Recent Figures Show An Increase in Violent Crime Among Youngsters Under The Age of 11

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Recent figures show an increase in violent crime among youngsters under the age

of 18. Some psychologists claim that the basic reason for this is that children
these days are not getting the social and emotional learning they need from
parents and teachers.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge
or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.
Sample Answer 1:
It appears that the youth crime rate in the modern world is increasing at an alarming rate.
Although there may be many factors causing this issue, it is perceivable that the absence of
suitable education provided by parents and teachers are the major problems behind this
circumstance. This position will thus be analysed in the following paragraphs, supported by
relevant examples.
Firstly, parents' increasing occupational commitments have limited their opportunities to educate
children on moral qualities. The current economic condition of the contemporary society requires
parents to spend more time at work. This has consequently created fewer interactions between
children and parents, precluding youngsters from learning basic emotional aspects such as love
and affection from adults. An exemplary case can be seen from my cousin, who barely gets a
chance to learn about a specific manner to talk to strangers or elderly people. Hence, it seems
that such reality has disabled him to possess an ethical mindset, which might case behavioural
problems outside home in the future.
Secondly, the modern education system enforces students to obtain tangible achievements, rather
than ethical perspectives. For instance, there was a girl in my high school who performed well
academically. Although she frequently offended other classmates' feelings with foul words, she
was continuously favoured by teachers because of her good grades. It is personally felt that such
an inappropriate teaching motives of the teachers have left many students to focus on achieving
material accomplishments, regardless of how badly one behaves.
In conclusion, the two aforementioned ideas clearly encapsulate how the lack of solid and ethical
supervisions by adults leaves children to develop problematic thoughts and behaviour.
[ by - Aqeela]
Sample Answer 2:
The 21st century has witnessed a sudden and consistent surge of criminal offences including
physical, social and cyber-crimes by people, especially by youngsters who are under the age of
18 years. This incidence is not attributed to a particular gender or religion and this is undoubtedly
alarming for the social harmony across the globe.

Many people, social activists including psychologists suggest that, these behavioral tragedies
happen due to the lack of attention to the children from their parents and teachers. In my opinion,
though the above said context is true and significant, there are obviously a number of other
reasons contributing to it.
Nowadays, people have hectic lifestyle that they are engaged mostly to professional life and
hence there is little room for family life and recreation. Compared to ancient days, family get
together and involvement among family members are often seen rarely. Therefore children who
are students, normally enjoy their freedom than they deserve and they are not given enough
counselling in order to make them able to choose what's best for them. Teachers are also majorly
looking at the academic performances rather than social and emotional development.
On the other hand, there are so many other factors which could actually made the scenario worse.
The use of cyber world, the addiction to online social media are arguably some of them. This
enables pupils to experiment new things which were normally entitled to only adolescents in the
early generation. Students and youngsters are also being influenced by the violent games and
negative role plays in the movies. Moreover, the availability of drugs and narcotic materials have
made the situation dangerous. For example, reports suggest that in India, the use of euphoric
substances such as Marijuana has inclined leading to the rise in number of registered police
cases. The lack of education to parents regarding all these topics are also a contributing factor.
In a nutshell. I certainly believe that day by day more youngsters are engaged in anti-social
activities and this can only be prevented by a systematic approach by both parents and by the
[ by - Anoop Veliyath ]
Sample Answer 3:
In the prevailing scenario, crimes are drastically increased all over the world, this is due to
people valued for money rather than the values and relations. According to me, youngsters are
not getting enough support from their parents as well as from the teachers, whereas some
adolescents attracted to the bad habits through their friends.
To begin with, in this contemporary world, both the parents need to work to get an economical
status in the society. So, they don't have time to check and teach their kids how to behave in the
society. For instance, in the US, most of the people are doing jobs by leaving their children in the
baby care centres and they don't have time to spend with them. Because of that absurd
behaviours can be observed among teens and they don't understand the moral values.
Moreover, teachers role is very important in a child's life. They are the key persons in building a
society. But nowadays, they are merely teaching the subjects like Mathematics, science and
languages. They have to teach not only academic lessons which are useful for the future career of
students but also the social and emotional qualities need to improve in a child. For example, in
the developed countries, children are not respecting their teachers. I recently read news article
about a child; the child went to school with a gun and shoot couple of his classmates and a

teacher and then he Shoot himself and died.

However, adolescents also are getting attracted to their friends without any knowledge of the
moral values. They don't understand what is right and what is wrong. So, they are getting
addicted to bad habits like drugs, smoking and spoiling their lives. In fact, during my secondary
education, a person had a habit of smoking, and he encouraged other persons and some people
learnt that habit. Some times without their knowledge they get addicted to other people's bad
In conclusion, children need to get an emotional bond with the parents. In my opinion, grownups
should have the social values from their parents and teachers, however, sometimes, they need to
know on their own to make decisions.
[ Written by - Navya Karnati ]
Sample Answer 4:
Todays society has been pressured into resolving numerous tough and sensitive issues that have
become stronger and negatively affected to all people, especially the young generations who are
living in the information and digital age without necessary control and permissions from their
parents and teachers. Its undeniable that families and schools play paramount roles in children
development in their personalities and psychology, which forces the under 18-year-old to walk
on the criminal road unless having it. Nevertheless, a host of considerable reasons in relation to
the constantly changing society, technology and education system is also regarded as the big
contribution to the climb in young criminals.
Family is commonly considered as the most influential element on how a child is nourished and
able to develop his characteristics in the future. However, there are more and more unexpectedly
detrimental factors including parents-related relationship problems, unbeatably attractive modern
gadgets and the hustle and bustle of the 21st century lifestyles, which results in parents less
concentration and proper education on their children.
Additionally, the significantly increasing pressure on exam results stemming from the peers and
the teachers at schools has been occupying most of attention rather than emotional and
psychological cares for the students. Children under the age of 18 in this century are really facing
a wide variety of social and emotional problems than their early counterparts, but it seems that
they are standing alone against to most of the negative impacts from the exam-oriented education
system, the serious lack of teachers instructions and orientation on personal development.
In conclusion, the rapid advancements of technology, the continuously changing living styles and
the education systems discouraging individual and moral development together with deficiency
in parents and teachers social and emotional teaching have been becoming some of the most
concerned causes which lead the youngsters to be more violent and become criminals in the near

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