Eucalyptus Oil Distillation PDF

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How Eucalyptus Oil goes from leaves into a bottle

Eucalyptus Oil Distillation Process

Blue Mallee eucalypts

before harvest

Bosistos Eucalyptus Oil

Harvesting the Blue Mallee

Stoking the boiler

Crude oil and water

Liquid gold

Out to dry

f ting
i n g th
h e lilid

How Eucalyptus Oil goes from leaves into a bottle

Eucalyptus Oil Distillation Process

1. Blue Mallee eucalypts before harvest

Bosistos Eucalyptus Oil is made from the leaves of Eucalyptus polybractea also known
as Blue Mallee.
Blue Mallee trees come from the unique natural forest around Inglewood near
Bendigo, Victoria.
These eucalypts grow to approximately 1 metre in height and are harvested every two
years. During harvesting the shrubs are cut off just above the roots leaving enough
growth for the new Blue Mallee to spring back after each harvest.
No weedicide, pesticide, fertiliser, additives or irrigation is used during the growth of the
trees. The trees simply use the sun, soil and rain.
2. Harvesting the Blue Mallee
The trees are planted in whats known as patches each patch is at a different stage
and ready for harvest at different times throughout the year. This allows harvesting and
distillation all year round.
The tractor pulls along the harvester that empties the cut trees into a vat towing behind.
When the vat is full, approx. 3 tonnes of leaf, its taken back to the distillery.
3. Stoking the boiler
An old boiler is used to generate the steam. This steam is used to extract the oil from
the leaves. The boiler is fuelled using dried leaves that have already been distilled. The
boiler must maintain a steady temperature to ensure a fresh, fragrant oil is produced.
4. Crude Oil and Water
A lid is clamped onto the vat of leaf and steam enters via the base. The steam
generated from the boiler is pumped around the vat steaming out the oil from the
The oil / water mix comes out of the vat and into a bucket where the crude oil and water
separate naturally. The oil is skimmed off the top and the left over water goes back to
the dam.
It takes approx. 5kg of leaves to produce a 50mL bottle of eucalyptus oil.
5. Lifting the lid
After 2 hours of steam being pumped through the vat the leaves are spent and ready to
be dried out ready to re-fuel the boiler. When the lid is lifted off the excess steam comes
flowing out with a strong fragrance.
6. Out to dry
Once the lid has been lifted the vat of spent leaf is taken behind the distillery. The leaf is
taken out of the vat to dry and be used as fuel for the boiler at a later date. These
mounds of mulch will be used throughout the year and are the only fuel used for the

7. Liquid Gold!
Once all the crude oil has been collected its carefully redistilled to remove any
impurities and blended to create a fresh, premium grade eucalyptus oil.
8. Bosistos Eucalyptus Oil
Bosistos Eucalyptus Oil has a distinctive clean, fresh fragrance and is made using no
artificial additives, aromas or flavourings. Available in supermarkets and pharmacies in
a variety of sizes.

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