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Questionnaire For A Horror Opening

For my AS media, I have been given the task to produce an independent opening sequence
for my chosen genre. The genre I have chosen is Horror with the sub-genre being
Psychological. I have already made some initial decisions regarding cinematography and
narrative. The plot will include a male protagonist who has been experiencing mental health
issues since his childhood as certain events of his past have traumatised him. However, I
have some decisions which obtain two directions/options in which I need help deciding
between the two. I would be grateful if you could fill in this questionnaire with your honest
opinions as your answers/decisions could effect and determine the final outcome of my
opening sequence. Please bare in mind that I only have a low-budget so do not suggest
anything too difficult and expensive to incorporate in my opening sequence. Thank you for
your time.

1. Please circle your age range:





2. Would you prefer if the role of the victim was either a female aged 16/17 or a
male child aged 10/11?


Male child

Please state reason for choice:

3. Out of the two which do you prefer inter-cut or overlaid titles? (Please tick the



4. Out of the three which of these font colour would you prefer the titles to be?
(Please circle one)




Variation (if so circle two)

5. What types of features do you not like to see in Horror films? (Tick as many as
you want but can only be a feature in one of the lines e.g. if you tick dramatic
font you cannot tick simplistic font)

Over-using jump scares

Suspense (build up to a scare)

Complex/structured plot

Obvious and predictable plot

Dramatic font for titles

Simplistic font for titles

Other(s) specify below

Please specify reasons for choosing features, include why you chose one over the
other (e.g. a complex plot over an obvious plot)

6. Which element do you think is most important to establish in the beginning of

the opening sequence? (Please tick one)



Please explain your answer below:

7. In order to create suspence more effectively how do you prefer the timelength of the shots to be? (Please circle)

Short fast paced

Endured (longer)

Varation between the two

8. Describe what kind of sounds/music you would like to hear within a horror
opening sequence? (e.g. a dominant/loud or a creepy/chilling soundtrack).

9. What kind of features do you expect to see and what would you like to see?
(For instance props, make-up, location, etc.)

Expect to see:

Would like to see:

10. Put these psychological horror films in rank order (1 being your favourite and
4 being your least favourite).

Please explaining reasoning for ranking in this order:

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