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Regent College

Higher Education

Assignment front sheet


Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma


Unit 7: Business Strategy

Student name

Assessor name
Perry Ellis

Date issued

Completion date

13th October 2014

30th January 2015

Assignment title

Strategic Planning for the Sony Corporation


the process
of strategic


nt Criteria


Be able to
formulate a


new strategy




to strategy
and selection


Submitted on

In this assessment you will have the

opportunity to present evidence that
shows you are able to:
explain strategic contexts and terminology
missions, visions, objectives, goals, core

Task Evidence
no. (Page no)

review the issues involved in strategic

explain different planning techniques
produce an organisational audit for a
given organisation
carry out an environmental audit for a
given organisation
explain the significance of stakeholder
Present a new strategy for a given
analyse possible alternative strategies
relating to substantive growth, limited
growth or retrenchment
select an appropriate future strategy for a
given organisation
compare the roles and responsibilities for


how to
implement a

strategy implementation

evaluate resource requirements to

implement a new strategy for a given


discuss targets and timescales for

achievement in a given organisation to
monitor a given strategy.

Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully
Student signature:



In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT
and DISTINCTION grades
Grade Descriptor
M1Identify and apply strategies to find
appropriate solutions

Indicative characteristic/s
Effective judgements have been made.
An effective approach to study and research
has been applied.

M2 Select / design and apply appropriate

methods / techniques

To achieve M1, you will make effective judgements about the
value to an organisation of mission statements, vision
statements, publicly stated goals and core strategies.
(Task 1)

To achieve M2, you will have used, explained and then

Appropriate learning methods/techniques have evaluated the key techniques available to organisations when
been applied.
they are preparing to implement their short, medium and
long term strategies. (Task 1)

M3 Present and communicate appropriate

Communication is appropriate for familiar and
unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media
have been used.

To achieve M3 the work you present will be presented in

suitable business formats and will use appropriate business
terminology accurately, in line with the scenario described in
the case study (Task 2)

D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own

work and justify valid conclusions

To achieve D1 you must show that you have evaluated the

strategies you have presented in your assignment, such that
they are clearly identified in order of importance (as selected
by you) in relation to the future success of the company in
the case study. (Task 2)

Conclusions have been arrived at through

synthesis of ideas and have been justified.
Realistic improvements have been proposed
against defined characteristics for success.

D2 Take responsibility for managing and

organising activities

D3 Demonstrate convergent /lateral /

creative thinking

Activities have been managed.

Relevant knowledge gained from previous

units has been incorporated in this unit, to
demonstrate a synoptic understanding of the
business environment.

To achieve D2 you will have demonstrated an effective

approach to independent research and study, and you will
have presented your recommendations in an appropriate
business format.
(Task 2)
To achieve D3 you will have drawn conclusions which identify
the links between the planning and the implementation of a
global strategy for the company cited in the case study. To
achieve this you must show that convergent and lateral
thinking has been applied to problems and that innovation and
creative thought have been applied to your work.
(Task 2)


Assignment brief
Unit number and title

Unit 7: Business Strategy


Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Start date

24th February 2014


20th June 2014


Perry Ellis

Assignment title

Strategic Plan for the Sony Corporation

Purpose of this assignment

Students will identify key strategic planning tools and apply them to a global corporation. They will be
required to evaluate the effectiveness of these tools and to put them to practical use through an
examination of the Sony Corporation, which has a broad portfolio of products and a trading presence in
many international markets.
Case study for:
The Sony Corporation, in which students will:
1. Identify key terms and planning tools related to strategic planning for the Sony Mobile Communications, a division the
Sony Corporation (Task 1).
2. Recommend a medium and long term strategy for the Sony Corporation, based on one of the following options: market
entry, substantive growth, limited growth or retrenchment (Task 2).
You have been engaged by the Head of Marketing at Sony Corporation to carry out TWO tasks.
1. The first relates to Sony Mobile Communications, for whom you are required to prepare a
PowerPoint presentation about the current state of this important division within the Sony
Corporation. Although the presentation is intended to be for the Head of Marketing to present
to the main board, it is possible that you might be called upon to make the presentation in their
place. The presentation should contain around 20 slides ( 10%).

2. The second task requires you to prepare a report about the future strategy of the Sony
Corporation (2000 words 10%), for the main board. You must analyse FOUR possible
strategies - market entry, substantive growth, limited growth or retrenchment - after which you must select just ONE
of them. The remainder of your report will focus on the internal resources and responsibilities needed to implement your
recommended strategy, and you must also include an estimated timetable for implementation.


Task 1

LO1 (LO1.1, LO1.2, LO1.3) and LO2 (LO2.1, LO2.2, LO2.3, LO2.4)

Case Study for Task 1

Sony Mobile Communications (SMC) is one the worlds leading providers of mobile multimedia devices
including phones, accessories and PC cards. The main competitors of SMC are Apple, Nokia and Samsung.
SMC has a key presence in both developed and developing markets and is the worlds fourth-largest
maker of handsets. Employing over 7,500 employees over 40 countries, the management team is led (at
the time of writing) by Executive Vice-President, Kunimasa Suzuki.
Sales for the Sony Mobile Products and Communications division in 2012 were Yen 622.7m, with an
operating income of Yen7.2m. In 2013 their sales were Yen 1,257.6m, with an operating loss of Yen
97.2m.NB: the sales figures for this division of the Sony Corporation include the following products:
mobile phones, personal and mobile products (eg. Tablets), and personal computers.
The above is Sony Ericssons position in year 2013. Carry out research and analysis on Sony Mobile
Communications (SMC) and produce a presentation which addresses the points below:
a) Using SMC as an example, assess how mission statements, company visions, objectives, goals
and core competencies contribute to the strategic planning process of an organisation. (LO 1.1)
b) Analyse the factors that SMC need to consider when formulating their strategic plans. (LO1.2)
c) Evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques SMC could use when developing strategic business
plans. (LO1.3)
d) Analyse the strategic positioning of the Sony Corporation by conducting an organisational audit
e) Conduct an environmental audit on SMC. As a minimum requirement you must carry out a
PESTLE analysis, Porter 5 Force analysis and an internal audit. (LO2.2)
f) Assess the role of key SMC stakeholder groups notably, shareholders, staff and customers
when formulating a new strategy. (LO2.3)
g) Present your recommended strategy for SMC in your preferred PowerPoint format. (LO2.4)
To achieve M1, you will make effective judgements about the value to an organisation of mission
statements, vision statements, publicly stated goals and core strategies. To achieve M2, you will have
used, explained and then evaluated the key techniques available to organisations when they are
preparing to implement their short, medium and long term strategies.


Task 2 LO3 (LO3.1, LO3.2) and LO4 (LO4.1, LO4.2, LO4.3)

Scenario: As a member of the Marketing Department, you have been given the task of preparing a report
for the main board of the Sony Corporation. The report must be written in a professional manner and
properly referenced. The report should comply with the word count of 2000 words ( 10%). You may use
tables and diagrams to support your report and to illustrate the text. Word count excludes the index,
headings, information contained in tables, references and bibliography.
Case Study for Task 2
Following the analysis you have carried out in Task 1, you are required to produce a report which
addresses the following elements:
a) Analyse and evaluate four key options that the Sony Corporation could adopt when considering its
future strategy. These options are:
Market entry
Substantive growth
Limited growth
b) Justify your selection (LO3.2)
c) Assess the roles and responsibilities of Sony staff (functions or individuals, as appropriate) who
are directly involved in strategy implementation. (LO4.1)
d) Analyse the estimated resource requirements that Sony will need to identify and allocate if it is to
implement the new strategy you have recommended. (LO4.2)
e) Evaluate the contribution of SMART objectives which Sony could employ to help it to achieve its overall strategic
implementation. You may consider a number of approaches, including the balanced score card approach. (LO4.3)
To achieve M3 the work you present will be presented in suitable business formats and will use appropriate
business terminology accurately, in line with the scenario described in the case study. To achieve D1 you
must show that you have evaluated the strategies you have presented in your assignment, such that they
are clearly identified in order of importance (as selected by you) in relation to the future success of the
company in the case study. To achieve D2 you will have demonstrated an effective approach to
independent research and study, and you will have presented your recommendations in an appropriate
business format. To achieve D3 you will have drawn conclusions which identify the links between the
planning and the implementation of a global strategy for the company cited in the case study. To achieve
this you must show that convergent and lateral thinking has been applied to problems and that innovation
and creative thought have been applied to your work.



Summary of evidence required by student

Task 1

A PowerPoint presentation, based on Sony Mobile Communications, which

analyses key strategic planning tools. The presentation should contain
around 20 slides ( 10%).

Task 2

A report which recommends a future strategy for the Sony Corporation.

The word count for this task is 2000 words ( 10%).

All Tasks

You should use Harvard Style in-text referencing and bibliography.



Achievement Summary
Unit Number and

LO 1
LO 2
LO 3
LO 4

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND

Diploma in Business

Assessor name

Unit 7: Business Strategy

Student name

To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the

student is able to:


explain strategic contexts and terminology missions, visions,

objectives, goals, core competencies
review the issues involved in strategic planning
explain different planning techniques
produce an organisational audit for a given organisation
carry out an environmental audit for a given organisation
explain the significance of stakeholder analysis
Present a new strategy for a given organisation.
analyse possible alternative strategies relating to substantive
growth, limited growth or retrenchment
select an appropriate future strategy for a given organisation
compare the roles and responsibilities for strategy implementation
evaluate resource requirements to implement a new strategy for a
given organisation
discuss targets and timescales for achievement in a given
organisation to monitor a given strategy

Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)

Grade descriptor

M1: Identify and apply strategies to

find appropriate solutions


Grade descriptor


D1: Use critical reflection to

evaluate own work and
justify valid conclusions

M2: Select/design and apply

appropriate methods/techniques

D2: Take responsibility for

managing and organising

M3: Present and communicate

appropriate findings

D3: Demonstrate
convergent/lateral /creative


Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Signature


Student Signature



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