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Which of the following indicates the reason why Iraq was known as the
Republic of Fear?
a. Because the people did not know democracy.
b. Because Iraq has been colonize more than once.
c. Because the people had different political beliefs.
d. Because Iraqs military group was the strongest social group.
Answer: D
2. In 16th century, the Europeans started to colonize and imperialize South and
West Asia. What was the main reason why the Europeans seek to find a new
route to Asia?
a. To record important events.
b. To discover different cultures.
c. To examine the political system of different countries in Asia.
d. To find the fastest way to travel from Europe to Asia and avoid the
payment of tariffs.
Answer: D.
3. The following statements supports the belief of the Sumerians about
polytheism except
a. They believed in different Gods.
b. They believed that there was only one God.
c. They believed that the Gods choose their ruler.
d. They believed that the Gods protected their city.
Answer: B.
4. Hammurabis Code of ancient Mesopotamian society was important because
a. Explained how government officials were chosen.
b. Listed the laws and the corresponding punishments.
c. Established a single currency for use across the empire.
d. Described how to perform formal religious ceremonies.
Answer: B.
5. Which of the following statements accurately supports the Hindu caste
system in India?
a. Castes were encouraged to interact with one another.
b. Foreigners were treated as members of the lowest caste.
c. Different castes shared the same rules for governing their behaviour.
d. People were required to stay in the same caste to which they were
Answer: D.

6. Confucius introduced Confucianism throughout China. What was the main

reason why the Chinese people turned to the teachings of Confucius?
a. Because it created democratic institutions.
b. Because it unified the Chinese against foreign enemies
c. Because his ideas were thought to help restore order in China.
d. Because it stopped the Chinese people from converting to Islam.
Answer: C.
7. In the 700s A.D., Arabian merchants played an important role in
a. Uniting most of Asia and Europe under a single religion.
b. Converting large numbers of Western Europeans to Islam
c. Spreading new technology among Asia, Africa, and Europe.
d. Stopping the invasions of nomadic people from Central Asia.
Answer: C.
8. Based on these statements, which conclusion can best be drawn about the
creation of the Great Wall of China?
a. It was built to help unify the country.
b. It was built to show off the power of China.
c. It was built to add a new tourist attraction to China.
d. It was built to protect the empire from nomadic tribes.
Answer: D.
9. Mohammed insisted that the men and women should follow the way of Allah.
Which of the following statements is not a part of the Five pillars of Islam?
a. They should be generous to the poor.
b. The believers must face the holy city and pray at least five times a day.
c. The believers should not eat or drink between sunrise and sunset even
if its not Ramadan.
d. They are expected to make at least one pilgrimage to the holy city of
Mecca if they can afford to do so.
Answer: C.
10.During WW II, Almost 6 million Jews were exterminated by Nazi Germany. This
crucial genocide of the Jews was mainly due to Nazi Germanys belief that
a. The Jews were useless.
b. The Jews were a threat.
c. The Jews were unworthy.
d. The Jews were their greatest enemy.
Answer: D.

11.Which statement identifies the outcome of the Democratization of Japan?

a. The military ruled the country
b. The emperor was considered as God.
c. The women werent given equal rights as men.
d. The emperor lost his God status and consented to be a mere mortal.
Answer: D.
12.During Mao Zedongs reign, he made a desperate effort to transform China
into over 25,000 self-sustaining economic units. What was the best effect of
the success of this movement?
a. It gave power to the country.
b. It reduced the poverty in China.
c. It served as a new way for trade.
d. It developed Mao Zedongs reign.
Answer: B.
13.Based from the stories of Marco Polo, the Europeans were encouraged to
a. Abandon the feudal land system
b. Travel to Asia in search of wealth.
c. Isolate themselves from foreigners.
d. Launch the Crusades against Muslims
Answer: B.

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