congratulations, the government just put you on its
enemy list.

So, if you’re anyone mentioned above, then you’re going to have some government
weenie in a dorky, flaming faggot blue shirt with a faggot man purse come by, ask
you as many questions as they can get away with, look inside your private property
and log your home onto a digital GPS database. This database will be used sooner
or later to make it convenient for government jack booted thugs and tin badge gods
to take you away, or out. So what to do?

Option one-move now to a new home while you can and do it under an assumed
name. Don’t you dare use your government registered name and social slave number for
anything. Have alternate, underground means of making your bills, keep those at a
minimum. Look up “80/20 way” on the search engines; you can get 80 percent of what
you need for 20 percent of the cost. Not everything falls in this category-firearms come to
mind-but you must develop frugality. And an entrepreneurial instinct. Have several
means of making money, the little creeks will build up into enough for you to survive.
Find out what people need and provide it better than the other guy.
Have to rent. Have to find a place that will accept cash. No apartment buildings or
anyone going through some kind of service they will want a background check.

Housing swap-just swap homes with new Patriots who haven’t bought a gun yet,
registered political opinions under their own name with anyone. Become a caretaker for
someone else while that person caretakes your property. Whatever you do set it up NOW
while you can!

Set it up now, and your candidate swapper should have NO political connections or
registered with any organization objectionable to the government AND not have any
firearms ownership records, the 4473 forms AND not look up any objectionable material
or spout objectionable viewpoints on a computer registered in their name/address. This
necessitates that house swappers or landlords be NEW converts to our cause and made to
understand that their discretion in airing their beliefs is more valuable than marking
themselves as just another target by their naïve exercise of their Freedom. That’s what
it’s come to in America.

Option two is to have a bug out bag and a destination you can reasonably get to.

Bug out bag-lightweight carry rig having the bare basics for escape, evasion, and survival
till you get to your destination, and you’d better have a destination. Food, water filter,
canteen, knife, fire starting materials, a good compact survival book, your rifle, pistol and
spare magazines and ammo. Practice carrying this load for long hikes with sprints for
short distances. Practice getting in your gear as fast as you can. A camouflage poncho
with a Mylar space blanket layer underneath will help keep you hidden. Practice map
reading and navigation.

Practice your bug out. Make it look like you’re just hiking or traveling, no need to
alarm anyone who has declared you the enemy.

Have caches along your route-a spare rifle. Definitely spare food, ammo, magazines. It
will likely get very rough going. Have more than one way to get there…

Your destination: needs to be a place you’re established at on a social level, either

through trustworthy friends/family that live there or trustworthy fellow targets of
government death squads. Have a backup destination or four, just in case. You just hit
the woods, you’re going to be alone, and you’re going to run out of fish and game and
supplies real quick with all the other loners trying to hide in the woods. You’ll get found
and being alone you’ll be done for then.

Oh, unless you relish chancing fighting your way through a entry team and through a
perimeter of cops, soldiers and snipers with aerial recon/support you’d better have some
kind of early warning system-a grapevine-or a conditional tripwire of some kind to get
out of dodge before trouble comes knocking down your door.

Whatever option you take, the hardest part is to find people to partner up with.
Americans are bred to be unreliable, base, apathetic, selfish, agnostic, wantonly ignorant,
slothful, patronizing, unthinking, unfeeling, and obsessed with corporate issued baubles
and trinkets and carefully groomed celebutards. They can have their nation economically
strip mined, their government stolen from them by all sorts of criminals, wars against
nations murdering millions of innocents done in their name-so long as they have their
wage slave job, there’s a ball game on the TV and they can have their barbecues they’ll
believe the hype they live in the “land of the free”. So yes, finding awake, aware, reliable
Americans is going to be tough. Especially among gun owners, activists, and military and
police who see the threat… and are in denial. Target detection is always the hardest task.

Next is the testing. I personally hate being tested but I recognize that it’s a necessity
to establish trust. You do that with deeds-small deeds, you’re building a working
relationship. You keep your word with action; unless there’s some legit something
or other you say you’re going to do something or provide something your word is
bond. And your partner’s word damn well better be as well or you get what’s yours
off his worthless ass and find someone better. It’s better to have to be alone, even
forever, than to have leeches, traitors and otherwise worthless types around.
Family’s the worst to deal with…

Now, can all of you keep your mouths shut? Can you and yours keep your mouths
shut-even with the feds in your face in their interrogation room for hours at a time,
denied sleep, water, food, a trip to the bathroom, under threat of being tortured,
raped… your loved ones under the same treatment, the same threat? That’s the
level of dedication you will need to keep you and yours. And all of you have to be
willing and able to help each other out when the government’s demented minions
try to take you out. Be ready to cash in some silver and gold as needed for a legal
defense fund…

Keep your mouths shut. Say nothing. You will exercise your Fifth Amendment
Right against self-incrimination even at the threat of contempt of court. The legal
system still needs you to confess and a confession can be ANY admission of ANY
possible illegality. Don’t. Talk. Ever.

There’s nobody coming to save you but yourself, and the people you link up with to
survive, persevere, and ultimately triumph. There’s victory in resistance itself but
we can win this. We can win the Second American Revolution and the first priority
is survival. Not being where you’re expected to be will put you well down that path.

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