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AR2521 Digital Modelling and Simulation

Preliminary Design Assignment

Part 1 Simulation
Academic Year 2015-2016, Semester 1
Deadline: Week 5, 4pm Tuesday 8th September 2015

Dr Abel Tablada (AT)

Dr Zhang Ji (ZJ)

In this assignment you will work on the preliminary design phase of your studio project. You will be
required to iteratively explore alternative options for your design. You will be required to use Rhino,
Diva and Grasshopper/Ladybug in order simulate the performance of these options.
The objectives are as follows:
To be able to create simplified models and correct simulation settings.
To be able to run simulations for solar radiation, shadowing and daylight analysis.
To be able to achieve an optimised design through analysis and interpretation of simulation

Performance requirements
The project consists of three spaces. Each one with a particular program and performance
1. Enclosed space for one or two persons to perform music
Air conditioned (AC) room, with acoustical isolation (this is part of program requirement, no
calculation or simulations are needed in this item).
The room should have fenestrations on the walls or roof for daylight but windows do not open.
Illuminance values at 850mm from the floor should be in the range of 300-800 lux. Higher levels
are acceptable at <300mm from the openings.
Daylight Autonomy (DA) (>300 lx) should be as high as possible from 10am till 6pm.
Direct sunlight on interior surfaces should be avoided from 10am till 4pm.
The roof should be fully shaded from 3pm in March equinox.
2. Naturally ventilated space for three to five persons to perform music
Wind permeability to allow natural cross ventilation but assuring some degree of sound
Illuminance values at 850mm from the floor should be in the range of 300-1500 lux. Higher levels
are acceptable at <500mm from the openings.
Daylight Autonomy (DA) (>300 lx) should be as high as possible from 10am till 6pm.
Direct sunlight on interior surfaces should be avoided from 10am till 4pm.
The roof should be fully shaded from 3pm in March equinox.

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AR2521 Assignment Part 1 Simulation

3. Semi-open space for more than ten persons to hear or perform music
This space may or may not have a connection with the other two spaces. It may be a transitional
The space should be sheltered but it may have an extended sun/rain exposed area for larger
public attendance.
At least 50 % of the perimeter of the sheltered space is open with no walls. Only operable
fenestration (floor to ceiling) may be considered in this part of the perimeter.
The space has no constraint related to Illuminance values.
Direct sunlight should be avoided from 10am till 4pm for 80% of the floor area of the sheltered
The roof may be exposed to sunlight but preferable to be partially shaded in the afternoon.

Submission requirements
You are required to submit one A1 panel, in portrait format.
Requirements for the Simulation Panel:
Short introduction with simulation goals in terms of solar protection, daylight levels, performance
indicators and metrics. Comment how the performance goals agrees with design intentions. (100150 words)
Table/diagram that summarises size and function of the three rooms.
Diagram(s) of simulation process showing simulation stages and parameter variation.
Plan view of location of the building showing shadowing pattern and short explanation of location
3D images of design proposals showing the optimisation process corresponding to baseline,
variants, and the optimised case. Extra images of the optimised case may be included if needed to
show other angles and details.
Simulation results (quantification of performance indicators) for the baseline and the optimised
cases (solar radiation on envelope, effectiveness of shading devices and daylight levels, using
graphs, charts and/or, tables).
Five percent extra for those who include thermal comfort analysis for the naturally ventilated
Short conclusions highlighting main performance and design achievements and simulation
limitations. (Max 100 words)


Deadline: Week 5, 4pm Tuesday 8th September 2015

Submit prints to Department Office. Submit digital files on IVLE.

IVLE: Submit your files on IVLE in the workbin for your group. Name the files as follows (please
make sure that your name matches exactly the way your name is displayed on IVLE, including
both the order of the names and the spelling):


Prints: Print out the panel in a reduced size, on an A3 sheet in colour. Apart from the size, the
print out should be exactly the same as the PDF submitted on IVLE.
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Grading criteria
Grading criteria are as follows:
Fulfilment of the objectives listed above
On-time submission following the instructions above.
Accurate and reasonable results and proposals.
Holistic design consideration, ability to negotiate between conflicting performance targets and
design intentions.
Agreement between conclusions, design optimisation and simulation objectives.
Legibility of charts and quality of presentation.

The site is in Fort Canning Park. Figure 1 shows the area where you can place the three spaces. Figure
2 and 3 are Google street views of the north and south sectors of the site.
The building(s) should be separated at least 6 metres from the trunk of the larger trees and no less
than 3 metres from the smaller trees. No trees can be removed or trimmed in any way.
A site model will be provided in Rhino format. Size and location of the trees may differ from the
AutoCAD image below.

Figure 1. Site and area for building location.

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Figure 2. View of north side of the site.

Figure 3. View of south side of the site.

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