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Carlos: Hi, Chyarele. How are you?

Chyarele: Hello, Carlos! Im fine, thank you. And you?
Carlos: Im very well, thanks.
Chyarele: Where are you from?
Carlos: Im from Natal. And you?
Chyarele: Im from Natal, too.
Carlos: How old are you?
Chyarele: Im twenty-two years old. Im a teenager. And you?
Carlos: Im forty-five years old. Im a teenager too.
Chyarele: How do you spell your last name?
Carlos: C-A-V-A-L-C-A-N-T-I. My last name is Cavalcanti.
Carlos: How do you spell your first name?
Chyarele: C-H-Y-A-R-E-L-E.
Chyarele: Carlos, I hear you have a new job.
Carlos: I do. I am a civil servant. I work for the government.
Chyarele: What do you do in your new position?
Carlos: I file income tax records, make phone calls, and hear lots of complaints.
Chyarele: Do you work all day?
Carlos: No, only in the afternoons. In the mornings I work out.
Chyarele: Every morning?
Carlos: For the most part. Almost every morning I wake up early, have breakfast, work
out for two hours, and do my personal care routine to get ready for work.
Chyarele: Do you eat lunch at home?
Carlos: No, I eat at a restaurant near the government office.
Carlos: What about you, Chyarele? What do you do?
Chyarele: Im a judge. I work at the courthouse.
Carlos: Do you send many criminals to prison?
Chyarele: Yes, I do. As a judge, I am in charge of trials. I listen to people and their
lawyers, and I make decisions. These decisions are sometimes very difficult.
Chyarele: What place do you visited, Carlos?
Carlos: Well, I visited San Antonio, Texas, this year In May. There is a purple house.
This house is the home of Sandra Cisneros. Ms. Cisneros is a Mexican American
writer. She is famous for the interesting stories. The house has a porch with a pink floor.
The rooms are green, pink, and purple. There are many books and colorful paintings.
Many other houses near Ms. Cisneross house are white or beige, so her house is very

Chyarele: Wow, thats good!

Carlos: Tell me about your brother and sister, Chyarele.
Chyarele: Well, my sister is a lawyer.
Carlos: Really? You are a judge and your sister a lawyer, cool! Does she live here in
Chyarele: Yes, she does. But shes working in Parnamirim, right now.
Carlos: Very good! And what does your brother do?
Chyarele: Hes a painter. Hes working in Argentina this month. He has an exhibition
Chyarele: Do you have a brother or sister, Carlos.
Carlos: I have a brother.
Chyarele: Hmm, what does your brother do?
Carlos: Jackson is a zookeeper at the San Diego Zoo. His day starts early in the
morning and ends late in the afternoon. At seven oclock in the morning (7:00 am), he
feeds the elephants. They are fat and heavy. They like to play in the water and eat grass.
Then, at half past eight (8:30 am), Jackson gives the bears fish and fruit. There is
one animal that doesnt need help: the giraffes. They have long necks, so they can reach
leaves from the top of tall trees. The lions are the main attraction. They are meat eaters,
so Jackson is careful not to fall into their cage!
At noon (12 pm), it is Jacksons turn to eat. At a quarter past one (1:15 pm), he
cleans the cages. Jacksons day is over at a quarter to six (5:45 pm), and he goes home
to rest for the evenings.
Chyarele: Wow. Interesting.
Carlos: Yes! Thats good. Well, I have to go. See you later.
Chyarle: See you later, Carlos.

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