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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No.

148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Notices 44637

consider to be CBI or otherwise ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION is available for public viewing at the
protected through EDOCKET, AGENCY Public Information and Records, or e-mail. The EPA Integrity Branch (PIRIB), Rm. 119,
[OPP–2005–0201; FRL–7726–4]
EDOCKET and the Crystal Mall #2, 1801 S. Bell St.,
websites are ‘‘anonymous access’’ Cancellation of Pesticides for Non- Arlington, VA. This docket facility is
systems, which means EPA will not payment of Year 2005 Registration open from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday
know your identity or contact Maintenance Fees through Friday, excluding legal
information unless you provide it in the holidays. The docket telephone number
body of your comment. If you send an AGENCY: Environmental Protection is (703) 305–5805.
Agency (EPA). 2. Electronic access. You may access
e-mail comment directly to EPA without
ACTION: Notice. this Federal Register document
going through EDOCKET or electronically through the EPA Internet, your e-mail address SUMMARY: Since the amendments of under the ‘‘Federal Register’’ listings at
will be automatically captured and October 1988, the Federal Insecticide,
included as part of the comment that is Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) An electronic version of the public
placed in the public docket and made has required payment of an annual docket is available through EPA’s
available on the Internet. If you submit maintenance fee to keep pesticide electronic public docket and comment
an electronic comment, EPA registrations in effect. The fee due system, EPA Dockets. You may use EPA
recommends that you include your January 15, 2005 has gone unpaid for Dockets at
name and other contact information in 831 registrations. Section 4(i)(5)(G) of to view public comments, access the
the body of your comment and with any FIFRA provides that the Administrator index listing of the contents of the
disk or CD ROM you submit. If EPA may cancel these registrations by order official public docket, and to access
cannot read your comment due to and without a hearing; orders to cancel those documents in the public docket
technical difficulties and cannot contact all 831 of these registrations have been that are available electronically.
you for clarification, EPA may not be issued within the past few days. Although not all docket materials may
able to consider your comment. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For be available electronically, you may still
Electronic files should avoid the use of further information on the maintenance access any of the publicly available
fee program in general, contact by mail: docket materials through the docket
special characters, any form of
John Jamula, Office of Pesticide facility identified in Unit I.B.1. Once in
encryption, and be free of any defects or
Programs (7504C), Environmental the system, select ‘‘search,’’ then key in
viruses. For additional information the appropriate docket ID number.
about EPA’s public docket visit Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
EDOCKET on-line or see the Federal Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20460; II. Introduction
Register of May 31, 2002 (67 FR 38102) telephone number: (703) 305–6426; e-
Section 4(i)(5) of FIFRA as amended
(FRL–7181–7). mail address:
in October 1988 (Public Law 100–532),
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: December 1991 (Public Law 102–237),
Docket: All documents in the docket
are listed in the EDOCKET index I. Important Information and again in August 1996 (Public Law
at 104–170), requires that all pesticide
A. Does this Apply to Me? registrants pay an annual registration
Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available, You may be potentially affected by maintenance fee, due by January 15 of
this notice if you are an EPA registrant each year, to keep their registrations in
i.e., CBI or other information whose
with any approved product effect. This requirement applies to all
disclosure is restricted by statute.
registration(s). Although this action may registrations granted under section 3 as
Certain other material, such as
be of particular interest to persons who well as those granted under section
copyrighted material, is not placed on produce or use pesticides, the Agency 24(c) to meet special local needs.
the Internet and will be publicly has not attempted to describe all the Registrations for which the fee is not
available only in hard copy form. specific entities that may be affected by paid are subject to cancellation by order
Publicly available docket materials are this action. If you have any questions and without a hearing.
available either electronically in regarding the information in this notice, The Food, Agriculture, Conservation,
EDOCKET or in hard copy at the Public consult the person listed in the FOR and Trade Act Amendments of 1991,
Information and Records Integrity FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section. Public Law 102–237, amended FIFRA to
Branch (PIRIB), Rm. 119, Crystal Mall allow the Administrator to reduce or
#2, 1801 S. Bell St., Arlington, VA. This B. How Can I Get Copies of this waive maintenance fees for minor
Docket Facility is open from 8:30 a.m. Document and Other Related agricultural use pesticides when he
Information? determines that the fee would be likely
to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday,
excluding legal holidays. The Docket 1. Docket. EPA has established an to cause significant impact on the
telephone number is (703) 305–5805. official public docket for this action availability of the pesticide for the use.
under docket identification (ID) number The Agency has waived the fee for 157
List of Subjects OPP–2005–0201. The official public minor agricultural use registrations at
docket consists of the documents the request of the registrants.
Environmental protection, Pesticides
specifically referenced in this action, In fiscal year 2005, maintenance fees
and pests.
any public comments received, and were collected in one billing cycle. The
Dated: July 26, 2005. other information related to this action. Pesticide Registration Improvement Act
Although a part of the official docket, (PRIA) was passed by Congress in
Rachel C. Holloman,
the public docket does not include January 2004. PRIA became effective in
Acting Director, Registration Division, Office Confidential Business Information (CBI) March 2004 and authorized the Agency
of Pesticide Programs. or other information whose disclosure is to collect $27 million in maintenance
[FR Doc. 05–15332 Filed 8–2–05; 8:45 am] restricted by statute. The official public fees in fiscal year 2005. In late
BILLING CODE 6560–50–S docket is the collection of materials that December 2004, all holders of either

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44638 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Notices

section 3 registrations or section 24(c) registration unless the cancellation TABLE 1.—SECTION 24(C) REGISTRA-
registrations were sent lists of their resulted from Agency error. TIONS CANCELED FOR NON-PAY-
active registrations, along with forms Section 24(c) Registrations canceled MENT OF MAINTENANCE FEE—Con-
and instructions for responding. They for non-payment of the 2005 tinued
were asked to identify which of their maintenance fee are shown in the
registrations they wished to maintain in following Table 1: SLN no. Product Name
effect, and to calculate and remit the
appropriate maintenance fees. Most TABLE 1.—SECTION 24(C) REGISTRA- 060202 CA–86–0023 Pro-Gibb 4% Liq-
responses were received by the statutory uid Concentrate
deadline of January 15. A notice of 004581 CA–87–0031 Des -I- Cate
intent to cancel was sent in mid- MENT OF MAINTENANCE FEE 062719 CA–89–0012 Goal 1.6E Herbi-
February to companies that did not cide
SLN no. Product Name 000264 CA–89–0014 Bayleton 25% Wet-
respond and to companies that
responded, but paid for less than all of table Powder
000279 AL–03–0002 Pounce 3.2 EC In- 060372 CA–89–0045 Vectobac-12AS
their registrations. Since mailing the secticide 000264 CA–89–0056 Buctril Herbicide
notices, EPA has maintained a toll-free 000352 AR–00–0003 Dupont Lannate 000100 CA–90–0039 Eptam 7-E
inquiry number through which the LV Insecticide 002935 CA–91–0014 Nu-Zone 10ME
questions of affected registrants have 000352 AR–00–0004 Dupont Lannate 000100 CA–91–0024 Gramoxone Extra
been answered. SP Insecticide Herbicide
Maintenance fees have been paid for 000100 AR–01–0002 Cyclone Con- 000100 CA–91–0036 Gramoxone Extra
about 15,460 section 3 registrations, or centrate/ Herbicide
about 96 percent of the registrations on Gramoxone Max 000264 CA–92–0027 Bayleton 25% Wet-
000279 AR–03–0002 Command 3ME
file in December. Fees have been paid table Powder
Microencap- 008536 CA–93–0001 Methyl Bromide
for about 2,270 section 24(c) sulated Herbi-
registrations, or about 83 percent of the 99.5%
total on file in December. Cancellations 062719 CA–95–0007 Goal 1.6E Herbi-
000279 AR–04–0002 Command 3ME
for non-payment of the maintenance fee cide
069351 CA–95–0009 Lorsban-4E
affect about 503 Section 3 registrations sulated Herbi-
019713 CA–97–0035 Drexel Diazinon In-
and about 328 Section 24(c) cide
registrations. 000279 AR–83–0020 Pounce 3.2 EC
002935 CA–99–0005 Cygon 400 Sys-
The cancellation orders generally 071649 AR–98–0002 Baytex Liquid Con-
temic Insecti-
permit registrants to continue to sell and centrate Insecti-
distribute existing stocks of the canceled cide
000100 CA–99–0025 Barricade 65WG
000100 AZ–00–0004 Fulfill
products until January 15, 2006, one 071058 AZ–03–0001 Treflan H.F.P.
year after the date on which the fee was 000100 AZ–03–0008 Eptam 7-E Selec- 000100 CA–99–0028 Reward Landscape
due. Existing stocks already in the tive Herbicide and Aquatic Her-
hands of dealers or users, however, can 000100 AZ–03–0009 Eptam 7-E Selec- bicide
generally be distributed, sold or used tive Herbicide 000100 CO–00–0008 Dividend XL
legally until they are exhausted. 000264 AZ–04–0001 Phaser 3EC Insec- 010163 CO–01–0004 Savey 2E
ticide 000524 CO–02–0006 Roundup Herbicide
Existing stocks are defined as those
000279 AZ–84–0006 Ammo 2.5 EC In- 000524 CO–02–0007 Roundup Herbicide
stocks of a registered pesticide product 000264 CO–94–0004 Rovral 4 Flowable
which are currently in the United States secticide
000264 AZ–85–0007 Di-Syston 8 Fungicide
and which have been packaged, labeled 000264 CO–99–0005 Epic DF Herbicide
010163 AZ–93–0013 Gowan Endosulfan
and released for shipment prior to the 3 EC 061282 CT–02–0005 Ramik Brown
effective date of the action. 000279 AZ–98–0002 Pounce 3.2 EC In- 000241 CT–99–0001 Acrobat MZ Fun-
The exceptions to these general rules secticide gicide
are cases where more stringent 000264 AZ–98–0005 Phaser 3EC Insec- 000400 DE–04–0003 Acramite 50WS
restrictions on sale, distribution, or use ticide 000279 FL–83–0019 Pounce 3.2 EC In-
of the products have already been 004581 AZ–98–0009 Desicate II secticide
imposed, through Special Reviews or 000264 AZ–99–0006 Admire 2 Flowable 060182 FL–87–0003 Avid
other Agency actions. These general 010163 CA–01–0010 Supracide 25W 060182 FL–91–0011 Orthene 75 S
010163 CA–01–0019 Savey 2E Soluble Powder
provisions for disposition of stocks 002393 FL–92–0008 Hopkins Sevin
010163 CA–02–0009 Savey 2E
should serve in most cases to cushion Carbaryl Bait
000100 CA–02–0012 Cyclone Con-
the impact of these cancellations while centrate/ 062719 FL–92–0009 Lorsban 50W In-
the market adjusts. Gramoxone Max secticide In
000264 CA–76–0194 Ethrel Plant Regu- Water Soluble
III. Listing of Registrations Canceled for
lator Packets
Non-payment 000241 FL–94–0004 Arsenal Herbicide
000100 CA–77–0159 Ordram 8-E An
Table 1 lists all of the Section Emulsufiable 067760 FL–95–0007 Fyfanon ULV
24(c)registrations, and Table 2 Lists all Liquid Herbicide 067858 FL–97–0001 Baytex Liquid Con-
of the Section 3 registrations which 002935 CA–77–0396 Red-Top Malathion centrate Insecti-
were canceled for non-payment of the 8 Spray cide
2005 maintenance fee. These 002935 CA–82–0063 Wilbur-Ellis Mala- 063935 FL–97–0004 Dupont Escort Her-
thion 8 Spray bicide
registrations have been canceled by 061282 GA–95–0007 Ramik Brown
000100 CA–84–0172 Ordram 8-E An
order and without hearing. Cancellation Emulsufiable 068573 GU–04–0002 Fosphite Fungicide
orders were sent to affected registrants Liquid Herbicide 000264 HI–02–0002 .. Provado 1.6
via certified mail in the past several 000100 CA–85–0053 Ordram 8-E An Flowable Insecti-
days. The Agency is unlikely to rescind Emulsufiable cide
cancellation of any particular Liquid Herbicide 000264 HI–92–0001 .. Nemacur 3

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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Notices 44639

tinued tinued tinued
SLN no. Product Name SLN no. Product Name SLN no. Product Name

000264 HI–92–0002 .. Nemacur 15% 059639 MA–96–0003 Orthene 75 WSP 010163 MT–96–0002 Metasystox-R
Granular (insecticide In A Spray Con-
000264 HI–92–0003 .. Bayleton 50% Wet- Water Soluble centrate
table Powder Bag) 002935 MT–97–0001 Cygon 400 Sys-
Fungicide 004564 MD–00–0002 Tolcide PS200 temic Insecti-
000264 HI–96–0006 .. Florel Plant Growth 004564 MD–04–0002 Tolcide PS200 cide-Miticide
Regulator 000400 ME–79–0001 Terraclor 75% 000100 MT–99–0009 Tough 5 EC
000524 IA–03–0001 .. Mon 78270 Herbi- Wettable Powder 000264 NC–82–0007 Amchem Ethrel
cide 065136 ME–91–0005 Carboxide Plant Regulator
Sterilant-Fumi- 061282 NC–92–0010 Ramik Brown
010163 ID–00–0004 .. Savey 2E
gant Gas 007969 NC–93–0001 Basamid Granular
010163 ID–01–0012 .. Savey 2E
000264 MI–00–0002 .. Admire 2 Flowable Soil Fumigant
000264 ID–01–0014 .. Admire 2 Flowable 053689 MI–04–0006 .. Rose Chafer Floral 019713 NC–95–0004 Drexel Dimethoate
000264 ID–01–0018 .. Admire 2 Flowable Lure 4EC
051036 ID–02–0017 .. Endosulfan 3 EC 000264 MI–78–0016 .. Monitor 4 007969 ND–00–0008 Ronilan DF Fun-
000524 ID–02–0023 .. Mon 78112 Herbi- 061282 MI–84–0012 .. Ramik Green gicide
cide 000264 MI–96–0010 .. Aliette WDG Fun- 000524 ND–01–0001 Mon 78112 Herbi-
000264 ID–02–0024 .. Ignite 1SC Herbi- gicide cide
cide 000100 MI–99–0003 .. Tilt Fungicide 000264 ND–01–0003 Stratego Fungicide
000279 ID–04–0001 .. Spartan Herbicide 000524 MN–02–0008 Mon 78112 Herbi- 000524 ND–02–0011 Roundup Herbicide
066330 ID–04–0005 .. Everest 70% cide 066330 ND–04–0002 Everest 70%
Water Dispers- 000524 MN–03–0005 Roundup Water Dispers-
ible Granular Weathermax ible Granular
Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide
004581 ID–87–0015 .. Des-I-Cate 066330 MN–04–0004 Everest 70% 000100 ND–04–0003 Callisto Herbicide
004581 ID–87–0019 .. Des-I-Cate Water Dispers- 000279 ND–85–0006 Furadan 15 G In-
061282 ID–87–0022 .. Ramik Brown ible Granular secticide
Herbicide Nematicide
000400 ID–95–0014 .. Omite-Cr (Not for
000100 MN–04–0005 Callisto 000264 ND–93–0005 Sencor DF 75%
Use In Cali-
000100 MN–99–0012 Dividend XL Dry Flowable
000279 MO–03–0001 Command 3ME Herbicide
061282 ID–96–0005 .. Ramik Green Microencap- 000100 ND–98–0002 Tilt Fungicide
002935 ID–97–0012 .. Cygon 400 Sys- sulated Herbi- 000100 ND–99–0009 Tough 5 EC
temic Insecti- cide 000100 NE–01–0002 Tough 5 EC
cide-Miticide 000279 MO–04–0005 Command 3ME 000524 NE–02–0004 Mon 78112 Herbi-
007173 ID–98–0015 .. Rozol Pellets Microencap- cide
000100 ID–99–0011 .. Tough 5 EC sulated Herbi- 061282 NH–76–0001 Ramik Brown
000100 ID–99–0015 .. Dividend XL cide 000352 NJ–03–0005 Curzate 60DF
000279 IL–98–0002 ... Furadan 4F Insec- 007173 MO–78–0001 Rozol Paraffinized 000279 NM–84–0006 Pounce 3.2 EC In-
ticide/nematicide Pellets secticide
010163 IL–99–0003 ... Imidan 70-WP Ag- 061282 MO–97–0002 Ramik Green 000279 NM–86–0002 Ammo 2.5 EC In-
ricultural Insecti- 000264 MS–00–0013 Aztec 2.1% G secticide
cide 000279 MS–03–0002 Command 3ME 010163 NV–00–0002 Savey 2E
000279 IN–01–0002 .. Pounce 3.2 EC In- Microencap- 000279 NV–04–0001 Spartan Herbicide
secticide sulated Herbi- 004581 NV–87–0008 Des-I-Cate
004581 IN–80–0008 .. Hydrothol 191 cide 061282 NV–88–0008 Ramik Green
000241 IN–99–0001 .. Acrobat MZ Fun- 062719 MS–92–0010 Dursban TC 000100 NV–95–0002 Fusilade DX
gicide 000228 MS–93–0004 Riverdale MCPA-4 075710 NY–04–0006 Mite Away II For-
000279 KY–01–0001 Pounce 3.2 EC In- Amine mic Acid Pads
secticide 000228 MS–93–0005 Riverdale 063806 NY–99–0001 Dual Magnum Her-
004581 LA–00–0010 Penncap-M Micro- Weedestroy (r) bicide
encapsulated In- MCPA Low 007173 OH–79–0013 Rozol Paraffinized
secticide Volatile Ester Pellets
000279 MS–97–0008 Dragnet FT 000279 OH–83–0002 Furadan 15 G In-
000264 LA–00–0017 Aztec 2.1% G
Termiticide secticide-
000279 LA–03–0005 Pounce 3.2 EC In-
000264 MS–98–0006 Aztec 2.1% Granu- Nematicide
lar 061282 OH–84–0003 Ramik Green
059639 LA–94–0005 Select 2EC Herbi- 000279 MS–98–0011 Prevail TC 000100 OH–90–0006 Gramoxone Extra
cide Termiticide Herbicide
062719 LA–96–0006 Tenure 010163 MT–00–0005 Savey 2e 062719 OH–97–0005 Recruit AG
062719 LA–97–0003 Recruit AG 000524 MT–02–0003 Roundup Herbicide 000100 OH–98–0002 Tilt Fungicide
000264 LA–97–0007 Bayleton 50% Wet- 000524 MT–02–0004 Mon 78112 Herbi- 000100 OH–99–0001 Dual Magnum Her-
table Powder cide bicide
000264 LA–98–0001 Aztec 2.1% Granu- 000100 MT–03–0006 Dividend XL 059639 OK–80–0012 Orthene 75 S
lar 061282 MT–79–0022 Ramik Brown Soluble Powder
061282 MA–77–0001 Ramik Brown 061282 MT–86–0003 Ramik Green 000100 OR–00–0012 Orbit Fungicide
059639 MA–96–0002 Orthene 75 S 000352 MT–94–0001 Dupont Velpar L 000100 OR–00–0014 Fulfill
Soluble Powder Herbicide 000100 OR–00–0015 Fulfill

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44640 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Notices

tinued tinued tinued
SLN no. Product Name SLN no. Product Name SLN no. Product Name

000400 OR–00–0021 Dimilin 2l 000100 OR–99–0027 Dual Magnum Her- 000100 TX–99–0008 Dual Magnum Her-
000100 OR–01–0007 Discover Herbicide bicide bicide
010163 OR–01–0009 Savey 2E 000100 OR–99–0028 Tough 5 EC 000100 TX–99–0009 Dual Magnum Her-
000100 OR–01–0011 Cyclone Con- 000100 OR–99–0035 Dual Magnum Her- bicide
centrate/ bicide 005481 UT–00–0005 Amvac AZA 3%
gramoxone Max 000100 OR–99–0042 Dual Magnum Her- EC
036029 OR–01–0013 Wilco Ground bicide 061282 UT–87–0003 Ramik Brown
Squirrel Bait 000100 OR–99–0050 Dual Magnum Her- 061282 VA–85–0003 Ramik Green
000264 OR–01–0014 Admire 2 Flowable bicide 000100 VA–96–0007 Gramoxone Extra
000264 OR–01–0031 Hoelon 3EC Herbi- 000100 OR–99–0052 Dividend XL Herbicide
cide 000352 PA–03–0007 Curzate 60DF 007173 VT–76–0003 Rozol Paraffinized
000264 OR–01–0032 Bronate Herbicide 071711 PA–04–0002 Applaud 70WP In- Pellets
000264 OR–02–0001 Axiom DF Herbi- sect Growth 061282 VT–86–0003 Ramik Green
cide Regulator 000264 WA–00–0015 Admire 2 Flowable
000400 OR–02–0009 Dimilin 2l 061282 PA–85–0005 Ramik Green 000264 WA–00–0023 Phaser 3EC Insec-
000264 OR–02–0010 Rovral (r) Brand 4 000264 RI–01–0001 .. Admire 2 Flowable ticide
Flowable Fun- 000279 SC–03–0007 Pounce 3.2 EC In- 000100 WA–00–0027 Diquat Herbicide
gicide secticide 000264 WA–00–0028 Carzol SP Miticide/
000264 OR–02–0013 Aliette(r) WDG 007969 SC–93–0003 Basamid Granular Insecticide in
Fungicide Soil Fumigant Water Soluble
010163 OR–02–0017 Savey 2E 000264 SC–95–0002 Nemacur 3 Packaging
010163 WA–01–0005 Metasystox-R
000524 OR–02–0020 Mon 78112 Herbi- 061282 SC–96–0002 Ramik Brown
Spray Con-
cide 062719 SC–97–0004 Recruit AG
000264 OR–02–0022 Ignite 1SC Herbi- 000524 SD–01–0006 Mon 78112 Herbi-
000100 WA–01–0011 Cyclone Con-
cide cide
000100 OR–03–0035 Dividend XL 000100 SD–96–0002 Princep Caliber 90
Gramoxone Max
004581 OR–03–0036 Des-I-Cate Herbicide
000100 WA–01–0013 Cyclone Con-
000279 OR–04–0024 Spartan Herbicide 000100 SD–96–0003 Princep 4l Herbi- centrate/
000264 OR–04–0032 Admire 2 Flowable cide Gramoxone Max
000279 OR–04–0035 Z-Cype 0.8 EC In- 000100 TN–00–0003 Gramoxone Extra 000100 WA–01–0014 Cyclone Con-
secticide Herbicide centrate/
061282 OR–76–0036 Ramik Brown 000100 TN–01–0001 Cyclone Con- Gramoxone Max
000400 OR–77–0013 Comite Agricultural centrate/ 000264 WA–01–0024 Admire 2 Flowable
Miticide gramoxone Max 010163 WA–01–0027 Savey 2E
000400 OR–79–0034 Comite Agricultural 000100 TN–01–0002 Cyclone Con- 010163 WA–01–0028 Imidan 70-WP Ag-
Miticide centrate/ ricultural Insecti-
000100 OR–80–0100 Aatrex Nine-0 gramoxone Max cide
000100 OR–81–0080 Princep Caliber 90 000279 TN–02–0003 Pounce 3.2 EC In- 051036 WA–01–0035 Endosulfan 3 EC
Herbicide secticide 000352 WA–02–0005 Oust XP Herbicide
000400 OR–91–0009 Omite 6E 000279 TN–03–0001 Pounce 3.2 EC In- 010163 WA–02–0015 Savey 2E
000400 OR–91–0019 Comite Agricultural secticide 000524 WA–02–0020 Mon 78112 Herbi-
Miticide 062719 TN–04–0027 Lock-On cide
000400 OR–94–0012 Comite Agricultural 059639 TN–93–0003 Monitor 4 Spray 000524 WA–02–0023 Mon 78112 Herbi-
Miticide 000264 TN–96–0006 Monitor 4 cide
000400 OR–94–0013 Comite Agricultural 059639 TN–98–0001 Orthene 75 S 000264 WA–02–0024 Ignite 1SC Herbi-
Miticide Soluble Powder cide
067837 OR–94–0021 Omite-CR Agricul- 000100 TX–00–0007 Cyclone Con- 069592 WA–03–0016 Serenade
tural Miticide centrate/ 000264 WA–03–0019 Admire 2 Flowable
000100 OR–95–0014 Fusilade DX gramoxone Max 000264 WA–03–0020 Admire 2 Flowable
019713OR–95–0032 Ida, Inc. Diuron 000264 TX–00–0008 Aztec 2.1% G 000279 WA–04–0002 Spartan Herbicide
80W 000264 TX–01–0002 Admire 2 Flowable 066330 WA–04–0025 Everest 70%
000100 OR–96–0007 Tilt Gel Fungicide 051036 TX–01–0013 Micro Flo Diazinon Water Dispers-
000400 OR–97–0012 Comite Agricultural 14G ible Granular
Miticide 000241 TX–01–0016 Amdro Fire Ant In- Herbicide
002935 OR–97–0019 Cygon 400 Sys- secticide 071111 WA–04–0032 Moncut 70-DF
temic Insecti- 000279 TX–03–0001 Pounce 3.2 EC In- 002393 WA–04–0035 Hopkins Zinc
cide-Miticide secticide Phosphide Pel-
000100 OR–98–0013 Agri-Mek 0.15 EC 000279 TX–83–0032 Pounce 3.2 EC lets
Miticide/insecti- 000100 TX–96–0006 Fusilade Dx Herbi- 002935 WA–78–0072 Red Top Superior
cide cide Spray Oil N.W.
000100 OR–98–0015 Caparol 4l Herbi- 067760 TX–96–0009 Fyfanon ULV 061282 WA–86–0033 Ramik Brown
cide 000100 TX–96–0015 Reflex Herbicide 061282 WA–86–0034 Ramik Brown
000100 OR–99–0011 Dual Magnum Her- 000264 TX–97–0002 Aztec 2.1% Granu- 004581 WA–87–0011 Des-I-Cate
bicide lar 004581 WA–87–0036 Des-I-Cate
000352 OR–99–0023 Velpar L Herbicide 000100 TX–99–0001 Reward Landscape 019713 WA–88–0016 Drexel Dimethoate
000352 OR–99–0024 Velpar DF Herbi- and Aquatic Her- 4EC
cide bicide 061282 WA–92–0031 Ramik Green

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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Notices 44641

Registration Registration
Product Name Product Name
SLN no. Product Name no. no.

002935 WA–92–0045 Wilbur-Ellis 000016–00072 Dragon Lime Sulfur Solu- 000228–00415 Riverdale Tipa-D 4 Herbi-
Diazinon 4 tion cide
Spray 000016–00076 Dragon Sevin Liquid 000239–02406 Orthene Systemic Insect
000264 WA–93–0020 Bayleton 50% Wet- 000016–00091 Dragon 1% Rotenone Spray
table Powder Dust 000239–02436 Orthene Insect Spray
067837 WA–94–0007 Omite-CR Agricul- 000016–00098 Dragon 10% Garden Dust 000239–02440 Orthene Ornamental In-
tural Miticide Contains Carbaryl In- sect Spray
010163 WA–95–0004 Metasystox-R secticide 000239–02618 Ortho Atrazine Plus St.
Spray Con- 000016–00099 Dragon lawn & Garden Augustine Lawn Weeder
centrate 50% Wettable 000241–00281 Prowl MC-60 Herbicide
000100 WA–95–0028 Fusilade DX 000016–00111 Dragon Dipel Dust 000241–00284 Prowl WP Herbicide
000100 WA–95–0029 Fusilade DX 000016–00128 Dragon Rabbit & Dog 000241–00353 Contour Herbicide
000400 WA–97–0010 Comite Agricultural Chaser 000264–00341 Larvin Thiocarb Insecticide
Miticide 000016–00132 Dragon Ready to Use 75 WP
005481 WA–97–0015 Vapam HL Soil Fu- Garden Pest Control 000264–00402 Standak Technical
migant 000016–00133 Dragon Thiodan Vegetable Aldoxycarb Pesticide
002935 WA–97–0027 Cygon 400 Sys- & Ornamental Dust 000264–00406 Larvin SC Thiodicarb In-
temic Insecti- 000016–00136 Dragon Wettable or Dust- secticide
cide-Miticide ing Garden Sulphur 000264–00407 Larvin 250 Thiodicarb In-
051036 WA–98–0027 Endosulfan 3 EC 000016–00141 Dragon Thiodan Insect secticide
051036 WA–98–0028 Endosulfan 3 EC Spray 000264–00413 Standak 90MC Aldoxycarb
000100 WA–98–0031 Fusilade DX Herbi- 000016–00154 Dragon Rotenone Pyre- Pesticide
cide thrin Insect Spray 000264–00573 EXP 31340ATZ Herbicide
000100 WA–99–0006 Warrior T Insecti- 000016–00158 Dragon Total Vegetation 000264–00576 Icon 80 WG Insecticide
cide Killer Formula II 000264–00577 Icon 6.2 FS
000100 WA–99–0014 Dividend XL 000016–00159 Dragon All Purpose Fun- 000264–00580 Icon 6.2SC Insecticide
000100 WA–99–0020 Tough 5 EC gicide 000264–00721 Guthion 2l Emulsifiable In-
000279 WI–01–0009 Aim Herbicide 000016–00160 Dragon Cygon 2E Sys- secticide
010163 WI–02–0002 Moncut 70-DF temic Insecticide 000264–00747 Turbo 8 EC Herbicide
059639 WI–96–0007 Orthene 75 S 000016–00161 Dragon Horticultural Spray 000402–00093 San-O-Eight
Soluble Powder Oil 000432–01125 Outdoor and Horticultural
059639 WI–96–0008 Orthene 75 WSP 000016–00164 Dragon Indoor Insect Emulsion
(insecticide In A Fogger 000432–01146 123 M.A.G.
Water Soluble 000016–00167 Dragon Total Release 000491–00212 Selig’s Du-Kil Sp
Bag) Fogger 000500–00022 Boyer Sewer Root De-
000100 WI–98–0001 Reward Landscape 000016–00168 Dragon Wasp & Hornet stroyer
and Aquatic Her- Killer 000524–00318 Mon 0139 Technical Solu-
bicide 000016–00169 Dragon Rose & Garden tion
007173 WV–77–0005 Rozol Paraffinized Insect Killer 000524–00437 Mon-8750 WSB
Pellets 000016–00170 Dragon Home & Garden 000524–00441 Mon 14420 WSB Herbi-
061282 WV–84–0004 Ramik Green Insect Killer cide
010163 WY–01–0003 Savey 2E 000016–00171 Dragon Systemic Rose & 000524–00490 Mon-8413 Herbicide
061282 WY–88–0006 Ramik Green Flower Care 000524–00493 Mon 58420 Herbicide
000279 WY–97–0004 Capture 2 EC In- 000016–00173 Dragon .25% Permethrin 000524–00510 Mon 78102 Herbicide
secticide/miticide RTU 000524–00513 Mon 78103 Herbicide
005481 WY–99–0004 Dibrom 8 Emulsive 000016–00176 Carbaryl 80WP (Wettable 000534–00097 FS Atrazine 4l Herbicide
Powder) 000572–00083 Rockland Horticultural
Section 3 registrations canceled for 000016–00177 Turf Protect R Granular Spray Oil
Carbaryl Insecticide 000572–00098 Rockland ‘‘Penn-Mist’’ In-
non-payment of the 2005 maintenance
000016–00178 Dragon Carbaryl 4L Con- secticide
fee are shown in the following table 2: centrate Insecticide 000572–00209 Rockland Dog & Cat
000016–00179 Dragon Carbaryl 2L Con- Granular Repellent
TABLE 2.—SECTION 3 REGISTRATIONS centrate Insecticide 000572–00234 Rockland ‘‘H-S’’ Fly Spray
CANCELED FOR NON-PAYMENT OF 000016–00182 Ro-Pel Flygo for Horses
MAINTENANCE FEE 000016–00183 007 Permethrin Dust 000572–00287 Rockland Pyrenone Gen-
000016–00186 Dragon Carbaryl 4L Refor- eral Aqueous Insecticide
Registration mulating Insecticide 000572–00301 Rockland Weed and
Product Name Concentrate Grass Killer
000016–00187 Dexol Lawn & Garden In- 000572–00308 Rockland Weed & Grass
000015–00008 Hoffman Dog & Cat Re- sect Control Granules Away
pellent 000099–00083 Watkins Toilet Bowl 000572–00336 Hormo-Root 4
000016–00012 Blue Dragon Garden Dust Cleanser 000572–00337 Hormo-Root 1
000016–00019 Dragon 50% Malathion In- 000100–00850 SAN 415 SC32LV 000572–00349 Hormo Root B
sect Spray 000100–00957 Action EC Herbicide 000572–00353 C-Em-Die II
000016–00027 Dragon 5% Garden Dust 000100–00962 A-11976E Herbicide 000675–00015 Lehn & Fink Instrument
Contains Carbaryl In- 000228–00338 XRM-5202 Premium 8000 Germicide
secticide Lawn Weed Killer 000773–00067 Atroban 1% Insecticide

VerDate jul<14>2003 15:22 Aug 02, 2005 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00089 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03AUN1.SGM 03AUN1
44642 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Notices


Registration Registration Registration
Product Name Product Name Product Name
no. no. no.

000806–00012 Avon Authentic S S S Skin 001475–00122 Enoz Moth & Deodorant 006325–00020 Microfine Sulfur
So Soft Bug Guard Plus Cakes Perfumed Refills 006325–00021 Sunbelt Wettable Sulfur
Ir3535 Insect Repel. for Hang-Up Plastic 007053–00028 Fremont 9111
000806–00015 Avon SSS Skin-So-Soft Case 007152–00017 Seaboard Jolt-It Shock
Bug Guard Plus Ir3535 001475–00126 Enoz Cedar Pine Closet Treatment
Ins. Rep. SPF 15 Lotion Freshener 007245–00023 Sodium Hypochlorite Solu-
000833–20004 Afco Chlorilizer 001475–00127 Lemon Scented Closet tion
000935–00039 ACL 90 Pool and Spa Freshener 007267–00005 Savol Shock Treatment
Chlorinating Tablets, 001486–00026 Micro-Chek 25 S-711 007350–00002 Chaska-San Disinfectant-
One Inch 001561–00009 Steramine 3-Q Tablets Bactericide-Alkaline De-
000935–00045 Shielded Dry Chlorinating 001574–00003 Stanley Moth Cake tergent
001574–00004 Stanley Perfumed Crystals 007405–00066 214 Insect Spray
Compound 6″ Sticks
001719–00012 Blp Jack Tar Marine Fin 007501–00017 Gustafson Thiram-30 Fun-
000935–00064 Towerbrom 60 Granules
V-I-P Cold Plastic Anti- gicide
000935–00067 Towerchlor 90 Tablets, Foul 473-71 007501–00064 Evershield T Seed Pro-
One Inch 001719–00015 Blp Jack Tar Marine Fin tectant
000935–00070 Towerbrom 90m, One Inch Dub-L-Cop Copper 007501–00068 Gustafson Flo Pro D Seed
Tablets Paint Navy 16-X 473-74 Protectant
000935–00080 Acl 90 B Chlorinating 001719–00040 Jack Ta Dub-L-Cop Cop- 007501–00117 Moly-T
Composition per Bottom Paint 473-38 007501–00123 Liquid Moly-Co-THI
001015–00066 Douglas 57% Malathion Blue 007501–00125 Liquid Moly-THI Con-
001083–00001 Ced-O-Flora Plant Spray 001769–00104 Chem Fog Concentrate centrate
001117–00054 Nolvacide Insecticide 001910–00003 Fly Repellent Gell 007501–00181 Storcide E.C.
Shampoo 002212–00005 Legphene 007969–00070 Polyram 80 WP Fungicide
001117–00061 Nolvamite 002393–00461 F & B Tuberseptic 008596–00029 Grain Savor
001190–00047 L.G.C. 002792–00035 Citrus Lustr 213 with Fun- 008709–00003 Algae Destroyer for Fresh
001190–00048 P.G.C. 6 gicide Water Aquariums
001203–00060 Foremost 4949-ES Weed- 002792–00036 APL Lustr-256 with Fun- 008709–00004 Algae Destroyer Liquid
A-Way gicide 008709–00005 Algae Destroyer for Ponds
001386–00114 Malathion Insect Spray 002792–00052 Decco 253 Sanitizer Con- 008709–00006 Pond Care Algae Blocker
centrate 008709–00007 Herbal Aphid Control
001386–00143 Livestock and Barn Fog-
002792–00056 Deccosan 320 008730–00053 Hercon Insectape with
ging Spray
002792–00068 Agclor 310A Propoxur
001386–00418 Py-Vona Stock Fly Spray 008730–00059 Hercon Disrupt PTB
002935–00388 Diazinon 4 Spray
001386–00451 Unico 5% Sevin Dust 003008–00080 Evipol 60 SL 008959–00003 Cutrine Granular
001386–00606 Pyrethrin Multi-Purpose In- 003095–00075 Pic Super Strong Roach Algaecide
secticide Control System 008996–20002 Sierra Pure Chlor 10%
001386–00618 Dimethoate 267ec Sys- 003342–00095 Worm Whipper Bacillus 009152–00020 Biodisan
temic Insecticide Thuringiemsis 009359–00001 Algaecide (10%)
001386–00623 Trifluralin 10G 003522–00013 Luseaux Lu-Tabs 009359–00025 Algaecide II (5.0%)
001386–00630 Red Panther Garden Spe- 003573–00064 Ultra Spic and Span 009359–00026 Algae Rid (2.5%)
cial 003862–00124 Non-Residual Insecticide 009386–00036 Tetramet-TR
001386–00641 Dipel 110 Dust Spray 009404–00072 St. Augustine Lawn Weed
001386–00643 Red Panther MSMA Liquid 004482–00010 Q-Lab Spray Cleaner Killer (40.8% Flowable
001386–00644 Red Panther ‘‘panther 004581–00206 Des-I-Cate Atrazine)
Juce’’ 004582–00066 CPL Institutional Ajax Dis- 009404–00085 Citrus & Ornamental In-
001386–00645 Red Panther Super Juce infectant Cleanser sect Spray
001386–00650 Agway Livestock & Farm 005011–00060 Formula GH-18 009591–00124 Pro Kill Expel Roach and
Spray II 005202–00023 Brogdex 597-F Ant Killer
001386–00655 Security Sevin Bait 005202–00024 Brogdex 598-F 009591–00169 Prokill Choice
001386–00656 Security Dipel Liquid 005202–00026 Brogdex 594-F 009886–00007 Unipine S
005449–00010 B-Q 32 Pine Odor Dis- 009886–00009 Unipine NCL
Worm Spray Biological
infectant 010163–00074 Prokil Ziram 76 WP
005481–00225 Technical Lindane 010163–00090 Prokil Ziram 87.3 WP
001386–00657 Security Brand De-Flea-
005481–00415 PCNB Disulfoton Granules 010163–00106 Gowan Ziram 76 WDG
Flea & Tick Spray
6.5-6.5 010163–00129 Prokil Ziram 87.3 WSB
001386–00658 Agway Aqueous Garden 005602–00192 V-34-74 010163–00151 Gowan Ziram 76
Spray 005602–00200 A-41 20% DDVP Insecti- 010163–00158 Gowan Chlorpyrifos 4E
001386–00662 Kleenwalk cide 010292–00010 Venus 106 Bowl & Por-
001459–00028 Bullen Disinfectant Clean- 005693–00077 Shield Total Release celain Cleaner
er & Odor Counteractant Fogger V 010292–00014 Lemon Odor Disinfectant
001459–00084 Activ VIII 640 005792–00002 Cuprous Oxide Cleaner
001475–00042 Enoz Cedar-Ize Moth 005905–00262 Diazinon 14g Granular In- 010292–00041 Sani Shop Root Killer
Cake secticide 010693–00001 Quaternary Germicidal
001475–00069 Enoz Cedar Scented Mil- 005905–00418 Helena End-O-Sulfan 3 Cleaner
dew Cake E.C. Insecticide 010772–00006 Clean Shower
001475–00094 Enoz Moth Blok 005905–00474 Helena Diazinon 7E 010778–00002 Vaporene W-10
001475–00121 Enoz Plastic Hang-Up 005905–00526 Diazinon 50 WP 010906–00001 Rootout (for Killing Roots
Moth Case 006186–00043 D-C Disinfectant In Sewers)

VerDate jul<14>2003 15:22 Aug 02, 2005 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00090 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03AUN1.SGM 03AUN1
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Notices 44643


Registration Registration Registration
Product Name Product Name Product Name
no. no. no.

011292–00007 Quat Sanitizer Rinse 035138–00081 Aero Lawn Granules 050956–00004 Sask Chem 70
011515–00036 Superior No.402 Weed 035917–00002 Pentapure Water Purifi- 051036–00009 Micro Flo Atrazine 80W
Killer Water Soluble cation Disinfection Resin Herbicide
011558–00016 Propionic Acid 036284–00003 Clearview Granular 051036–00070 Micro Flo Diazinon 14G
011625–00001 Moly-Soy-A-Live Seed Chlorinating Con- 051036–00091 Endosulfan 50W
Protectant centrate 051036–00092 Endosulfan 3 EC
011667–00005 Propionic Acid 036488–00019 Ringer Japanese Beetle 051036–00093 Micro Flo Diazinon 5G AG
011678–00025 Thionex Endosulfan 35 Bait (floral Lure) 051036–00159 Micro Flo Atrazine 80W
E.C. 036488–00020 Ringer Japanese Beetle Herbicide
011678–00056 Trichodex Sex Attractant 051036–00209 Endosulfan 50W Solupack
011715–00347 Security Brand Purge 2 036993–00002 Crystal Klear 051036–00377 Triclopyr Ester 4A Range-
Lawn Weed Killer 037365–20001 AST Inc. Chlorinated Sani- land
011746–00041 Davis Kill-A-Bug S2 tizer 051036–00404 Picloram Acid Technical
012455–00019 Ditrac Rat and Mouse Bait 037428–00001 Dichloro Chlorinating 051036–00414 Picloram K-Salt Technical
012455–00029 Ditrac Rat and Mouse Bait Granules 051036–00419 Picloram Tipa Technical
Ready To Use 037507–00002 Gibberellic Acid 5% Pow- 051354–20001 Sun Guard 15
012455–00078 Ditrac Rat and Mouse Bait der 051517–00005 Foliar Triggrr MFG
015035–00001 Perfecto Germicide Con- 039183–00013 Bio-Syn CR-125 051517–00006 Soil Triggrr MFG
centrated Dental and 039272–00004 Wepak Kreme Kleanser 051946–00001 Compound X
Surgical Instrument Dis- 040208–00004 Crack-Shot Multipurpose 053254–00005 Oxidan TCA Sticks
infectant Insecticide Spray 053254–00007 Oxidan TCA/T20 Tablets
017004–00003 Pipco Dish-San 041294–20001 Aqua Chlor
053254–00009 Oxidan TCA/T500 Tablets
017545–00002 Cotton-Aide HC 042052–20002 Buckman’s 10% Sodium
053254–00010 Oxidan TCA Granular
017545–00003 Montar Hypochlorite Solution
Shock Treatment
019713–00412 Drexel Metolachlor Tech- 042056–00011 Kernel Guard
053254–00011 Oxidan TCA Granular
nical 042056–00015 TCI Mancozeb-Lindane
Algicide Treatment
021164–00008 Akta Klor 15 Seed Treatment
022950–00006 Cobra Mosquito Coils 053254–00012 Oxidan DCN/WSG Granu-
042056–00016 TCI Mancozeb-Lindane
023563–00001 Mur Kil lar
Ready-To-Use Seed
028293–00239 Unicorn Diazinon 14g 053345–00011 Technical Sodium Chlorite
Granular Insecticide 042056–00018 TCI Captan-Diazinon Seed 053345–00013 Ercopure
028293–00272 Unicorn 1.5% Granular Treatment 053575–00021 Isomate-BAW Pheromone
029909–00029 Cardinal Insecticide Repel- 042177–00016 Olympic Dy-Chlor II 054135–00001 Chlorine Liquified Gas
lent Spray for Horses 042613–20001 Indo-Clor Under Pressure
029909–00034 Cardinal Rid Flea and Tick 042697–00038 Safer Brand Home Pest 055585–00001 Flamingo Mosquito Coils
Spray Insect Killer II (with Pyrethrins) (for-
030950–00008 Raticida Bait Pellets Kills 043917–00002 Spira Punks Mosquito mula 1)
Rats and Mice Coils 055585–00003 Flamingo Mosquito Coils
033660–00036 Vln Trifluralin Technical 043917–00009 Spira Punks Mosquito (with Bioallethrin) For-
034282–00002 Quat Klean Coils II (formula I) mula 3
034704–00430 Captan 80 WP 043922–00005 Roman Cleanser Bleach 055714–00001 Corrosive Sodium Hypo-
034704–00431 Captan 80 WDG 043922–20004 Sta Bright Bleach Laundry chlorite Solution
034704–00799 Endosulfan Technical Destainer 056097–00001 P.A.S.-V Insecticide
034797–00002 Flea + Tick Spray 045443–00001 Reese Clip-On Young 056485–00001 Dl-1541
034797–00019 Copper Sulfate Root Killer Tree Insulator with In- 057351–20001 Brite 1500
034797–00045 Dionne Insecticide Spray sect Repellent 057476–20001 Aqua Chlor
Concentrate 045600–00018 Insecta Roach Killer 059055–00001 Duozon 100-L
034797–00049 Dionne Insecticide with 045655–00001 High-Po-Chlor Bulk So- 059894–00005 Kwikkill
Resmethrin dium Hypochlorite Solu- 060061–00080 Alumacoat II
034797–00052 Dionne Germicidal Deter- tion 060066–00001 Dr. Dogkatz’s Critter
gent Sanitizer 046028–00008 CMB-2870 Chaser Shampoo
034797–00060 Dionne Horse Wipe E.C.I 046183–00003 Sani Way 75 061282–00032 Hopkins Warfarin Pellets
034797–00061 Dionne Insecticide Spray 046183–00004 Sani-Way 175 Rat and Mouse Killer
Concentrate II 046257–00001 Council-Oxford Soluble 061282–00034 Hopkins Snail and Slug
034797–00064 Dionne General Purpose Spray Oil Pellets containing 2.75%
Residual Spray Insecti- 046781–00009 Diacide Hd Disinfecting Metaldehyde
cide Solution 061282–00035 Hopkins Zinc Phosphide
034797–00068 Qualis Flea and Tick Killer 046851–00011 Prophene Mouse Bait for Control
Carpet Dust 047250–20002 Aquatech Supurr Shock of Mice In Orchards
034797–00069 Qualis Concentrated Chlorinating Solution 061282–00042 Crown ‘‘Pest Rid Brand’’
Pyrethrins 049256–00001 Chlorine Liquified Gas .5% Coated Warfarin
034797–00075 Canine Parvo Virus Dis- Under Pressure Anti-Coagulant Con-
infectant 049517–00008 Oxy Soduim Chlorate centrate
034797–00079 Aqueous Pressurized Technical Grade 061483–00007 Creosote Oil 24 CB
Resmethrin Spray In- 049756–00001 Liquefied Chlorine Gas 061807–00001 Algae Fighter 40
secticide 0.5% Under Pressure 062207–00005 Fox-Chlor Plus
034797–00080 Resmethrin Liquid Insecti- 050096–00001 Wipex 062207–00006 Fox-Chlor
cide Spray 0.5% 050600–00008 Acidize DS-10 062353–00002 Hy-Q-75
034797–20203 Qualis Boric Acid Powder 050675–00008 APM-Rope 062353–00003 Hy-Q-75-SP

VerDate jul<14>2003 15:22 Aug 02, 2005 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03AUN1.SGM 03AUN1
44644 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Notices


Registration Registration Registration
Product Name Product Name Product Name
no. no. no.

062451–00006 Antguard for Irrigation 067760–00027 Nufos 4E-SG 071654–00003 Dupont Formulation A
Systems 067760–00041 Cythion Insecticide RTU 071654–00004 Dupont Formulation B
062644–00001 King Pine Brand Disinfect- 067898–00001 F-105 Cold Plastic Red 071840–00004 Subtilex HB
ant Antifouling Mil-P-19451 071943–00001 Nouguard(tm)
062719–00117 Balan LC 16.3% B 072106–00001 Evergreen Lawn Food with
063243–00005 Bio-Dynamic(r) Residential 067959–00005 Trilin HG Moss Controll12-2-2
Chlorinating Cartridge 068158–00003 Iodine Cartridge Release 072139–00001 Insta-Chlor
063588–00005 Bolero 10G System 072451–00002 Mstrs BHFW
063761–00004 Ultra Kleen Powder for 068329–00007 Alpha 544 072451–00005 Mstrs SS
Dental Water Lines 068329–00008 Alpha 560 072594–00001 Doc’s Clone Gel
064321–00008 Bio Kill Dust Brand Insecti- 068333–00001 Rush Wasp & Hornet Kill- 072662–00001 Prasitex
cide er 072670–00001 Bushwhacker Fire Ant,
064439–00001 Mole-Med 068497–00001 Flea Away Roach, Weevil and Ter-
064439–00003 Mole Med Dry 068506–00001 Uvatek mite Control
064865–00001 Dynogen 068575–00001 Palene 610-C 072874–00003 Towersafe
065359–00002 Ecobrite 1 Ready-To-Use 068719–00003 Vita Grow Concentrated 072874–00004 Surfguard
Fungicide Rooting Compound 073175–00001 Bee-Gone Wasp & Hornet
065434–00001 Equipment Sanitizer 068843–00001 The Flea Terminator II Killer
065458–00004 Bactec Bt 32 069151–00002 Steritech BD-20 073406–00001 New Concept
065481–00001 Hi-Lex 6-40 Disinfectant- 069204–00001 TK-10 073478–00001 Bleach Wipe
Sanitizer 069840–00002 Counter Wipe 073601–00006 Millennium II
065890–00002 Chlorine Liquified Gas 070051–00028 Azatin 4.5WP 073601–00007 Millenium I
Under Pressure 070051–00064 Trident 073683–00001 Kuriverter EC 03
065901–00002 Mineralix Fly Control Tub 070051–00082 Raven 073683–00002 Kurita F-5100
065906–00002 Roach Snax 070051–00094 Lepinox XL of 073882–00001 Acrilan Additive Chi
066190–00001 Plant Pro-Tec (garlic) 070060–00006 Aseptrol WTS-7.05 074160–00001 Targa Biological Larvicide
Units 070060–00018 Aseptrol S2-Tab Wettable Powder
066222–00002 Endosulfan (thionex) 50W 070258–00001 Urnex Sani-Pure Sanitizer 074320–00002 RB-62 Chlor
066222–00031 Cotoran 80w Herbicide & Cleaner 074320–00004 RB-65 Hypo Chlor
066222–00069 Turf! EZ 070341–00001 A-9497b Marketed As Last 074395–00002 Materia Olr Technical
066222–00070 Alachlor Technical Call CM Pheromone
066222–00071 Shroud Herbicide 070341–00002 Last Call OFM 074395–00003 Materia (e)-11-
066222–00078 2,4-DB Acid Technical 070341–00003 Last Call CMH & G Tetradecenyl Acetate
066306–00012 Safari Insect Repellent 070341–00004 Last Call Eucosmak Technical Pheromone
066330–00014 Captan 5 Potato Seed 070371–00001 Yippee Pet Shampoo 074411–00001 Technical Trypsin
Protectant Fungicide 070465–00002 Xbinx 50W Modulatng Oostatic Fac-
066330–00015 Captan 10 Potato Seed 070506–00028 Devrinol 2-E Ornamental tor (tmof)
Protectant Fungicide Selective Herbicide 074413–00001 Xmax Ant Killer Sweet Ant
066330–00019 Isotox Seed Treater (F) 070508–00001 Power Herbal Disinfectant Bait Gel
066330–00021 Captan Moly Soybean 070799–00002 Formula 219 Sure-Kil Se- 074517–00002 Zydox AD 20 31.25
Seed Protectant (2X) lective Weed Killer 074602–00004 Verox-Gfp
066330–00025 Captan 75 Seed Protect- 070799–00003 797-A State Powdered In- 074627–00003 Nab 2.4 ME Insecticide
ant Fungicide secticide 074785–00001 Bio-Plant Products Ant
066330–00030 Captan 75WDG 070799–00004 Formula 297 Algaecide and Roach Protection
066330–00032 Captan Technical 070799–00005 Formula 64-A Vaporcide 074910–20001 Sparkhlor
066330–00034 Captan 90 Dust Base 070799–00006 Formula 410 Algaecide 075174–00001 Sis 7200
066433–00001 Oak Stump Farm Japa- 070799–00011 State Formula 444 Kling 075174–00003 Sis Am 500 I
nese Beetle Lure N’ Kill 075273–00002 Victoria’s Garden Outdoor
066451–00001 Westcide 3096 070852–00001 AGC 0.1 AG Mosquito Coil Set
066544–00001 Promac 2000SB 070852–00002 AGC 0.3 AG 075291–00001 Pure Blue Primo
066544–00004 Promac 2000PB 070852–00003 AGC 0.4 AG 075338–00001 CFT Legumine
066591–00005 Copper-Green Plus Wood 070852–00004 AGC 0.05 AG 075636–00003 Coc-Sil-105
Preservative 070852–00005 WJC 2002 075636–00005 Coc-Sil-02
066777–00001 Gycorine 070933–00001 MLS Fly Control Tub 075636–00010 Type Col-Sil-105
066923–00001 Insecolo 070950–00001 Avachem Sucrose Octa- 075636–00011 Type: Col-Sil-02
067238–00003 Keepout noate Manufacturing 079660–20001 Sodium Hypochlorite 15
067416–00001 Chlorine Liquified Gas Use Product 079660–20002 Sodium Hypochlorite 10
Under Pressure 071082–00001 Unisept 079660–20003 Sodium Hypochlorite 12
067425–00002 Ecopco D Dust Insecticide 071085–00013 Propanil 60 DF 079753–00002 Same Stuff
067425–00004 Ecopco AC Contact Insec- 071253–00001 Bio Bug Insect Repellent 079753–00003 Heavy Stuff
ticide 071258–00001 455 Soluble Oil 080798–00001 Best FX
067503–00004 Smite 25 WP 071280–00001 Cuprous Chloride Tech- 080867–00001 Sweet’n’ Bale
067517–00036 Dual Gard Insecticide Cat- nical
tle Ear Tags 071280–00003 Migratrol R001 IV. Public Docket
067589–20004 Sani-Select Warewash 071280–00005 Root Right Container
Sanitizer 071332–00001 Microsil (models Complete lists of registrations
067760–00004 Cheminova Fyfanon 8EC 7300,7301,7302) canceled for non-payment of the
Insecticide 071332–00002 Microcarb (models maintenance fee will also be available
067760–00016 Fyfanon 25 WP 7500,7501) for reference during normal business

VerDate jul<14>2003 15:22 Aug 02, 2005 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00092 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03AUN1.SGM 03AUN1
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 148 / Wednesday, August 3, 2005 / Notices 44645

hours in the OPP Public Docket, Room ADDRESSES: You may submit your Number of Respondents: 17.
119, Crystal Mall #2, 1801 S. Bell St., Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) Estimated Time Per Response: 48
Arlington VA, and at each EPA Regional comments by email or U.S. postal mail. hour.
Office Product-specific status inquiries To submit you comments by email send Frequency of Response: On occasion
may be made by telephone by calling them to: To submit your reporting requirement.
toll-free 1–800–444–7255. comments by U.S. mail, mark it to the Total Annual Burden: 816 hours.
List of Subjects attention of Judith B. Herman, Federal Annual Cost Burden: N/A.
Communications Commission, 445 12th Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Environmental protection, fees, Street, SW., Room 1-C804, Washington, Needs and Uses: The Commission
pesticides and pests DC 20554. requires Tier 1 Local Exchange Carriers
Dated: July 19, 2005. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For (LECs) to provide expanded
James Jones, additional information about the opportunities for third-party
Director, Office of Pesticide Programs. information collection(s) send an email interconnection with their interstate
to or contact Judith B. special access facilities. The LECs are
[FR Doc. 05–15145 Filed 8–2–05; 8:45 a.m.]
Herman at 202–418–0214. permitted to establish a number of rate
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: zones within study areas in which
OMB Control No.: 3060–0515. expanded interconnection is
Title: Section 43.21(c), Miscellaneous operational. In the Fifth Report and
FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Order in CC Docket No. 96–262, the
COMMISSION Common Carrier Annual Letter Filing
Requirement. Commission allows price cap LECs to
Form No.: N/A. define the scope and number of zones
Notice of Public Information
Type of Review: Extension of a within a study area. These LECs must
Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the
currently approved collection. file and obtain approval of their pricing
Federal Communications Commission
Respondents: Business or other for plans which will be used by FCC staff
for Extension Under Delegated
profit. to ensure that the rates are just,
Number of Respondents: 38. reasonable and nondiscriminatory.
July 22, 2005. Estimated Time Per Response: 1 hour. The Commission is seeking extension
SUMMARY: The Federal Communications Frequency of Response: Annual (no change to this information
Commission, as part of its continuing reporting requirement. collection) in order to obtain the full
effort to reduce paperwork burden Total Annual Burden: 38 hours. three-year clearance from OMB.
invites the general public and other Annual Cost Burden: N/A. OMB Control No.: 3060–0770.
Federal agencies to take this Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A. Title: Price Cap Performance Review
opportunity to comment on the Needs and Uses: Section 43.21(c) for Local Exchange Carriers (LECs), CC
following information collection(s), as requires each miscellaneous common Docket No. 94–1 (New Services).
required by the Paperwork Reduction carrier with operating revenues in Form No.: N/A.
Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13. An excess of the indexed threshold as Type of Review: Extension of a
agency may not conduct or sponsor a defined in 47 CFR Section 32.9000 for currently approved collection.
collection of information unless it a calendar year to file with the Chief, Respondents: Business or other for
displays a currently valid control Wireline Competition Bureau (formerly profit.
number. No person shall be subject to the Common Carrier Bureau) a letter Number of Respondents: 17.
any penalty for failing to comply with showing its operating revenues for that Estimated Time Per Response: 10
a collection of information subject to the year and the value of its total hours.
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that communications plant at the end of that Frequency of Response: On occasion
does not display a valid control number. year. The letter must be filed no later reporting requirement.
Comments are requested concerning (a) than April 1 of the following year. The Total Annual Burden: 170 hours.
whether the proposed collection of information is used by FCC staff Annual Cost Burden: N/A.
information is necessary for the proper members to regulate and monitor the Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
performance of the functions of the telephone industry and by the public to Needs and Uses: In the Fifth Report
Commission, including whether the analyze the industry. The information and Order, the Commission permits
information shall have practical utility; on revenues and total plant is compiled price cap LECs to introduce new
(b) the accuracy of the Commission’s and published in the Commission’s services on a streamlined basis without
burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance annual common carrier statistical prior approval. The Commission
the quality, utility, and clarity of the publication and trends in telephone modified the rules to eliminate the
information collected; and (d) ways to service report. public interest showing required by
minimize the burden of the collection of The Commission is seeking extension Section 69.4(g) and to eliminate the new
information on the respondents, (no change to this information services test (except in the case of loop-
including the use of automated collection) in order to obtain the full based new services) required under
collection techniques or other forms of three-year clearance from OMB. Sections 61.49(f) and (g). These
information technology. OMB Control No.: 3060–0526. modifications eliminated the delays that
DATES: Persons wishing to comment on Title: Density Pricing Zone Plans, existed for the introduction of new
this information collection should Expanded Interconnection with Local services as well as to encourage efficient
submit comments October 3, 2005. If Telephone Company Facilities, CC investment and innovation.
you anticipate that you will be Docket No. 91–141. The Commission no longer requires
submitting comments, but find it Form No.: N/A. an incumbent LEC to introduce a new
difficult to do so within the period of Type of Review: Extension of a service by filing a waiver under Part 69
time allowed by this notice, you should currently approved collection. of the Commission’s rules. Instead,
advise the contact listed below as soon Respondents: Business or other for incumbent LECs are allowed to file a
as possible. profit. petition for the new service based on a

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