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Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, ISSN 1414-9999


Agus Sembodo, Vincent Suhartono, M. Arief Soeleman
Pascasarjana Teknik Informatika Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
The development of information technology grows very fast and dynamic. It is the fact in the students life.
The development of students' skills in science lessons, especially biology, can not be separated from the
changes of world information technology. So it, needs the ability to adapt along these developments.
Various media in teaching offers an alternative for students to understand the material that is considered
difficult better. Playing by answering a riddle has been experienced by most students, one of them is by
playing puzzle that was believed capable of helping students' sensitivity towards solving a problem. In
grade 9 junior high school biology class, heredity material is considered difficult because it is abstract
and esoteric so it's hard to be practiced hands on. The problem in this research is the students difficulty
in understanding the material because it is esoteric inheritance and abstract and it is hard to be practised
in a hands-on. Thus, it needs an alternative instructional media to enhance the understanding of heredity
material. The objective to be gained from this research is to provide easier understanding of heredity
through the application of the puzzle and provide an alternative learning media to materials to teach
heredity biology. This research was done by experimental and control class treatment. Population is taken
from grade 9 students of Teuku Umar junior high school Semarang. The number of students is 104
students. Using cluster random sampling, the writer took 30 students as a treatment class and 30 students
as a control class. The instruments used are tests and questionnaires. Instrument testing was done by pre
test and post test. The questionnaire is used to determine the opinions of respondents towards media
program From the results of the implementation of structured system design, instructional media
materials heredity Puzzle named Mendel is made. The result of the implementation of the pre test and post
test students obtained significance value 2,22 more than the table value 1,675. It shows that the media
used help the students improving their understanding significantly. The opinion of the respondents
indicates that the media is easy to be used and understood. The development of the programs can be done
for the improvement and perfection of this learning media.

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