Hu Vita 2009

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Yueqin Hu

Room 3051, Building 45

Peking University
Beijing, China, 100871

(Tel) 86-10-52768177

Educational background

M.S. Psychology, Peking University, in progress

GPA=3.81. Educational highlights: Psychological Research Methods, Literature Reading
and Discussion, Advanced Statistics, etc.
B.S. Psychology, Peking University, 2006
GPA=3.74, rank=2/35. General Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Psychological
Statistics, Cognitive Psychology, Psychometrics, SPSS, etc.
B.A. Economics (double degree), Peking University, 2006
GPA=3.76. Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, etc.


2008: Daideliangxing Scholarship, First Prize
2007: Yang-Wang Scholarship, First Prize
2004: Guanghua Scholarship, Second Prize
2003: Guanghua Scholarship, Second Prize
2008: Excellent Volunteer, awarded by the Beijing Olympic Committee
2008: Excellent Student Cadre, awarded by the Psychology department
2006: Excellent Student Assistant, awarded by the Student Career Center
2005: Excellent League member, awarded by the Psychology department

Academic experience

2008.12008.6, carried on independent research on Gratitude

Used experimental design, two-level (situational and individual) mediating model
conducted by Mplus, and cross-validation approach to test the mediating effect of
intention inference in the generation of gratitude
2007.92007.11, assisted my tutor to complete the statistic part of a national project on the
long term effect of Cognitive Remediation Therapy on recovery of mental patients
My work: wrote proposal, longitudinal analysis (time series analysis, HLM, deal with
missing data, etc.), and wrote project report
2007.82007.8, completed credit for Hierarchical Linear Model summer course
University of Michigan-Peking University Joint Institute, Prof. Stephen Raudenbush
2007.42007.12, implemented a project on Resilience
Funded by Youth Development Research Center of PKU-Hong Kong Federation of
Youth Groups, aimed to develop a resilience scale for Chinese adolescents
My work: took charge of the whole project, including planning, case interview, item
development, data analysis (item discrimination, EFA, CFA), and writing report

Based on this project, I wrote an abstract accepted by a national psychology conference,

and a research paper accepted by the top psychology journal in China
2007.12007.3, translated the book SPSS for Windows into Chinese version
One of the two translators, completed half of the translation work
Acquired a thorough and systematic understanding of SPSS
2006.92007.5, carried on independent research on Proactive Coping
SEM (conducted by Lisrel) was used to prove the mediating effect of proactive coping
on job seeking, and distinguish proactive coping from preventive coping

Working experience

Teaching Assistant
2008.22008.6, Advanced Statistics, for psychology graduates
2007.92008.1, Psychological Statistics, for double degree undergraduates
2007.22007.6, Psychological Statistics, for psychology undergraduates
Part-time Teacher
2008.8Present, Psychological Statistics, for 180 part-time students in PKU
2006.92006.12, Environmental Psychology, for 30 students in voluntary college
Student Assistant
2007.92008.6, served in the Guidance Section of Psychology department
2006.9present, served in the PKU Student Career Center
Volunteer Work
2008.8, spectator services team leader in the Birds Nest, 2008 Olympic Games
2005.92006.12, receptionist in the PKU Psychological Counseling Center

Publications & Papers under review

Hu, Y., & Gan, Y. (2008). Development and psychometric validity of the resilience scale for
Chinese adolescents (in Chinese). Acta Psychologica Sinica, 40(8): 902-912.
Hu, Y., Gan, Y., & Liu, Y. Interaction between cognitive factors leading to our emotion of
gratitude: the mediation effect of helpers intention. Submitted to Cognition & Emotion.
Hu, Y., & Gan, Y. Future-oriented coping and job-seeking among Chinese university
graduates. Submitted to Personality and Individual differences.
Gan, Y., Xi, Z., Hu, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2007). A new component of core self-evaluation in
predicting burnout: collective self-esteem (in Chinese). Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis
Pekinensis, 43(5): 716-722.
Gan Y., Hu, Y. & Zhang, Y. Future-Oriented Coping and Freshmen Adjustment. Submitted
to Anxiety, Stress, and Coping.
George, D., & Paul Mallery, P. SPSS for Windows Step-by-Step. Translated by Hu, Y., & Shang,
J. (2009). Beijing: World Publication Company.

Interests & Skills

Language: Chinese and English

Statistic skill: SPSS, Lisrel, Mplus, HLM
Personality: Honest, devoted, agreeable, graceful under stress
Hobbies: Painting, collecting jokes

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