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1.1) Background:
Behaviour of an individual towards a certain thing is the most important aspect of his life
because it helps him in making choices and understanding phases of life. Among it one aspect
is related to the buying of products and accessories to fulfil his needs as consumers. Buying
behaviour of consumer means the manner a consumer behaves and reacts while taking a
decision to purchase anything. For this several steps are involved. First and foremost is to
recognize the need to have a product e.g. a Smartphone. Smartphones are the advanced form
of mobile phones which provides wide range of applications to the consumer such as advance
ability of computing, they also provide things which a computer system provides as well as
access the internet on high speeds can be possible , through this it is possible to manage both
your personal as well as professional e-mail accounts. This need may arise due to any reason.
Second step is to collect the necessary information to satisfy that need. There are two main
ways in order to collect the information first one is internal sources which is our memory and
second way is to collect through external means such as advertisements. As todays world is
the world of globalization and competition, if you want to purchase a particular thing there
are various choices available for the information, such as static and television advertisements.
Now a consumer has to evaluate each alternative for the purpose of taking the decision
related to purchase. Sometimes there is no need of that thing in the life of consumer, even
than he/she may purchase the thing because their friends are having the Smartphone or some
consider it as a symbol of status (Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001). In order to take decision
about purchase, generally a process is followed by the consumer. First of all there is a need
for that thing and in order to satisfy this need he collect information either by external or
internal means, then find out the alternatives and then evaluate these alternatives in order to
take final decision whether to purchase Smartphones or not. If after purchasing, he is having
positive feedback then it will lead to positive word of mouth communication which in turn
have a positive effect on the image and goodwill of the company.

1.2) Importance of consumer behaviour:


In present globalized society, consumer is the central point for every organization because it
is possible to maximize revenue of the company only when the desire or needs of consumer is
fulfilled. For achieving that purpose there is an urgent need to understand the behaviour of
consumer while purchasing. Through this it is also possible to know about the various factors
that influence consumer behaviour. It is very important for producers because they can design
the product as well as services. On the other hand by knowing the behaviour of consumer
advertiser decides about the advertising strategy.

1.3) Role of advertising:

Advertising is the non - personal communication of information usually persuasive in nature
about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.(Bovee,
1992). Any paid form of non personal communication about an organization, product,
service, or idea by an identified sponsor. (Belch and Belch 2004) Advertising does not give
a proper awareness of brands but a nice introduction of companies as well. (Ashley, Granger
and Schmalensee, 2008)
Among the various forms of advertising one section is about Print, static and outdoor media
advertising which includes Newspapers, Magazines, Brochures, Fliers, Billboards and
Posters. On the other hand is broadcast advertising comprised of Television, Radio and the
Internet. The more an advertisement is visible and attractive in the form of print the more it
is likely to be noticed and thus compel customers to consume the advertising product.
(Kihlstrom and Riordan, 2003) Broadcast advertising is a very popular advertising medium
that constitutes several branches like television, radio or the Internet.(Yi, 1990)
1.3.1) Advertising Strategy and Advertising Techniques:
An advertising strategy is a campaign developed to communicate ideas about products and
services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy those products and
services. (Metz, 2003)
The present study will be designed to investigate the impact of static and electronic media
advertising on purchasing behavior of youth by focusing on their interest of purchasing smart
phones as it is the most noticed phenomenon in the present day world.

1.4) Objectives of the study:


To find out the impact of static and television advertising on youth.

To find out the purchasing behaviour of youth towards the smart phones.

To find out the difference in the behaviour of youth due to static and television

To find out the comparison of the static and television advertising of smart phones on

1.5) Statement of the Problem:

The study aims at investigating the purchasing behavior of youth due to the impact of static
and television advertisements in the context of smart phones.

1.6) Hypotheses:

Static and television advertising of smart phones do have the impact on the
purchasing behavior of youth.


Static and Television advertising of smart phones do not have the impact on
purchasing behavior of youth.


Static media advertising of smart phones have less impact on purchasing

behavior of youth.


Static media advertising of smart phones have more impact on purchasing

behavior of youth.

1.7) Significance of the study:

This study will be helpful in finding out the consumer behavior towards purchasing smart
phones. It will dig out the impact of static and television advertising on youth towards
purchasing smart phones. It will help to find out the comparison of static and television
advertising impact on youth towards purchasing smart phones. Trend of the society are
changing day by day with the changing technology. The study will be helpful for advertising
agencies to design their strategies according to the needs of youth.


Keeping in view the preferences of society, Terui (2004), discussed that Smartphones are
mainly preferred by those consumers who used phone in order to store information as well as
want entertainment in his life. Apples targets segments which includes class of those who are
either persuing any professional degree or indulge in any profession. Similar point was
focused by Bindle & Boden (2011) that due to advancement in technology people now prefer
to own a Smartphone because of its application and features such as speed of accessing
internet is very high as well as gaming feature and so on. For Bogue ( 2010), there are various
factors that lead to increase in the demand of Smartphones, first factor is social as well as
cultural factors, in which following things such as due to change in preference of consumer
the demand for these phones are increasing and people now depends upon the mobile in order
to keep in touch with each other everywhere and in Smartphones various additional features
are attached as well as due to increase in literacy the demand for Smartphones are increasing.
Gilad (2011) saw that the perceptions of the consumer towards the technological devices are
changed in a positive manner. These are some of the social and cultural factor that affects the
demand for Smartphones. Rich (2011) highlighted that the main purpose of professionals to
use Smartphones is to keep in touch with others as well as to store information. The students
are using Smartphones to do many tasks simultaneously without carrying any additional
gadgets. These Smartphones are considered to be a symbol of status and uniqueness. The
corporate users are using Smartphones for the purpose of storing the information as well as
access the information whenever there is a need for such information. The Entrepreneur uses
Smartphones for the purpose of recording their appointment. Mohr & Slater (2011)
highlighted the same aspect by saying that the person of age group of 20-29 uses smart phone
for storing their personal as well as professional information. The people of age group of 2643 generally use smart phone for storing critical information and for business application as
well they also use this for social and personal purpose. The main thing which makes Apple
from social phone to a business phone the awareness of brand plays an important role.
For clarifying the impact of advertising on society Yi (1990), analyzed that the more an
advertisement is visible and attractive in the form of print the more it is likely to be noticed
and thus compel customers to consume the advertising product. Kihlstrom and Riordan,
(2003) viewed the similar point that Broadcast advertising is a very popular advertising
medium that constitutes several branches like television, radio or the Internet.

2.1) Theoretical Framework:


The research study will be based on the theory of Persuasion and Cognitive dissonance
because both these theories deal with studying human behavior and how it is impacted and
shaped by the changing trends of the society.

2.1.1) Persuasion Theory:

Persuasion is a process by which people use messages to influence others. While persuasion
typically uses information, the emphasis in a persuasive message is on influencing the
receiver (rather than merely providing information and letting the receiver make up his/her
own mind). Persuasion attempts to change minds or get people to act. Persuaders seek
In the formal study of persuasion several common terms take on special, technical meanings
different from their everyday uses. These terms can help persuaders analyze the rhetorical
situation and become more effective in designing their messages.

The first term you should know is "BELIEF." In persuasion theory "belief" refers to
what people think is true or false, that is, the facts.

The second term is "VALUE." "Value" refers to what we think is good or bad, right or

The third term is "Motive." "Motive refers to the audience member's self-interest.
Motives are those desires we all have for positive outcomes for ourselves and our
friends and families.

The fourth important persuasion term is "ATTITUDE." "Attitude" refers to what

people like or dislike, favor or oppose.

The last persuasive term we need to define is "BEHAVIOR." "Behavior" means

intentional action. The action can be either verbal (e.g. signing a petition, saying "I
do.") or physical (e.g. wearing a seat belt) but it involves doing something. Frequently
the ultimate goal of persuasion is to gain behavior from the receiver, although many
persuasive messages represent only a small step toward that goal.

2.1.2) Elaboration likelihood model:

Persuasion has traditionally been associated with two routes.

Central route: Whereby an individual evaluates information presented to them based

on the pros and cons of it and how well it supports their values

Peripheral route: Change is mediated by how attractive the source of communication

is and by bypassing the deliberation process.

The Elaboration likelihood model (ELM) forms a new facet of the route theory. It holds that
the probability of effective persuasion depends on how successful the communication is at
bringing to mind a relevant mental representation, which is the elaboration likelihood. Thus if
the target of the communication is personally relevant, this increases the elaboration
likelihood of the intended outcome and would be more persuasive if it were through the
central route. Communication which does not require careful thought would be better suited
to the peripheral route.
2.1.3) Cognitive Dissonance:
This theory of Cognitive Dissonance says that human beings often have conflicting beliefs
with actions they take, or other beliefs they have. This dissonance creates a tension and
tension reduction is automatically sought by changing our evaluations by some degree.
Cognitive Dissonance is when you have two good choices and you make your decision then
you find yourself unsure or in doubt about the choice you made. You might have to
downplay the other choice in order to reassure yourself.
The theory of Cognitive Dissonance implies that when there is tension we change a belief or
an action. Many times selective exposure is used which focuses ones attention on only
certain aspects so that tension will not be created. This selective exposure prevents
dissonance. This theory also implies that we experience more dissonance when the issue is
more important, when we put off a decision and the decision is permanent.
This theory could be used in the persuasive context in a variety of ways. When marketers
want to persuade their audience to buy a product or perform a subject they must convince
them that this is a good action and if their beliefs do not match this action, they must
persuade them to change their beliefs. For instance, during the holidays the Salvation Army
campaigns heavily for donations.

The different commercials and print ads show

homelessness and its effects. When trying to persuade an audience member to give, they

must persuade them that their organization is a worthy one. If someone believes that the
homeless are lazy and dont deserve donations, they will not donate until that belief is
changed. If they were to consider donating they would experience dissonance in which either
their belief or action would undergo a change. It is the Salvation Armys goal to change the
belief that the homeless are lazy so the reduction of dissonance will result in a donation.

2.2) Research Questions:

How much impact does static media advertising has on youth towards purchasing
smart phones?

How much impact electronic media advertising have on youth towards purchasing
smart phones?

Do static and television advertising has different impact on purchasing behaviour of

youth towards buying smart phones?

Do static and television advertising has the same impact on purchasing behaviour of
youth towards buying smart phones?


3.1) Research Design
The present study will be carried on using descriptive research design as it involves a survey
which main aim is to gather and analyze relevant data that will provide the necessary
information so that decision related to purchase of a Smartphone is taken by evaluating all the

3.2) Area of study

The study will be conducted in Rawalpindi / Islamabad

3.3) Sample Design

a) Sampling Design:- In the current study, in order to carry out the research work, non
probability sampling technique is adopted , in this investigator on the basis of his
suitability chose the sample.
b) Respondents: - They are the youth male/female and belong to age group starts from
18 and ends to 29.
c) Sampling Unit: - Sampling unit is Individual person.
d) Sample Size:-


3.4) Variables:
a) Independent variables:
Static and Television advertising
b) Dependent variables:
Purchasing behaviour of Youth

3.5) Conceptual definitions of variables

Advertising: Advertising is the non - personal communication of information usually
persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the
various media. (Bovee,1992).
Behaviour: The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards

3.6) Operational definitions of variables:

Static advertisements: Static media advertisements are related to print and they include
Newspapers, Magazines, Brochures, Fliers, Billboards and Posters.
Television advertising: A commercial advertisement on television is a span of television
programming produced and paid for by an organization, which conveys a message, typically
to market a product or service.
Purchasing behaviour: Consumer behaviour is the process and activities people engage in
when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and
services so as to satisfy their needs and desires (Belch, 1998).

3.7) Data collection sources:

For the present research data will be collected from both the primary and secondary sources.
Primary data will be collected through administering a structured questionnaire to 250 youth
respondents. Secondary data will be collected through various websites and literature review
will be done to gather the information from the pioneering work of various persons.

3.8) Data analysis techniques:

There are various tools and techniques which are used in order to analyze the data. First one
is collect the data and then arrange that data in form of tables, diagrams and apply various
test. For analysis of data SPSS will be used and its tests regarding relationship studies i.e.
correlation will be applied.


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