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Penal Management

Corrections - is typically carried out by government agencies and involves the punishment, tre

Penology - The study of the punishment of crime and prison management.Is a section of crim

Punishment - is the infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense."The pena

Prison reform - is the attempt to improve conditions inside prisons and aiming a a more effect

Prison - is a place in which people are physically confined and usually deprived of a range of pe
Jail - is a short term detention facility.

Halfway house - also called recovery house or sober house - is a place to allow people to begin

Rehabilitation - it came from latin word "habilis" literally fit or suitable. Its meaning was expan

Solitary confinement - is a special form of imprisonment in which a prisoner is isolated from a


a place of detention; a place where a person convicted or suspected of a crime is detain



holds people awaiting trial and people sentenced for a short duration.

Zebulon Reed Brockway - regarded as the father of prison reform in the United States. Believ
1. a program of education
2. training in useful trades
3. physical activity
4. indeterminate sentence
5. inmate classification
6. incentive program.

Alexander Maconochie - (1787 -1860) - a Scottish naval officer, geographer and penal reform

1. as cruelty debases both the victim and society, punishment should not be vindictive but s

2. a convicts imprisonment should consist of task, not time sentences with release dependin

Modern Form/Method of Punishment

1. Execution - for capital offenses. ex. death by lethal injection
2. Imprisonment/Incarceration
3. Fines
4. Probation and Parole
5. House Arrest - is a measure by which a person is confined by the authorities to his or her
Ancient Form/Method of Punishment
1. shame punishment
2. exile/banishment
3. payment to the victim

4. branding - (Stigmatizing) - is the process by which a mark is burned into the skin of a livi

5. flogging - (flagellation) - is the act of methodically beating or whipping the human body

6. mutilation - (maiming) - is the act of physical injury that degrades the appearance or fu
7. burning
8. beheading
9. torture
* In the Philippines so far, 17 persons were executed
by hanging, 84 persons were executed by electric
chair, 7 persons were executed by lethal injection.
* Majority of inmates confined in national prison did
not finish high school, 6% never went to school or
were illiterate and 3% earned a college degree.

Penal Management Review Questions 1

1. The authoritative imposition of something negative or unpleasant
on a person in response to behavior deemed wrong by law.
A. Punishment
B. Banishment
C. Retribution
D. Penalty

2. The branch of criminology concerned with prison management

and prison rehabilitation.
A. Penology
B. Sociology
C. Correction
D. Anthropology
3. Getting back at someone for something they did to hurt you.
A. Punishment
B. Retribution
C. Justification
D. Penalty
4. A punishment for some violation of conduct which involves the
infliction of pain on or harm to the body.
A. Penalty
B. Punishment
C. Banishment
D. Corporal punishment
5. French penal colony from 1852 to 1959 where political prisoners are
A. Devil's island
B. Tasmanian island
C. Robben Island
D. Cape of good hope
6. A prison reformer who published an influential book that proposed
prison reform.
A. Elizabeth Fry
B. John Howard
C. John Goodman
D. Victoria Azarenka
7. An English reformer sometimes referred to as the "angel of prisons"
because of her driving force behind new legislation to treat prisoners
A. Elizabeth Fry
B. John Howard
C. John Goodman
D. Alex Morgan
8. A prison complex located at the coast of Capetown South Africa
which serve as a refugee camp for people afflicted with leper before
converted into a prison.
A. Port Arthur

B. Robben island
C. Pennsylvania prison
D. Elmira prison
9. A penal method of the 19th century in which persons worked during
the day and were kept in solitary confinement at night and silence
enforced at all times.
A. Auburn System
B. U.K system
C. Pennsylvania system
D. Irish system

10. The first reformatory prison.

A. Auburn prison
B. Pennsylvania prison
C. New York correctional facility
D. Elmira correctional facility

Remember the following: Penal Management

1. Punishment - The authoritative imposition of something negative or
unpleasant on a person in response to behavior deemed wrong by
2. Penology - The branch of criminology concerned with prison
management and prison rehabilitation.
3. Retribution - Getting back at someone for something they did to
hurt you.
4. Corporal punishment - A punishment for some violation of conduct
which involves the infliction of pain on or harm to the body.
5. Devil's island - French penal colony from 1852 to 1959 where
political prisoners are exiled.
6. John Howard - A prison reformer who published an influential book
that proposed prison reform.
7. Elizabeth Fry - An English reformer sometimes referred to as the
"angel of prisons" because of her driving force behind new legislation
to treat prisoners humanely.
8. Robben island - A prison complex located at the coast of

Capetown south Africa which serve as a refugee camp for people

afflicted with leper before converted into a prison.
9. Auburn System - A penal method of the 19th century in which
persons worked during the day and were kept in solitary
confinement at night and silence enforced at all times.
10.Elmira correctional facility - The first reformatory prison.

11.Notable elements of Auburn system

a. stripped uniform
b. lockstep
c. silence
12.Auburn correctional facility - the site of the first execution by
electric chair in 1890.
13.Pennsylvania system - penal method based on the priciple that
solitary confinement fosters penitence and encourages
reformation.Superseded by the Auburn system.
14.Separate system - is a form of prison management based on the
principle of keeping prisoners in solitary confinement.
15.Magna Carta - Englands historic document which states that no
man could be imprisoned without trial.
16.Port Arthur - located in Tasmania, Australia, is a penal colony
which is the destination for the hardest English prisoner during the
middle of the 19th century.
17.Banishment - to force offenders to leave a country, home,or place
by official decree.
18.Piracy act of 1717 - was an act of the parliament of Great Britain
that established a 7 years penal transportation to North America
as a possible punishment for those convicted of lesser felonies.

Answers: Penal Management





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