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Article Argentina Reprocity Fee (5)

Hotel Guest Policies

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OF JANUARY 7, 2013 pre-paid online reciprocity fees before departure and arrival will be payable
for all entries into Argentina for Americans, Australian or Canadians, whether by land , sea, or flight.
Failure to pay this fee in advance may result in refusal of boarding or entry to Argentina and a
possible return to your port of origin. Driving in Argentina is generally more dangerous than driving
in the United States.
The reciprocity Fee perro only be paid through the Argentine Immigration Department web-site: ( ),
and it must be done before arriving into the country. The system will then allow to introduce other
persons on whose behalf you will be paying the Reciprocity Fee. The National Immigration Agency
has changed the method by which tourists and business visitors from the US, Canada, and Australia
will be required to pay in order to gain visa entry to Argentina. The reciprocity fee will shortly no
longer be payable at the airport upon arrival. A later regulation changes it for Canadians, who now
only get a single entry for their $ US 75 fee.

For more detailed information about LGBT rights in Argentina, you may review the State
Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013 For further information on LGBT
travel, please read our LGBT Travel Information page. By comparison, drivers in Argentina tend to
be aggressive, especially in Buenos Aires, and often ignore traffic regulations. You are about to leave
for an external website that is not maintained by the U.S. Department of State.
IMPORTANTE: Las personas con pasaporte de E.U., Canad y Australia, deben abonar una tasa de
reciprocidad (reciprocity fee) ya antes de ingresar a Argentina. It took me five months to finally
share my travel experience in Argentina and give you some valuable personal experience with the
local hosts advice on how to enjoy Buenos Aires and its
close-by historic sites.
The National Directorate of Immigration in Argentina will receive this information electronically.
The receipt will be scanned by the immigration control officers, who will verify the data and
authorize entry to Argentina. Airlines will not let you board the plane without a printed copy of the
Reciprocity Fee. You must show the Reciprocity Fee receipt at Immigration Control upon entering
the country.

Chile has done this for quite some time, and it's a simple process - arriving passengers at Santiago's
Aeropuerto Internacional Comodoro Arturo Merino Bentez line up on arrival, where authorities
collect the fee and affix a receipt that's valid for the life of the passport (the tourist card is a
separate document, usually valid noventa days and renewable for another 90).

Neither do US, Canadian, or Australian citizens, however they do need to pay a reciprocity fee,
which is afn to visa fees paid by Argentinean citizens when visiting their countries. The fee covers
multiple entries over a period of diez years for Americans, 1 year for Australians, and until 1 month
before passport expiration for Canadians. However, prior to arrival in Argentina, O bien.S. citizen
tourist and business travelers must pay a $ 160 reciprocity fee.
By the departure date of November 1, I still hadn't done any homework on either Argentina or
Brazil, except to be advised by a young friend, who had spent a year studying at the University of
Buenos Aires and also some time in Brazil. With the new mission to cleanse the district of the drug
gangs and their leaders, naturally the residents who have relied on a system of reciprocity and
favours from the gang leaders must wonder what happens from here.

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