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EFL and ESL Printable English Conversation Worksheet- Travel


Vocabulary: places and languages/nationalities

1a What is the main language/nationality of each country? Which languages do you speak? Which
place would you like to visit? Why?
1 France French

6 Japan


7 Iran

3 Argentina

8 United Arab Emirates

4 Brazil

9 Russia

5 China

10 Italy

1b Geographical features
Label each of the pictures with words below.


1 ______






2 ________ 3 _________ 4 ___________

7 ________

8 ________

9 __________



5 ______


6 _________

10 __________

1c Think of a famous example of each of the above. Which would you like to visit?
e.g. Niagara Falls
1d Can you think of a world famous.. Where is it?
Monument: Taj Mahal, India.
Temple ___________
Tower ____________

copyright Alicia Artusi and Gregory J. Manin

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Arc ______________
Clock ____________
Bridge ___________
Add two famous landmarks in your country or hometown.

3 Read and do.

Ann: Hey, Cat. You've flown before, right? I've never even been to an airport, and I have no idea what to
Cat: You're taking a taxi there, right? Just have the driver drop you at the departures area. Go inside and
find the name of your airline on the wall, and go to the check-in desk.
Ann: Casey told me I can check in online. Do I still need to go to the desk?
Cat: No, just go to the check-in kiosk and scan your ticket. Then you take your luggage to the luggage
drop or the desk, depending on the airline.
Ann: Then I can go to the departures lounge and wait for my flight, right?
Cat: Not so fast! First you have to go through security. They scan your carry-on luggage, have you walk
through a metal detector and so on. Then you can go to the departure lounge.
Ann: They said I'm supposed to be there two hours before. What am I supposed to do all that time?
Cat: Well, after you go through security there's a shopping concourse where you can browse, have a
coffee or buy some gifts and things. There's also a food court, just like in the mall, so you can eat
something before you fly. Then check the departure and announcements and go to your boarding gate.
Ann: Okay, that sounds simple enough. What about when I arrive in London?
Cat: Just follow the other people off the plane. They'll be going to the luggage claim area. Find the right
luggage carousel for your flight and pick up your bags. Then you have to go through passport control and
customs. Once you've done that, you're in the arrivals hall. From there you can catch the train or the
Underground into town. Or if you're feeling really rich, you can take taxi!
3a Read again and explain.
After all the instructions, some things went wrong. Explain what happened.

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1 When Ann arrived at the airport, she went straight to the boarding gate and someone stopped her.
What did she have to do first?
2 Then, she tried to walk straight to the shopping concourse. What did she have to do first?
3 After that, she went to the food court. She couldnt hear the announcements clearly, so she waited for
someone to come. What did she have to do?
4 When she arrived in London, she went straight to passport control and customs. What did she have to
do first?

3b Read the text aloud.

3c About you
1 Have you ever traveled by plane? If so, Did you have to follow the same steps described by Cat or can
you remember any differences to point out?
2 Can you recall any problem or funny anecdote at the airport?
3 Whats the thing you most like and dislike about traveling by plane?

4 Write with your partner.

Think of a place.
1 Write a physical description. Include the vocabulary in exercise 1.
2 Read it to a partner.
3 S/He should guess the name of the place.

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4 VOCABULARY: Verbs for talking about travel. Go to Interactive activities Adults- Elementary for a
crossword about traveling.

5 Read and record

I love to travel, but I'm a lousy tourist. Everywhere I go, I try to find a small hotel or bed and breakfast
that's somewhere off the beaten track, meaning as far as possible from all the famous tourist attractions.
Then I leave my stuff in my room, put on my walking shoes and set out to explore.
I never carry a map with me, though I've been known to have a good look at a city map before arriving,
just to get an idea of the layout of a town and what areas might be interesting. There are several reasons
for my going mapless. One is that I'm terrible at reading maps, and I've found that in European or Asian
cities the maps are more confusing than helpful, so I've learned not to trust them. The other reason is
purely personal: I don't want people to know I'm a visitor, and nothing gives away your tourist status
quicker than a tattered map or guidebook dangling from your hands while you're gazing around in a
confused manner.
The main advantage of going mapless is that you end up talking to local people or at least that's the
theory. If you're extremely shy as I was when I first began to travel you might find yourself wandering
around in circles for hours in a part of town that has nothing to offer but shabby apartment buildings and
a sewage installation or two. But you will overcome your shyness, I promise and when you do, the real
rewards of travel will begin to reveal themselves: meeting local people, tasting local food and seeing
sights that the normal visitors on their guided tours never have a chance to see.

5a Read and complete the following sentences.

1 The narrator travels maples because:
a _______________________________________________________________
b _____________________________________________________________________
2 The advantage of travel maples is that
a ______________________________________________________________________
b _______________________________________________________________________

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5b Listen to a peers recording while reading and choose the correct meaning of the following.
1 (line 2) Off the beaten track means:
a. safe

b. unusual

2 (line 5) layout means:

a. plan

b. people

3 (line 9) tattered means:

a. torn

b. big

4 (line 12)wandering means

a getting lost

b going in any direction

5 (line 13) shabby means:

a. not good quality

b. old

6 (line 15) reveal means:

a disappear

b show

Scroll down for the ANSWER KEY

copyright Alicia Artusi and Gregory J. Manin

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Answer key EFL and ESL Conversation Worksheet- Travel File Vocabulary.
1 waterfall
2 hill
3 river
4 mountain
5 beach
6 cliff
7 desert
8 village
9 city
10 resort
1c suggested
The temple of Heaven, Beijing, China
Tower of London
Arc of Triumph
Statue of Liberty
Big Ben
Brooklyn Bridge

1 She had to go to the check-in desk or check-in kiosk and to the luggage drop or desk first.
2 She had to go through security first.
3 She had to read the displayed flight announcements or ask the airline.
4 She had to go to the luggage claim area first.

copyright Alicia Artusi and Gregory J. Manin

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1 The narrator travels maples because:

a. hes bad at reading maps
b. carrying a map gives away youre a tourist
2 The advantage of traveling maples is that:
a he meets local people
b he sees places and sights normally not seen by visitors

1b 2a 3a 4b 5a 6b

copyright Alicia Artusi and Gregory J. Manin

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