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The continuing journey...praise reports.

March 15, 2010

Dear Family and Friends,  We were given funds to financially covered by

catch up our storage fee other families and we are
Five days until Spring offi-
for January & February. truly grateful!
cially begins yet we are al-
ready experiencing beautiful We were close to losing
Spring weather! We are so all of our things in stor-  Dana was blessed with a
thankful! Much of the snow age so we’re so grateful new robe from one friend
has melted away and we are for God’s provision. asked to do so by the Lord
even out at our picnic table as and a box of incredible
we write this enjoying the  We traded our ‘01 Hyun- gifts from another friend
beautiful sunshine that God dai Santa Fe for an ‘03 who was told to do so by
has provided for us. Yeah Pontiac Montana Van the Lord. Dana felt very
Jesus! with a 3 month warranty blessed by the blessings of
for only $700 more . the Lord!
 Moving what we know Most of this money was
The Forceformation

already supplied and paid Our cell phone has been

from our mind down to
believing it in our heart, off. We still owe on the covered for the fee each
can be so hard to do. Santa Fe so we are grate- month. It is our only com-
When we believe the ful to not have two car munication from our cot-
truth that God speaks, it payments for one vehicle. tage so we are truly thank-
changes us forever! We We now have enough ful for this provision!
see in Proverbs “ As a seats for when the baby
man thinks in his heart, arrives! Praise God!  Friends offered us the use
so is he.” John says of their washer/dryer. This
“ You shall know the  Our church blessed us is not small. Thanks God!
truth and the truth shall with the $250 we needed
set you free.” It’s no to pay for the ultrasound  We were also given a baby
different with that Dana’s Dr. required crib, swing, infant car seat
“provision”, we honor her to have this month. and stroller as well as other
our Father for what He Blood work and dr. ap- baby items. God provides
has done lately. pointments were also even for babies! Yay God!

“As the Seasons Change...So Do Areas of Focus”

You know change is a funny thing. So often we fight it. Yet, it is the ONE thing that needs to happen in
order to propel us forward.
Speaking of change we are in an interesting time of many changes up here.
With the ending of the course and the transitioning out of our time at the food bank in a nearby town we
have been asking the Lord for what comes next.
The pastor of our home church, with whom we are also accountable, has asked Rory to concentrate on
getting the repackaging of the finished “Foundations” course completed. With this being done the hope and
goal is to then be able to start making this material available to the churches in the area. Another goal that
this then brings into line is the Purity seminar that we have been preparing for - bit by bit. Our pastor is
also encouraging this and has done much to help Rory where he has needed it in this regard.
Another area that we are experiencing changes is on the variety of one on one mentoring opportunities. The
needs and topics of interaction are varied and are as different as there are people. One of our favorite inter-
actions is when people come to pursue their faith in a deeper way, without waiting for a life situation to
force them into pursuing God harder.
Still another new focus that the church leadership has asked of us is in the area of worship as they are seek-
ing to broaden the worship resource within the church. This worship reality is exciting as new dreams are
coming for worship in our home church body and elsewhere. We also feel that the Lord has put on our
hearts other artistic expression in the area of drama. This is a powerful resource, whether it be to add visual
weight to a message preached or to bypass heart walls in outreach.
We have many things to consider and hear Jesus on to do with some of these goals. So we would appreciate
your prayers. Sometimes a new work can feel a little like the tossing sea. However, like Peter, we seek to
hear the Lord say “come.” Our heart’s desire is to please Him and to keep our focus on His face, never
minding the “rolling waves.”
To support us financially you may con- Iron is to sharpen iron … so, within relationship, let’s dig a little...for the glory of God.
tribute to the NEW mailing address be-
Last letter we referenced Andrew Murray’s book “Absolute Surrender.” This time we are taking
low or through PayPal (with your PayPal
it a step further.
acct send it to lovetoworshi- for convenience. We know the phrase “talk is cheap”. Matthew 15 & Isaiah 29 both talk of people being close to
Please also notify us informing of your the Lord only with their lips. James 2 and Matthew 7 corroborate this linking living faith with
commitment of faithful prayer, support actions & lived out proof. James 1 also talks on this and reminds us that if we read or hear only
and or need of information on our work, the word of God and yet don’t do what it says we are like a man who forgets what He looks like
at the email or mailing address below. after leaving the mirror. Tragic and pointed we are supposed to bear the image of God. John 15
says we glorify God with bearing fruit. We must ask ourselves this - is the fruit of our surrender
Now, for Canadian donors wanting a tax
on our lips or in our lives..? In thinking through this … please… consider Matt. 25:14– 30.
receipt, please make checks out to “New
Hope Fellowship” and attach a note des- Here’s some family needs. Please prayerfully help us as we help those - so dear to the Lord.
ignating the monies for us. Thank you.
Rory and Dana Force Some of our present needs:
a.) March storage payment( $200)
RR #1, 1071 Hwy 592 b) Car payment ($220 plus the last $160 to finish off the trade on the new van = $380)
Emsdale, ON P0A 1J0 c.)Phone ($50)
Canada d.)Doctor appointment twice this month ($34 each = $68)
e.)Monthly living costs for food, rent, storage, gas and insurance as well as tithe to name a few.
Family … friends, our monthly living needs are $3000, yet, our current financial incoming is
“To look like Jesus, in order to honor the Fa- about $2000 short of what we are needing.
ther , but only through God’s life changing Please pray for favor with the government for Dana’s immigration process. This is needed
Word and by His Spirit’s power!” A.S.A.P. for Dana’s health coverage for the birth.
Please also pray that we’d be able to keep on making the most of opportunities while keeping
Please pray for and consider the following needs.: grounded in the value of family and the absolute life blood of our First Love - prioritizing our
 We are still needing prayer supporters - we are hidden life and the intimacy of the “secret place.”
working on the front lines here in the north.
Join us on your knees, with your resources and in ministry relationship. Let’s lose what we
 Housing needs for the spring and storage items
covet though we cannot keep it - in order to keep what we can’t afford to lose - our LOVER’S
brought up from CA.
good pleasure in our exclusive and implicit surrender and selfless love for Him and each other!
 Needing wisdom for who to ask to care for the
kids when Dana gives birth. As well as we have Every prayer and resource is needed and appreciated regardless of its size or frequency. We
a real need for God’s best in some regular baby- greatly appreciate your help! Please, do ask the Lord to guide your involvement with us.
sitters as we do not have any yet. As you stand before Him, looking into His eyes - you’ll never regret it.

What’s Been Happening in Canada?

 Dana has been blessed to be going to the  Since our last letter Rory had the sweet cally available, as well as stream-lining
the presentation so that he may also teach
intercession group on Monday nights. sorrow of finishing the Foundations
it elsewhere. Lastly, the plan is to also
This is an area of passion for Dana and it Course and its’ celebration party. There
mentor up another teacher for the course,
is so fun to see God move the interces- was a lot of good fruit and feedback from
with a teachers’ manual.
sion team in how to pray for the church the course. During the party, the course
and the community. God has worked participants all shared with each other,
through spiritual warfare, lifting up needs Rory and the head pastor what the Lord
 A new project that is being worked on is
of others, praying for our leaders, etc. It did with them during the course. One “The Purity Seminar.” Our heart is to
is something she hopes to be part of even person said they realized the importance make this available for whomever purity
after the baby arrives. of being able to answer accurately and is a relevant reality. So truthfully our
boldly share their faith with confidence goal is to offer it to the body of Christ at
large and certainly in the neighboring
 The ultrasound was a lot of fun to get to as well as having a deeper respect for
communities. This is an equipping track
do. We had waited for so long for this their salvation. Another person shared
the importance of “digging in” to the to teach, exhort, encourage and train
moment and it finally came. The baby is
truth and how that has left him forever people for lived out purity. Please pray
so beautiful! We both felt that the Lord
changed. Yet another said that they for us as we seek to give God’s
asked us to wait to find out the sex of the
received answers on some questions that words...not ours.
baby. Eight weeks to go!
had been left hanging in their Christian-
ity. A fourth person shared how their  Dana has been seeking after workers for
pre-conceived ideas and the “culture of the kids’ ministry for months now. She is
their faith” had been challenged toward a so thankful that our pastor exhorted the
more biblical foundation. Even Rory church to support Dana, as the baby is
shared “ the Lord loved me enough to coming soon and Dana won’t be able to
wreck me so beautifully in the making be as hands on as of the arrival of our
and teaching of this course.” new treasure. At least 10 different indi-
viduals stepped up to the plate and we
 As mentioned before, Rory now is re- are in the midst of getting them started
packaging the finished foundations and set up to be a part of the children’s
course. The focus being to make it publi- Sunday School program!

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