Inspections/full Package, Frosio-Nace Certified Inspectors

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Inspections/full package, Frosio-Nace certified Inspectors

D*C*C* is also pleased to present our thoughts/suggestions regarding a

continuing long term planning, program/service regards to:
surface treatment during dry dockings
overall status reports
inspectors during dry dockings
onboard maintenance courses for vessel crew
ballast tank inspection courses for involved officers onboard
technical advices regards to paint specifications, job specifications,
yard quotations etc.

This can be carried out on day by day basis (daily rates) or as a full package with
a price pr. Vessel pr. year or a price for the entire fleet pr. year.
As most of cargos today (pricing/quality) is decided due to the conditions of
class for the vessels (Cap. 1, 2, 3), it is important to maintain/upgrade the
vessels overall conditions, in order to achieve/maintain predefined class rating.
When this is said not to waste unnecessary finances, upgrading areas not
needed in order to achieve the class ratings, but not to be forgotten in the long
term planning as well.
As the background and skills vary amongst Superintendents and the Officers
onboard, it can in most cases be difficult to ensure that the surface
treatment/maintenance is uniform and optimized across the entire fleet.

D*C*C* suggestions/solutions
D*C*C* can/will enter into a long term arrangement with ship owners regarding
ballast tanks, coated cargo tanks, hull, deck, superstructure etc. all areas coated.
This includes:
In cooperation with owners Superintendents, creating an overall plan for
the vessels based on status reports and dry docking schedules
Carry out inspections, in order to get a full status report of all the vessels
Inspection of the vessels 12+/- month prior dry docking proposals for
action needed incl. paint/job specifications etc
Provide companies with paint inspectors during entire dry dockings

Technical service/advice from office in Poland

Frequently meetings, D*C*C* project manager updating/status for

owners Superintendents
We envision Frosio or Nace certified Coating Inspectors
To evaluate the overall paint condition in ballast tanks: forepeak, Db. 1Ps
& Sb. Db. 2 . Db. 3 Ps & Sb. Db. 4. Db.5 Ps & Sb. Db. 6. Db. 7 Ps & Sb. Db.
8. Db. 9 Ps & Sb. Aft. Peak tank.
Make proposal for paint/repair specification and suggest remedial action
needed in order to bring the protection of the areas up to predefined
standard, in this case CAP 2.
Ratings: Tanks has been inspected and rated according to IACS criterias
an requirements


GOOD: condition with only minor spot rusting. GOOD: Condition with
spot rusting on less than 3% of the area under consideration without
visible failure of the coating. Rusting at edges or welds, must be on less
than 20 % of edges or weld lines in the area under consideration
FAIR: condition with local breakdown of coating at edges of stiffeners and
weld connections and/or light rusting over 20% or more of areas under
consideration, but less than as defined for POOR condition. FAIR:
Condition with breakdown of coating or rust penetration on less than 20
% of the area under consideration. Hard rust scale rust penetration must
be less than 10 % of the area under consideration. Rusting at edges or
welds must be on less than 50 % of edges or weld lines in the area under
POOR: condition with general breakdown of coating over 20% or more of
areas or hard scale at 10% or more of areas under consideration. POOR:
Condition with breakdown of coating or rust penetration on more than
20% or hard rust scale on more than 10% of the area under consideration
or local breakdown concentrated at edges or welds on more than 50 % of
edges or weld lines in the area under consideration.

IACS clarification of GOOD, FAIR and POOR coating conditions

Breakdown of
coating or area
rusted (1)
Area of hard rust
scale (1)
Local breakdown
of coating or rust
on edges or weld
lines (2)



< 3%

3 20
> 20 %

< 10 % 10 %

< 20 20 50
% > 50 %
Notes (1) % is the percentage of the area
under consideration or of the critical
structural area (2) % is the percentage of
edges or weld lines in the area under
consideration or of the critical structural area
(3) spot rusting i.e. rusting in spot without
visible failure of coating

Vessel name: TBN

Owner: Gazprom


Area inspected: Db 4.

From frame:83

To frame:93


Observations & Assessments:

Local : x Widespread :
Light :
x Heavy :
Local : x Widespread :
Coating condition rating:
Good :
Fair :
> 3 % < 20 %
Poor :
>20 %
Zinc anodes present:
Expect steel-replacement:
Indents observed:
Recommend upgrade coating:
Heavy mud residues:
Observations/comments: Local blistering evident on longitudinal hp profiles against flat bottom.
Coating delaminating on shell plating flat-bottom. Cracking in coating in weld-seams btw SS and mild
steel evident. Damages/indents from ice evident on shell plating (coating cracked, corrosion evident).
Edges on profiles corrosion appears. Some anodes are loose. Corrosion, and blistering total approx. 8%
of total area.

Inspected by: kc

Observations and assessments in ballast tanks:

The existing coating system assessed is a Zinc epoxy shop primer followed by
two coats of coal tar epoxy averaging from 400 to 800 microns.
Apart from aft. Peak tank, which is in good condition, all tanks are in fair
condition when blistering, corrosion and delaminating taken into consideration.
The blistering followed by corrosion appears mainly due to two reasons. Zinc
salts from the Zinc shop primer, when wet, the Zinc salts are extracted from the
shop primer and creates blistering. Also the pattern of the blistering indicates a
lack of ventilation when the following coats were applied during new building
Recommended action:
To limit further blistering and corrosion in near future, and to achieve cap 2
rating, we recommend to repair the affected areas by means of sand washing
and recoating. This surface treatment appears to be the best solution regards to
the economic aspect holding it up against fully blasting within the next few
years time. The price for sand wash and coatings is approx. Half the price
holding it up against a full blast/coating.
This could be carried out as a voyage repair in order to save off hire costs but
also in order to save money on the actual m2 price when quoted for by ship
yards that has a tendency of quoting too high prices due to inexperience regards
to sand-washing. If voyage pattern allows a team of two men could bring all
tanks up in cap 2 rating within a couple of seasons when supervised and
instructed properly.

Ballast tanks.
1. H.P. fresh water wash all areas for repairs
2. Sand wash all blistered and corroded areas, with pressure of 160-350 bar.
4. Flush all areas for repair by means of hosing down the tank with freshwater.
All areas for coating to be 100% clean prior coating.
5. Dry the tanks by means of good ventilation.
6. Apply full coat of mastic alu, to a min. Dft. Of 200 mic.
7. Apply stripe coat of mastic to all weld seams, scallops and hard to reach
places in affected areas.
8. Apply full coat of mastic dark coloured to a min. Dft. Of 200 mic.
D*C*C* will supply the equipment needed for our inspectors to carry out their
job in order to fully satisfy our clients

Certified Paint inspectors

Inspection equipment
Valid Passport
Visa for country in trade
Seaman book
Daily reporting/coordination to Superintendent
Progress reporting
Status report issued to Superintendent
Final report issued to Superintendent
Overall technical assistance
Follow up service

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