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e-sports and pro gaming literature | T.L. Taylor

T.L. Taylor

e-sports and pro gaming literature

In addition to my own book on the subject (Raising the Stakes, MIT Press), there is a growing body of
scholarly research dedicated to exploring e-sports and competitive gaming. The following is not a complete
list but includes work that might be of interest to those looking for academic lit on the subject. Some of
these pieces are theses/dissertations so youll need to contact the authors directly to see if the material is
Please feel free to email me with suggestions not currently on here.

Adamus, Tanja. 2012. Playing computer games as electronic sport: In search of a theoretical framing for a
new research eld. In Computer Games and New Media Cultures: A Handbook of Digital Game Studies, J.
Fromme & Unger, A. (Eds.),pp. 477-490, Berlin: Springer.
Ash, James. 2012. Technology, technicity, and emerging practices of temporal sensitivity in videogames.
Environment and Planning A 44(1) 187 203.
Blum, Bryce (with co-authors). 2014. Foster Pepper whitepapers on legal issues in e-sports. Available at
Borowy, Michael and Dal Yong Jin. 2013. Pioneering eSport: The experience economy and the marketing of
early 1980s arcade gaming contests. International Journal of Communication, v. 7.
Bosc, G., M. Kaytoue, C. Rassi, J-F. Boulicaut, and P. Tan. 2014. Mining balanced patterns in real-time strategy
games. LIRIS Research Report. (Extended version of paper presented at European Conference on Arti cial
Intelligence ECAI 2014.)
Bowman, Nick. 2013. Facilitating game play: How others a ect performance at and enjoyment of video
games. Media Psychology, 16(1): 39-64.
Burk, Dan. 2013. Owning e-Sports: Proprietary Rights in Professional Computer Gaming. University of



e-sports and pro gaming literature | T.L. Taylor

Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol 161, pp-1535-1578.

Carter, Marcus and Martin Gibbs. 2013. eSports in EVE Online: Skullduggery, Fair Play and Acceptability in an
Unbounded Competition. Foundations of Digital Games Conference, 14-17 May, Chania, Greece.
Low-Kam, C., C. Rassi, M. Kaytoue, and J. Pei. 2013. Mining statistically signi cant sequential patterns, ICDM
Chee, Florence and Richard K. Smith. 2005. Online gamers and the ambiguity of community: Korean
de nitions of togetherness for a new generation. Internet Research Annual, volume 4. New York: Peter Lang.
Chen Christensen, Natasha. 2006. Geeks at play: Doing masculinity in an online gaming site. Reconstruction
6.1 (Winter).
Cheung, Gi ord and Je Huang. 2011. Starcraft from the stands: Understanding the game spectator. CHI 11
Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems, ACM, 763-772.
Comerford, Sean. 2012. Note: International intellectual property rights and the future of global e-sports.'
Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 37, 623.
Consalvo, Mia, Konstantin Mitgutsch, and Abe Stein (Eds.) 2013. Sports Videogames. New York: Routledge.
Conway, Steven. 2010. Its in the game and above the game. Convergence 16 (3): 334- 354.
Crawford, Garry. 2005. Digital gaming, sport, and gender. Leisure Studies 24 (3): 259270.
Crawford, Garry, and Victoria K. Gosling. 2009. More Than a game: Sports-themed video games and player
narratives. Sociology of Sport Journal 26: 5066.
Ferrari, Simon. 2013. Esport and the human body: Foundations for a popular aesthetics. Proceedings of
DiGRA 2013: Defragging Game Studies, Atlanta, GA.
Gommesen, Niels. 2012. The a ective audience in professional e-sport: An exploration of spectators, and
their impact on video game playing. MsC thesis, IT University of Copenhagen.
Hamilton, William, Oliver Garretson, and Andruid Kerne. 2014. Streaming on Twitch: Fostering Participatory
Communities of Play within Live Mixed Media. CHI 2014, April 26May 1, 2014, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Harry, Drew. 2012. Designing Complementary Communication Systems. PhD dissertation, MIT Media Lab,
Cambridge, MA.



e-sports and pro gaming literature | T.L. Taylor

Harper, Todd. 2010. The Art of War: Fighting Games, Performativity, and Social Game Play. PhD dissertation, Ohio
Harper, Todd. 2014. The Culture of Digital Fighting Games: Performance and Practice. New York: Routledge.
Hinnant, Neal. 2013. Practicing work, perfecting play: League of Legends and the sentimental education of esports MA thesis, Georgia State University, Dept. of Communication.
Hutchins, Brett. 2008. Signs of meta-change in second modernity: The growth of e-sport and the World
Cyber Games. New Media and Society 10 (6): 851869.
Hutchins, Brett and David Rowe. 2012. Sport Beyond Television: The Internet, Digital Media and the Rise of
Networked Media Sport. London: Routledge.
Jin, Dal Yong. 2010. Koreas Online Gaming Empire. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Jin, Dal Yong, and Florence Chee. 2009. The politics of online gaming. In Gaming Cultures and Place in AsiaPaci c, ed. Larissa Hjorth and Dean Chan, 1938. New York: Routledge.
Jonasson, Kalle and Jesper Thiborg. 2010. Electronic sport and its impact on future sport. Sport in Society 13
(2): 287299.
Kane, Michael. 2008. Game Boys: Professional Videogamings Rise from the Basement to the Big Time. London:
Viking/Penguin Books. (non-academic)
Kaytoue, Mehdi and Chedy Rassi. 2012. Watch me playing, I am a professional. WWW 2012 Companion. April
1620, 2012, Lyon, France.
King, Brad, and John Borland. 2003. Dungeons and Dreamers: The Rise of Computer Game Culture From Geek to
Chic. New York: McGraw-Hill. (non-academic)
Kow, Yong Ming and Timothy Young. 2013. Media technologies and learning in the StarCraft eSport
community. CSCW 13, San Antonio, Texas.
Kow, Yong Ming, Timothy Young, and Katie Salen Tekinbas. 2014. Crafting the metagame: Connected learning in
the StarCraft 2 community. Irvine, CA: Digital Media and Learning Research Hub.
Leonard, David. 2008. To the white extreme in the mainstream: Manhood and white youth culture in a
virtual sports world. In Youth Culture and Sport, ed. Michael D. Giardina and Michele K. Donnelly, 91112.
New York: Routledge.



e-sports and pro gaming literature | T.L. Taylor

Lowood, Henry. 2007. Its not easy being green: Real-time game performance in Warcraft. In
Videogame/Player/Text, ed. Barry Atkins and Tanya Krzywinska, 83100. Manchester: Palgrave.
Lowood, Henry. Forthcoming. Beyond the game: The Olympic ideal and competitive e-sports. In Play and
Politics: Games, Civic Engagement, and Social Activism, ed. Douglas Thomas and Joshua Fouts.
McCrea, Christian. 2009. Watching Starcraft, strategy and South Korea. In Gaming Cultures and Place in AsiaPaci c, ed. Larissa Hjorth and Dean Chan, 179193. New York: Routledge.
Moeller, Ryan M., Bruce Esplin, and Steven Conway. 2009. Cheesers, pullers, and glitchers: The rhetoric of
sportsmanship and the discourse of online sports gamers. Game Studies, 9 (2).
Mora, Philippe and Stphane Has. 2005. From videogamer to e-sportsman : Toward a growing
professionalism of world-class players?. In Doom: Giocare in Prima Persona, Matteo Bittanti and Sue Morris,
Eds. Milano: Costa & Nolan. [Originally published in French in Consommations et Socits, special videogames
issue, coordinated by Mlanie Roustan. Translated to Italian for Doom book and English version available
Rambusch, Jana. 2011. Mind Games Extended: Understanding Gameplay as Situated Activity. PhD disseration,
Linkping Studies in Science and Technology.
Rambusch, Jana, Peter Jakobsson, and Daniel Pargman. 2007. Exploring e-sports: A case study of gameplay in
Counter-Strike. In Situated Play: Proceedings of the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) Conference 2007,
ed. Akira Baba. Tokyo: University of Tokyo.
Reeves, Stuart, Barry Brown, and Eric Laurier. 2009. Experts at play: Understanding skilled expertise. Games
and Culture 4 (3): 205227.
Rothman, Jennifer. 2013. E-sports as a prism for the role of evolving technology in intellectual property.
University of Pennsylvania Law Review Online 116: 317-329.
Sell, Jesse. 2015. E-Sports Broadcasting. MsC thesis, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
Seo, Yuri. 2013. Electronic sports: A new marketing landscape of the experience economy. Journal of
Marketing Management, published online 21 August.
Sirlin, David. 2005. Playing to Win: Becoming the Champion. Lulu.com. (non-academic)
Stald, Gitte. 2001. Meeting in the combat zone: Online multi-player computer games as spaces for social and
cultural encounters. In Proceedings of Association of Internet Researchers Conference, ed. Leslie Shade.



e-sports and pro gaming literature | T.L. Taylor

Minneapolis, USA.
Swalwell, M. L. 2009. LAN gaming groups: Snapshots from an Australasian case study, 19992008. In Gaming
cultures and place in Asia-Paci c, ed. L. Hjorth and D. Chan, 117136. Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Szablewicz, Marcella. 2011. From addicts to athletes: Participation in the discursive construction of digital
games in urban China. In Selected Papers of Internet Research, IR 12.0 conference.
Taylor, Nicholas T. 2015. Play to the camera: Video ethnography, spectatorship, and e-sports, Convergence,
24 April.
Taylor, Nicholas T. 2012. A silent team is a dead team: Communicative norms in team-based Halo 3 play. In
G. Voorhees, (Ed.), Guns, grenades and grunts: First person shooter games. New York: Continuum.
Taylor, Nicholas T. 2011. Play globally, act locally: The standardization of pro Halo 3 gaming. International
Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 3(1).
Taylor, Nicholas T. 2009. Where the women are(nt): Gender and a North American pro-gaming scene. In
Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory: Proceedings of the 2009 Digital Games
Research Association conference, eds. Barry Atkins, Helen Kennedy, and Tanya Krzywinska. London.
Taylor, Nicholas T. 2009. Power Play: Digital Gaming Goes Pro. PhD Dissertation, York University, Toronto.
Taylor, T.L. 2012. Raising the Stakes: The Professionalization of Computer Gaming. Cambridge, MA: The MIT
Taylor, T. L., and Emma Witkowski. 2010. This is how we play it: What a mega-LAN can teach us about
games. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Game, ed. Yusuf Pisan.
Monterey, CA: ACM Press.
Wagner, Michael. 2006. On the scienti c relevance of eSport. In Proceedings of the 2006 International
Conference on Internet Computing and Conference on Computer Game Development. Las Vegas, Nevada: CSREA
Wimmer, Je rey. 2012. Digital game culture(s) as prototype(s) of mediatization and commercialization of
society. In Computer Games and New Media Cultures: A Handbook of Digital Game Studies, J. Fromme & Unger,
A. (Eds.), pp. 525-540, Berlin: Springer.
Witkowski, Emma. 2014. Competition and Cooperation, in B. Perron and M. J. Wolf, (eds.) The Routledge
Companion to Video Game Studies. New York: Routledge.



e-sports and pro gaming literature | T.L. Taylor

Witkowski, Emma. 2013. Eventful masculinities: Negotiations of hegemonic sporting masculinities at LANs,
in Mia Consalvo, Konstantin Mitgutsch, and Abe Stein (Eds.) Sports Videogames. New York: Routledge.
Witkowski, Emma. 2012. On the Digital Playing Field: How We Do Sport With Networked Computer Games.
Games and Culture, 7:349-374.
Witkowski, Emma. 2012. Inside the Huddle: The Sociology and Phenomenology of Team Play in Networked
Computer Games. PhD dissertation, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Witkowski, Emma. 2009. Probing the sportiness of eSports, in J. Christophers and T. Scholz (eds.), eSports
yearbook 2009, Norderstedt, Germany: Books on Demand GmbH, pp. 53 56.
World Intellectual Property Organization. 2013. The legal status of video games: Comparative analysis in
national approaches, 29 July 2013.



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