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ICT Mark Support and Assessment for LAs and other organisations

Assessment and accreditation of the ICT Mark provides a school with an independent
assessment of their self review. An accurate view of the progress being made in relation to
the ICT Mark threshold will help a school develop and improve as well as celebrate

Assessment of the ICT Mark is made by an accredited assessor who is independent of the
school and has not supported the school’s self-review process.

Possible benefits of incorporating ICT Mark accreditation services as part of advice and
consultancy service provision, without compromising the independence of the assessment
• A provider can timetable the assessments made by their assessors.
• Assessors can identify support and development issues in local schools.
• Support for and accreditation of local schools can be targeted.
• Schools can achieve better value for money from their support providers.

How does this intermediary model work in practice?

Assessment and accreditation processes are consistent with the standard process.
• Schools are offered a support package from the provider which includes ICT Mark
• The provider registers the school with Naace and identifies an accredited assessor
and date for the assessment visit.
• Naace manages the submission of the self-review evidence which is sent to the
assessor together with quality assurance details.
• The school is assessed and the provider is invoiced by Naace for the accreditation
fee of £100 plus VAT.
• All accreditation, certification and report submission is managed by Naace. Approval
for the award comes from Becta, who will be informed of recommendations by
assessors in the normal way.

ICT Mark support and accreditation provider requirements

The provider must :
• Have the capacity to provide both self-review support and accreditation services.
• an accredited assessor and an advisor or consultant supporting the self-review
process. If you wish, you may use an ICT Mark Assessor from another organisation
to carry out your assessments; in this case you will be responsible for payment of
the assessor. If two organisations work together then of course this may be done by
a “quid pro quo” arrangement with assessments.
• Be able to demonstrate a commitment and track record of engaging schools with
the self-review framework.
• Be able to manage the charging of schools for the intermediary cost of £100 plus

Quality assurance continues to be managed by Naace, ensuring reliability and consistency

of assessments.

Awarded by Delivered by

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Next steps:
If you would like to take part in the intermediary model, please complete the form below.

If you have any questions, please contact Claire Lloyd on 0870 240 0480 or direct 0115
848 3140, or by email to

Application for ICT Mark Intermediary Model Process

Name of Organisation:

Contact name:

Telephone number:

Fax number:

Email address:

Organisation Address 1:

Organisation Address 2:

Organisation Address 3:

Organisation Address 4:

Post code:

I wish to take part in the intermediary model of the ICT Mark assessment process. I confirm
that I have the authority to make this agreement, and that the following conditions will

• All assessments for schools with buy-back or service level agreements or equivalent
with this organisation will be carried out under this agreement.

• Schools being assessed will register online in the usual way, and will identify this
organisation on their registration form. In addition, I will inform Naace by email of
assessments to be carried out, giving the name and URN of the school(s), and the
proposed assessor.

• If quality assurance of assessments is required, this will be carried out in the normal

• Assessments will not be arranged without notification to Naace, and prior

agreement to proceed.

• Self-review data required in advance of the assessment will be sent to the assessor
by Naace in the usual way.

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• Reports on assessments will be sent to Naace by the assessors within 5 days of the
completion of the assessment. Naace will inform Becta of the outcome who will then
notify Naace of the award. Naace will then contact the school directly.

• Invoices will be sent to the organisation at the invoice address given above, with
payment terms of 30 days.

• This agreement may be terminated at any time, without prejudice. All amounts
owing for outstanding assessments will then be invoiced to the organisation

• All other guidance to assessors, procedures for carrying out assessments, code of
practice and conditions for continuing registration will continue to apply.

Name: Job Title:

Signature: Date:

Please post to: ICT Mark, Naace, PO Box 6511, Nottingham NG11 8TN or fax to:

0870 241 4115

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