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General de Jesus College

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1st Semester, A.Y. 2015-2016
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer then write it on
your paper. (15 pts.)
1. It is the art of writing for publication in newspaper and other periodicals.
a. Periodicals
b. newspaper
c. journalism
2. The aim of feature stories, humor columns, comics and puzzles is to
a. Inform
b. entertain
c. serve
3. It is the oriented name of the newspaper.
a. Flag
b. deck
c. lead
d. banner
4. These are less important because it entertains rather than inform.
a. Soft news
b. hard news
c. local news
5. It may be an opinion, especially that of a prominent person or an authority on a
particular subject.
a. Feature
b. editorial
c. news
d. column
6. Stories of war, athletic meets and journalism contest are examples of this
element of news.
a. Proximity
b. timeliness
c. conflict
d. names
7. This refers to the strange or unnatural events, objects, persons and places.
a. Prominence
b. oddity
c. drama
d. conflict
8. It is a kind of lead that is used when the place is unique and no prominent
person is involved.
a. When
b. why
c. where
9. This is a novelty lead that makes use of an interjection or an exclamatory
a. Astonisher
b. punch
c. epigram
d. picture
10.It is a lead that is used when comparatively few descriptive words can vividly
formulate imagery.
a. Contrast
b. question
c. descriptive
11.It is a lead that describes two extremes or opposites for emphasis.
a. Epigram
b. astonisher
c. picture
d. contrast
12.It is used when the event or what took place is more important than the person
involved in the story.
a. What
b. when
c. who
13.It is a lead that describes a person, a place, or an event.
a. Background
b. descriptive
c. picture
14.It opens by quoting a common expression or a verse.
a. Epigram
b. astonisher
c. punch
d. picture
15.It is an element that shows how may people be impacted by the story.
a. Proximity
b. consequence
c. timeliness
II. Identify the elements of the news by the following description. Write it on
your paper.
1. How near to you the story.
2. Deals with marriage, divorce, dating, etc.
3. It involves any significant change for the betterment of mankind.
4. Stories of talented animals.
5. Election results
6. It has the Awwww factor.
7. Events that only happen once every great awhile.
8. A literal fight or argument.
9. When life and death hang in the balance.

10.Story of a famous person.

11.How recent a story is.
12.News on any new discovery or helpful invention
13.Casualties of typhoon
14.Stories about the homeless.
15.Stories of an opposing side to an issue
III. Identify the characteristics of news in the given statements. Write Aaccurate, B- balanced, C- objective, D- concise and clear or E- recent.
Write only the letter.
1. Reporters should not distort the importance of a fact by giving it too much
2. Reporters must give each fact its proper emphasis.
3. It always follows the inverted pyramid.
4. Reporters must report news as impartially and honestly as possible.
5. Its purpose is to give the reader a fair understanding of the event.
6. Reporters must question their sources carefully.
7. Reporters must check, double-check and re-check every fact.
8. It is attained when all significant details are included and have proper
relationship to each other.
9. It is important in this era of fast communication.
10.Its meaning must be clear to an average reader.
IV. Matching Type. Match Column A to Column B. write only the letter on your
1. News that takes place within the country
A. ears
2. A headline made up of two or more lines.
B. Headline
3. Little boxes on either side of the nameplate
C. running
4. The title of any news story
D. local
5. News materials enclosed by line ruler
E. fold
6. The vertical line that divides the page into columns
F. column
7. The editorial box with logo, names of staff
G. box
8. The text accompanying photos
H. kicker
9. A tagline placed above but smaller that a headline
I. cutline
10.Imaginary horizontal line that divides the newspaper
J. masthead
V. Identify the types of lead. Write it on your paper.
1. Less than three years ago, two college friends decided to build a website to
exchange their favorite videos. Today You Tube is owned by Google and gets over
25 million unique visitors to the site each month.
2. High seas, strong winds and heavy overcast provided the setting for a dramatic
mission of many in the North Atlantic on the first day of the year.
3. The President is dead. Friday the 13th is over, but the casualty list is still growing.
4. When a man bites another human beings ear, he should be banned from
boxing for life, Evander Holyfield said, pressing a handkerchief against the side
of his bloodied head.
5. Because she could correctly spell ostentatious, Liza Wheeler will go to the
state Spelling Bee finals.
6. Midnight tonight is the deadline for tax returns, but the local post office is ready
to accommodate procrastinators.
7. President Aquino will visit Leyte next week to see the further damage that was
caused by super typhoon Yolanda.
8. Lightning struck the upper deck at Wrigley Field last night while the Cubs were
playing in San Francisco.
9. The Emerson and Towand intersection is officially the most dangerous crossing in
Bloomington, according to the Illinois Bureau of Transportation.
10.By hitting his 5oth home run last night for the fourth year, Chicago Cub slugger
Sammy Sosa etched his name in the baseball record books alongside Babe Ruth
and Mark McGuire.
VI. Write the lead of the following data.
1. What: Underwent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing
Who: three lawmakers

Why: to encourage more people to do the same and help prevent the spread of
the dreaded virus
When: yesterday
2. What: kidnapping over the past week
Why: it prompted the police official to warn the public against snatchers
operating in the city
Where: Marikina City
When: yesterday
VII. Essay. Answer each question in one sentence only.
1. Active voice is preferred over passive voice in writing the news story. Why?
2. News writers must check, double check and re-check facts before writing the
final news story. Why?
3. The use of attribution is important in writing the news. Why?
4. In writing news, we should keep the lead short. Why?
5. When is the use of the passive voice allowed?
Prepared by:
Jennifer G.

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