Story Adults Starter The Painting

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Graded stories Adults Beginner/Elementary

The painting

Jackie is a beautiful young lady. Shes married to Phil Gordon, a middle-aged

media tycoon, who is the owner of Gordon News. They live in a ten-million
dollar mansion in California, in the U.S. Jackie and Phil are the talk of the
town. They are always throwing big parties which very influential people
attend. The long caravan of expensive cars and ladys jewels every Saturday is
always Sunday's news in the papers and on television. Fashion gurus feel
proud of designing clothes for Jackie and her friends. Fashion and gossip T.V.
shows talk about the social events at the Gordons Mansion, and Jackie is
always their guest. Jackie loves the cameras, but few people know Phil
Gordon. He doesnt enjoy the spotlight.

Jackie and Gordon travel a lot, especially to Italy and Spain, where Gordon
plans to start a business soon. Jackie is happy with the trips. She meets new
people and celebrities, and buys exquisite Italian clothes. Phil meets people
and talks on the phone most of the time. Jackie and Phil rarelyenjoy a meal
on their own. They are always at events with prospective clients or media
people. They hardly get together with their family. Jackies mom is in a
mental Institution, but Jackie never talks about her. She prefers to forget her
family and her past, and enjoy the glamorous life Phil offers her.
copyright Alicia Artusi and Gregory J. Manin

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One day, tired of shopping and socialising, Jackie decides to have lunch in an
art gallery in Milan. She orders a soup and white wine and eats her meal
while looking at the photos and paintings around her. One particular painting
strikes her: its a portrait of a lady who seems to be looking at her. Jackie
feels attracted to the painting, but at the same time it scares her to death.
The ladys eyes seem to be questioning her, accusing her. At that moment
her cell phone rings and she reads a message: Buy me. Jackie looks around
but nobody is looking at her. She looks at the painting and the ladys eyes
seem to be talking to her. Jackie asks for the check and leaves the restaurant
fast. While shes walking along the main hall her cell phone beeps again.
Help me. The image of the lady comes to her mind again. Whos this lady?
Why is she obsessed with the ladys eyes?
Jackie goes to the main entrance and asks information about the painting. A
curator explains:
This painting is the portrait of Catherine Vernet, an immigrant from New
York. The lady is in rags, but her expression communicates anger and pride,
not sadness.
Vernet, you said?
copyright Alicia Artusi and Gregory J. Manin

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I want the painting. The price is not a problem.
Jackie goes back to the hotel with the painting. She puts it on the bedside
table. She looks at it. 'Vernet,' she repeats to herself. 'I am Jackie Vernet.
Vernet is my surname. Is this my grandma, an aunt?' Shes curious about the
portrait. She wants to find out who this lady is. Her low class poor past comes
back to her, but she doesnt feel ashamed this time. She feels like the lady in
the portrait.
Gordon invites Jackie to an important dinner party, but she doesnt want to
go. She doesnt want to get dressed up or put on her makeup. She doesnt
feel like talking to people. Gordon is too busy and leaves without noticing the
painting by the bed. Jackie sits just in front of the painting and watches the
lady for some minutes. She sees a crack in the portrait's ornamented frame.
Her cell phone beeps again and the message reads: Open it.'
Jackie looks out through the window and sees a man going around the
corner. She takes out the portraits frame and finds two documents and a
Im Lady Catherine Vernet, Laureens sister, Jackies aunt. This is my will. Im a
rich powerful lady. Im the owner of Vernet Communications. The documents
prove it. A man, Philip Gordon, is responsible for my illness. Hes poisoning
me. I feel sick. Im going to die. One day, justice will be done.
The cell phone rings again. This is the truth. Do whatever you want with it.
Love you.' Jackie looks out the window and the man is standing at the corner
again, holding a cell phone. But, is it a man or a woman? Maybe a policeman?

copyright Alicia Artusi and Gregory J. Manin

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Is this person who is sending the messages? She waves her hand and this
person waves back and disappears.
Catherine doesnt know what to do. She reads the documents, looks at the
portrait and calls her mother for the first time in many years. Her mother
answers immediately:
So, what are you going to do?

Are you sending the messages?

I am. Im not ill. Gordon put me in a mental hospital after your aunts death.
You are rich now. Run away. Im here to help you.
Jackie takes the first flight back to California. Gordon calls her but she doesnt
return his calls. Before he can get back to the country, she prepares her plan.
Then she takes a fight again, picks up her mother and find a quiet beautiful
place in Switzerland. They are going to start a new life together. From
Switzerland, she watches the news and sees her plan in action, going on to
Latest News

Philip Gordon, the media tycoon from California, is charged with murder. The
police are investigating. This portrait of a lady holds the evidence
A close-up shows Catherine Vernets eyes. The news is traveling all around
the world. This is the end of Philip Gordon. Justice is done.
copyright Alicia Artusi and Gregory J. Manin

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1 Read the story. Order the events.

___ Jackie and Phil travel to Italy
___ Jackie discovers the truth.
___ Jackie is impressed by the portrait of a lady
____ Jackie and her mother start a new life in Switzerland.
___ Jackie and Phil enjoy life in their mansion in California
___ Jackie buys the painting
___ She receives the first text message
___ Gordon is found guilty of murder

2 You are a movie producer. Find an actor and actresses to represent Jackie
Vernet, her mother and Phil Gordon. Describe the two main characters.

copyright Alicia Artusi and Gregory J. Manin

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Answer Key
__2_ Jackie and Phil travel to Italy
__6_ Jackie discovers the truth.
__3_ Jackie is impressed by the portrait of a lady
___7_ Jackie and her mother start a new life in Switzerland.
__1 _ Jackie and Phil enjoy life in their mansion in California
_5__ Jackie buys the painting
_4__ She receives the first text message
_8__ Gordon is found guilty of murder

2 per students

copyright Alicia Artusi and Gregory J. Manin

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copyright Alicia Artusi and Gregory J. Manin

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