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Complete report of general biology with title “Respiration”, created by :

Name : Ummi Qalsum
Reg. Number : 091204174
Class : B (ICP)
Departement : Physics
Group : V (Five)
After checked by Assistant and Assistant Coordinator, so this is report accepted.

Makassar, December 2009

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

(Djumarirmanto, S.Pd) (Nirma Arsyad)


Known By
Lecturer of Responsibility

(Ir. Muh. Wiharto, M.Si)

NIP.132 006 81

A. Background
Respiration is a process of releasing the energy stored in the source
material through a chemical process using oxygen. Of respiration will be produced
chemical energy of ATP for the activity of life, such as the synthesis of (anabolisme),
motion, growth.
Respiration in Glucose, a simple reaction:
C6H1206 + 6H2O + 6CO2 + energy
In animal respiration vetebrata land, withdrawals and expenditures
occurred in the air respirasinya mechanism. The composition of the inhaled air can
be considered equal to the atmosphere outside the body, while the air is expelled
from the lungs contain more CO2. With a simple way, can be determined that the
content of CO2 in the air dikeluarkan.dari lungs is higher than the air diatmosfir.
Respiration rate of animals is strongly influenced by animal activity was at the time
of measurement. More and more and more rapid movement, the higher the rate of
Other factors that will influence their animal respiration is the ambient
temperature. The influence of this temperature difference, for warm-blooded animals
will give different responses when compared with cold-blooded animals. This
pratikum pda you will take measurements Laja animal respiration, using
Respirometer scholander model. This tool is used to measure respiration baiak warm-
blooded animals as well as cold-blooded ukuranya if not too large. Vetebrata animals
that can be measured only respirasinya is sized to 10 grams.
B. Experiment’s Purpose
1. Proving that living organisms require oxygen for respiration
2. Comparing the oxygen needs of some organisms by type and size of his
body weight.
3. Experiment’s Benefit
1. Students can learn that living organisms require oxygen for respiration
2. Students can make comparisons oxygen needs some organisms
according to type and size of his body weight

Insects are animals that do not have terestial lungs but using tracheal system
for gas exchange. The skin on insects located on each side of the thorax and
abdomen, has sederatan lungs or spirakel also called, is composed of each segment
and connected with a channel system is protected spirakel tracheal valve or hair to
prevent excessive evaporation through these pores. The trachea is composed
regularly, some running longitudinally and partly tranpersal. Large tracheal diameter
is around 1mm and always open with spiral thickening and circular, is formed from a
hard khitin, is a substance that also occurs in the cuticle (Goenarso Darmadi, 2005).
The trachea is invaginasi (grooves into) from the ectoderm and generally
have a hole out called spirakel. Shape of a cylindrical vessel with a layer of chitin
(chitin). This chitin layer has thickened like a spiral. Spirakel a pair of each segment
of the body sometimes has a valve to keep the evaporation of water. The trachea has
branches and branches that penetrate the smallest network diameter trakeolus called
1-24. Trakeolus do not have chitin layer and formed by cells called trakeoblas,
trakeolus in insects dead ends and filled with air or sometimes filled with fluid
(Djamhur Winatasasmita, 1985).
Resuscitation of the trachea in insects, udar in and out through a hole called
spirakel wrinkle or stigma that is located on either side of her body. Of the stigma of
air into the vessel continued trachea and partially extends into the fine air sacs into
the whole body tissue. In the tracheal system is transporting oxygen and carbon
dioxide does not require the help of transportation, especially the blood system.
(Cartono, 2005).
Function spirakel and trachea to allow passage of air kepercabangan called
trakeol channels, which are intracellular channels soft with a diameter of about 1μm.
The numbers are very numerous and in various tissues, especially muscle. Unlike the
trakease, soft channels are not coated with cuticle, gas exchange occurs easily
through the walls of this channel. Respiratory system in insects through a number of
branching airways in the tracheal system. Oxygen is taken directly to the network, so
it is not carried through the bloodstream. Distribution of oxygen and carbon dioxide
spending is not done through the circulation system. In most insects by diffusion
alone is adequate, therefore the body of insects in general small berukurab. In some
species of this diffusion ritmiks assisted thoracic movement atauabdomen. The way
the air flow (ventilsi) such that, on the locust spirakel alternately opened and closed,
so that air can enter the body through the thorax and spirakel out spirakel body
through the abdomen. In addition to controlling the rate of insect entry of oxygen
into the network. If an increase in muscle (in flight) will occur lactic acid
accumulation in the network. As a result the osmotic pressure of tissue fluid
increases so that the liquid is absorbed into trakeol, so that the airway more freely
reach the network and the diffusion of oxygen into the network faster (Goenarso
Darmadi et al, 2005).
There are three phases of respiratory movements of insects, namely:
• Inspiration is less ¼ seconds, at the beginning of inspiration spirakel valve open
• Phase exchange for 1 second, both spirakel in thoracic or abdominal close
• Phase ekspirase, and the abdomen opened spirakel
Udar entered from the tracheal system in the face of inspiration and moved to the
back during the gas exchange phase and the phase-out of the 3 air spirakel posterior
part. Opening and closing spirakel controlled by the nervous system. (Djamhur
Winatasasmita, 1985)
Tracheal system serves to carry O2 and passing it around the whole body and
vice versa transporting CO2 to dikelurkan respiration results from the body. So the
blood of insects serve only to carry nutrients and not to transport respiratory gases.
At the end there is liquid so trakeolus air diffuses into the network easily. In
mosquito larvae of water insects in the air obtained with breathing tubes extended
water surface to take air, a certain water insect has air bubbles in the hair-like organs
on the ventral surface. During the dive, the bubble karbondiksida system moved
through the trachea to the respiratory cells. Also adapula air capture insects melelui
branches should be similar next gills of this delicate branch of oxygen circulate
through the vessels in the trachea.)(Anonim, 2009).
One of the factors that support a high metabolic rate, is that muscle cells are
packed with mitochondria fly and pipe trake have sufficient oxygen for each of the
organelles that generate ATP is (Campbell, 2004)
Features and Functions of a Respirometer
What is Respirometer
A respirometer is a device used to measure the rate of respiration of a living
organism by measuring its rate of exchange of oxygen and/or carbon dioxide. They
allow investigation into how factors such as age, chemicals or the effect of light
affect the rate of respiration. Respirometers are designed to measure respiration
either on the level of a whole animal (plant) or on the cellular level. These fields are
covered by whole animal and cellular (or mitochondrial) respirometry, respectively
(Anonim, 2009).
How the Respirometer Works
When the tip of the respirometer is submerged, no additional air will enter.
As O2 is used up, the pressure of gases inside the respirometer decreases. This causes
water to enter the pipette. The CO2 that is produced combines with KOH to form a
solid precipitate, K2CO3. Notice that as the gas volume inside the vial decreases, the
pressure of water outside the vial forces water into the pipette. Because the amount
of water that enters the pipette is directly proportional to the amount of oxygen
consumed by the cricket, measuring the water volume in the pipette allows you to
measure the rate of respiration (Anonim, 2009).
How to Read a Pipette
Water in a pipette adheres to the side of the tube and forms a curved surface
called a meniscus. By common practice, all readings are made at the bottom of the
meniscus. The units for this pipette are milliliters (ml).
(Anonim, 2009).

A. Place and Date

This experiment’s is done at:
Day and Date : Wednesday, December 23th 2009
Time : at 13.30-15.00
Place : Laboratory of Biology
Faculty Mathematis and Science
Makassar State University
(at the 2nd east floor part)
B. Tools and Materials
1. Tools
a) Simple Respirometer
b) Small pipette
c) Stopwatch / Clock Hand
d) Balance
2. Materials
a) Cotton
b) Vaseline
c) Kristal KOH
d) Eosin solution
e) Some Types of Small Animals as Cockroaches and
C. Work Procedure

Eosin Solution
1) Provide tools Respirometer, by first entering KOH crystals that
have been wrapped in cotton wool into the neck tube Respirometer
2) Taking 2 different tail size cockroaches, and then weighed using
the balance sheet
3) Entering the first cockroach in Respirometer, then closed and
placed into the back support
4) Apply Vaseline in connection with the closing Respirometer tube
to prevent any leakage
5) Eosin solution dripping on the tip of a glass pipe on the right scale
scale 0 ml
6) Eosin shift observed along the glass scale pipeline, and then record
the distance scale ranging from 0-5 minutes
7) Observations until Eosin arrived on a scale of 1 ml of Eosin
solution or does not move anymore.
8) 1-7 activities for animals of different sizes and animals the same
size but different types

A. Observation Result
From the experiment, we can get the result such as :

a. Observation Table

Material I: Cockroaches
No. Minute n- Scala
1 1 minute 0,24 ml
2 2 minutes 0,47 ml
3 3 minutes 0,64 ml

Material II: Cockroaches

No. Minute n- Scala
1 1 minute 0,49 ml
2 2 minutes 0,81 ml
3 3 minutes 1,30 ml

Material III: Grasshopper

No. Minute n- Scala
1 1 minute 0,18 ml
2 2 minutes 0,31 ml
3 3 minutes 0,40 ml

Material IV: Grasshopper

No. Minute n- Scala
1 1 minute 0,09 ml
2 2 minutes 0,17 ml
3 3 minutes 0,22 ml
B. Discussion

1) 1st Material (Cockroaches)

For cockroach with a mass 0.8 grams, after the first minute or 60 seconds, the
scale indicated by the Eosin is that the speed of 0.24 ml of respiration cockroach
0.0040 ml / s, after the second minute, or 120 seconds, the scale is indicated by
Eosin So that the speed of 0.47 ml of respiration cockroach 0.0039 ml / s, after
three minutes or 180 seconds, the scale indicated by Eosin is that the speed of
0.64 ml of respiration cockroach 0.0036 ml / s. The average speed of respiration
to cockroaches is 0.0038 ml / s.

2) 2nd Material (Cockroaches)

For cockroach with a mass 0.6 grams, after the first minute or 60 seconds, the
scale indicated by the Eosin is that the speed of 0.49 ml of respiration cockroach
0.0082 ml / s, after the second minute, or 120 seconds, the scale indicated by
Eosin was 0.81 ml so that the speed of respiration cockroach 0.0068 ml / s, after
three minutes or 180 seconds, the scale indicated by the Eosin is that the speed of
1.30 ml of respiration cockroach 0.0072 ml / s. The average speed of respiration to
cockroaches is 0.0074 ml / s.

3) 3rd Material (Grasshopper)

Grasshopper with a mass to 0.8 gram, after the first minute or 60 seconds, the
scale indicated by the Eosin was 0.18 ml so that the grasshopper respiration rate of
0.0030 ml / s, after the second minute, or 120 seconds, the scale indicated by
Eosin was 0.31 ml so that the grasshopper respiration rate of 0.0025 ml / s, after
three minutes or 180 seconds, the scale indicated by the Eosin was 0.40 ml so that
the grasshopper respiration rate of 0.0022 ml / s. The average speed for the
grasshopper respiration is 0.0026 ml / s.
4) 4th Material (Grasshopper)

Grasshopper with a mass to 0.6 gram, after the first minute or 60 seconds,
the scale indicated by the Eosin was 0.09 ml so that the grasshopper respiration
rate of 0.0015 ml / s, after the second minute, or 120 seconds, the scale indicated
by Eosin was 0.17 ml so that the grasshopper respiration rate of 0.0014 ml / s,
after three minutes or 180 seconds, the scale indicated by the Eosin was 0.22 ml
so that the grasshopper respiration rate of 0.0012 ml / s. The average speed for the
grasshopper respiration is 0.0014 ml / s.

From the above results can be seen that the reaction rate between the
cockroach of mass 0.8 grams 0.6 grams and has an average speed of respiration in
different oxygen requirement means that these insects berbeda.Sama also the case
with grasshoppers, with different masses have the respiration rate is also different

Insects are the same for mass cockroaches and grasshoppers is 0.8 grams,
respiration rate also has different or the need for different oxygen even with the same
mass but the two are different types of insects so that the situation in respiration
would also be different

A. Conclussion
From result of attempt, inferential that:
1. Respiration is a process of releasing the energy stored in the source
material through a chemical process using oxygen. the principle that there
is oxygen in the breathing used by the organism and there is carbon
dioxide released by him.
2. Oxygen needs of each organism is different in the causes of the differences
in morphological characters such as body size, and activities conducted by
the respective masig animals.
B. Suggestion
For practican, to be more careful in observing the insects that are used
and the movement of Eosin solution.
For the assistant, to be more familiar with when doing lab practican so
there is no distance with practicannya..


Anonim. 2009. pH.

Anonim. 2009.


Campbell, jwrence G. Mitchell Neil A.2004. Biologi.edisi 5 jilid 3. Jakarta: Erlangga

Cartono, 2005. Biologi Umum Untuk Perguruan Tinggi LPTK. Bandung: Prime press

Darmadi Goenarso, 2005. Fisiologi Hewan.UT

Djamhur Winatasasmita, 1985.Materi Pokok Fisiologi Hewan dan Tumbuhan,

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. UT

1. What function of KOH is wrapped with cotton?
2. Why Eosin shift toward Respirometer tube?


1. KOH is wrapped with cotton so that KOH crystals no direct contact with insects.
2. Eosin shift toward Respirometer tube because insects do breathing oxygen from
the outside, but because of Eosin solution on the scale of the glass tube so that
the solution eosinlah shifting towards the tube Respirometer

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